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      • KCI등재

        분산 환경에서 정책기반 시스템을 적용한 보안 시스템의 모델링 및 시뮬레이션

        서희석,Seo, Hee-Suk 한국시뮬레이션학회 2008 한국시뮬레이션학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구에서는 분산인공지능의 한 영역인 블랙보드구조를 통한 침입탐지 에이전트간의 연동 방법에 대해서 소개한다. 연동을 위해서 블랙보드를 사용한 시스템은 쉽게 확장이 가능하여 새로운 에이전트를 추가하기 용이하고, 블랙보드의 레벨을 수정하기 용이하다. 대상시스템에 시뮬레이션을 수행한다. 본 연구에서는 정책기반 네트워크를 사용하여 침입 탐지의 성능을 높이고자 하는데, 이를 적용함으로써 false positive를 줄일 수 있다. 정책기반네트워크를 통해 침입탐지 에이전트들이 서로 연동함으로써 성능의 향상을 이룬다는 것을 기존의 시스템과 비교함으로써 증명한다. 본 연구의 결과는 다양한 보안 정책을 적용하는데 사용될 수 있다. We introduce the coordination among the intrusion detection agents by BBA(BlackBoard Architecture) that belongs to the field of distributed artificial intelligence. The system which uses BBA for the coordination can be easily expanded by adding new agents and increasing the number of BB(BlackBoard) levels. Several simulation tests performed on the targer network will illustrate our techniques. And this paper applies PBN(Policy-Based Network) to reduce the false positives that is one of the main problems of IDS. The performance obtained from the coordination of intrusion detection agent with PBN is compared against the corresponding non PBN type intrusion detection agent. The application of the research results lies in the experimentation of the various security policies according to the network types in selecting the best security policy that is most suitable for a given network.

      • KCI등재후보

        DEVS 기반의 GPS 위치추적 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        서희석,주승환,이은정,이승재 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2010 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        Recently, the missing due to the heinous crimes occurred in succession has been the focus of attention, so measures for these are urgently needed. So, it is necessary that we need to check and take care the weak like children, women, the elderly with dementia and insane person to prevent these social problems. This study is location-based service that suggests the tracking system and way to guard a family and property from the various risk factors which are possible in our life. To acquire the location of the user who is in motion, a communications network technologies were integrated and the system will be able to be monitoring in real time through the website. So, it is convenient and safe because it is possible to use anywhere. Concretely, it was described around location-based service, GPS system, tracking system, process of the service solution and composition for the system. Also, the way to activate the system will be suggested. The final suggested system was verified the possibility through the placement. With this, i will offer effective measures which is more convenient to use and reliable.

      • KCI등재

        약관규제와 계약법

        서희석 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2017 외법논집 Vol.41 No.3

        A contract by “standard terms and conditions”(standard clauses) is a type of contract that requires a unique regulatory principle due to the nature of the standard terms and conditions. “The Act on the regulation of terms and Conditions”(Hereinafter “the Act”) is a special law of the Civil Code that coherently and systematically codified such a regulatory law and is an important fruit and asset of the academic circles of civil law. However, until now, from the viewpoint of the contract law, the attempt to interpret the problem of the regulation of standard terms and conditions and to apply it to the practice is not necessarily active. The purpose of this article is to review the significance of the Act from the perspective of contract law. The results of the review are briefly summarized as follows. (1) Judicial regulatory means, such as the incorporation control of the standard terms and conditions or the content control, assist in the realization of private autonomy by supplementing or restoring the freedom of self-determination of the other party. In this regard, the regulation on the standard terms and conditions should be understood as a principle to complement and expand the freedom of contract or private autonomy, rather than limiting or revising it. (2) As a requirement of incorporation into the contract content, the Act imposes an obligation to explain important contents in addition to the obligation to specify and deliver a copy of the standard terms and conditions to the customer, and does not explicitly require the other party ‘s consent to incorporate the standard terms and conditions. The duty of explanation of important contents should be evaluated as a very meaningful legislation which characterizes our law from a practical point of view in that it can appropriately set the contracting process and prevent disputes based on the standard terms and conditions. (3) The 3 principles for the interpretation of standard terms and conditions shall be mutually complementary or overlapping or individually applying to determine the objective meaning of the standard terms and conditions, to define the direction of interpretation as a preliminary stage of content control (nullification), and optionally to control the content by nullifying the standard terms and conditions. In particular, the principle of pro-customer interpretation is the principle that, if the meaning of the standard terms and conditions established through objective interpretation is ambiguous, it shall be construed as reducing the scope of the liability limit of the business or as nullifying the standard terms and conditions when unfairness is recognized so as to be advantageous to the customer. The meaning of the principle of pro-customer interpretation must be reevaluated. (4) The content control by the Act are subject to the standard terms and conditions, but the terms of the contract that meet the requirements of the ‘unilateral preparation’ (a party to a contract prepares unilaterally) and the ‘in advance preparation’ (a party to a contract prepares in advance), if not standard terms and conditions by the Act, are found to be similar to the standard terms and conditions by the Act because of the lack of possibility of individual negotiation. So the terms of the contract would be possible to be controled by analogizing the Act. As the principle or means of content control in the level of Civil Code, Article 103 and Article 104, the one-sided mandatory regulations and the good faith principle can be exemplified. Especially it is noteworthy that the development of the case law on the effect of the contract and the control of the contents by the good faith principle. 약관에 의한 계약은 약관의 특성에 기인하는 독특한 규제법리가 필요한 계약유형이다. 약관규제법은 그러한 규제법리를 정합적이고 체계적으로 정서한 민법의 특별법으로서 우리 민법학의 중요한 결실이자 자산이다. 그런데 지금까지는 계약법의 관점에서 약관규제의 문제를 해석하고 실무에 적용하고자 하는 시도가 반드시 활발하였다고는 할 수 없다. 본고는 계약법적 관점에서 약관규제법의 의의를재조명해보고자 하였다. 검토의 결과를 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 약관의 편입통제나 내용통제와 같은 사법적 규제수단은 약관작성자의 상대방의 자기결정의 자유를 보완하거나 회복케 함으로써 사적자치의 실현에 조력한다. 이러한 점에서 약관규제는 계약자유나 사적자치를 제한하거나 수정하는 원리라기보다는 계약자유나 사적자치를 보완하고 확충하는 원리로 이해되어야 한다. (2) 약관의 계약내용으로의 편입요건으로 우리 약관규제법은 약관의 명시⋅교부의무 외에 중요내용의 설명의무를 부과하고 있고 약관의 편입에 대한 상대방 당사자의 동의는 명시적으로 요구하지 않는다. 중요한 내용의 설명의무는 계약체결과정의 적정화를 기하고 약관에 의한 분쟁을사전에 차단시킬 수 있다는 점에서 실무적인 관점에서 우리법의 특징을 이루는 대단히 의미있는 입법으로 평가되어야 할 것이다. (3) 약관규제법상 세 가지 약관해석의 원칙은 상호보완 내지 중첩적으로 또는 개별적으로 작용하여약관조항의 객관적 의미를 확정하고, 내용통제(무효화)의 전단계로서 해석의 방향성을 정하며, 경우에 따라 무효판단을 통해 내용통제를 하기도 한다. 특히 고객유리해석의 원칙은 객관적 해석을 통해 확정된 약관의 의미가 다의적인 경우에 고객에게 유리하도록 사업자의 책임범위를축소하거나 약관규제법상 불공정성이 인정되는 약관조항의 경우에는 무효로 해석하여야 한다는 원칙으로서 그 의미하는 바가 재평가되어야 한다. (4) 약관규제법상 약관의 내용통제는 약관조항을 대상으로 하지만 약관이 아니더라도 일방성과 사전성 요건을 충족한 계약조항은 개별교섭의 가능성이 결여되어 있다는 점에서 약관과의 유사성이 발견되고 따라서 약관규제법을 유추한 계약조항통제가 가능할 것으로 본다. 민법에서 계약내용통제에 관한 법리 내지 기준으로서는 제103조, 제104조, 편면적 강행규정, 신의칙 등을 들수 있는데, 특히 신의칙에 의한 계약의 효력 및 내용 통제에 관한 판례법리의 전개가 주목할 만하다.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 소비자집단소송법 개관

        서희석 한국민사소송법학회 2018 민사소송 Vol.22 No.1

        In Japan, in December 2013, the Consumer Class Action Act was enacted to introduce a class action system limited to consumer transactions (implemented on October 1, 2016). This system is characterized by the adoption of a so-called ‘two-stage system model’ that separates common issues from individual issues, as opposed to American or representative system model. In addition, the plaintiff is limited not to the representative among victims but to the consumer organizations with certain qualifications. Why did Japan adopt a new (so far unknown or unrecognized) system model instead of a representative-type or class action model? And what is the specific content of the system? This article considers the legislative background of the Japanese Consumer Class Action Act, the specific contents of the Japanese system, and the characteristics and the evaluation of the Japanese system based on this problem consciousness. In the viewpoint of Consumer Law, the Japanese consumer class action system was introduced in order to help consumers realize their rights by effectively relieving consumer damages, which is significant in that it has peaked a series of legal institutional arrangements for consumers after 2000s. In addition, in the viewpoint of Civil Procedure Law, the characteristics of Japanese system is that two-stage modified opt-in system has been introduced. Especially in the course of designing special civil procedure system through a comprehensive comparative legal review, we can find the characteristics that the right of injunction by consumer organization in the Consumer Contract Act was expanded to the right of damages lawsuit. Although there are only two specific qualified consumer organization who are eligible for plaintiffs and only the consumer contracts that have been concluded after the enforcement of the law are applied, it is impossible to say when the first case will be filed. However, in the Japanese climate where the complaint or lawsuit itself is treated as embarrassing, it is considered that half of the purpose of the enactment of the Act has been achieved by only reviewing the fact that overall reexamination of consumer response process in business is being expanded. I hope that this review will provide a reference to the discussion on the introduction of the class action system appropriate for our country and the accurate understanding of the Japanese system.

      • KCI등재

        한국민법에 대한 일본민법의 영향과 향후의 관계 - 비교법의 연구대상으로서의 일본민법을 위하여 -

        서희석 한국민사법학회 2010 民事法學 Vol.52 No.-

        This article will take a general view of the affect of Japanese civil law on the establishment of Korean civil law and on the theories and case law. The general view may be summarized as following. The Korean Civil Law can be evaluated to adopt 'the Japanese Civil Law modeled after the German Civil Law' by reference to the Chinese Civil Law and Manchu National Civil Law which were newly established by the adoption of the Japanese Civil Law theories. Here, the issue is which civil law, the German Civil Law or the Japanese Civil Law, must be evaluated to affect more on the Korean Civil Law, In conclusion, both Civil Laws affected on the Korean civil law. The Japanese theories have affected on the Korean civil law. The Korean civil law had gone through the time depending on the Japanese Civil Law and the time independent from it. Since the 2000's, Korean scholars have considered the Japanese Civil Law as one of comparative laws. Meanwhile, it has never seemed to analyze cases through the specific and systematic comparison how the Japanese case law has affected on the Korean case law. Considering it, this article make an effort to demonstrate through the comparison of two countries' case laws that the Korean case law is highly dependent on the Japanese case law, which is good enough to call “the reception of case law”. From this overview, I conclude that now is the time Korean Civil Law overcame “the Japanese Civil Law and further the two civil laws are mutually exchanged and coexist. In order to settle down this trend, first of all we need to be faithful to the study of our Civil Law. As a tool for resolving various legal problems, Civil Law theories need to be specified and systematized. Also, this article suggests to study comparatively the case laws of the two countries in relation with the Japanese civil law.

      • KCI등재후보

        소프트웨어 산업의 발전을 위한 확장된 소프트웨어 인증체계

        서희석,김상호,이승재 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2010 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        For the development of software industry, offers an expanded software authentication scheme caused by the unauthorized copying of software is to reduce the damage to software developers, retail sales and to promote the development of the software industry was studied. Serial Number of the current software registration is conducted in such a simple verification procedure if the Serial Number only illegal and can be installed on multiple computers, such as program code to allow third parties to enter the Serial Number, or the extract can be used without is a reality. The proposed extension to the software authentication system when you install the software, my phone authentication and MAC Address Authentication Service introduced to distinguish normal user, the user of the MAC Address of the server and software development company that was sent to the registered MAC Address of the computer to be run only by the use of genuine software and to make unauthorized copies of software generated by the software developer can reduce the damage of the proposed plan.

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