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      • KCI등재

        중국의 대외전략과 아프리카 화교의 전망

        신은영 국민대학교 중국인문사회연구소 2019 중국지식네트워크 Vol.14 No.-

        전 세계 화교화인이 4,500만 명으로 집계되는 가운데 아프리카에도 100만 명 이상의 중국인 화교들이 살고 있다. 이들은 최근 20년 동안 아프리카로 이주한 ‘신화교’들로 이들의 이동 배경에는 후진타오 시기 해외진출 전략과 에너지 자원 전략이 있다. 지속적인 경제발전을 위해 에너지 자원이 절실했던 중국이 아프리카 자원부국들이 필요로 하는 사회기반 시설을 지어주면서 대형국유기업에서 일하게 된 건설 근로자들, 그리고 개인 투자자들과 영세 상인들이 대거 아프리카로 몰려갔던 것이다. 이들 이주자들 가운데 건설 근로자들은 정해진 기한 동안 일을 하면 중국으로 돌아오지만 정부의 저리 융자를 이용하여 아프리카 대륙 곳곳에서 사업을 시작한 중국인들은 정착을 하여 아프리카의 ‘화교’로 자리 잡기 시작했다. 개혁개방 이후 선진국으로 이주한 다른 신화교들처럼 이들 대부분은 현지 국적을 취득하지 않고 중국국적을 유지하고 있고 중국표준어를 구사하며 중국인으로서의 강한 정체성을 가지고 있다. 2013년에는 시진핑 지도부의 새로운 외교 전략인 ‘일대일로 기획’이 나왔을 때 세계적인 경기침체로 에너지 자원의 필요성은 줄었지만 중국은 아프리카 대륙을 이 기획에 포함시켰고 전보다 더 많은 사회기반 시설을 지어주고 있다. 이러한 경향은 아프리카로 가는 중국인들을 더 늘어나게 하고 이로 인해 아프리카에 정착하는 더 많은 화교들이 생겨나게 될 것이다. 더 많은 중국인들이 아프리카 곳곳에 스며들어 개인 사업을 하고 장사를 하게 되면 이들이 일대일로 기획이 목적으로 하는 ‘무역확대’와 ‘민심교류’를 실행하는 주역이 될 것으로 보인다. More than 1 million Chinese are also living in Africa, with 45 million ethnic Chinese around the world counted. They are the new 'Overseas Chinese' who have moved to Africa in the last two decades, and behind the shift is the Hu Jintao-era energy resources diplomacy. China, which was in dire need of energy resources to continue economic development, has built infrastructure needed by Africa's resource-rich countries, prompting construction workers as well as private investors and small merchants to flock to Africa. Among these migrants, construction workers return to China if they work for a set period of time, but the Chinese, who started their business across the African continent using low-interest loans from the government, have settled down and become new 'Overseas Chinese' of Africa. In 2013, when the Xi Jinping started new diplomatic strategy of "one road one belt strategy" came out, the global economic recession reduced the need for energy resources, but China has included the African continent in the project and decided to build more social infrastructure than before. This will create more African Chinese, and if more Chinese enter into Africa and do their own business and trade, they will be the main drivers of the booming Chinese export market and people-to-people exchanges.

      • KCI등재

        Preposition Pied-piping, Stranding, Doubling, & Dropping in Korean EFL Learners’ Interlanguage

        신은영,윤정회,정태구 한국영어학학회 2017 영어학연구 Vol.23 No.2

        This study investigates Korean EFL learners’ interlanguage in the course of the acquisition of preposition stranding and pied-piping in syntactic contexts such as relative clauses and wh-questions with respect to preposition placement. An acceptability judgment task was conducted with Korean EFL learners at different proficiency levels in order to look at the developmental path and the effects of various factors such as clause types, the argumenthood of prepositional phrases, and the interpretability of prepositions. The results of the experiment showed that while preposition dropping and doubling were attested in learners’ interlanguage, their acceptance rates decreased as learners’ general English proficiency increases. While preposition doubling was rejected at an early stage, preposition dropping gradually decreased, which exhibited an interesting contrast with the native speakers‘ judgment.

      • KCI등재

        학령기용 음소지각검사 표준화를 위한 기초연구: 청각장애아동을 대상으로

        신은영,조수진,이효인 한국음향학회 2022 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.41 No.1

        본 연구는 학령기용 음소지각검사(Phoneme Perception Test for School-Aged Children, PPT-S)를 활용하여 보청기와 인공와우를 착용하고 있는 청각장애아동의 자음지각능력과 오류를 분석하고, 청각장애아동에 대한 검사목록의 적합성을 확인하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 청각장애아동들은 초성에 비해 종성을 지각하는 데 어려움을 더 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 목표어와 보기어의 조음방법과 조음위치가 유사한 PPT-S의 어려운형을 쉬운형보다 더 어렵게느꼈다. 초성은 기식음에 대한 오답률이 더 높았고, 종성의 경우 ‘ㄷ’와 ‘ㅁ’에 대한 오답률이 상대적으로 더 높았다. 검사자의 성별에 따른 정답률에 유의미한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과는 청각장애아동 대상 음소지각검사의표준화와 청능재활 전·후의 중재효과를 평가하기 위한 기초자료로 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        자극음 종류에 따른 쾌적역치, 불쾌역치, 역동범위

        신은영,조소현 한국청각언어재활학회 2014 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.10 No.2

        This study was to establish the estimates of MCL (Most Comfortable Level), UCL (UnComfortable Level), and DR(Dynamic Range) using different stimuli. There are several types of stimulus; 1) pure tone of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4kHz, 2) narrow band noise of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 4 kHz, 3) monosyllabic words, 4) bisyllabic words, 5) sentence, and6) speech noise. 40 ears (10 males and 10 females) with normal hearing and without sound tolerance problems werecalculated and the average of the participants’ age was 20.30±1.66 years old. Stimulus was presented by TDH- 39headphone and 5 dB steps of ascending method above threshold using pure tone average or speech recognitionthreshold continuing to the uncomfortable loud level. The nine categories of scaling were used from very soft topainfully loud. The results were as follows: 1) MCL and UCL were showed differences significantly(p < .05) withstimulus type, 2) MCL and UCL of using NBN stimuli were higher than pure tone, speech stimulus (monosyllabicwords, bisyllabic words, sentence) were the highest UCL, 3) MCL and UCL were recommended recordings by bothears. These results can be useful for considering different stimuli according to subject’s sound sensitivity anddifferent situations.

      • KCI등재

        순음을 사용한 측정 방법에 따른 음량증가지각의 검사-재검사 신뢰도

        신은영 한국청각언어재활학회 2013 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.9 No.1

        The present study was to evaluate the differences with procedures, and to investigate test-retest reliability of category loudness scaling. Ten subjects(20 ears), 19~23 year-old, with normal hearing and no sound tolerance problems were participated in the session which was held twice, with a week interval. Pure tone of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 kHz were presented by using TDH- 39 headphone and ascending method in 5 dB steps from threshold. Nine scaling categories from very soft to painfully loud (Hawkins et al., 1987), and seven categories of loudness ranging from very soft to uncomfortably loud (Cox et al., 1997) were used. The UCL showed lower 10-20 dB but SD was recorded larger than normative data from different country. There were no differences of UCL according to the pure tone frequencies. The test-retest differences of category loudness scaling were investigated within 5 dB. There were differences within 10 dB in different procedures of MCL and UCL. These data might be useful in hearing aid fitting and the rehabilitation.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 영유아 및 아동의 청각선별검사

        신은영 한국청각언어재활학회 2015 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.11 No.2

        The hearing losses of infants or children were more important than adults’, especially 3 ~ 6 year-old ages are the most important period in their life for developments of speech, language, and perception. Though slight or mild hearing loss, hearing loss of that period might affect behavior, development, recognition, education, and overall life. This study performed hearing screening for 0 ~ 6 year-old children (175 subjects, 350 ears) in Jeollanam-do. The results of hearing screening were divided rates of ‘PASS’ and ‘REFER’ by testing 3 types evaluations-otoscopy, tympanometry, and pure tone audiometry. 1) otoscopy was looked at status of tympanic membrane and external meatus, 2) tympanometry was classified type of tympanogram by using standards of Jerger(1970), 3) pure tone audiometry was just checked all or none of response at 20 dB HL in 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz. All of subjects were had normal tympanic membrane but 67.9% showed partially impacted cerumen or impacted cerumen. A type of tympanogram (‘PASS’) was 48.15%, As and C types of tympanogram (‘REFER’) were 52.85%. The results of ‘PASS’ about pure tone audiometry, 27.8% were responded at 20 dB HL all frequencies (0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz) and 72.2% was not responded at least one frequency. The rates of ‘PASS’ at tympanometry and pure tone audiometry screening were very low level as 21.6%. These results developed and fast, corrective, and various hearing screening programs for infants and children containing educational program of teachers and parents were created in further research.

      • KCI등재

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