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        새우난초(Calanthe discolor Lindley)의 대량증식 시스템 확립 및 이용

        서병기(Byung-Key Seo) 한국자원식물학회 2002 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        새우난초의 대량 증식 시스템을 확립하기 위하여 새우난초 종자 무균파종 및 순화 방법에 따른 생육특성 을 조사하였다. 발아율은 MS배지 에서 65% 이상이었고 유묘의 대량증식이 가능하였다. 계대배양한 유묘의 증식은 고체배지 보다는 액체배지에서 생육상태 가 더 양호한 경향을 보였다. 순화실험 결과, 70%차광조건에서 플라스틱 멀칭으로 습도를 80% 이상 유지하였을 때 100% 순화 생존하였다. 기내 육성된 배양묘는 백태로 뿌리를 감싸 심었을 때 발근이 가장 잘 이루어졌으나 순화과정 중에서 백태 대신에 질석과 펄라이트를 1:1 부피비로 이용한 경우에도 88%의 비교적 높은 생존율을 보였다. This experiment was conducted to establish the mass propagation system of Calanthe discolor Lindley. When the Calanthe discolor seeds were sown in Murashige and Skoog medium, the percentage of germination was 65%. Seedlings grew more rapidly in the liquid medium than the solid medium. All regenerated plantlets were survived in acclimatized condition of 70% shade and more than 80% humidity. Also, we found out that the 88% of survival ratio could be achieved in containing soil mixture of vermiculite and perlite as same as amount.

      • 잔디운동장 훼손 현황과 풀을 이용한 도시 학교 운동장 주변의 녹화 가능성

        서병기,Seo, Byung-Key 한국잔디학회 2008 한국잔디학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        대전광역시 소재 71개 초 중 고등학교를 대상으로 천연 잔디 운동장 조성 후 훼손 정도를 조사하였다. 2002년부터 2004년에 걸쳐 조성되었던 71개교의 천연 잔디 운동장은 조성 1년 후 초등학교 51%, 중학교 76%, 고등학교 42%의 훼손률을 나타내었다. 2008년 현재 천연 잔디 운동장이 비교적 양호하게 유지되고 있는 학교 수는 6개교로 줄어들었다. 천연 잔디 운동장 상태가 비교적 양호한 6개 학교는 2007년 새로 잔디 운동장을 조성한 2개 학교와 특수학교 1개교, 그리고 초등학교 1개교와 중학교에 비해서 운동장 이용률이 비교적 낮은 여자고등학교이며 그 외는 잔디 보호를 위해서 이용을 엄격히 제한하고 있는 2개 고등학교이다. 그리고 도심형 학교 2개교와 산지형 학교 3개교의 운동장 주변에 자라고있는 초본식물을 조사한 결과 조사 대상 5곳 모두에서 총 33과 101종이 자라고 있었다. 입지에 따른 조사 결과 산지형 학교는 30여종에서 45종이 자라고 있었지만 아파트가 밀집된 도심형 학교의 초종 수는 20여종에 불과 하였다. 이 중 국화과 식물이 20종으로 가장 많았고, 벼과 식물이 17종, 마디풀과와 콩과 식물이 각각 7종, 석죽과 식물이 6종, 겨자과 식물이 5종, 사초과 식물이 4종순으로 많았다. 조사 대상 5곳에서 모두 발견된 종은 쑥, 닭의 장풀, 쇠뜨기였고, 4곳에서 발견 된 종은 메꽃이 있었다. 3곳에서 발견된 것은 개망초, 망초, 고들빼기, 씀바귀, 명아주, 쇠무릎, 질경이가 있었다. 추후 출현 초종들에 대한 구체적인 활용 방안에 대한 조사가 필요하다고 판단된다. This study was carried out to investigate the deterioration rate and conditions of natural lawn play grounds from 71 schools in Daejeon metropolitan city. Also, we investigated the grasses and wild flowers of 33 families and 101 species on five additional school grounds. One year after planting in 71 schools from 2002 to 2004, we found out that the school lawn grounds coverage were deteriorated up to 51% in elementary schools, 76% in middle schools, and 42% in high schools. There are 45 species on the two school grounds located in mountain areas, 20 species on the three grounds located in downtown areas. There are 20 species in Compositae family, 17 species in Gramineae, 7 species in Polygonaceae, and 7 species in Leguminosae, 6 species in Caryophyllaceae, five species in Cruciferae, and 4 species in Cyperaceae.

      • 비쭈기나무의 이름 유래와 문헌상 기재 그리고 이용 및 번식

        서병기,변광옥,손석규,Seo, Byung-Key,Byun, Kwang-Ok,Son, Seog-Gu 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2007 自然科學論文集 Vol.18 No.1

        The Korean name "Bizooki" tree was named by the shape of winter bud which is like a slim bow. There are four scientific names in the tree which are Cleyera japonica Thunberg, Cleyera ochnacea DC, Sakakia ochnacea Nakai, and Ternstroemia gymnanthera. And the English name are Japanese Ternstroemia and Japanese Cleyera. "Bizooki" tree has planted at Buddhist temples in Japan for the ritual. The best result of stem cutting in "Bizooki" tree, 100 percent of rooting, could be accomplished in July when cuttings were done on the mixture-soil containing the same rates by volume of vermiculite, peatmoss and perlite with cuts processed with IBA 1,000 mg/l under the circumstances that 70% of shade, plastic mulching, and mist were conditioned.

      • 미국 JC Raulston 식물원에 식재된 한국자생 조경수목

        서병기,Seo, Byung-Key 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 1999 自然科學論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        미국 J.C. Raulston 식물원에는 한국자생 조경수목 36과 110종 3품종이 재배되고 있다. 이중 때죽나무 'Emerald Pagoda'는 1985년 미국 국립식물원 식물탐사팀과 J.C. Raulston이 소흑산도에서 채집한 우리나라 자생종으로 미국내에서 감상가치가 매우 뛰어난 것으로 평가받고 있다. J.C. Raulston은 이 때죽나무를 'Sohuksan'이라고 명명하였다가 'Emerald Pagoda'로 개칭하였는데 미국으로 수화물에 보관하여 도입하였다. 또한 아왜나무를 진도에서 채집하였는데, 이것은 지금도 'Chindo'라는 품종으로 불리고 있으며 미국내 동남부 지방의 조경에 적응성이 높고 감상가치가 높아 대량번식 및 보급 중에 있다. JC Raulston Arboretum of the North Carolina State University houses 113 species of Korean native landscape woody plants. Styrax japonicus 'Emerald Pagoda'[formerly 'Sohuksan'] is native to Korea, China, and Japan. 'Emerald pagoda' is a special cultivar found by DR. J.C. Raulston during the United States National Arboretum plant collection expedition of the island of Sohuksan at the Western end of the Korea in 1985. Incredible, thick, glossy, large-leafed form of this beautiful white flowering tree found in Korea in 1985. It was probably the most outstanding ornamental plant to come from the expedition after his trip to Sohuksan and Chindo in the harsh perilous islands of the coast of Korea. He brought this one back in his suitcase. Viburnum awabuki 'Chindo' is and evergreen broadleaf shrub. It is for screening and as fire resistant trees in the southern region of Korea, because of its compact, leathery leaves. 'Chindo' was discovered on the island of Chindo by the U.S. National arboretum plant exploration team including J.C. Raulston during its 1985 Korean trip. Cuttings were taken from this plant, and liners were produced over subsequent years. These liners are now being evaluated for hardiness and fruit production throughout the Southeast of USA.

      • 산지형 사찰에 있어 조경식물 배치형식에 관한 연구

        심재성,배정관,서병기,Shim, Jai-Sung,Bae, Jeong-Kwan,Seo, Byung-Key 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2004 自然科學論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문은 한국 전통사찰의 경관현황을 개관하고 조경식물을 통한 가람의 종교적 이미지를 부각시켜 불교신도들의 경건한 수도와 함께 관광적 효과를 한층 거양하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 산지형 사찰인 낙산사, 부석사 및 불국사를 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다. 이에 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.1. 사찰경 내 수목의 식재현황 및 유형조사대상 사찰에서 석가모니불을 주로 모시는 곳인 대웅전 앞에는 아무런 교.관목이 식재되어 있지 않았다. 극락보전과 무량수전에서는 공통적으로 주목이 식재되어 있었으며 사찰에 따라 매자나무 외 15종이 식재되어 있었다. 또한 불국사의 비로자ㅣ불에서는 백목련을 위시하여 25종의 수목이 식재되어 있음을 볼 수 있었다.한편 낙산사와 불국사의 원통전 및 관음전에는 사철나무 외 26종의 수목이 식재되어 있었다.2. 수목과 사찰 건물과의 연관성 및 산지형 사찰의 교관목 식재모형수목과 각각 건물의 특성과는 특별한 연관성을 발견할 수 없었다. 다만 불교적 의미를 갖는 수종으로서 배롱나무와 불두화가 식재되어 있음이 밝혀졌다. 또한 대체적으로 지역적 특성, 기후 환경과 친화적인 식물이 식재되어 있었으나 수목과 사찰 건물과의 관계를 고려한 배식형식을 찾아보기 어려웠다. 본 조사를 토대로 산지형 사찰에서 교.관목을 식재할 때 활용할 수 있는 모형을 제시하였다. It is the purpose of this study to arrange in ornamental trees and shrubs the planting that leads to an appropriate type of templescape. The study was designed primarily as an examples for each Buddhist temple which desires further decoration with several ornamental plants, doubles the effectiveness of the Sen-Buddhist meditation, and boosts tourists' attraction. To investigate the planting status and type of trees and shrubs in the precincts of Buddhism temples, We close three temples : They are Nagsansa, Boolgoogsa and Booseugsa, which are intermonatane area temples all together. The results investigated were summarized as follows :1. Planting status and pattern in temples Open spaces of the Daewoogjeon in all temples, a main Sanctuaries in temple buildings, where Buddha is enshrined in, we could not find any kind of trees of shrubs to be planted.Muryangsujeon, a symbol of "Future", which can be also found at Boosugsa temple, is living in Western Elysium world and takes mercy on mankind of this life. Taxus cuspidata was planted at this Muryangsujeon, known as an immeasurable bliss building, where an Amitabha is enshrined in.Total 25 species of trees and shrubs were planted around Birozani building of Buddhist temples, Birozani is enshrined at the Birojion of Boollgoogsa temple.The buddhist Goddess of Mercy which is a buddhist saint for pursuit of fortune and blessing to relieve the mankind is enshrined at Wonchonjeon, Daebijeon and Kwaneumjeon which are able to observe at both Boolgoogsa and Nagsnsa temples, where Euonymus japonicus trees including other 26 species could be found in common at both temples.2. Correlation between trees/shrubs and temple buildingsTrees and flowers symbolizing Buddha are often planted as material sources of gardening to decorate : They are Logerstroemia indica as Buddha's flower, Viburmum opulus var. calvescens resembling Buddha's head, Tilia mandshurica producing the beads of rosary, Gardenia jaminoides Ellis with white flower blade and flower of bliss, not flower to this day and Lotus flowering clearly in the pond filling with dirty water which is able to clarifies the world full of crime, infidelity and injustification. Among these Buddhist' plants, however, Logerstroemia indica could be found in all three temples, and Viburmum opulus var. calvescens at both Nagsansa and Boosugsa. Also, Lager stroemia indica was planted at all three temples and Viburmum opulus var. calvescens at both temples of Nagsansa and Boosugsa. Tilia mandshurica and Gardenia jasminoides Ellis were not found in any temples which might become the subject of investigation.In relation of the buildings of each temples as a sanctified space, the planting of trees and shrubs was not considered for the arrangement, templescape architecture or species. And, also, we could not find in the study any special relationship of trees/ shrubs with the characteristics of temples.With the results obtained through precise studies we presented here in this paper newly designed model of templescape in intermane buddhist temple which can be applied for planting and arrangement of trees or/and shrubs. Basic principles of model in mind are:To consider the correlation of the dominant between plants and temple buildings.To plant trees/shrubs for special functions as well as conditions of temple location.To make tree arrangement correlating to Buddhism spirit.To induce environment friendly plants to be planted, suitable to regional conditions.This redecorated model of templescape might be used as a canon of the tree planting and arrangement in the precincts of Buddhism temples.

      • 시대 및 종교적 환경과 한국의 조경 경관형성 소고

        심재성,배정관,서병기,최종명,Shim, Jai-Sung,Bae, Jeong-Kwan,Seo, Byung-Key,Choi, Jong-Myung 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2002 自然科學論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        본 소고는 한국의 시대와 종교에 입각한 경관형성변화를 개관하고 조형방식의 역사적 변천과정을 고찰하면서 신개념의 조경 중심사상 구축을 위한 대안을 모색하였다. 미와 환경에 조화되는 경관조성을 시도하고 이를 통해 한국의 조경을 새로운 시각에서 재조명하였다. 또한 이를 종교적 차원으로 승화시키기 위한 자리메김의 가능성도 검토하였다, 경관이라는 개념을 시대와 장소에 따라 변화되는 의미를 탐색하고 경관을 통해 인간이 감각될 수 있는 상황적 인식을 추정하였다. 본 소고를 통해 한국적 조경의 위치와 이를 근거로 민족의 사상 및 종교와 연관된 새로운 조경문화의 발전방안을 논의하였다. Landscape civilization in Korea originated in Cochosun(Ancient Chosun) era, this again succeeding to the period of the Three States - Koguryo, Baekje and Silla. The distribution of this culture showed great progress with the association of two particular religions - Buddhism and Confucianism.. Landscape development in Korea has greatly changed during specific times of both cultural and political upheaval in various societies. Religion has had a great deal of influence on landscape development. Traditionally Korean people have had a tendency to favor more natural landscape than man-made structures in landscape : This trend was a quite different concept from that of other oriental countries, not to mention of western countries. In particular, Buddhism influenced natural landscape, far from artificial craftsmanship in landscape. Oriental garden is a typical 'tabloid edition' of natural landscape which consists lakes, islands, ponds, stone monuments, and fruit trees, quite often raising animal in parks and courtyard style house. This style of garden influenced in Chosun Dynasty landscape. Landscaping was usually for royal gardens, cemetery parks or high level of officer's residence. However, landscaping in Chosun Dynasty which had established Confucianism as a state religion gave us a specific designation. It was neither ethnic imitation of the garden style of both China and Japan : People were used to enjoy nature-friendly landscape or sink into the ecstasy of natural scenery itself. The trend that landscape or establishing garden had been aimed at royal family- or bureaucrat-centered formatives was to become an obstacle to the development of landscape techniques in Korea. An example represented in a beautiful garden with fabulous decoration which established in places. This was completely not fit for the nation's feeling.

      • 대전지역 초.중.고등학교 조경시설 현황

        문정현,심재성,정해준,서병기,Moon, Jung-Hyun,Shim, Jai-Sung,Bae, Jeong-Kwan,+Seo, Byung-Key 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2002 自然科學論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        The aim of this study was to analysis the landscape equipments of 42 school gardens in Taejon metropolitan city. Outdoor educational landscape equipments were found out at 10 schools out of 42 schools. The materials of main entrance were consisted of steel and stone at 19 schools. The stands at front of the main ground were existed at 21 schools. The pergolas and benches were existed at 20 schools. The living material fences were found out at 21 schools. Plant nameplates were found out at 22 schools. But the contents of the nameplates were so poor. The wetland and roof garden of the school were not existed. School landscape equipments should be introduced by the distinction of elementary school, middle school, and high school as well as by the space of the school site.

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