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      • KCI등재

        발화 및 인지 학습의 상호 전이 연구: 영어 음소 및 음소배열을 중심으로

        신승훈 현대영미어문학회 2012 현대영미어문학 Vol.30 No.2

        Even though speech production has long been thought to be the product of speech perception, there have been some controversies as to whether speech perception virtually precedes speech production in foreign language acquisition. The purpose of this study is to examine the interrelationship between speech perception and production with regard to the acquisition of foreign segments and phonotactics by Korean learners of English. In the experiments conducted during a semester, two groups of participants were taught under two different conditions; one taught in Korean with as much time spent in pronunciation practices as possible, and the other taught in English with as much time spent in listening practices as possible. Such investigations into the relationship between learning by perception and learning by production showed the following results. First, acquisition of foreign phonotactics was far harder than that of individual segments, which implies that more time should be spent in teaching English phonotactics. Second, improvement in speech perception did not result in improvement in speech production, but speech production was improved even without prior advancement of speech perception. These findings demonstrate empirically that there is little correlation or very loose relationship between speech perception and production in foreign language acquisition.

      • KCI등재

        Perception and production of English geminate consonants across word boundaries by Korean learners and native speakers of English

        신승훈,황영 한국음운론학회 2012 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.18 No.1

        It is well-attested that consonant length is not lexically distinctive in English. However, the status of English geminate consonants has been in controversy as to whether they are phonetically distinctive over word or morpheme boundaries. Despite the controversy, there have been few studies that compare singletons and corresponding geminates with identical phrases and explore how L2 learners acquire them. This study investigated how native speakers of English (NE) and native speakers of Korean (NK) differently pronounced and perceived English singletons and geminates across word boundaries using 17 minimal pairs of English phrases. The results were analyzed in terms of manners and places of articulation, and voicing, and examined the relationship between perception and production of singleton and geminate pairs. In Experiment 1: Production, NK was almost as good as NE in terms of consonant duration. In Experiment 2: Perception,NK had difficulty differentiating between singletons and geminates perceptually,showing poor accuracy rates. The results of these two experiments showed a clear discrepancy between NK’s perception and production of the singletons and geminates across words and imply that production of such pairs be very loosely related to perception for NK learners of English.

      • KCI등재

        편심 원을 이용한 EDG 조속기의 기구학적 설계

        신승훈 한국유체기계학회 2024 한국유체기계학회 논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper focused on kinematic design of EDG’s centrifugal governor. The operation speed of EDG is controlled by centrifugal force from fly-balls. When the fly-ball moves along virtual circle geometry, operation speed of EDG is linearly controlled. But EDGs are installed to provide auxiliary power in an emergency situation, a faster start-up speed is required in reactor meltdown accident. And the EDG is not always operated, it is intermittently operated for monthly testing. Tooth wear and fatigue problem of power transmission gear can be caused by frequent start-up & stop. Therefore, new governor mechanism of EDG is suggested as a solution in this paper. If an eccentric circle geometry is used instead of a circle, it might be better method in terms of safety of nuclear plant and reliability of machine. In order to specify the eccentric circle geometry, the cam profile synthesis method is applied to EDG’s governor and then the other links are connected, kinematically.

      • KCI등재

        Gradual Divergence of OT-CC Revisited

        신승훈 한국언어학회 2008 언어 Vol.33 No.2

        The recent OT-alternative, OT-CC, has been proposed to explain phonological opacity, marking traces of phonological alternations in its intermediate forms. Although the theory successfully accounts for patterns of opacity phonology and can readily extend to other data with chains involving intermediate forms, the theory reveals some fatal problems with regard to one of its three major conditions, gradual divergence. For instance, the notion of gradual divergence fails to explain cases of insertion of a place-linked vowel, nasalization of the placeless obstruent and nasalization of an oral stop, all of which incur more than two LUMs at a time. Given that such violations of gradualness are unavoidable when dealing with these cases of phonological alternations, this paper proposes to incorporate radical and contrastive underspecification into OT-CC despite their very limited roles in the development of constraint-based approaches.

      • KCI등재

        黙齋 金墩의 文學世界 - 寒士의 志操와 情趣 -

        신승훈 경상국립대학교 경남문화연구원 2018 남명학연구 Vol.60 No.-

        As we have seen above, mukjae gimdon was Han-sa(寒士). Han-sa(寒士), That was exactly consistent with the location and situation of the gimdon dictionary definition of "poor or scholar without power. He was poor, far from power. But it was not in the literary and academic world. The number of poems left by Kim is 169. Considering that the literary works of Nam Myeong HakPa(南冥學派) are usually few in number and there are not many psalms, it is a notable work. Among them, there are works that reveal the resentment of history, works that show unyielding will that will not be broken down under any circumstances, and works that show the indecisiveness of the poor island even in the face of poverty. In his work, which reveals the strength of history, Kim Dong generally expresses his opinions and feelings about loyalty and sincerity, and particularly sympathizes with the sincerity of the characters who have fulfilled the loyalty in the historical situation of the country. Through his works expressing the will of indomitable, Kim Dong revealed that he had always had a resolution that even in times of peace, even if he was not treated well, he would stand up in a time of danger. In the work expresses Anbinnakdo(安貧樂道), Kim, Don(金墩) could be, but there is no '寒士' to know specifically, but honest dream of the riches hyeondal(顯達) rise in the world of movies and Yangming(揚名) enjoys his life. He said that he was poor because he was poor. He said that he was far away from his life and his life, and enjoyed his life because he devoted his life to study. In this paper we summarized the Han-Sa(寒士)’s Kang-Yei(剛毅). Kim Don was a precious person with a hard work, but he was an ordinary man who was very different to his family and relatives. The ordinary is expressed in the poem and portrayed in the door, and the genuine and affectionate empathizes with empathy. His mediocrity is why it is coming up with something extraordinary. 이 글은 默齋 金墩의 文集인 『默齋集』을 중심으로, 그의 詩文을 검토하여 분석한 것이다. 김돈은 아직은 학계나 일반에 잘 알려진 인물이라고 할 수 없다. 그런 점에서 이 글은 김돈과 그의 문학을 보고하는 첫 보고서라는 의미와 試論이라는 의미를 함께 갖는다. 寒士, 즉 ‘가난하거나 권력이 없는 선비’라는 사전적 정의는 김돈의 처한 입지와 상황을 정확히 반영한다. 그는 가난했고, 권력과는 거리가 멀었다. 하지만 문학과 학문의 세계에서는 그렇지 않았다. 김돈에 관한 자료가 2권 1책으로 묶인 『默齋集』이 전부인 상황에서 그의 학문세계를 온전히 드러내기는 여건상 매우 어렵겠지만, 남아있는 시와 문을 통해 그의 문학세계를 짚어보는 것은 충분히 가능하다. 이것은 묻혀있고 잊혀져있던 남명학파의 실체를 부분적으로나마 복원하는 것이라는 의미가 있다. 또한 이것은 어려운 상황과 처지에서도 지조를 굽히지 않고 剛毅한 정신세계를 이루었던 한 지성을 알리는 작업이며, 그가 남긴 예술적이며 심미적인 문학작품의 가치를 학계에 알리는 작업이다. 김돈이 남긴 시는 169수이다. 남명학파의 문집이 대체로 분량이 적고, 시편이 많지 않은 것을 감안하면, 적지 않은 작품이라 할 수 있다. 이 가운데 역사에 대한 慷慨를 드러내고 있는 작품이 몇 편이 있다. 이 작품들은 대체로 충신과 열사에 대한 자신의 견해와 감정을 피력한 것인데, 특히 망국의 역사적 상황 속에 忠節을 다하였던 인물들의 원통함에 공감하고 함께 의분을 토로하고 있다. 이러한 작품을 통해 김돈은, 평화로운 시기에 비록 知遇를 받지 못했더라도 危難의 시기가 오면 결연히 떨쳐 일어나리라는 결의를 평상시에도 늘 갖고 있었음을 드러낸다. 또한 김돈은 헛되이 세월을 보내지 않고 학문을 닦고 덕성을 기르겠다는 목표를 세우고 결연한 의지로 실천해나갔다. 그는 특별히 알아주는 이 없는 ‘寒士’이지만, 부귀영화나 입신양명의 현달을 꿈꾸지 않았다. 그저 매일 학문을 닦고 인격도야에 매진하다가, 만약 위난의 시절이 닥쳐온다면 결연히 떨쳐 일어났던 남명학파의 선배들 발자취를 따르고자 했다. 또 한편으로, 셀 수도 없이 많은 이들이 安貧樂道를 말했지만, 그 진정성은 의심스럽다. 즉, 우선은 가난하지 않은데 가난하다고 한 경우가 많고, 진정으로 도를 즐긴 삶이 아닌데도 도를 운위한 것이 의심스러운 인물들도 많았다. 그런 경우에 비해 김돈은 진솔하다. 가난하기에 가난하다고 했고, 입신양명이나 현달한 삶과는 거리가 멀었으며, 일생을 학문에 정진했기에 도를 즐긴다고 할만하다. 이는 寒士의 剛毅함이라 요약할 수 있다. 김돈은 剛毅한 지조를 가진 선비였지만, 가족과 친족에게는 더없이 다감한 평범한 사람이었다. 그 평범함이 시로 표현되고 문으로 묘사되고 있는데, 진솔함과 다정함이 묻어나 공감을 자아낸다. 그의 평범함이 오히려 더 비범함으로 다가오는 이유이다. 교유관계가 원만한 사람들은 타고난 성품의 덕도 있지만, 그가 상대에 대한 존중과 배려에 대한 노력이 아끼지 않았기 때문이기도 할 것이다. 김돈은 그런 심성과 노력을 갖춘 사람이었다. 공부하는 선비라면 文房四友에 대한 나름의 애착이 있기 마련이다. 공부에 꼭 필요한 文房具이기 때문이다. 그런데 金墩의 문학에는 文房四友가 아니라 五友가 자주 등장한다. 다섯 번째 벗이기도 하고, 이 벗이 있어 五友가 완성되기도 한다...

      • KCI등재

        현장 계측을 통한 내재해형 비닐하우스의 동특성 식별

        신승훈,김대진,정지은,하태휴,김홍진 대한건축학회지회연합회 2016 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.18 No.6

        농림축산식품부에서는 내재해형 규격 설계도 및 시방서를 보급하여 농민들을 지원코자 하고 있으나, 전 세계적인 이상기후 현상과 더불어 접합부의 구조적 성능 및 골조 경량화에 따른 비닐하우스 붕괴 피해는 점차 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 붕괴양상에 대응하기 위해서는 비닐하우스의 시스템 식별에 따른 동특성 파악이 필수적이다. 시스템 식별은 현장 계측에서 수집한 데이터를 이용하여 SSI기법을 통해 수행하였다. 데이터 수집에는 가속도계 및 데이터 로거를 이용하였으며, 규격 설계도에 따른 기존형과 몇몇 개선을 거친 대안형 비닐하우스를 대상으로 계측을 수행하였다. 1차 모드 고유진동수는 기존형과 대안형 비닐하우스 각각 약 3.65 Hz, 약 3.21 Hz로 나타났다. 1차, 2차, 3차 모드 순으로 모드형상 분석 결과, 기존형 비닐하우스가 x축, y축, torsion, 대안형 비닐하우스는 y축, torsion, x축 병진 방향의 모드형상이 파악되었다. MIDAS Gen을 이용한 유한요소해석과의 비교 결과, 모드형상은 동일하게 나타났으며, 고유진동수 추정에는 상당한 오차가 발생하였다. 접합부 및 지점조건 설정에 관한 추가적인 연구가 요구된다. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA) has disseminated Design and specifications of standardized anti-disaster prototypes for greenhouses to farmers for supporting them, but the number of structural failures of greenhouse is increasing due to worldwide abnormal climate, structural performance of connections and weight lightening of framework. Therefore, it is essential to understand dynamic performance of greenhouse through system identification. System identification was conducted using SSI method by data from field measurement. Field data were acquired using accelerometers and data logger, prototype greenhouse following the design and specifications of standardized greenhouse and alternative greenhouse been through structural improvement were chosen as specimens. 1st mode natural frequency of prototype and alternative greenhouse was shown that 3.65Hz and 3.21Hz, respectively. Analysis result about mode shapes is that mode shapes of prototype are translational modes in the x-, y-axis and rotational mode in order, them of alternative are translational mode in y-axis, rotational mode and translational mode in x-axis in order. FE models analysis for both greenhouses showed that there exist considerable errors in the natural frequencies. Therefore, it is necessary to additional study about connections and supports of greenhouse in FE modeling. In case of mode shapes, FE models analysis results are coincide with the results from field measurement.

      • KCI등재

        자음을 후행하는 무성폐쇄음의 기식 양상: 영국영어 코퍼스 연구

        신승훈,이진희 신영어영문학회 2019 신영어영문학 Vol.73 No.-

        This paper investigates patterns of optional voiceless stop aspiration in British English(RP). Based on the British National corpus, this paper focuses on the patterns of voiceless stop aspiration in RP when it follows another consonant, depending on phonetic, phonological and morphological variables. Results show that the voiceless bilabial stop in RP has very low VOT unlike the one in AE. Also, voiceless stops in RP were least aspirated when they appear after a fricative. When compared to the corresponding AE voiceless stops, the RP stops recorded much longer VOT and more than half of them in those environments underwent aspiration. This is probably because RP places more value on the principle of ease of perception by means of marking appearance of the voiceless stops with longer VOT while AE focuses more on the principle of ease of articulation by minimizing the effort to burst the voiceless stops after a consonant.

      • KCI등재후보

        유소년 스포츠클럽활동 참여동기가 만족도에 미치는 영향

        신승훈,정경회 한국스포츠학회 2016 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 유소년 스포츠클럽을 참가하는 유소년들과 참여시키는 학부모들을 대상으로 유소년 스포츠 활동에 있어서 참여동기와 만족도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 규명함으로써 유소년 스포츠클럽의 저변확대와 유소년 스포츠클럽 활동 에 있어 효과적인 방안을 마련하고 활성화시키는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 조사․수집된 자료에 대한 분석방법은 SPSS 21.0 for window를 이용하여 표본에 대한 기술통계와 기초분석을 실시하였다. 그리고 기초분석을 통해 변수화 된 요인들의 인과분석을 위해 회귀분석(regression)을 실시하였다. 이러한 연구과정을 통하여 도출해 낸 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 참여동기와 시설만족도와의 관계에서 내적동기(사회성추구)와 무동기(권유)가 높을 경우 시설만 족도도 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 참여동기와 지도자만족도와의 관계에서는 내적동기(사회성추구)와 무동기 (권유)가 높을 경우 지도자만족도가 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 참여동기와 프로그램 만족도와의 관계도 내적동 기(사회성추구)와 무동기(권유)가 높을 경우 프로그램 만족도가 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 참여동기와 비용만 족도와의 관계는 내적동기(사회성추구)와 무동기(권유)가 높을 경우 비용만족도도 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to impact of youth club activity's participatory motivation on satisfaction. The questionnaire was conducted in the range of an object of study the students and his parents experienced of youth club activity. The results of these procedures is the following. First of all, regarding the impact of participatory motivation on facility satisfaction, sociality pursuit and advice in participatory motivation factors were significantly influential to facility satisfaction. Second, regarding the impact of participatory motivation on coach satisfaction, sociality pursuit and advice in participatory motivation factors were significantly influential to coach satisfaction. Third, regarding the impact of participatory motivation on program satisfaction, sociality pursuit in participatory motivation factors were significantly influential to program satisfaction. Lastly, regarding the impact of participatory motivation on cost satisfaction, sociality pursuit and advice in participatory motivation factors were significantly influential to cost satisfaction.

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