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      • KCI등재

        Development of the head collar and collar spines during the larval stages of Isthmiophora hortensis (Digenea: Echinostomatidae)

        손운목,정원재,신은희,채종일 대한기생충학ㆍ열대의학회 2024 The Korean Journal of Parasitology Vol.62 No.1

        It is uncertain when the head collar and collar spines of Isthmiophora hortensis (Digenea:Echinostomatidae), a zoonotic echinostome species in Far Eastern Asia, develop duringits larval stages. In this study, the appearance of the head collar and collar spines wasstudied using light and scanning electron microscopy in cercariae and metacercariaeexperimentally obtained from freshwater snails (Lymnaea pervia) and tadpoles (Rana nigromaculata), respectively. The cercariae were shed from the snail on day 30 after exposure to laboratory-hatched miracidia. Metacercariae were obtained from the experimental tadpoles at 3, 6, 12, 15, 20, 24, 26, and 30 h after exposure to the cercariae. Thehead collar was already visible in the cercarial stage, although its degree of developmentwas weak. However, collar spines did not appear in the cercarial stage and even in theearly metacercarial stage less than 24 h postinfection in tadpoles. Collar spines becamevisible in the metacercariae when they grew older than 24 h. It was concluded that thehead collar of I. hortensis developed early in the cercarial stage, but the development ofcollar spines did not occur until the worms became 24-h-old metacercariae in our experimental setting. Counting the number of collar spines was concluded as an unfeasible diagnostic method for I. hortensis cercariae when they are shed from the snail host.

      • Anisakis 및 Contracaecum 幼蟲 횡단면의 內部 構造

        손운목,이순형 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.4

        Anisakis trpe I 幼蟲과 Contracaecum tupe A 및 tupe D' 幼蟲을 연속 절단하여 횡단면을 비교 관찰함으로써 이들에 대한 形態學的인 지견과 임상적인 진단에 필요한 기본 자료를 마련하고자 하였다. 蟲體 절단면에서 Anisakis type I 幼蟲은 비교적 큰 蟲體 斷面과 Y 또는 T형의 lateral chord 및 소세지 모양의 renette cell 등으로 쉽게 구분되나, Contracaecum 幼蟲은 단편적인 절단면만으로는 타입간의 감별이 용이치 않았다. This study was attempted to observe the cross sectional morphology of anisakid larvae and to make differential criteria in the diagnosis of anisakiasis. Anisakid larvae were collected from the viscera of Pseudosciaena manchurica and Anago anago which had been purchased from Noryangjin fisheries market. They were fixed in 70℃ neutral buffered formalin, serially cross-sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Worm sections were observed and measured under the light microscope. Followings are summarized results. 1.Maximum diameter of Anisakis type I larvae was 280-340 (313 in average)μm. Esophagus and ventriculus were sectioned in triad by their luman. The shape of lateral chords in anterior part of ventriculo-intestinal junction was slender Y form. However, at its posterior portion was T form. Renette cell was small and plump at esophagus level, pressed at ventricular level and sausage-formed at anterior portion of intestinal level. 2.Maximum diameter of Contracaecum type A larvae was 230-280 (269 in average) μm. Lateral chord were not regular form. Genital anlage and lateral alae were characteristically observed in the sections of posterior body. However, renette cell was not observed. 3.Maximum diameter of Contracaecum type D' larvae was 184-230 (211 in average) μm. Lateral chord was butterfly or W-shaped. Genital anlage was observed wth posterior part of intestine. However, renette cell was not observed. From the above results, it is concluded that Anisakis type I larva is easily distinguished from Contracaecum spp. larvae in the sectioned specimens. However, it is difficult to differentiate the types of Contracaecum larvae in the sectioned specimens.

      • Metagonimus Takahashii와 Heterophyes Nocens의 혼합인체감염 1례

        손운목,고원규,조규일 인제대학교 1992 仁濟醫學 Vol.13 No.2

        1991년 8원 16일 부산백병원 종합검진센타를 찾은 27세 남자의 대변에서 異形吸蟲類의 충란이 검출되었다. 한달후 parziquantel과 황산 마그네슘을 투여하여 치료하였던 바, 587 마리의 M. takahashii와 8 마리의 H. nocens가 검출되었다. 이에 생물학적, 역학적 性狀이 다른 두 이형흡충류의 혼합인체감염 1례를 보고함과 아울러 분류학적으로 이견이 많은 M. takahashii의 형태학적 특징을 재기술하였다. A case of natural human infection by Metagonimus takahashii and Heterophyes nocens was confirmed by collection of adult warms after praziquatel treatment on August, 1991, and in order to clarify the species identity, the morphological characteristics of M. takahashii were rediscribed. The patient was a 27-year old male residing in Hadong-gun, Kyungnam Province, Korea. He had the clinical complaints of fatigue, indigestion and arrhythmia, and said to have eaten raw flesh of several kinds of marine and/or freshwater fish. Praziquantel in single dose 10mg/kg was given followed by purgation with magnesium salt, and 587 M.takahashii and 8 H. nocens were collected from the diarrheal stools. M. takahashii were dorsoventrally flattened, 0.998×0.573mm in average size, and they had the following morphological characteristics : no posteriormost location of right testes ; separated left testis from the right one ; distribution of uterine tubules over the left testis and intertesticular junction ; distribution of the vitellaria passing through the posteriormost portion of the body ; larger size of the eggs. H. nocens were also dorsoventrally flattened, 0.924×0.543mm in average size, and they had a well-developed ventral sucker and a genital sucker bearing the 54 chitinous rodlets. From the above results, a case of human infection by M. takahashii and H. nocens was identified. This study may be the 32nd human case of H. nocens infection in the literature in Korea.

      • 간흡충 감염 흰쥐에 대한 알벤다졸의 치료 효과

        손운목,장태식 인제대학교 1991 仁濟醫學 Vol.12 No.1

        간흡충을 횐쥐에 실험 감염시킨 후 2일, 2주 및 5주에 여러가지 용량의 알벤다졸을 투여하여 충체의 각 발육단계 및 약제용량에 따른 살충 효과를 검토하고자 하였다. 감염 후 2일, 2주, 5주의 발육 단계별 살충율은 각각 26.2∼47.6(평균 39.3) %, 21.4∼54.8(평균 32.2) %,84.3-100(평균 91)%로, 유약충에 비해 성충에 대한 살충율이 높았다. 동일 치료군 내에서는 약제 투여량 및 방법에 따라 살충율의 차이가 뚜렷하지 않았고, 각 치료군 공통으로 2×200mg 용량에서 가장 높은 살충율을 나타내었다. 완전한 살충은 감염 5주 후 치료군의 2×200mg 투약군에서만 이루어졌다. This study was performed to evaluate the chemotherapeutic effects of albendazole against the larvae, juveniles and adults of Clonorchis sinensis. The metacercariae were obtained from Pseudorasbora parva by the pepsin digestion method, and 70 rats(Sprague-Dawley strain) were fed each with 50 metacercariae. On 60 rats various dosages of albendazole(2×2mg, 2×50mg, 200mg, 2×100mg, 2×200mg) were given at 2 days, 2 weeks and 5 weeks after infection while remaining 10 rats were kept untreated for use as control. The drug-treated rats and untreated control were sacrificed at 6 weeks after infection for the recovery of worms. The cure rates(lethal rates) obtained from worm recovery rates were used as the decision base of drug effects. Followings are summarized results. 1.The recovery rate of C. sinensis in control group was in the range from 60% to 100%, with overall average value of 84%. 2.The mean recovery rates of worms in treated groups are presented in the following Table. ◁표 삽입▷ (원문을 참조하세요) 3.The cure rates(lethal rates) of the groups treated at 2 days, 2 weeks and 5 weeks after infection were 26.2-47.6%(39.3% in average), 21.4-54.8%(32.3% in average) and 84.3-100%(91% in average) respectively. From the above results, it was confirmed that albendazole treatment is very effective against the adult worms of C. sinensis, however it is less effective on larvae and juvenile worms.

      • KCI등재

        만손열두조충의 발육단계별 표피 미세구조

        손운목,이진하,Sohn, Woon-Mok,Lee, Jin-Ha 한국현미경학회 2005 Applied microscopy Vol.35 No.1

        실험실내 생활사를 통하여 획득한 만손열두조충의 각 발육단계별 유충 및 성충의 표피미세구조를 주사 및 투과전자현미경으로 관찰하고자 하였다. 주사전자현미경 관찰에서 섬모유충은 타원형이었고 체표면에 직경이 약 $0.2{\mu}m$인 섬모, 작은 결절 및 좁쌀모양의 돌기 등이 밀생하고 있었으며 직경 약 $0.2{\mu}m$인 구멍이 드물게 분포하였다. 원미충의 전단에는 가시모양 미세모가 밀생하였고 체부위 체표면에는 끝이 약간 구부러진 긴 쐐기형 미세모가 밀생하였으며 꼬리혹에는 둔단의 짧은 미세모가 분포하였다. 실험감염 올챙이에서 감염 후 3일에 회수한 충미충은 성숙한 원미충과 형태가 유사하였고 전단홈에는 억센 가시모양의 미세모가 밀생해 있었다. 감염 5일된 충미충의 전단홈에는 3일된 충체에서 관찰되었던 가시모양 미세모는 없었고 체부위에서 관찰되는 것과 동일한 미세모가 분포하였다. 성숙한 충미충의 체표면에는 원추형의 미세모가 밀생해 있었는데 전반부에 분포하는 것이 후반부의 것보다 약간 억센 모양이었다. 성충의 두절에는 긴 섬모상의 미세모와 짧고 억센 모양의 미세모가 혼재되어 있었으며 섬유상 미세모의 밀도는 두절의 중간부위보다 전반부에서 높았다. 경절과 미성숙 편절에는 짧고 억센 원추형의 미세모가 밀생해 있었다. 투과전자현미경 관찰에서 섬모유충은 배막과 육구유충이 명백히 나누어져 있었고 배막에는 무수히 많은 섬모와 글리코겐 입자, 사립체 및 지질과립 등이 분포하였다. 섬모는 9쌍의 미세소관과 2개의 중심복합체로 구성되어 있었고 육구유충은 얇고 표면이 매끈한 표피로 덮여 있었으며 다핵성 구조이었다. 원미충 및 충미충의 표피는 송곳 모양의 미세모가 포함되어 있는 원형질막과 합포체, 기저층 및 근육층으로 이루어져 있었고 합포체에는 수 많은 원반모양체와 공포 및 사립체 등이 분포하였다. 실질층에서는 배설관과 표피세포가 관찰되었으며 표피세포는 핵 주위에 무수히 많은 과립형질내세망과 분비과립 등을 내포하고 있었다. 이상의 결과로 만손열두조충의 표피미세구조가 발육단계에 따라 변화하면서 특징적인 소견을 나타냄을 확인하였다. Present study was performed to observe the tegumental ultrastructures by the developmental stages which derived from the experimental life cycle of Spirometra erinacei in laboratory conditions. In SEM view, coracidium was spherical in shape with numerous cilia, and its surface was covered with long cilia, tuberclelike projections with millet-like processes, and small holes. The body surface of procercoid was covered with numerous pointed microtriches except that of frontal pit with stout spine-like ones. However that of cercomer was covered with somewhat sparse blunt-tiped microtriches. Plerocercoids of 3 days old resembled the mature procercoid in shape, and their frontal pits were covered with numerous stout spine-like microtriches. However frontal pit and body surface in more than 5 days old ones were covered with conoid microtriches. On the surface of adult scolex, hairly long filamentous and stout short microtriches were mixedly distributed. Filamentous microtriches were more densely distributed in the anterior portion than in the posterior of scolex. The neck and immature proglottid were covered with only stout short conoid microtriches. In TEM view of coracidia, embryophore and oncosphere were obviously distinguished. The embryophore contained numerous glycogen particles, mitochondria and lipid granules. The cilia on the surface of embryophore rooted in the coracidial sheath, and consisted of 9 pairs of microtubules and 2 core complex. The oncosphere was covered with a thin and unarmed tegument, and was multi-nucleated. The protoplasmic layer of procercoid and plerocercoid consisted of disc-shaped bodies, vacuoles and mitochondria. Their tegumental cells commonly retained a nucleus, granular endoplasmic reticulums and secretory granules. The protoplasmic layer of plerocercoid was more compacted than that of procercoid. From the above results, it was confirmed that the tegumental ultrastructures are something different according to the developmental stages of S. erinacei.

      • KCI등재

        자루이형흡충(Stictodora fuscatum)의 표면 미세구조

        손운목,Sohn, Woon-Mok Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 2000 Applied microscopy Vol.30 No.2

        Present study was performed to observe the surface ultrastructures of Stictadora furcatum (Trematoda: Heterophyidae). Adult worms were recovered from the cat experimentally infected with metacercariae, and were prepared for scanning electron microscopy. The body was leaf-like and ventrally concave. The oral sucker armed with prominent tegumental spines on the inner surface, and it's lips were obscure. Sensory papillae (type I) in single or grouped forms symmetrically arranged around the oral sucker. The ventrogenital opening retained protruding gonotyl spines and sperms discharged from the genital pore . The body surface was covered with scale-like multipointed tegumental spines. The density and digitated point of spines were gradually decreased toward the posterior end of the body. The digitated points of spines on the anterior portion were 9-12, on the middle were 7-8 and 5-6, and on the posterior were 2-3 and peg-like. Although the tegumental ultrastructure of S. fuscatum was generally similar to those of other heterophyid flukes , the oral sucker with tegumental spines on the inner surface and without obvious lips, and the ventrogenital opening with protruding gonotyl spines were suggested to be the characteristic features.

      • Heterophyes noces 人體 感染 2例 및 慶南 三千浦産 崇魚에 있어서 異形 吸蟲類 被囊幼蟲 感染 狀況

        손운목,채종일,이순형 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.3

        1988年 3月과 12月에 Heterophyes nocens에 의한 人體 感染 2例를 檢出하였으며, 이 吸蟲의 人體 感染源 조사의 일환으로 慶南 三千浦産 崇魚에서 異形 吸蟲類 被囊幼蟲 感染 狀況을 조사하였던 바, 조사한 5마리의 崇魚 모두에서 10∼25個(평균 24個)의 H. nocens 피낭유충과 8∼4,751個(평균 1,545個)의 P. summa 피낭유충이 검출되었다. H. nocens의 피낭유충은 주로 숭어의 筋肉과 頭部에서 검출되었으며, P. summa는 頭部와 內臟에서 검출되었다. Two cases of natural human infection by Heterophyes nocens were identified by collection of adult worms after praziquantel treatment on March and December, 1988. And in order to know the source of infection mullets from Samcheonpo, Kyongnam Province, were examined. The cases were 33 and 52-year old males residing in Seoul. They had the clinical complaints of abdominal pain and precoidial discomfort. Praziquantel in single dose 10-15 mg/kg was given followed by purgation with magnesium salt and 14 and 4 H. nocens were collected from the diarrheal stools. They said to have eaten raw flesh of several kinds of fishes. The results of the observation of worms from patients and experimental animals, and the examination of mullet for metacercarial infections were as follows. 1. Worms from patients were dorsoventrally flattened, 1.32×0.57 mm and 0.99×0.43mm in average size. Ventral suckers well developed with their locations on median line of the body and much larger than oral suckers. The average numbers of rodlets around genital sucker were 54 and 53 in both cases. 2. All mullets examined harboured the metacercariae of H. nocens and P. summa. The average numbers of metacercariae detected were 24 and 1,545 respectively. 3. After the metacercariae were collected and experimentally fed to albino rats and cats, adult worms were recovered from both animals. These worms were identified as H. nocens and P. summa. H. nocens from experimental cat was the average size of 0.88×0.41 mm, and had the average number of 55 rodlets in genital sucker. From the results, 2 human cases of H. nocens infection were added and the mullets from Samcheonpo were proved to be the second intermediate host of H. nocens and P. summa.

      • Echinoparyphium recurvatum의 레디아, 유미유충 및 피낭유충의 표피미세구조

        손운목,고원규 인제대학교 1993 仁濟醫學 Vol.14 No.4

        투과전자현미경을 이용하여 Echinoparyphium recurvatum의 레디아, 유미유충 및 피낭유충의 표피미세구조를 관찰하고자 하였다. 자연감염된 물달팽이로부터 획득한 유충들을 통상적인 시료제작 과정을 거친 후 JEOL 1200EX-II 투과전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 레디아의 바깥 표피면에는 원형질층에서 돌출한 미세융모들이 분포하였고, 원형질층의 아래에는 구불구불한 형태의 기저층이 위치하였으며, 실질층에는 막성지질과립, 화염세포 및 표피세포 등이 분포하였다. 레디아 내에서 발육 중인 유미유충의 원형질층에는 전자밀도가 낮은 과립과 길죽길죽한 사립체가 분포하였으며 발육함에 따라 바깥 표피면의 융기 및 굴곡이 심화되었다. 성숙 유미유충의 원형질층에서는 다양한 형태의 과립과 피극 및 감각유두 등이 관찰되었다. 피낭유충의 낭벽은 섬유성 물질로 이루어져 있었으며, 원형질층은 유미유충 시기에 비하여 훨씬 조밀한 구조를 나타내었다. E. recurvatum 유충의 표피미세구조가 기본적으로는 서로 유사하나 발육단계에 따라 그에 상응하는 독특한 구조로 변화하였다. An transmission electron microscopic study was performed to observe the tegumental ultrastructures of the redia, cercaria and metacercaria of Echinoparyphium recurvatum. Each stage of the larval worms were obtained from the naturally infected fresh water snail, Radix auricularia coreana. They were prepared for transmission electron microscopic observations and observed by a JEOL 1200EX-II transmission electron microscope. The findings were summarized as followed. 1.The entire surface of the redial tegument was covered with microvilli, 0.45×0.4 μm in average size, which were not branched usually. The highly convoluted basement layer was 0.2μm wide or so. One kind of electron-dense secretory granules, flame cells and tegumental cells were observed in the parenchymal layer. 2.The cytoplasmic layer of a developing cercaria in redia was about 1.3μm wide and contained numerous electron-luscent secretory granules and mitochondria. 3.The cytoplasmic layer of a mature cercaria was about 2.4μm wide and contained 4 types of secretory granules, tegumental spines and ciliated sensory vesicle in its matrix. 4.The cyst wall of a metacercaria was consisted of a fibrous chitin substance. Numerous polyribosomes and small elliptical secretory granules were observed in the parenchymal layer of metacercaria. From the above findings, it is concluded that some characteristic features by the layer stage of E. recurvatum are obtained and they are helpful in the ultrastructural studies of other larval trematodes.

      • Anisakis type I 幼蟲에 의한 人體感染 2例

        손운목,고원규,설상영,정정명 인제대학교 1991 仁濟醫學 Vol.12 No.3

        91년 5월 17일에 上腹部痛을 主訴로 本院을 내원한 2명의 患者에 대하여 胃 內視鏡檢査를 시행하였던 바, 胃 粘膜에 길이로 묻혀 있는 Anisakis 幼蟲을 1마리씩 檢出하였다. 胃 粘膜이 충체를 중심으로 肥厚되어 있었고 肉芽腫性 病巢가 형성되어 있었다. 검출된 충체는 둘다 Anisakis type I 幼蟲이었다. Two cases of gastric anisakiasis caused by Anisakis type I larva were reported. The patients, residing in Pusan, were 66-year-old male and 36-year-old female. They chiefly complained of epigastric pain and recalled they had eaten raw marine fish such as sea eel and bream. Two whitish round worms were found in the hypertrophic and granulomatous mucosa of stomach wall on gastroscopic examinations, and were classified as Anisakis type I larva.

      • Anisakis typeⅠ 유충에 의한 급성 장 아니사키스증 1례

        손운목,설상영 인제대학교 1994 仁濟醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        1993년 8월 23일에 복통 및 오심을 주소로 부산백병원 내과를 찾아온 49세 여성에 대한 내시경 검사에서 십이지장 구부의 장벽을 뚫고 있는 아니사키스 유충 1마리를 검출하였다. 환자는 내원 10일 전에 동네 시장에서 구입한 광어회를 먹은 경험이 있었고 내원 5일 전부터 복통, 오심 등의 증상이 나타났다고 하였다. 복부 초음파 검사 및 간 기능 검사 소견은 정상이었고 특별한 이학적 소견은 없었으며 혈액학적 검사에서 호산구가 11.3%로 다소 증가되어 있었다. 검출한 충체는 22.7×0.46mm크기의 Anisakis type I 유충이었다. A case of acute intestinal anisakiasis was confirmed by endoscopic examination on August 23, 1993. The patient, residing in Pusan, was a 49-year-old housewife, chiefly complained of abdominal pain and nausea and recalled that the symptoms attacted her about 5 days after eating raw flesh of Paralichthys olivaceus. All values of the laboratory examination except the increase of eosinophils(11.3%) were in the normal range. In the endoscopic examination performed about 5 days after the onset of symptom, a long whitish nematode larva was found and removed with a biopsy forceps. The larva was prepared for species identification and identified as the 4th stage one of Anisakis type 1.Key Words: Acute intestinal anisakiasis, Endoscopy, Anisakis type I larva.

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