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      • KCI등재

        모리악의 현실참여의 한계

        손정숙 ( Jeong Suk Son ) 한국불어불문학회 2014 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.100

        Mauriac, qui fut un humaniste du 20eme siecle, a ete un ecrivain de l`engagement, qui a mis en pratique son attention a la societe et a l`humanite. Mauriac a commence son engagement authentique par l`esprit missionnaire du journaliste et l`identite du chretien. Mauriac est alle contre l`injustice du monde entier avec la conscience de sa vocation en tant que journaliste : la guerre d`Ethiopie, la guerre civile espagnole, l`independance du Maroc, la guerre d`Algerie. L`esprit insubordonne contre l`injustice fait courir Mauriac jusqu`au feu de la guerre. Comme en temoignent ses faits et gestes et son engagement, Mauriac, qui a lutte sans cesse pour les humilies et les oppresses, fut un combattant pour la justice et un temoin de son temps. Cependant le point de vue de Mauriac sur les questions sociales dans ses romans est un peu different de ce qui apparait dans son journal, le Bloc-notes. Bien que dans son Bloc-notes, Mauriac ait ete un chef de file dans l`engagement du 20eme siecle (meme lorsqu`il a ete menace dans sa vie, il n`a jamais renonce), dans ses romans il est un ecrivain rigide, qui est reste pris par des stereotypes et des prejuges. Il semble que ses prejuges sont remarquables surtout lorsqu`ils concernent la religion. Le catholicisme de Mauriac ne reconnaissait pas le protestantisme comme religion, il l`a considere comme une secte. Mauriac pensait que le catholicisme etait l`unique verite et le protestantisme une verite relative basee sur des amenagements. Selon Mauriac, les catholiques ont vecu une existence tres elevee et ethiques tandis que les Juifs ont repandu la destruction et la corruption. Un probleme est que Mauriac jugeait parfaitement naturel que toutes les autres religions soient reprimees et meprisees par le catholicisme. L`antisemitisme a ete le fait de catholiques en France et, bien que le protestantisme ait ete cree en tant que defiant le systeme inique du catholicisme, Mauriac depeint le catholicisme comme l`empereur de la religion. Ainsi, Mauriac reflete un catholicisme orgueilleux. Par consequent Mauriac (qui a dit que sa conscience catholique a ete pour lui la principale raison pour prendre parti dans des situations reelles) a affronte le probleme d`un engagement qui n`etait pas toujours accepte par la doctrine catholique. Cela a force Mauriac a chercher et a exiger une attitude religieuse authentique. Mauriac affirme que son engagement est conforme a la conscience chretienne, mais il y a une exception lorsqu`il s`est affronte avec la doctrine catholique. Pour lui, il n`y a qu`une seule verite, et c`est le catholicisme. Donc on peut dire que son soutien exclusif et aveugle au catholicisme est la norme et le facteur cle qui decide son champ d`application de l`engagement. Il est vrai qu`il a montre une perspective critique et mefiante sur l`anti-nature essentielle du Catholicisme. Mais le fait que Mauriac est reste prudent sur les questions feminines, le protestantisme et les Juifs, signifie que son engagement est limite. En fait, a moins d`attenuer l`exclusivite de sa foi, son engagement ne pouvait qu`etre limite.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        효과적인 작문 교육을 위한 제안

        손정숙 ( Jeong Suk Son ) 한국일어교육학회 2015 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.31

        학습자의 니즈에 따라 일본어 교육관련 교재가 다양하게 출판되고 있다. 그러나 작문교재의 비율은 9.7%로 언어의4가지 양성기능 중에서 작문.청해 교육관련 연구와 교재 개발이 부족하여 향후 이 분야에 대한 연구와 교재개발이 요구된다. 본고에서는 1965년부터 2014년까지 출판된 104종의 작문교재에 대하여 연대별 출판현황과 교재분석, 수준별 작문지도법과 작문상에 나타나는 오류를 분석하여 효과적인 작문 교육을 위한 교재개발 방향과 지도법을 고찰하였다. 그 결과 1980년대까지 6권, 1990년대 전 후반 각각 26권, 22권, 2000년대 이후 70권으로, 1990년 후반을 기점으로 활성화됨을 알 수 있다. 1990년대 후반대의 제작 경향으로는 편지쓰기 펜팔 이 메일 작성과 관련된 교재가 눈에 띄며, 대학 수업 교재로 내국인 교원이 집필한 교재가 많았다. 2000년대에는 내국인 교원 단독 집필뿐만 아니라 원어민 교원의 공동 집필이 많았으며, 일본 현지 출판사와 라이센스를 맺어 출간된 서적도 증가하고 있다. 교재의 내용은 첫째, 문법을 중시한 문형중심의 초 중급 교재 둘째, 문맥이나 어휘선택을 중시한 표현중심의 중, 상급 교재, 셋째 일반인이나 회사원을 대상으로 한 일기문, 편지문등의 특수한 문장력을 요구하는 교재로 구분할 수 있다. 초급지도 교재는 기본문법과 문형학습을 반복할 수 있도록 하고, 중급이상의 레벨에서는 한.일양언어의 발상법을 잘 이해시키고 전환할 수 있는 힘과 오용문장을 고치게 하고, 다양한 형태의 과제를 제시하여 단락구성의식과 올바른 문장 표현력을 길러야 한다. 작문 지도에는 레벨이나 지도법에 관계없이 많은 연습과 피드백, 다양한 형태의 문체를 접하게 하여 어휘나 술어의 활용훈련이 필수적이며 온라인상의 일본어를 무비판적으로 수용하는 일이 없도록 지도해야할 것이다. A textbook related Japanese education through various learner needs have released. but writing textbook of portion is 9.7%. this is very insufficient among listening,talking,writting,reading. so we need to research a Writing & Listening textbook and to study Writing & Listening area. This document suggested error in a graded method of guidance about published kind of 104 from 1965 to 2014 and in writing chronological present condition published and studed effective the textbook research way. The result is that the development of textbook is revitalized post 2000.(6 volume 1980 , 26 volume first 1990 and 22 volume second half 1990 ) A production of textbook tendency was writing letter, email and pen pal. anda large number of class material in college was made by Korean. Not only is Korean writter but also a lot of native writter co-write in 2000. Also The textbook made with publish company in japan was increased. The contents of textbook was falled into three categories first, Pattern Practice Method and gramma are main for basic grade. second, the point is expressed in context or selection of vocabulary for middle and higher grade. third, A writing diary or letter required special writing skill for general person or company workers. The basie textbook required making one sentence in five word phrase with basic gramma and sentence structure. Specially the intermediate textbook asked understand idea expression method between Korean and Japanese and change from korean to Japanese and asked fixing misuse sentence and suggesting various pattern assignment. so learner can learn structure of paragraph and sentence expression. I think that teaching composition needs a lot of practice and feedback, regardless level and teaching way and leaners need to touch various style of writing for acquiring vocabulary or predicate of use. also we need to educate a student who not to use online vocabulary indiscriminately.

      • KCI등재

        모리악 소설에 나타난 여성상 -1920~1940년대의 소설을 중심으로

        손정숙 ( Jeong Suk Son ) 한국불어불문학회 2010 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.84

        Apres la revolution industrielle, la societe francaise au debut du 20eme siecle, etait en plein desarroi avec les nouvelles idees dans le systeme des valeurs. Surtout la discussion de la vision sur la femme est la question la plus brulante de cette periode pour les certains ecrivains. En cette periode de changement, au-dela de la femme traditionnelle, apparait un nouveau type de la femme qui s`appelle "la femme nouvelle" attirant toute attention du monde par des comportements etranges: elle se maquille trop, elle fume, elle boit, elle danse aux boites de nuit, elle aspire a la liberte sexuelle. Elle veut etre libre, independante et jouir de sa vie sans aucune contrainte du systeme existant. Pourtant aux yeux de vieilles generations, elle vit selon son bon plaisir et n`a qu`une conduite dereglee comme le libertinage qui est deprave sexuellement et moralement. Elle n`est qu`une destructrice qui fait infraction a l`ordre que l`homme a concu. Les ecrivains sont serieusement angoisses des problemes sur la femme et contiennent ses ideees personnelles dans leurs ouvrages litteraires. Pourtant la plupart des ecrivains sont conservateurs en vision sur la femme. Mauriac lui aussi fait partie de ce groupe des ecrivains. Mauriac decrit les femmes traditionnelles et pitoyables dans le patriarcat, qui se sacrifient pour ses enfants et sa famille, qui sont opprimees. Mauriac leur montre sa pitie sans aucune critique, mais il est sardonique sur la femme nouvelle. Malgre cela, il y a quelques chercheurs coreens qui croient Mauriac comme feministe. Par exemple, Kim Jee-hee pretend, dans sa these doctorale, que les femmes mauriaciennes refusent leur destin pitoyable et se frayent leur chemin. Mais, elles se sont resignees a leur sort en acceptant leur situation pitoyable. Alors, il manque de fondements objectifs a leurs affirmations. En fait, depuis le temps de l`evenement de l`Espagne en 1937, il a activement ete a s`engager. Cependant, il montre une attitude reticente sur les problemes qui concernent la femme. C`est ironique qu`il n`a pas pris une voix devant la misere de la femme, puisqu`il parle du motif de son engagement qui devrait etre sa conscience en tant qu`un croyant fidele. On sait qu`il s`engage en politique et en societe. Cependant, pourquoi n`a-t-il pas prodigue les paroles sur les etats pitoyables de la femme. A cause de sa religion? Oui, certainement! C`est a cause de sa responsabilite, parce qu`il se sent le joug pesant comme un catholique. On doit donc le classer comme antifeministe. Parce qu`il cherche une image ideale feminine a sainte Marie qui concorde avec la femme tradionnelle et qui garde la virginite. Les femmes se soumettent aux traditions familiale et sociale. Elles doivent s`occuper des affaires domestiques sans etre consciente de l`inegalite des sexes. Tout au long de la vie des femmes, seul le sacrifice pour la famille leur a ete exige. Elles n`ont pas leur vie personnelle pour soi-meme. Pourtant, la femme nouvelle ne peut pas etre coinside a Sainte Marie parce qu`elle est egoiste, elle ne connait que soi-meme. Elle ne met pas en pratique l`amour et le sacrifice pour sa famille et ses enfants. C`est qu`il accepte la femme nouvelle qui nie la maternite fera donc agir la propre theorie chretienne. C`est qu`il garde le silence a propos des problemes sur la femme, en tant que chretien, c`est un dilemme comme ecrivain chretien qui s`engage. Il a voulu devenir un temoin de christ en pratiquant l`amour et en respectant les valeurs humaines. Il ne peut pas donc nier la femme de la Bible. Quant a lui qui suit la voie du Christ en respectant les dogmes du christianisme, ce sera ce qu`il nie sa propre vie. Pourtant, Mauriac n`accepte pas toutes les conditions feminines sans conscience problematique. Il a de la compassion pour la femme. Seulement il est furieux d`aller a l`encontre de la providence naturelle. Il a prodigue des louanges a la femme qui sait ressentir de l`amour dans le principe chretien. Il faut qu`il y ait du sacrifice et du service dans le fond de cet amour, parce que c`est ce qui fait scintiller en l`amour vrai dans le sens chretien.

      • KCI등재

        NCS를 기반으로 한 일본어 교육과정 개발

        손정숙 ( Jeong Suk Son ) 한국일어교육학회 2015 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.33

        2018년부터 대학입학정원이 고교졸업자를 상회하고 2025년 이후 입학정원의 30%이상 미충원이 추산되는 등 학령인구가 감소하고 있으며 전문대학 육성정책으로 능력중심사회를 주도하는 지식기반산업 및 창조경제의 핵심 전문직업인 양성을 목표로 하는 전문대학육성정책을 국정과제로 제시하고 있다. 또한 2년제 대학의 백화점식 학과 운영으로 인한 전문대학의 정체성 위기와 전문대학 졸업생의 직무능력과 산업현장의 미스매치 등 교육 및 산업 환경의변화에 따라 대학교육에 대한 사회적인 요구가 커지고 있다. 이러한 환경변화에 발맞추어 산업현장의 직무수행 완성도가 높은 인력을 양성하기 위하여 기존의 순수한 어문학 중심의 교육과정을 개편하여 국가직무능력표준(NCS)을기반으로 한 일자리 중심의 교육과정을 개발하였다. 그 결과 무역실무, 물류관리와 관련된 직무교육과 직무수행과 관련된 일본어 능력 향상을 목표로 교육과정을 개발하여 직무과목 65% 기초언어과목 35%로 개편하였다. 교육과정 개발에서 나타난 문제점으로 직무분석의 과업 선정에 있어 적정수와 적절한 크기의 과업을 도출하기가 쉽지 않다는 점, 현업전문가 및 교육과정개발 위원간의 이견조율을 들 수 있다. 또한 본 교육과정을 운영하여 일본전문 무역사무원을 양성하기 위해서는, 학습자의 기본적인 언어능력이 요구되고, 능력단위에 적합한 실습 기자제 확충, 산업체와 연계한 교재개발, 현업에 대한 경력을 가진 직무관련 담당 교·강사 충원, 산업체 현장실습지 확보 등 현실적인 문제를 해결해야 할 것이다. 이와 함께 새로운 교육과정의 실질적인 운영을 위해서는 새로운 교육과정에 맞춘 교육방법과 전공분야에 얽매이지 않는 새로운 분야의 연구와 교육에 대한 교육담당자들의 의식변화와 정부의 일관된 교육정책과 학교 당국의 적극적이고 실천적인 지원이 수반되어야 할 것이다. Social demand about education ways is being bigger because first, university fixed number will be bigger than graduated number from 2018 and after 2025, more than 30% of fixed number will be shortage. second, upbringing policy of college that targets knowledge-based industries through bringing charming and special college and guiding competence based society. third, identity crisis of junior college is caused by running of department store way. fourth, mismatching compete of person graduated college and industrial environment. Therefore, Curriculum focusing existed pure major in language and literature reforms curriculum focusing job based NCS (national competency standards)for bringing high quality human resources in industry place. The result, Our department developed curriculum targeting job training related trade business affairs and the administration of physical distribution, the performance of one`s duties be connected Japanese competent. So our department restructuring job training 65% and basic language part 35%. Problems turned up during developing curriculum are things that number of duty of optimum number is not clearly and proper duty size is also not clearly and that mediate between two parties (cooperation special list and commit of curriculum develop). Plus, We have to resolve somethings for training Japan special trade office clerk through this curriculum. first, trainee need to have basic communication ability and proper practice material expansion for ability grade and developed material related industry, expanded career profession, secured practice place etc; realistic problem have to resolve. Also, preparation about new education program, change mind studying new part not restrained with major, college part with government have to devise to practice direction for new curriculum develop with practice running.

      • KCI등재

        생지황(生地黃) 추출물(抽出物)이 DNCB로 유발(誘發)된 생쥐의 Allergy성(性) 접촉피부염(接觸皮膚炎)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        신광식,손정숙,김동은,전원준,정승현,신길조,이원철,Shin Gwang-Sik,Son Jeong-Suk,Kim Dong-Eun,Jeon Won-Jun,Jeong Seung-Hyeon,Sin Gil-Jo,Lee Won-Cheol 대한한의학방제학회 2000 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.8 No.1

        Allergic contact dermatitis is a common skin disease resulting from specific immunologic to topically applied various allergen. After Dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) secondary sensitization, the ICR mice administered Rhemanniae radix extract (RRE) was observed to ascerstain the effect of RRE on allergic contact dermatitis. Purpose of this study was to investigate contact hypersensitivity assay, abdominal skin morphologic changes. Including mast cells and cell-surface glycoconjugates. The change of interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor (CD25R). ICAM in abdominal skin, lymph node of inguinal region, and electro microscope-morphologic changes of abdominal skin. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The contact hypersensitivity assay, the ear swelling in the RRE had lesser probability than in the ACD Group. 2. In the general morphologic change of skin, hyperplasia of keratinocytes, distribution of vasculogenesis and epidermal lymphocytes infiltration were decreased in the RRE group compared with the ACD group. In epidermal basal layer and prickle layer, cell damage was decreased in the RRE group compared with the group painted with ACD. 3. MasT-cell in dermis was decreased in the RRE group compared with the group painted with DNCB. 4. Distribution of interlukin-2 Receptior positive cell and ICAM positive cell in dermis was decreased in the RRE Group compared with the ACD group. 5. Distribution of helper T-lymphocyte and cytotoxic T-lymphocite in inguinal nodes was decreased in the RRE group, and was observed well in paracortical area and cortical cord. 6. Distribution of apoptotic cell was appeared in the RRE group compared with the ACD group, in skin, dermis. in inguinal nodes, paracortical area observed well. With above results, the restarint of immunosuppression occuring in Allergic contact dermatitis is resulted in the slow progress the effect of Allergic contact dermatitis, and it is thought that ithis fact has a series of relation with apoptosis.

      • KCI등재

        만성폐쇄성폐질환환자 1례에 대한 임상적 고찰

        김주성,임성우,손정숙,Kim, Joo-Sung,Lim, Seong-Woo,Son, Jeong-Suk 대한한방내과학회 2000 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        We report the treatment case of patient for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The patient was 65 year-old woman with the history of smoking and asthma. She had complained of dyspnea, hyperpnea, cough and wheezing sound. We treated her with general management, bronchodilator and five kinds of herbal medicine(Samjahwadamjeon etc). Among them, the major herbal medicine is Samjahwadamjeon. Having been treated for 35 days, the patient improved in clinical symptoms and pulmonary function in PFT(Pulmonary function test).

      • KCI등재

        흉막삼출액을 동반한 비정형 폐렴환자 치험 1례

        김승욱,문성호,허영란,한이수,최준혁,임성우,손정숙,Kim, Seung-Uk,Moon, Seong-Ho,Heo, Young-Ran,Han, I-Su,Choi, Jun-Hyuk,Lim, Seong-Woo,Son, Jeong-Suk 대한한방내과학회 2001 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.22 No.3

        Pneumonia is the disease caused by inflammation of lung parenchyma. Major symptoms of pneumonia are fever, cough, etc and consolidation is seen in chest x-ray. When pleurisy gets in complication of pneumonia, pleural effusion occurs. Also chest pain occurs by pleurisy. Gyulhyung is the disease of which major symptom is chest pain. Sugyulhyung from in Gyulhyung, the water sound is audible from the flank side the fact that as Sugyulhyung. Symptom of Gyulhyung is similar to that of pneumonia. We diagnosed this case as Gyulhyung and administrated Banhabogryeongtang to patient. As result, there is remarkable Improvement in symptom and chest x-ray.

      • 四君子湯合蒼朮地楡湯이 위점막손상에 미치는 영향

        손정숙,임성우 대한한방성인병학회 1999 韓方成人病學會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose : This study is to investigate the protective effects of Sagunjatangac - angchuljiyutang against gastric mucosal lesions. Methods : The test group was injected with indomethacin after the oral administration of Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang, while the control group was injected only with normal-saline and INDO group was injected only with indomethacin. The effects of Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang extract administration on lipid peroxidation, morphology of gastric mucosa, mucous-secreting cell, distribution of PNA and ICAM in mice suffered from indomethacin -induced gastric mucosal lesions. Results are as follows : 1. The degree of lipid peroxidation in Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang group conspicuously decreased as compared with INDO group. 2. The normal morphology of gastric mucosa was maintained in mice subcutaneously injected with Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang. 3. The normal configuration of mucous-secreting cell was maintained in mice intra gastric injected with Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang. 4. The distribution of PNA in Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang group was as same as control group(normal gastric mucosa). 5. The distribution of ICAM in Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang group was appeared a little as same as control group. Conclusion : Sagunjatanghapchangchuljiyutang has protective effects against gastric mucosal lesions and some remedial action would be also considered.

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