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        한국적 효 개념의 특수성

        서선희(Suh Sun Hee) 한국노년학회 1998 한국노년학 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 효를 문화적 현상으로 보고, 서구사회 또는 현대 한국 사회의 효와는 구분되는 한국의 전통적 효의 의미와 동기, 그리고 그로부터 연유하는 부모관, 자녀관, 그리고 부모-자녀 관계의 성격을 살피고자 한다. 일반적인 효 개념과 비교할 때 한국의 전통적 효는 부모의 자녀에 대한 직접적 수고와 무관하며, 자녀의 부모에 대한 관계를 강조하는 일방성을 띠고 있고, 효의 실천이 부모 생전에는 물론 사후에까지도 적용된다는 특성을 가지고 있다. 한국적 효 개념은 유교적 가족관과 밀접히 관련되어 있다. 유교는 초월적 인격신과 내세의 구원을 상정하지 않음으로 해서 미약한 종교적 관심을 가족의 종교성을 통해 보완하는데, 이러한 가족의 종교성이 구현되도록 돕는 기제 중의 하나가 효이다. 그래서 효도 종교성을 갖으며, 이 효의 종교성은 효가 과거의 한국 사회에 깊이 뿌리내릴 수 있는 동기 중의 하나가 되었다. 이와 함께 전통적 효의 종교성은 나에게 생명을 준 사람이라는 부모관을, 나의 개별적 생명을 확장해줄 존재로서의 자녀관을, 그리고 상호의존적이며 불가분의 관계로서의 부모-자녀 관계를 만들어 내었다. Accepting that filial piety is a cultural phenomena, this study explores the traditional ideas of filial piety and their influences on the motivation for filial piety and the concepts of parents and children in Korean society. The traditional ideas of the filial piety have three characteristics: 1) the traditional filial piety can exist with no relation to parents' labour for nurturing; 2) it is one-sided relationship emphasizing children's responsibility; 3) the filial piety should be practiced after parents die as well as while parents live. These ideas of the filial piety are related to the Confucian ideas of the family. Not being interested in the transcendental God and other world, Confucianism satisfied people's religious need through the religiousness of the family. The filial piety was one of the mechanisms helping the religiousness of the family be embodied. And the filial piety also had the religiousness, which motivated people to practice the filial piety. These ideas of filial piety influenced the concept of the parents as the persons giving life to me, the concept of the children as the persons expanding my limited life eternally.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        호주제에 관한 가족학적 접근

        서선희(Suh Sun-Hee) 동양사회사상학회 2005 사회사상과 문화 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 호주제 존폐에 관한 두 가지 시각인 유지론과 폐지론의 견해를 비판적으로 살펴보고, 그같은 논의에서 간과되고 있는 호주제와 가족과의 관계를 세계관적 각도에서 살펴보는 것이다. 호주제 폐지론은 가족과 전통의 이름으로 가리워져 있던 성적 불평등을 드러내는 공헌을 한 한편 호주제를 남성과 여성의 차원에서만 접근하여 호주제에 내포되어 있는 가족의 의미를 간과해버리고 있다. 반면에 유지론자들은 호주제를 가족과의 관계에서 인식하고 있지만 호주제의 가치체계가 무엇이며 그것이 가족과 어떻게 관련되어 있는지를 분명하게 설명해내지 못함으로 결과적으로 가부장적 가족과 성적 불평등을 정당화하는 데서 벗어나고 있지 못하다. 한국의 전통적 가족은 “과거의 시조로부터 조상을 거쳐 미래의 자손에까지 연결된다고 의식하는 초시간적인 관념적 집단”으로, 종교성을 핵심으로 하고 있다. 호주제는 한국 가족에서 종교성이 유지되도록 하는 기제 중의 하나였고, 이 종교성으로 인해 한국 가족은 높은 안정성과 도덕성을 유지해왔다. 호주제의 폐지는 한국 가족 개념의 세속화를 의미하고 그에 따라 가족의 안정성과 도덕성도 흔들리게 됨을 뜻한다. 호주제가 오늘날의 한국 가족에 그대로 적용될 수 없음은 분명하지만, 가족의 안정성과 도덕성을 위해서는 개인을 뛰어넘는 가치체계가 필요하며, 가족을 생명이 생겨나고 양육되며 관계들이 살아나는 ‘생명’ 집단으로서 접근할 수 있는 가능성을 보여주고 있다. This study purposes to review critically the both viewpoints on Ho-Ju-Che, abolitionists and maintainists, and to reveal the functions of Ho-Ju-Che and its influences on the Korean family in terms of familogical approach. The abolitionists have disclosed sexual discrimination of Ho-Ju-Che while the maintainists exposed that the issue of Ho-Ju-Che is not simply the problem of who can be the heads of the family but the problem of the way of looking into the family. Both viewpoints, however, dismissed the relationships of Ho-Ju-Che to the family and did not analyzed the family and Ho-Ju-Che in terms of worldview. The familogical approach to Ho-Ju-Che shows that Ho-Ju-Che had performed the function of religion and contributed to the stability and the morality of the family. The abolition of Ho-Ju-Che may reduce the stability and morality in Korean family. This study concludes that alternatives to the function of religion in the family and Ho-Ju-Che is needed in order to restore stability and morality suitable to modern family.

      • KCI등재

        가족은 정의롭지 못한가?

        서선희(Suh Sun Hee) 동양사회사상학회 2016 사회사상과 문화 Vol.19 No.3

        1980년대 이래 한국 사회의 가족 연구는 가족의 가치보다는 무가치에 초점을 맞추고, 가족을 비판적이며 사회발전에 역기능적으로 보는 경향이 높았다. 이 같은 경향은 독립적이고 자율적인 존재로 인간을 상정하고 권리와 공평이라는 정의의 관점에서만 가족을 접근해 온 결과이다. 정의로서의 가족 관점이 가족의 이름으로 숨겨져 있던 차별과 억압의 부정의를 드러내는 공헌을 했지만, 한편으로는 가족의 가치를 간과하거나 부인하는 경향을 초래했다. 인간은 그 생물학적 한계로 인해 돌봄을 필요로 하는 존재이다. 뿐만 아니라 역사적으로 인간은 독립되고 자유로운 존재로 살아온 것보다는 관계적 존재로 살아왔다. 이는 “좋은 삶”의 구현에 정의만이 아닌 도덕이나 미덕이 필요 한 이유이다. 가족의 가치도 정의의 관점만이 아니라 인간의 필요에 가족이 어떻게 기능해왔는가의 관점에서 평가되어야 한다. 역사적으로 가족은 출산과 양육의 기능을 통해 인간의 생물학적 한계를 보완하도록 기능해 왔고, 돌봄을 필요로 하는 성인들의 필요를 충족시켜 왔다. 뿐만 아니라 가족은 도덕성의 기초로 작동해 왔다. 가족관계를 통해 인간을 관계적 존재로 위치시키고, 그 관계성을 통해 도덕을 습득하고 실천하는 환경으로 작용해 온 것이다. 돌봄과 도덕성의 기초로서 가족이라는 점은 간과되어질 수 없는 가족의 미덕이다. 가족의 재생산기능과 도덕성이 가족의 미덕이며, 이러한 점은 가족 정책에도 반영되어야 할 것이다. The studies of familes in Korea since 1980’s have focused on the valueless of the family rather than on its values, and have approached it in terms of critical, dysfuncTional perspectives. The tendency may be called justice perspective, which has added up from the viewpoint explaining human beings only as independent and autonomous being and analizing whether the family is just and equal or not. The studies have contributed to explore the discrimination and suppression in the family, but brought about the tendency denying The value of the family. Human beings need caring due to their biological limits and also have lived more as relational beings than as independent beings. This means there are to be morals or virtues as well as justice to live out the condtions of the human beings. Thus, the value of the family is to be examined in terms of morals and its functions to cover the limitations of human beings. Historically the family have supplemented the biological limits and satisfied emotional needs of human beings. The family also have functioned as the basis for morals. The family is the basis for reproductions and morals, which is to be consideraTed in the analysis of the family. Reproductions and the basis for morals are the virtues of the family, and family policies are needed to pull the long-term functions of the family into the policies.

      • 광주 여성의 생산활동 : 1950 년대 중반부터 1990 년 말을 중심으로 From the Middle of 1950`s to the End of 1990`s

        서선희 한국가정과학회 2001 한국가정과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study is both to describe and to explain the shapes and the changes of Kwangju women's productive activities from the middle of 1950's to the end of 1990's. Productive activities in this study include wage labors as well as economic activities in informal labor sector and domestic labor. Three factors - economic structure, the family, and women's consciousness - are drawn to explain women's work in Kwangju. The period from the middle of 1950's to the end of 1990's has been divided into 5 stages and the characteristics of women's work at each stage are as follows : Kwangju women during 1950's worked hard and contributed to the family economy not only inside but also outside the family: during the second stage from 1960's to 1970's, they accomplished not only the traditional women's role but also industrial wage worker: the third period of the first half of 1980's was the time for the development of social consciousness: the fourth period from the end of 1980's to the beginning of 1990's was the time when women tried to solve their problems by themselves: during the last period from the middle of 1990's to the end of 1990's. Kwangju women wanted to establish their identities in the independent area from their families.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 이래의 한국 가족의 변화와 앞으로의 변화 방향

        서선희 한국가족관계학회 1999 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Many studies have argued that the Korean family has been widely changed since the 1970's. But the family change from the '70's to the '90's should not to be approached as the same in its quality. It is because the change before the middle of the 90's includes 'modern' characteristics while the change after the time shows 'post-modern' characteristics. The first change did not challenge the importance of the family in human life and the existing idea of what the family was despite of the rapid changes. In contrast to this, the later change tends to challenge the value of the family and the marriage. Arguing that the present is the time for reflecting the family change since the 1970's and exploring new orientation of the change for the future Korean family, this study proposes several guides for the future change: 1) the family should continue to be preserved as a necessary institution for human life; 2) the family which is based on the marriage, child, and parenthood is to be a general type of the family; 3) the tradition of the Korean family such as treasuring family, relative relationships, filial piety, and the strong solidarity between parents and children is to be conserved; 4) the present Korean family is to be changed more equally in terms of relative relationships, sexual division of labor, husband-wife relationships; 5) family policies emphasizing the importance of the family is to be more actively developed and practiced.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        제 2 형 당뇨병 환자의 췌장 소도내 선택적 베타 세포의 소실 및 알파세포의 증가

        이광우,이정민,조재형,서선희,손호영,차봉연,이인규,강무일,윤건호,강성구,이종민,안유배,김성래,손현식,고승현 대한당뇨병학회 2001 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.25 No.2

        Background : It has been reported that a decrease in the β-cell mass, may play a major role in the development of type 2 diabetes. Some stimuli that cause β-cell loss can stimulate neogenesis from precursors as well as replication of matured β-cells. In an animal-based studies reported that a-cells can also be produced in the course of β-cell neogenesis, after being treated with streptozotocin. Through this research, we attempted to determine the change of α-cell mass according to the changes in β-cell mass and to characterize the size of the β-cell nucleus observed in type 2 diabetes. Method: To estimate the relative fraction of α- and β-cell mass in the pancreas, we counted β-cells and a-cells by point count method. We also performed a double immunohistochemical staining with glucagon and insulin antibodies to calculate the ratio between these two cells area in the pancreas (A/B ratio). In order to measure the size of the β-cell nucleus, an immunofluorescence staining of the nucleus and insulin was carried out. Data were gathered from type 2 diabetic subjects (n=19) and normal controls (n=8). Results: Although there was no statistical difference, we observed the tendency of decrease of β-cell mass and increase of a-cell mass in the pancreas of type 2 diabetic patients. The ratio of a-to β-cell area in isiet (ApB ratio) increased to 0.81±0.76 in diabetic patients compared to control with 0.26±0.25 (p$lt;0.01). The mean of the A/B ratios of the islets more than 22,000 ㎛² was 1.64±1.10, whereas that of the islets less than 22,000 ㎛² was 0.73±0.67 in type 2 diabetic patients (p$lt;0.01). The size of the β-cell nucleus in both diabetic subjects and normal controls was bigger than that of exocrine cells (p$lt;0.05) and 2.9% of β-cells in type 2 diabetic subjects showed substantially enlarged nuclei more than M+5SD (M and SD means the average and standard deviation of nucleus size of exocrine cells, respectively) whereas this type of nucleus was found in only 0.5% of β-cells in normal controls (p$lt;0.05). Conclusion: The islet pathology in type 2 diabetes could be characterized by an expansion of α-cells associated with the selective loss of β-cells. Some β-cells found in diabetes showed a significant increase in size of the nucleus. Through the results from this study, we postulate that enlarged β-cell nucleus and reverse of A/B ratio in the islets could be a marker of early senescence of β-cells in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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