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        요한계시록의 나팔 심판 시리즈에서의 출애굽 모티프 사용 패턴 연구 (1) : 처음 네 나팔 심판

        손하영 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.44 No.-

        The Egyptian plagues in Exodus are God’s device to save his people from Egypt and to punish Egypt for oppressing his people. The Egyptian plagues became a paradigm for future judgment toward the oppressors of God’s people in the OT, intertestamental literature, and the NT. The book of Revelation uses the Egyptian plagues as motives in the series of trumpet and bowl judgments. The Egyptian plagues are implied by adding some elements that are usually used in the context of judgment or eschaton (in the OT or intertestamental literature). These changes are accomplished by expanding the original elements, and/or by changing features from the original Exodus pattern. This characteristic can be found in the first four trumpet judgments as well. Each judgment episode of the first four trumpets takes one or more Egyptian plagues as its pronounced punishment modifying the Exodus pattern with additional elements to express the eschatological judgment. The Exodus theme (basic components of the first four trumpets) and the each element added to the Egyptian plagues (from the OT and the intertestamental literature) are not John‘s creation. However, the modification of the original Exodus pattern and the combination of the Exodus theme and the additional elements can be John’s creation. These modifications and combinations make a unique atmosphere of Revelation and illustrate the divine judgment, eschatological judgment, and universal judgment. 출애굽기에 등장하는 열 가지 재앙은 하나님께서 이스라엘 백성들을 애굽으로부터 해방시키기 위한 구원의 방편이었던 동시에 애굽을 향한 심판의 방편이기도 했다. 이 애굽의 재앙 시리즈는 후대에 있을 재앙이나 심판의 모티프가 되었고, 유대교 문헌(구약, 위경, 외경)과 초기 기독교 문헌에서 발견된다. 요한계시록의 나팔 심판 시리즈에서도 애굽 재앙의 모티프는 발견되지만, 단순한 반복적 차용이 아니다. 저자 요한은 그의 묵시록에 등장하는 심판의 이미지를 묘사함에 있어서, 구약 출애굽기에 등장하는 애굽 재앙을 기본 모티프로 하되, 그 재앙의 범위나 형태에 변화를 주거나 유대 문헌들에등장하는 심판/재앙 이미지들(특별히 종말적 이미지에 사용된 요소들)을 추가하여 더욱 웅장하고 두려운 종말적 심판을 묘사한다. 사용된 대부분의 심판 요소들과 심판에 대한 묘사들은 구약과 중간기 문헌에서 그 배경을 찾을수 있겠으나, 이 요소들은 요한계시록 안에서 변형되고 새롭게 조합되어 사용된다. ‘변형’은 주로 (심판 요소나 적용 대상, 적용 범위의) 확대로 나타나며, 종종 배경 본문에서 일어났던 변화의 방향이 요한계시록에서 반대 방향으로 일어나면서 극적인 효과를 주기도 한다. 심판 요소들의 ‘조합’을 통해심판의 강도는 더 세지는 경향을 보인다. 이로써 각각의 요소들은 이미 문헌속에 존재하던 것들이라 하더라도, 요소들의 이러한 변형과 조합을 통해 요한계시록만의 독특한 분위기가 만들어지고, 신적 심판, 종말적 심판, 우주적심판으로 묘사된다.

      • KCI등재

        외상 후 스트레스 장애(Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD)의 정서 조절의 어려움과 인지적 재해석 훈련의 효과성 검증

        손하영,이종선 한국인지행동치료학회 2023 인지행동치료 Vol.23 No.3

        This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of cognitive reappraisal training (CRT) in promoting adaptive emotional regulation among adults with a history of trauma. The participants consisted of 90 individuals who reported experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms above the threshold for clinical and quasi-clinical level. They were randomly assigned to either the trained CRT group (n=30) and the untrained control group (n=30). The efficacy of the training was assessed by measuring changes in positive and negative emotional scores, as well as balanced emotional scores, before and after the training using the Korean version of the Positive Emotion Negative Emotion Scale (K-SPANE). The results of the study revealed a significant difference in emotional scores between the CRT group and the control group, particularly in terms of negative and balanced emotional scores. Specifically, the CRT group exhibited a significant decrease in negative emotion scores and a significant increase in balanced emotion scores compared to the control group. However, there was no significant difference observed in the increase of positive emotion scores between the CRT and the control group. in a follow-up assessment conducted one week after the training, both the CRT and control groups showed significant decrease in the severity of negative emotions and PTSD symptoms, as well ass an increase in balanced emotion scores. Based on these results, significance and limitations of this study is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        The Exodus Theme in the Bowl Judgments in Revelation 16: A Study of Patterns in Old Testament Usages in Revelation

        손하영 아신대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2022 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.53 No.-

        The focus of this research is “how” the Exodus theme is used in the bowl judgments. The Exodus theme has been used in the structure and in the content of the book of Revelation. Structural allusions can exert a strong influence on the content of Revelation. The structural understandings of an exile-return pattern and the repeated occurrences of theophanic elements are helpful to understand the whole content of Revelation. Both structural understandings show that the function of plagues is not only for judgment/destruction but also for the completion of salvation/restoration. This understanding is suitable for the reappearances of “one of seven angels who had seven bowls” twice (Rev 17:1; 21:9) after the execution of the bowl judgments to show the destruction of Babylon and the restoration of Jerusalem. The usages of the Exodus theme within the bowl judgments are categorized in five ways. (1) The Exodus theme is used as a basic motif of judgment. (2) The Exodus theme can be altered by combinations with Jewish or Greco-Roman traditions, (3) by extensions in the objects/area or reinforcements in the severity of the judgment, (4) by changes in the applied direction of salvation/judgment element, and (5) by personification (e.g., frogs in the sixth bowl; cf. locusts in the fifth trumpet). Additionally, the judgment element contrasts with God’s promise for his people in the content of Revelation itself. This additional pattern does not always use the Exodus theme.

      • KCI우수등재

        연속된 이미지에서 중심점과 변위 추정을 통한 비디오 객체 탐지 네트워크

        손하영,이유진,최계원 한국정보과학회 2022 정보과학회논문지 Vol.49 No.6

        Various obstacles such as large containers and logistics machines are placed, in an environment such as a spacious port that is difficult to monitor at once. We studied object detection methods to track very small pedestrians and port vehicle objects. Since we need to learn small objects and unclear shapes, we trained a model based on CenterNet, a network of Anchor-Free methods, and to supplement information on very small objects, we learned by stacking several consecutive images. In addition, Lack of datasets due to the special environment was solved by enhancing data that uses multiple datasets together, randomly selecting multiple still images, and processing them into a continuous image, thereby preventing overfitting. 규모가 큰 컨테이너와 물류 기계와 같은 다양한 장애물이 배치되어 있으며, 공간이 넓어 한 번에 감시하기 어려운 항만과 같은 환경에서, 높은 지점에 설치된 CCTV에서 촬영한 작은 크기의 보행자부터 항만 차량 객체까지 훨씬 더 정확하게 탐지하기 위한 객체 탐지 방법을 연구하였다. 형상이 불명확하고 작은 크기의 객체를 학습해야 하기 때문에 고해상도의 정보가 필요하므로 앵커-프리 방식의 네트워크인 CenterNet을 기반으로 훈련하였으며, 매우 작은 객체의 정보를 보완하기 위해 이미지의 한 장씩만 훈련시키는 것이 아니라 연속된 이미지를 여러 장 쌓아 학습하였고, 부족한 데이터셋 문제를 여러 개의 데이터셋을 함께 사용하고 여러 장의 정지 이미지를 랜덤으로 뽑아 하나의 이미지로 만들어 연속된 이미지로 가공하는 데이터 증강을 통해 해결하여 과적합을 방지하였다.

      • KCI등재

        The Exodus Theme in the Song of Moses and the Lamb in Revelation 15

        손하영 한국신약학회 2017 신약논단 Vol.24 No.3

        Despite the explicit designation, “the song of Moses, the servant of God,” the OT passages identified as the song of Moses (Exod 15:1-18; Deut 32:1-43; and Ps 90) have been doubted as the OT sources of “the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb” in Rev 15 because of no visible linguistic links between these OT passages and Rev 15:3b-4. Consequently, other OT passages that show linguistic parallels with Rev 15:3b-4 have been suggested as the OT sources (e.g., Exod 34:10; Ps 86:8-10; 98:2; 111:2; 139:14; 145:17; Isa 2:2; Jer 10:7; 11:20; Amos 3:13; 4:13; 5:8; Mal 1:11). Due to partial and scattered, verbal allusions of these OT passages to Rev 15:3b-4, the song of Moses and the Lamb has beenunderstood as a “pastiche of stereotypical hymnic phrases gathered primarily from the Psalms,” a “collection,” an “amalgam,” or a “cento” of these OT passages. The researcher claims this understanding is not enough to com- prehend the source of the song of Moses and the Lamb-as if seeing each piece but not seeing the whole picture of a mosaic or quilt-and consequently is not enough to appreciate the song in Rev 15 and the context around the song.This research argues that the song of Moses and the Lamb is not just a collection or an amalgam of some OT passages from here and there, and that the Exodus theme should receive more attention as the primary OT back- ground and source of the song of Moses and the Lamb and the broader context of the song, by examining the scenery background (character, spatial setting, and plot), the designation, the content (thematic parallel), and the context (structural parallel) of the song. John might use “stereotypical hymnic phrases gathered primarily from the Psalms” (as pieces of a mosaic) in Rev 15:3b-4. However, the big picture that John makes with these pieces is the new Exodus based on the old Exodus, particularly the Red Sea event. John’s elaborate, deliberate skills interweaving the old context (the Exodus theme) and the new context (his vision) can be found in the whole book of Revelation, in the vision of the bowl judgments (Rev 15-16), in the song of Moses andthe song of the Lamb (Rev 15:2-4), and even in the duality of the song’s title. The dual titles show that the former (“the song of Moses, the servant of God”) plays a role of background for the latter (“the song of the Lamb”) and show their theological, thematic, and typological relationships-the Exodus through Moses and the new Exodus through Jesus the Lamb.

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