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        総力戦体制と芸能統制 ─ 謡本の本文改訂と新作能 ─

        徐禎完 단국대학교 일본연구소 2016 일본학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        권력과 예능이라는 관계의 본질은 총력전체제하에서 수행된 예능통제에 의해서 선명하게 드러난다. 중일전쟁으로 비상시국을 맞이한 제국일본은 국력을 한데 모으기 위해 문화통제를 실시하는데, 태평양전쟁까지 수행하는 상황이 되자 통제는 더욱 강화되었다. 한편 노(能)에는 이에모토제도가 있어서 종가(宗家)의 권한이 절대적이기 때문에 우타이본(謠本)의 본문개정은 매우 중차대한 사안이며, 쉽게 결정되고 행하여지는 성격의 것이 아니다. 신곡 창작도 종가의 엄격한 관리 하에 있는 사안이다. 특히 에도막부 아래에서 보존과 재생만을 엄격히 수행하는 것이 의무였던 시키가쿠(式樂)였던 노의 경우, 새로운 곡을 만든다는 일은 매우 드문 일이었다. 그러나 중일전쟁과 태평양전쟁으로 총력전체제에 돌입하자, 무대에 천황가의 등장인물이 등장하고 노 연기자 따위가 황족을 연기하는 것 자체가 불경(不敬)이며, 신성환 황실의 명예를 훼손한다는 이유에서 본문과 연출에 대한 변경을 요구하기에 이른다. 그리고 이른바 ‘천황의 군대는 불패(不敗)이며, 천황의 함대는 불침(不沈)이라는 군국주의를 고무하는 『忠靈』과『皇軍艦』 등의 신작을 제작하게 된다. 한때는 노에게 ’국가예능‘의 자리를 부여한 권력이 이번에는 ’예능보국(芸能報国)‘이라는 이름하에 총력전체제를 완수하기 위한 ’총력‘을 이루는 ’한 예능‘으로서 사상전과 선전전에 적극 참가해서 예능보국에 철저할 것을 요구하고 있는 것이다. 여기에 당시 권력과 예능의 관계를 보여주는 본질이 단적으로 드러난다. The intrinsic nature of relationship between the authority and entertainment is clearly displayed by the control of performing arts performed under the total war system. Imperial Japan, encountering the emergency situation with the China-Japan War implemented the culture control to collect the state power in one and the control was even more strengthened when the situation reached to be involved in the Pacific War. In the meantime, Noh had the IEMOTO(家元) System to have the authority of the head family reaching the absolute level that the revision of the main context of Utaibon(謡本) becoming a very important agenda and it was not something easily determined and exercised. Even for creating new art production, it would be an agenda -under the stringent control of the head family. In particular, for the case of Noh, the Shikigaku(式楽) that was the obligation to strictly performing the conservation and reproduction under the EDO Bakufu(江戸幕府), producing new music was extremely rare. However, once the total war system was emerged with the Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War, the stage had the characters of the Emperor’s family and certain Noh performer acting as a royal family member would be disrespectful, therefore it was dishonoring of sacred royal family that it demanded to change the main context and direction. And, it came to produce new works(Shinsaku-Noh) of ‘Churei’(『忠霊』) and ‘MiIkusaBune’(『皇軍艦』) that stimulated the imperialism in the ideas that the military of Emperor is invincible and the fleet of emperor is unsinkable. At once, for Noh, the authority that granted the place of the ‘State Entertainment’(国家芸能) is not demanded to thoroughly join the entertainment patriotism by actively participating in the ideological warfare and propaganda warfare as the ‘entertainment’ that organized as one of the ‘total power’ to complete the total war system under the name of ’entertainment patriotism‘ this time. Therefore, it displays clearly with the intrinsic nature of relationship between the authority and entertainment.

      • KCI등재

        帝国日本の文化権力: 権力と文化の錯綜 —「日本精神の国粋」からカノンまで—

        서정완 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.50

        This paper is a part of the research that explores how a representative of today’s Japanese ‘traditional culture’ or ‘traditional performing art’, Noh(能) had developed in the colonial Chosun and what kind of cultural apparatus it was working as. The Noh, which started its revival as a state entertainment when a new power created by the Meiji Restoration had recognised it, has a history of 1)the preservation of its vitality under the protection of sovereign rulers of each period after the Zeami epoch, 2)the establishment of its firm position as an official ceremonial music - the ‘Shikikaku(式楽)’ - in the Tokugawa Bakufu era. Such Noh however, had duplicity under the empire of Japan which was modern and nation state that had a profound impact in Asia as a result of its expansionism and militarism. On one hand, it was a performing art that symbolised the grandeur of empire, extolled as the ‘nationality of Japanese spirit(日本精神の国粋)’ and used as a cultural apparatus to uphold the national polity and boost the nationalism, with the glamorous appearance on the oustside. On the other hand, it was deemed a ‘sacrilege’ towards the Japanese emperor, criticised as a popularisation movement and forced to assist the Entertainment Patriotism(芸能報国) as one of the ‘common’ performing arts due to the ‘Gigeisha-Sho’ system, which indicates the dark side of it. This paper considers the polarity behind a discourse - that could be regarded as a sort of ideology - “the traditional Japanese culture that has been inherited over six-hundred years” as the cultural power’s dynamics and think about the problem ‘tradition’ and an era ‘modern’, focusing on the relationship between the power and performing art through the cultural apparatus called Noh.

      • KCI등재

        조직구조 개편 시 변화관리활동 지각이 구성원의 정서적 조직몰입에 미치는 영향 - 변화수용의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        서정완,백승령 대한경영정보학회 2019 경영과 정보연구 Vol.38 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of members' perception of unit change management efforts on their emotional–organizational commitment during the military restructuring. The mediating effect of change acceptance of the members in this relationship is also studied. Currently, the military is seeking to restructure its military construct in order to actively cope with the rapidly changing security situation and the decrease in military service resources. If an organization fails to effectively manage its changes when undergoing restructuring, it is difficult to expect the success of organizational change due to its members’ resistance to change. Therefore, this study suggested the effect of members' perception of personnel fairness and transformational leadership on their emotional-organizational commitment and the mediating role of the members' change acceptance in the relationship between them as the hypotheses. Survey results show that personnel justice and transformational leadership has a positive impact on the emotional-organizational commitment of the members, and that the change acceptance of the members partially mediates the relationship between them. By presenting the mediating effect of change acceptance with theoretical implications, the theory has been expanded. In practice, the change management activities for the restructuring of the military structure have been identified, and the effort for enhancing the change acceptance of the members is required to success on the organizational restructuring. 본 연구의 목적은 군 조직구조 개편 시 부대의 변화관리활동(인사공정성, 변혁적 리더십) 노력에 대한 구성원들의 지각이 구성원들의 정서적 직몰입에 미치는 영향을 조사하고, 이들 관계에서 구성원의 변화수용의 정도에 따른 매개효과를 연구하는데 있다. 현재 군은 급변하는 안보상황과 병역자원의 감소에 능동적으로 대응하기 위하여 군 구조 개편을 추진하고 있다. 조직이 구조조정을 겪을 때 변화관리활동을 효과적으로 하지 못하면 구성원의 저항에 부딪히고 자칫 성공을 기대하기 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구는 구성원의 인사공정성 및 변혁적 리더십 지각이 구성원의 정서적 조직몰입에 미치는 영향인 직접효과를 가설화 하였다. 또한 인사공정성 지각과 정서적 조직몰입 사이에서 변화수용의 매개효과와 마찬가지로 변혁적 리더십 지각과 정서적 조직몰입 사이에서 변화수용의 매개효과를 위한 가설을 설정하였다. 설문은 군 구조개혁의 변화를 경험한 부대의 간부들을 대상으로 실시하였으며 유효 설문응답자는 219명이었다. 분석 결과, 인사공정성과 변혁적 리더십이 구성원의 정서적 조직몰입에 긍정적 영향을 주었으며, 구성원의 변화수용이 이들 간의 관계를 부분적으로 매개함을 밝혔다. 이론적 시사점으로 변화수용의 매개효과를 제시함으로써 이론의 확대를 가져왔고, 실무적으로는 군 구조개편을 위한 변화관리활동 중 인사공정성과 변혁적 리더십의 중요성을 식별하였으며 구성원들의 변화수용 향상을 위한 노력이 중요함을 제시하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소아청소년 비만에서 영양섭취와 연관된 상담

        서정완,Seo, Jeong Wan 대한소아소화기영양학회 2008 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.11 No.suppl1

        보호자와 의사관계에서 가장 중요한 것은 신뢰이며, 특히 소아청소년과 좋은 관계를 유지하며 원칙적이면서도 구체적인 방법을 같이 의논하여 결정한다. 보호자가 이미 알고 있는 단편적인 의학지식을 잘 엮어서 통합하여 주고, 신체활동과 함께 상담하여야 한다. 1. 에너지 소비와 섭취의 균형을 유지해야하는 원칙을 강조한다. 맛있는 음식이 있을 때 과식하는 것은 사실 당연하다. 많이 먹었을 때 많이 움직여야 한다는 것을 강조한다. TV시청시간과 컴퓨터사용시간을 2시간 이하로 제한하고, 신체활동은 1시간 이상 될 때까지 증가한다. 2. 치료의 목적은 건강한 식습관으로 개선하여 평생 건강하게 지내는 것이 목적이다. 단순히 절식하는 것이 아니며 평생 건강할 수 있도록 좋은 습관으로 개선하는 것이다. 3. 건강하게 음식을 선택하는 방법을 교육한다. 소아청소년 비만은 성인비만으로 연결되며, 결국에는 대사증후군으로 당뇨나 고혈압 등 합병증이 오게 되므로, 음식을 어떻게 선택하는 것이 건강한지 설명한다. 4. 야채와 과일 섭취를 권장한다. 5. 음료수도 음식과 같이 생각하여 달콤한 음료수를 먹지 않는다. 6. 칼슘섭취를 위하여 저지방이나 무지방우유를 권한다. 7. 가족과 함께 식습관을 개선하다. 아침 먹기, 밤늦게 먹지 않기, 모든 음식 천천히 먹기, 씹지 않고 물과 함께 삼키지 않는지 확인하고 개선한다. 가족과 함께 식사하는 횟수를 늘린다. 부모는 자녀의 모범이 되어야 한다. Management of obesity needs good rapport among pediatrician, parents and children. Through motivational interview, pediatrician should explore practical ways to modify the eating behaviors conducive to obesity. Imbalance between energy intake and consumption contributes to weight gain. Therefore decrease of sedentary behavior (screen time <2 hrs) and increase of physical activity (>60 minutes) is also important in management of obesity. The goal of management is the long-term healthy life though healthy behaviors. Creating a home environment that supports healthy habits and behaviors is an important key to modifying lifestyle behaviors. For example, increasing intake of vegetables and fruits, restriction of sweetened beverage, education of healthy selection of foods, and frequent family dinner may be advisable. Family members should change their own behaviors in order to help their children. Parents should be positive role model and monitor their children authoritatively but not restrictively.

      • KCI등재

        帝国日本の文化権力: 1910年代京城の能と謡

        徐禎完 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2014 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.37

        Through the Edo period, Noh was not only the entertainment but also the culture of the samurai. But Noh was forced to the verge of fatal collapse by the Meiji Restoration. The result that Edo Bakufu was dismantled by Meiji new government, Noh was fallen into a state of layoff. They had no more patrons, financial support, the stages they could play. But fortunately Noh had played a revival again as “the state entertainment” with the strong assistance of the state power. Noh was reborn as the performing arts to honor the national prestige of the Imperial Japan. On the other hand, Utai=Yokyoku is more personal oriented entertainment to sing the vocal part of the script of the Noh play. Utai was prevalent among the upper class and middle class in Japan and other her colonies. In Seoul, before Japan annexed Korea by force in 1910, several utai-kai was established by Japanese residents. To Japanese people, Utai was the symbol of their social status and only high society people could enjoy that. But to almost all Korean people, Utai was an queer performing arts they could not understand at all. In such a situation, especially in case of Dong-wan KIM, Utai was the cultural device to promote the position of his hierarchy. Under the Japanese colonies, to become a bureaucracy to serve Japanese colonial power, it meant that socially they could stand on top of the Korean society as a power enforcer. And by mastering the Utai, when their ability of Utai exceeds the Japanese, they could stand on top of the most Japanese people culturally and mentally. As a symbol of hierarchy, Noh and Utai had functioned as an effective device for cross-border. Here is the reason why we should pay attention to the cultural power to investigate what was the Noh and Utai under the Japanese colonial society.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「伎樂」追跡考 ー『妓楽龍笛譜』と伎楽展開の一瑞ー

        서정완 한국일본학회 2008 日本學報 Vol.75 No.-

        文献資料を中心に伎楽の展開史または研究史の流れを見ると、推古朝の時代に百済人味摩之が日本列島に 伝えた伎楽舞は、奈良時代に朝廷と主要寺院を中心に演じられ、保存された事実を、正史である六国史を通じ て確認することができ、さらには資財帳をはじめとする寺院関連資料を通じて確認することができる。 ところが、平安時代以降、伎楽舞がどのような変遷と変容過程を経たかに関しては、未詳の部分が多いまま鎌 倉時代に成立した楽書である狛近眞の『敎訓抄』(1223)を待たねばならなかった。そして、先行研究では、この『 敎訓抄』の記述をそのまま平安・鎌倉時代の伎楽の実態として理解してしまう。即ち、『敎訓抄』のいう「妓楽」を 味摩之の伝えた「伎楽舞」とみているが、証明できない。筆者は一連の拙考〈「伎楽」追跡考〉を通じて、伎楽 舞は、勅撰楽譜『新撰楽譜』を前後に急速にその姿を消し、音楽(雅楽)の楽曲として編入され、特に橫笛の曲と して貴族の管絃として生き残った、即ち舞の「伎楽舞」から楽曲の「伎楽」へと変わった事実を明らかにした。 舞としての面影は、一部の寺院で伎楽会として続けられたが、それも「遺法」として認識されるなど、直接味摩 之の伎楽舞として見るにはさらなる精査が必要であることも触れた。 本稿では、內閣文庫藏『妓楽龍笛譜』なる資料を通して、平安朝以降の伎楽展開史の一端を追跡したい。

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