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      • KCI등재

        일제하 근기 지식인의 삶과 사유, 『관란재일기』

        소인호(So In-ho) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2006 한국학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        『觀潤齋日記』는 鄭觀海(1873~1949)에 의해 쓰여진 총 24권 분량의 한문 생활일기로서, 한일합방 직후인 1912년 1월 30일에서 해방 직후인 1948년 1월 28일까지 약 35년에 해당하는 내용을 담고 있다. 본고에서는 일기에 나타난 관란의 삶과 학문, 그리고 일제강점기를 살아오면서 그가 취했던 현실 인식과 대응 양상을 살펴보았다. 관란은 낙론 계열의 성리학적 학맥, 특히 간재 전우에게 직접 가르침을 받았다. 하지만 그의 학문적 계보를 직접 이어받은 것은 아니었던 것으로 보이며, 학파적 범주에 구속받지 않고 明德主理主氣論爭 등의 성리학 논변에 있어서도 객관적인 태도로 그 장단점을 성찰하려 하고 있다. 그는 학문의 목적을 入本致用에 두는 도학적 태도를 견지하면서, 실천이 없는 虛文을 경계하고 전통 학문을 통한 후학 교육에 매진하였다. 그렇지만 변화하는 교육 현실을 외면하고 근대적 신학문 교육에 대해 비타협적인 태도로 일관하였던 까닭에 시대의 요구에 제대로 부응할 수 없었다. 관란은 일제하의 가혹한 현실에 처하여 일정부분 타협을 하기도 했지만, 도학적 이념과 원칙만큼은 끝까지 지키고자 했다. 그리고 일제가 강요하는 개화 정책과 서교에 대해서는 수구를 자처하며 완강히 거부했던 반면, 서양의 앞선 물질문명에 대해서는 다소 유연한 개방적 자세를 보여주고 있다. 또한 그는 일제하 정국의 추이를 예리하게 주시하고 있었는데, 특히 30년대 이후 국제사회의 동향을 바라보는 정치적 안목은 대단히 탁월한 것으로 평가된다. 전통적 보수 유림의 성향이 강한 그 시대 평범한 농촌지식인의 삶이 총체적으로 무르녹아 있는 『관란재일기』는 당대 근기 지식인의 일반적 동향을 알려주는 소중한 자료로 평가된다. A diary has very important meaning in that it shows the real shapes of society without any addition and subtraction. 『Gwallanjae Diary』, written by Jeong Gwan-Hae, is a plain confession of a conservative intellectual during Japan's colonial rule of Korea. In this study, I have examined the author's attitude about social conditions, education, western sciences and religion, Japanese imperialism, etc. The author of 『Gwallanjae Diary』, living in rapid changes of society, remained as an ordinary farmer in spite of his extraordinary academic capacity. Instead of it, he devoted himself to the education of traditional confucianism. To him, the aim of learning was only to expound the teachings of Confucius. He held fast to moral philosophy and believed in the precious value of learning. He was very anxious about the Japanese colonialism, but could not showed any active resistance. He thought that the establishment of social order was necessary above all things, and that it is possible only with restoring the human nature. He also had a very cute sense of discrimination toward the a political development during Japan's colonial rule of Korea. Especially in the latter part of the diary, we can find that he forecasted the stream of international situation very correctly. He was one of ordinary Geun-gi(近畿) intellectual who has strongly the disposition of traditional and conservative Confucian scholars. However, the very commonness can rather be useful to understand the shape of agricultural district and the literate stratum at that time.

      • 시대를 앞서간 두 천재

        소인호(So, In-Ho) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2021 No.07

        In this study, I compared the lives of two genius intellectuals(Choi Chi-Won and Kim Si-Sup) who were ahead of their time. I also looked into the world of works and major issues of <Choi Chi-Won> and 『Geumo Shinhwa』, where their lives are projected. Through this, I tried to reexamine the status of these works in the history of Korean novels. Despite the distance of 600 years, Choi Chi-won and Kim Si-seup resemble each other in many ways. They were the best intellectuals of their time, and they could not be in harmony with the times. After experiencing ideological wanderings, they unfortunately turned their back on the world. <Choi Chi-Won> and 『Geumo Shinhwa』 occupy an important place in the history of early Korean novels. By dealing with the unacceptable relationship between the protagonist as problematic individuals and the world that oppresses them, the two works opened up the novel era in the history of korean literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        미술기법의 유형분석을 통한 한국 고대문화의 정체성 연구

        소인선(In-Sun SO) 한국글로벌문화학회 2015 글로벌문화연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 한민족의 고대 문화와 스키타이 세계의 영적문화를 미술의 기법을 통하여 유형화하고 문화적 유사성을 분석하였다. 스키타이 황금을 영적 문화에 도입은 가야나 신라 문화와의 계통적 연관성으로 한국문화 기원의 주류를 이루고 있다. 동물양식, 신라 금관, 띠 장식 등에 그대로 나타나 있음을 알 수 있다. 한반도에서 스키타이까지 북방 초원으로 이어진 유목민족의 이동 경로를 보여주어 역사적 기억을 되찾는다. 북방 유라시아 초원의 길은 스키타이, 샤카, 훈, 흉노, 몽고 한반도 등으로 이어지면서 한국민족과 연결되며 동서가 하나로 만났던 유라시아 대륙문화로서 한국 역사의 미래 비전을 보여준다. 분석 결과, 한-스카타이 영적 문화 유사성은 상당히 큰 것으로 추정할 수 있으며, 제도나 미술적 특성의 공유는 한국사회에 적응하거나 한국사회의 전통적 가치나 사회구조에 대한 정신적 통합에 상당한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 스키타이의 대표적인 문화인 동물문양의 소재가 될 수 있는 그림이 알타이지역에서 보다 훨씬 빠른 시기에 이미 한반도에서 등장했으며 사슴을 소재로 한 그림은 부여지역에서도 발견되고 있어서, 한민족 문화가 스키타이나 시베리아 지역과 공유하고 선도적으로 전파하였다고 평가된다. This study is focussing on the on the art techniques analysis to identity of ancient Korean culture in Korea-Scytian ornaments pattern which had been popular in Steppe region of Eurasia as well as Korean peninsular. Art techniques related to the spiritual concept to provide protection against evil or disaster and representations of them thus occupied an important place in life. This style reflected the mythology, the ethical and aesthetic ideals of the warrior-nomad. The meaning of the art techniques used in Scythian ornaments appears that in some cases the work was appeard in Korea. In the 7th century BC Scythians penetrated from the territories north of the Black Sea across the Caucasus. After being defeated by the Orientals and driven from the Near East, in the first half of the 6th century BCE, Scythians had to re-conquer lands north of the Black Sea. Scythia"s social development at the end of the 5th century BC and in the 4th century BC was linked to its privileged status of trade with Korean Peninsular, its efforts to control this trade, and the consequences partly stemming from these two. Aggressive external policy intensified exploitation of dependent populations and progressed the stratification among the rulers in the both regions. Scythian culture representative of the animal can be pictures in the Altay area patterned material which were much already emerged from the Korean peninsula at a time. Korean culture share and spread into Scythian-Siberian region to revealed on the research.

      • 쟁장설화(爭長說話) 연구

        소인 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2004 人文科學論集 Vol.29 No.-

        In this study, I tried to examine the characteristics of 'Jaengjang folktale(쟁장설화)' and its process toward the old novel 'Dukkeop-jeon(두껍전)' which was made in the latter period of Joseon dynasty. The Jaengjang folktale has many variations as the shape of written or oral folktale. We can find it's first shape in Bonsaengdam(본생담) which is the story of Budda telling the reason how he had become Budda. It gave forth to many similar versions in China, Korea, and Japan. Thus, in the latter period of Joseon dynasty, it has finally become a novel named 'Dukkeop-jeon'. The surroundings, characters, and events of Dukkeop-jeon' are not so simple and plane any more as in the level of folktale. It became to have various characteristics and organic meaning reflecting the situations of Joseon society.

      • KCI등재

        운동영양학 : Octacosanol 섭취가 단거리 육상선수의 등속성 근력 및 신체조성에 미치는 효과

        소인철(InCheolSo),양윤권(YoonKwonYang),이한용(HanYongLee),이상훈(SangHoonLee) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of octacosanol administration for short-term on isokinetic muscle strength and body composition in sprinter. The subjects of this study were 10 athletes hight school male and all subjects were involved in each test. The octacosanol(40mg: 10mg×4/day) was administration for 7 days and parameters related to the isokinetic muscle strength and body composition were measured through strength and composition testing to octacosanol administration before and after each treatment. The subject who engaged in this isokinetic exercised at 30% of 1-RM(5 repetitions). The assessment of isokinetic factor was in concentric flexors and extensors of right and left knee joint(peak torque, average work, total work). Isokinetic exercise tests were performed by each subject on a Isomed 2000. The assessment of Body composition factor was in weight, %muscle and %fat. Statistical analysis were performed using analysis of variance paired t-test, accepting level for all significant was above α=.05. The administration of octacosanol for short-term was significantly increased of Isokonetic muscle strength and body composition. The results were as follows 1. The administration of octacosanol for short-term was significantly increased of peak torque in Isokinetic muscle strength(left flexors and extensors; P<.05) 2. The administration of octacosanol for short-term was significantly increased of average work and total work in Isokinetic muscle strength(left extensors; P<.05) 3. The administration of octacosanol for short-term was significantly increased in body composition(%muscle; P<.05)

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