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      • KCI등재

        뉴트로 패션에 대한 소셜미디어 빅데이터 분석

        성광숙 한국일러스아트학회 2020 조형미디어학 Vol.23 No.2

        In recent years, Newtro has established itself as a mega trend in the fashion industry. This study analyzed the response to Newtro Fashion through text mining techniques for the big data accumulated through social media, and the research results are as follows. First, about Newtro Fashion, the total number of social media posts collected in the last three years is 6.878, and the extracted keywords are 122.101. Among them, 63 major keywords were selected based on the frequency of co-occurrence over 230 times. ‘Newtro’ (11.113 times) is the most popular keyword over 2000 times, followed by ‘Fashion’(8.983 times), ‘Retro’ (3.223 times), ‘Style’(2.234 times), and ‘Trend’(2.111 times), appeared as the text with the greatest influence. Second, the analysis result of network degree centrality between major keywords for Newtro Fashion, the number of nodes connected with ‘Newtro’(11.113 times) and ‘Fashion’(8.983 times) is overwhelmingly followed by ‘Retro’ (3.223 times), ‘Style’(2.234 times), and ‘Trend’(2.111 times) It appears as an influential text. It seems to be an important factor in exploring the reaction of social media to Newtro. Third, through the CONCOR analysis, vocabulary with structural equivalence between key keywords for Newtro fashion was rearranged and clustered, and four clusters were derived by grouping through network semantic network visualization. Fourth, the result of discussion by analyzing the contents of the 4 groups, ‘Various fashion products of Newtro sensibility’ is composed of text related to Newtro sensibility, text related to Newtro style, text related to Newtro fashion item, and text related to Newtro fashion issue. 최근 몇 년 사이 뉴트로(Newtro)는 패션업계의 메가 트랜드로 자리매김하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 소셜미디어를 통해 축적된 빅데이터를 텍스트마이닝 기법을 통해 뉴트로 패션에 대한 반응을 분석하였으며, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 뉴트로 패션에 대해, 최근 3년 간 수집된 소셜미디어의 게시글은 총 6.878 건이며, 추출된 키워드는 총 122.101 개이다. 이중 공출현빈도 230 회 이상을 기준으로 63개의 주요 키워드를 선정하였다. 2000 회 이상의 상위 키워드로는 ‘뉴트로’(11.113 회)가 가장 많고, 이어 ‘패션’(8.983 회), ‘레트로’(3.223 회), ‘스타일’(2.234 회), ‘트랜드’(2.111 회)등이 영향력이 가장 큰 텍스트로 나타났다. 둘째, 뉴트로 패션에 대한 주요 키워드 간의 네트워크 연결중심성 분석 결과, ‘뉴트로’(11.113 회)와 ‘패션’(8.983 회)이 연결된 노드수가 압도적으로 많고, 다음으로 ‘레트로’(3.223 회), ‘스타일’(2.234 회), ‘트렌드’(2.111 회)등이 영향력이 큰 텍스트로 나타나, 뉴트로에 대한 소셜미디어의 반응 탐구에 중요한 요인이 되는 것으로 판단된다. 셋째, CONCOR 분석을 통해 뉴트로 패션에 대한 주요 키워드들 간의 구조적 등위성을 갖는 어휘들을 재배치하여 군집화하고, 네트워크 의미연결망 시각화를 통해 그룹화하여 4개의 군집을 도출하였다. 1그룹은 27개의 텍스트로서 ‘뉴트로 감성의 다양한 패션 제품들’, 2그룹은 4개 텍스트로서 ‘뉴트로 패션 브랜드’, 3그룹은 26개 텍스츠로서 ‘뉴트로 문화 현상과 뉴트로 콘셉트의 시장’, 4그룹은 6개 텍스츠로서 ‘뉴트로 대세 패션 제품들’ 로 명명하였다. 넷째. 도출된 4개의 그룹을 내용분석하여 논의한 결과, 1그룹, ‘뉴트로 감성의 다양한 패션 제품들’은 뉴트로 감성 관련 텍스트, 뉴트로 스타일 관련 텍스트, 뉴트로 패션아이템 관련 텍스트, 뉴트로 패션 이슈 관련 텍스트 등으로 구성되어 있다.

      • 60년대 이후 패션 트랜드를 중심으로 본 패션 모델이미지

        성광숙 한국패션뷰티학회 2004 한국패션뷰티학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The main focus of this study is to provide the interrelation about the defining fashion model image by the fashion trend since 1960. This is expressed as follows, First, in the 60s'; 1) Image of innocent dolly style, Jean Shrimpton 2) Image of sexual style, Celia Hammond 3) Image of art style with charicteristic mask, Peggy Moffitt 4) Image of immature boyish style, Twiggy. Second, in the 70s'; 1) Image of natural and intelligent style, Larun Hutton 2) Image of exotic style with black beauty, Imman 3) Image of graceful and sexal style, Veruschka 4) Image of glamour and sexual style, Jerry Hall. Third, in the 80s'; 1) Image of unisexual style with power, Grace Jones 2) Image of graceful and noble style, In`es de la Fressange 3) Image of healthy and sexy style, Christie Brinkley 4) Image of sexy style with good sense, super model. And fourth, in the 90s' and now; 1) Image of glamour sexual style with self-consciousness, Claudia Shiffer 2) Image of graceful style with dignity, Christy Turlington 3) Image of asexual and androginous style, Stella Tennant), 4)Image of Twiggy style with immature and slender, Kate Moss 5) Image of new glamour style, Giseel Bundchen 6) Image of new style with unique beauty, Amber Vaiietta 7)Image of exotic style, Devon Aoki 8) Extraordinary, image of various style. The result of thir study, fashion models image have played a role in transmitting the style of fashion trend in their relevancy. Anyway it can be said that fashion models imply figurative meanings of the fashion trend.

      • KCI등재후보

        20세기 초기 패션 일러스트레이션의 현대화 양상

        성광숙 한국패션디자인학회 2010 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 패션 일러스트레이션이 현대화로 전환되는 시기의 조망을 통해 그 양상들을 고찰하고 분석하여 현대 패션 일러스트레이션의 초기 역사를 밝히는데 있다. 연구방법은 1910년에서 1920년대 사이의 패션 일러스트레이션에 관한 문헌고찰과 수집된 작품의 분석을 통해 수행되었으며, 다음과 같이 20세기 초기 패션일러스트레이션의 현대화 양상을 유추하고 논의하였다. 첫째, 제작기술의 발달과 전달 매체의 질적 확장을 들 수 있다. 포쇼와르 기법으로 제작기술이 발달하였고, 포아레에 의한 1908년과 1911년의 두 앨범을 시발점으로 하여, 그 후 훌륭한 잡지들이 다수 발간되었으며 우수한 패션 일러스트레이터를 고용하여 창의적인 작품을 발표할 수 있는 환경이 조성되었다. 둘째, 모더니즘 예술사조와 이국주의의 고양 및 반영이 이루어진다. 야수주의, 입체주의, 미래주의, 표현주의, 구성주의, 신조형주의, 아르데코 등이 문화적으로 크게 고양되고, 패션과 패션 일러스트레이션에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 한편 이 시기는 러시아 발레단에 의한 도취적인 기운과 일본풍의 유행에 의해 엑조티즘이 반영되어 장식적이고 강렬한 색채감각이 나타나게 되었다. 셋째, 표현 양식의 혁명적 전환이 이루어진다. 1)디자인 묘사를 탈피한 이미지적 구성: 디자인 묘사와 설명 중심으로 진부했던 패션 일러스트레이션에서 패션의 이미지, 마인드, 컨셉 등을 전달하는 보다 감성적 차원의 표현 세계가 시작되었다. 2)개성화된 인체: 이전까지의 정형화된 캐릭터와 움직이는 않는 조상 같은 모델에서, 극단적인 비재현의 상까지에는 이르지 않으나 인공적인, 동양적인, 길고 가늘게 왜곡 과장된, 단순화 된, 생략된 형 등의 얼굴과 몸으로 다양하게 개성화된 인체표현이 이루어지기 시작했다. 3)강렬한 대비에 의해 조화된 색상: 색채의 해방을 표방한 야수주의, 강렬한 원색으로 환원한 신조형주의와 아르데코 장식 미술양식 등의 미술사조와 이국주의의 영향, 포쇼와르 인쇄기법 등에 기인한다. 4)명료한 윤곽선과 단순한 평면 기법: 원근법과 입체감에 의한 서구회화의 전통을 무시하고, 평면적 컬러링과 명료한 윤곽선에 의한 혁명적인 기법에로의 전환은 한 마디로 ‘단순성과 명료성’로 요약 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        얼굴색에 따른 상의 의복색 이미지와 선호도 평가 - 지각자의 성별을 중심으로 -

        성광숙,이연희 한국니트디자인학회 2009 패션과 니트 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to find out preference and image evaluation by upper garment color to complexion and perceiver's genders. This study is based on the quasi-experimental study method with contents analysis method and experimental method. Experiment was conducted by gathering opinions by poll, with twelves operational stimulants which are one model wearing six difference upper garment colors by two complexions and checking the typical reactions of perceiver. The result of this study suggests the following. Firstly, charm, gorgeousness, femininity, modesty, youth, and familiarity were came out as the result of factor analysis of complexion and upper garment colors. Secondly, on the stimulus of faced make-up was evaluated as more charm, gorgeousness, femininity to male subjects, but bare face was evaluated younger to female subjects. On the stimulus of upper garment colors, salmon pink was evaluated as more charm, femininity, modesty, and youth to male subjects, while red upper garment color was evaluated as more modesty and youth to female subjects. Thirdly, in preference rate, female subjects normally preferred bare face. Male subjects preferred pind and red T-shirts, but female preferred orange-red and medium-brown. Through these results, it is confirmed that the complexion and upper garment color were influential variables in the research on bust image perception and preference against a female model in her 20s. The purpose of this study was to find out preference and image evaluation by upper garment color to complexion and perceiver's genders. This study is based on the quasi-experimental study method with contents analysis method and experimental method. Experiment was conducted by gathering opinions by poll, with twelves operational stimulants which are one model wearing six difference upper garment colors by two complexions and checking the typical reactions of perceiver. The result of this study suggests the following. Firstly, charm, gorgeousness, femininity, modesty, youth, and familiarity were came out as the result of factor analysis of complexion and upper garment colors. Secondly, on the stimulus of faced make-up was evaluated as more charm, gorgeousness, femininity to male subjects, but bare face was evaluated younger to female subjects. On the stimulus of upper garment colors, salmon pink was evaluated as more charm, femininity, modesty, and youth to male subjects, while red upper garment color was evaluated as more modesty and youth to female subjects. Thirdly, in preference rate, female subjects normally preferred bare face. Male subjects preferred pind and red T-shirts, but female preferred orange-red and medium-brown. Through these results, it is confirmed that the complexion and upper garment color were influential variables in the research on bust image perception and preference against a female model in her 20s.

      • 복식 확대 현상의 내적 의미에 관한 연구

        성광숙 동명정보대학교 정보디자인연구소 2002 DESIGN STUDIES Vol.1 No.-

        An 'Enlargement' in costume implies visual and dimensional expansion. This study is focused on the woman's costume in which I investigated the change of human bodies enlargement and their meanings of symbolic representation. Having explored enlarged costume in 20 century form Gothic times, I will mentioned historical evidence with social and cultural background in their times and discussed the meanings of that. As a result, their meanings are divided into three times ; historical costume, historical costume and 20 century fashion in common and 20 century fashion. The main idea of this study can be summerazed as follow ; The first, the meanings of 'Enlargement' in historical costume was showing off their social status or wealth. The second, in historical costune and 20 century in common, that's meaning was ; desiring for decorating own bodies, identifing own prosperity with enlarged costume, expressing symbol for physical sex, forming the ideal type of human body according to their times, forming the style with ideology about that, and changing the excitative points of human bodies. The third, in 20 century fashion that's meanings were ; avoiding the shock of downgrade economics and society, expressing own esthetic sense without considered body structure, and being regard as the biggest method to changing fashion trends.

      • KCI등재

        서양복식에 나타난 양적과장의 미의식에 관한 연구(I) -고대부터 근대복식을 중심으로-

        성광숙,이순홍 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.6

        Opposed to following the contours of the human body, the voluminous enlargement in costume, which characterizes the distinguished enlargement in space rather than the contour of human body, mean the enlargement aspect involving the vertical protrusion and the expansion of shape and volume as well as the extension of length. The costume enlargement as a different method of expression is a symbol showing a meaning of something and an aesthetic expression containing man's will. This voluminous enlargement of costume, as an aesthetic expression, has different formative characteristicsand immanent meanings according to ideals and thoughts as well as social and cultural background of each age Accordingly, the aesthetic consciousness also differaccording to the change of the times. To study the aesthetic consciousness of costume's voluminous enlargement, focous had been given to milieus that show comparatively conspicuous voluminous enlargement Periods that have been subjected to this study include costumes of the ancient Egypt, the Gothic period in the Middle age, the Renaissance, the Baroque Rococo of the recent times, and the modern era (Empire, Romantic, Art Nouveau. etc) With focus given to the principle of design obtained through this study were used to analyze the aesthetic characteristics, Futhermore, based on the spirit of the times and the socio-cultural symbolism, research on immanent meanings, as supported by objectivity and universal validity, was also made, the enlargement beauty of costume had been placed under the aesthetic category and, by interpreting the analogies of presented in aesthetic consciousness, the true nature of the voluminous enlargement in costume had been traced. To Conclude, the aesthetic consciousness of the voluminous enlargement of the costumes in history was found to have following characteristics: (l) Metaphorical (2) Unlooked-for irregularity (3) feeling of satisfaction driven by self-enlargement (4) Dignified sublimity (5) Symbol of wealth and class (6) Ceremonial dignity (7) Tradition of the nobility (8) Aesthetic ornament (9) Ideal contour of the body

      • KCI등재

        패션 일러스트레이션의 상업적 기능과 특성에 관한 연구

        성광숙(Kwang Sook Sung) 한국복식학회 2000 服飾 Vol.50 No.7

        This research centers on studying the function and characteristic of fashion illustration for advertisement and publication which is, among plenty of fashion illustration`s functions, the commercial one. Here are some purposes of the research. First, it presents the function of fashion illustration. Second, under the contemporary circumstance of specialization and subdivision, it gives people the better understanding of fashion illustration by providing a variety of its classification bases other than the typical, simple grouping of style drawing and fashion illustration. Third, this research helps fashion illustration establish itself as commercial art by showing how fashion illustration is utilized in the field as a part of the fashion industry. The methods and contents of the research are described that the concept of fashion illustration, characteristic , classification bases and commercial function are presented and than the data of fashion illustration which have been used as goods since 1990 in the nation are selected in order to analyze the media for the application of fashion illustration, its expression methods, factors and images. By doing so, advertising fashion illustration are much less than those of published fashion illustration and even most cases of advertising fashion illustration are related just to poster advertisement such as magazines, fashion events or public subscription. The published fashion illustration isn`t also attracting the public since it focuses on fashion information books, fashion magazines or fashion-clothing books. Another finding is that the expression style of fashion illustration is not various or distinctive. The expression remains in the trends of painting, figurative drawing, sometimes adopts post-modernism which is reflected in popular cartoon and figures exaggerates or simplifies the human body. The image of fashion illustration is simple, casual or feminine in the rough. For the development of commercial fashion illustration, it is required to produce fashion illustrators, not works but goods, with various concepts appealing to the public.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유치의 치은열구 깊이에 관한 통계학적 연구

        성광숙,이종갑 大韓小兒齒科學會 1984 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.11 No.1

        Author have measured the depth of gingival sulcus of the primary teeth. 333 teeth were selected from the children who attended on the department of pedodontic, College of dentistry, Yonsei University, and kindergarten children at Won Ju city aged from 1 year 8 months to 10 year 2 months. 1998 point were measured. The results were as follows.; 1. Facial surface was the shallowest in sulcus depth compared with other surfaces. It was 1.56㎜. The depth of sulcus in lingual surface was deeper than facial. 2. The deepest part of each surface was mesial and distal. There were no statistical differences between mesial and distal part of the sulcus depth. 3. The mean sulcus depth of each tooth was as follows. Primary central incisor.....1.71㎜. Primary canine..............1.75㎜. Primary second molar........2.03㎜. 4. The mean sulcus depth of upper was 1.86㎜, and the lower was 1.76㎜. The upper tooth was deeper than lower in sulcus depth. 5. The lower primary central incisor had the shallowest sulcus and the upper 2nd primary molar had the deepest compared with other tooth. 6. There wasn't specific statistical differences between the age groups of primary dentition and mixed dentition.

      • KCI등재

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