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      • KCI등재

        지역지리 연구의 주요 원리와 제주 지역 연구에 주는 함의

        손명철(Son Myong Cheol) 한국문화역사지리학회 2017 문화 역사 지리 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 라우텐자흐의 지리적 형태변이론과 메이닉의 지역지리 구성 원리, 그리고 최근 논의되고 있는 신 지역지리와 포스트모던 지리학의 핵심 논지를 토대로 제주 지역 연구의 방향성을 모색해보려는 것이다. 제주는 한반도 육지부와 떨어진 도서로서 독특한 자연환경을 기반으로 오랫동안 고유한 생활문화를 형성해온 독자적인 지역이라 할 수 있다. 지리적 형태변이론과 지역지리 구성 원리, 신지역지리와 포스트모던 지리학은 모두 제주 지역 연구에 의미 있는 시사점을 제공하지만, 특히 이론이 배태된 시·공간 맥락의 차이와 연구지역의 규모의 차 이 등으로 인해 부분적인 한계를 가진다. This study aims to seek a way for Jeju Island Studies based on Lautensach’s Geographishe Formenwandel, Meinig’s Basic Principles for Regional Geography and core elements of New Regional Geography and Postmodern Geography. Jeju Island has specific natural environments and unique cultural heritage, far from Korea peninsular. These theory and principles have important implication for Jeju Island studies, but have limits as well.

      • KCI등재

        세계지리 수업에서 여행기를 활용한 정의적 영역의 보완

        손명철(Son, Myong Cheol) 한국지역지리학회 2016 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 중등학교 세계지리 수업에서 여행기를 활용하여 가치와 태도 같은 정의적 영역을 보완하는 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 현행 세계지리 교과서의 학습활동은 거의 지식 전달 중심의 인지적 영역의 활동에 편중되어 있다. 이는 일차적으로 교육과정에 제시된 성취기준이 인지적 영역에 치중되어 있기 때문이라 할 수 있다. 여행기는 저자가 직접 해당 지역을 여행하면서 체험하고 관찰하고 느낀 점을 기록한 생생한 현장보고서이며 내러티브 텍스트의 일종이다. 세계지리 수업에서 여행기를 활용함으로써 맥락적 이해를 통해 편견을 감소시키고, 자기 성찰을 통해 내면적 성숙 을 도모하며, 인식의 전환을 통해 통념을 해체하는 등의 정의적 학습 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 이는 지구상의 평화와 공존, 그리고 협력을 추구하는 세계시민교육의 핵심 가치와도 부합하는 것이라 할 수 있다. This study aims to seek for solution to reinforce affective domain in World Geography instruction using travelog. The result can be summarized as follows. First, The World Geography textbooks are given too much emphasis on cognitive domain. This overevaluation is due to the fact that official World Geography curriculum is concentrated in cognitive domain. Second, Travelogs can be effectively used for reinforcing affective domain in World Geography education. They can reinforce the various attitudes and values that students need. I hope that this study could activate discussion on affective domain and graphic skills in geography education.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 주도적인 탐구형 세계지리 교과서 모형 탐색 -영국의 고등학교 <World Geography: Case Studies>를 사례로-

        손명철 ( Myong Cheol Son ) 한국지리환경교육학회 2013 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        This study aims to seek for a model of self-directed, inquiry world geography textbook by analyzing the English high school textbook, World Geography: Case Studies. The English World Geography gives body to self-directed, inquiry textbook model through 4 strategies. First, each chapter has a student` role and his major tasks. Second, every learning activities are developed as a scenario. Third, students can learn scientific research method through Key Question 1, 2, 3. Finally, students can study as geographers by studying lots of Resources that reflect a characteristics of geography or geographic structure of knowledge. Therefore, the English World Geography gives a lot of implication to Korean world geography textbook.

      • KCI등재후보

        지속가능한 제주의 미래를 위한 장소기반교육 : 생태환경교육과 지역지식을 중심으로

        손명철(Son, Myong-Cheol) 제주학회 2021 濟州島硏究 Vol.56 No.-

        이 연구는 지속가능한 제주의 미래를 만들어가기 위해 지금부터 다양한 장소기반교 육을 실천하자고 제안하려는 것이다. 현재 지구촌은 심각한 기후위기 문제에 직면하고 있다. 한반도 남쪽 끝 화산섬 제주는 특히 지구 온난화를 비롯한 기후위기 문제에 취약할 수밖에 없으며, 이에 대한 근본적이고 장기적인 대응방안이 모색되고 실천될 필요가 있다. 제주라는 장소, 곧 학습자의 일상 생활 공간에 기반한 생태환경교육을 통해 미래 세대에게 생태적 자아와 생태적 장소감을 함양할 수 있도록 도와줌으로써, 지구적 규모의 기후위기에 슬기롭게 대처하고 생태적으로 건강한 삶터를 만들어갈 수 있도록 준비해야 한다. 또한 오랫동안 제주의 자연환경에 적응하여 살아오면서 체득하고 전승해 온 제주인들의 지역지식 혹은 토착지식을 발굴하고 이를 학교 교육과정에 포함 하여 가르침으로써, 제주에 대한 이해를 높이고 제주인으로서 자긍심을 기르는 계기를 마련해야 할 것이다. This study is to propose to practice various place-based education from now on to create a sustainable future of Jeju Island. Currently, the global village is facing a serious climate crisis. Jeju, a small volcanic island located at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula, is particularly vulnerable to climate crises, including climate warming. Therefore, it is necessary to seek and implement a fundamental and long-term countermeasure against this. Through ecological environment education based on the place called Jeju, that is, the daily living space of learners, we need to help future generations to cultivate their ecological self and ecological sense of place. Furthermore, it is necessary to wisely cope with the global climate crisis and prepare to create an ecologically healthy living space. In addition, it is necessary to discover local or indigenous knowledge of Jeju people, which has been acquired and passed on while adapting to the natural environment of Jeju for a long time, and to include it in the school curriculum and teach it. Through this, it is necessary to provide an opportunity to enhance the understanding of Jeju Island and to nurture self-esteem as a Jeju citizen.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        팀프로젝트를 활용한 대학 교양수업 운영사례 분석

        이경언(Lee, Kyung Eon),양창용(Yang, Chang Yong),손명철(Son, Myong Cheol) 서원대학교 사범대학 부설 교육연구소 2021 교육발전 Vol.41 No.1

        본 연구는 A대학교에서 팀프로젝트 방식을 활용하여 운영한 교양수업에 대한 사례 분석 연구로서, 팀프로젝트 방식을 적용한 수업 운영의 문제점을 분석하고 이를 통해 보다 효과적인 수업 운영을 위한 방안을 제언하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 수업의 전반적인 운영을 교과목 개요, 교과목 운영, 수강생 평가라는 3개의 대영역으로 나누어 세부적으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 팀프로젝트 학습 방법을 활용한 교양수업은 기존의 지식 전달 중심이 아니라 자기주도적 학습 능력, 협업 능력, 의사소통 능력, 토론 능력과 같은 미래사회 핵심역량의 측면에서 효과적인 수업 방식인 것으로 나타났다. 효과적인 팀프로젝트 운영을 위해서는 계속적인 팀원 간의 상호작용과 협업을 유도해야 하며, 팀프로젝트 목적에 부합하는 과제물과 평가 방법이 제시될 필요가 있다. 또한 다양한 관점에서의 유의미한 피드백을 위해 팀티칭과 같은 협력적 교수체계가 필요한 것으로 보인다. This study is a case study of liberal arts classes operated by A-University using team project methods. It was intended to specifically analyze the problems and directions of the class operation using the team project method and propose measures for more effective class operation. To this purpose, the overall operation of the lecture was divided into three major areas: lecture overview, lecture operation, and student evaluation. In the lecture overview, many examples were presented focusing on the preparation stage of lectures by dividing them into details of the lecture objectives, course applications and results, and lecture plans. The lecture operation was divided into four stages: preparation and topic setting, planning and implementation, presentation and evaluation, and feedback, and was analyzed focusing on the practical methods and processes of class operation using the team project method. The student evaluation was divided into subject selection, team operation, posters, UCC, class reviews, focusing on the results of the university s assessment and the activity report submitted by the students. According to the analysis, the liberal arts class using the team project learning method was not a traditional knowledge transfer center, but a very effective class method in terms of self-directed learning skills, collaborative skills, communication skills, and discussion skills. For more effective team project operation, ongoing interaction and collaboration between team members should be induced, and tasks and evaluation methods should be presented to meet the purpose of the team project. Finally, a cooperative teaching system such as team teaching is needed for proper feedback on various topics.

      • KCI등재

        利川地域 製造業 勞動市場의 空間的 特性 : A Case study of the Local Labour Market in Ichon, Kyunggi Provice

        孫明哲 한국 지리·환경 교육학회 1995 한국지리환경교육학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the uniqueness and dynamic process of a place with respect to the labour market in manufacturing industries in Ichon. This study consists of four parts. The first part reviews briefly the ideas and core arguments of local labour market raised in the new regional approaches; the second part outlines the location of major manufacturing industries and residential distribution of the employers and employed in the case study area, Ichon; the third part analyzes the characteristics and process of the labour market in manufacturing industry; and the last part explains the uniqueness and dynamic process of a place, Ichon. Major theoretical findings in the study are summarized in the followings. First, economists and sociologists in general presume that labour markets are segmented non-spatially. But all labour markets become spatially segmented. Second, most preceding studies divide the spatial structure of Korea into three regions: capital region, south-east region, and south-west region. But such divisions in regional scale need to be critically investigated in local scale. Third, the active role of space in labour market processes needs to be emphasized according to the revealed importance of local labour markets. Suggestions for future research are summarized as follows. First, more empirical case studies should be done, and so more sophisticated research models should be developed in the new regional approaches. Second, for further analysis of local areas in Korea, regional scale census units in publication should be adjusted to local scale, for example, town or county.

      • 인구 Potential 과 접근도분석에 의한 지방행정중심지 입지선정에 관한 연구 - 경북도청 입지선정을 사례로 -

        손명철 서울대학교 지리교육과 1986 地理敎育論集 Vol.17 No.1

        This is a case study of the location-allocation of a new provincial capital city in Kyung Sang Buk Do. The study analyzes the population potentials and nodal accessibilities of 24 major cities in the province. The population potential is examined to find the maximum point of administrative demand, and the location-allocation model is analyzed to find the minimum point of the aggregated travel-cost to a proposed provincial government office. The nodal accessibilities, measured in travel-time distance and actual distance, are transformed to z-scores to compare their accessibility values. Two major concerns in locating public facilities are efficiency and equity. This study, however, emphasizes the efficiencies of a new location rather than its equity. The results of these analyses are summarized as follows: 1. Gumi city receives the maximum value for administrative demand in the population potential analysis, and the cities of Gyeongsan, Yeongcheon, Waigwan have subordinate values. 2. Gunwi city appeared as a geometrical center measured by the direct-distance analysis, and is centrally located in terms of the traffic system. This is important in that main roads must be made straightly, and that the traffic systems developed in accordance with the national economic development. 3. A travel-time-distance weighted by the population size seems to be the most adequate index in locating the local administrative office, since it encompasses the socio-economic conditions of all the cities. The cities of Dalseong, Yeongcheon, Waigwan, Euiseong, Gyeongsan, and Andong show high accessibility values in the analysis of weighted travel-time distance. But this order differs with regard to accessible time and the rate of accessible population per hour. 4. A comparison of z-scores, measured by the direct-distance, simple-physical-distance and simpletravel-time distance, indicates that the cities of Pohang, Gyeongju, Hwayang are distant from the center of absolute location (direct-distance) but relatively near to the center due to the good quality roads, while the cities of Gunwi, Euiseong, Yeongcheon, and Sangju are not. 5. When simple-time-distance and characteristics of population are considered together, the cities of Pohang, Gyeongju, Yeongcheon appeared to be near to the center, while the cities of Yeongyang, Jeomchon did not. 6. Dalseong city has the highest aggregated accessibility value of the 5 different distance measures. The cities of Waigwan, Euiseong, Yeongcheon, and Andong have the next highest. Gumi city and Pohang city, howevers, which rank highly in the population potential analysis, rank only 6th and 17th, respectively, in terms of their aggregated accessibility value. The results of aggregating the accessibility values indicate that Dalseong, Yeongcheon, Waigwan, and Gyeongsan are reasonable places for the possible new location of a provincial government office. But, when we consider the equity principle, these before-mentioned cities are not good places for a balanced development strategy of Gyung Sang Buk Do. In conclusion, Gumi, Euiseong, and Andong are good locations for a new provincial city in Gyung-Buk Province. However,in locating a local administrative center, we need to consider comprehensively the natural conditions (configuration of the ground, water, land, size of hinterland, etc.), socio-economic conditions (public service facilities, landprice, etc.), and historical-cultural features of each city, besides the analysis methods used by this study. Finally, we are in urgent need of a study on political and governmental factors, since the location of a local administrative center is actually influenced more by political and governmental factors rather than the results of these objective analyses.

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