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      • 포스트소셜 인식방법: 울산의 관광과 고래잡이

        브래들리타타르 ( Bradley Tatar ) 울산과학기술원 인문연구소 2022 포스트휴먼의 조건: 다학제적 탐색 Vol.1 No.0

        본 챕터에서는 한반도의 동남부에 위치한 해안도시 울산의 무형문화유산인 고래잡이의 발전과정을 살펴보고자 한다. 울산의 고래 문화는 1986년 상업포경 금지에 따른 대응방안으로 시작되었다. 지역 내 고래 관련 활동의 핵심 인물들은 새로운 형태의 고래문화를 발전시켰는데, 이들은 대중이 고래를 만나는 새로운 방법들을 고안해 냄으로서 자신들의 정체성 또한 지속적으로 모색하였다. 본 논문은 울산의 고래 문화는 인식방법(epistemic practice)의 한 유형이라고 주장한다. 즉, 울산의 고래 문화는 전문가들이 고래라는 대상을 인간 사회성(human sociality)의 주요 유형으로 설계하고 창조해내는 인식방법(epistemic practice)인 것이다. 이 지적활동은 근대산업사회가 후기자본주의시대의 포스트소셜 방식(the postsocial mode of late-modern capitalism)으로 전환되는 과정의 일환으로, 대상 중심의 지식 형태와 상호작용이 기존의 인간 중심의 사회성(sociality)과 겨루고 곧 이를 대신하게 된다. 울산의 인식 문화(epistemic culture)는 지역주민들이 그들만의 중요한 무언가를 빼앗겼고 고래와의 상호작용을 통해서만 이 빼앗긴 것을 되찾을 수 있다는 생각이 지역 내 지배적이었던 가운데 형성되었다. 자력으로 전문가로 성장해 현재 활발히 활동 중인 울산 고래문화 전문가들은 욕망이 지식생산의 강력한 동기가 될 수 있음을 보여주는 한 예시가 된다. 이 전문가들의 지식생산 활동 또한 두 가지 현상의 예시가 되는데, 하나는 고래라는 대상이 지식생산주체인 인간이 갖는 욕망의 구조를 보여준다는 것이고 다른 하나는 고래라는 대상의 완전한 물질적 재현이 불가능하다는 것이다. 따라서 울산의 고래문화는 역동적이고 다양한 면모들을 보여주며 지속적으로 변화하는 속성을 가진, 대상 중심의 인식방법의 보고(寶庫)이며 이것은 또한 자아발견의 인식은 충족되지 않은 욕망에서 비롯됨을 입증해준다. This chapter examines the development of whale culture as intangible heritage in the southeastern coastal city of Ulsan. Starting out as a reaction against the prohibition of whale hunting in Korea after 1986, the concept of whale culture was developed by a local cadre of Ulsan residents who sought to explore their identity by creating new ways for members of the public to experience an encounter with whales. Here it is argued that whale culture in Ulsan is a mode of epistemic practice, in which experts design and create objects as the central mode of human sociality. This process is part of the historical transformation of modern industrial society to the postsocial mode of late-modern capitalism, in which object-centered forms of knowledge and interaction compete with and displace human-centered forms of sociality. The epistemic culture of Ulsan was built around the idea that something valuable has been taken away, which can only be restored through interaction with whales. The activities of the self-made whale culture experts of Ulsan are illustrative of desire-driven knowledge production, through which objects impart the structure of desire, but also become incomplete material representations of the object. As a result, Ulsan’s whale culture is a dynamic, unfolding and continuously changing repertoire of object-centered practice, which validates an episteme of self-discovery built upon the unfulfilled desires.

      • KCI등재후보

        Latino Ethnicity and Other Influences on the Immigrants' Rights Movement in the United States

        브래들리타타르 서울대학교 미국학연구소 2008 미국학 Vol.31 No.1

        This paper describes the social movement for immigrants’ rights, which organized massive street demonstrations on May 1 of 2006 and 2007. The protest movement, which demands the rights of undocumented migrants in the United States, could be portrayed as an ethnic movement for the civil rights of Latinos. However, quotations taken from the protestors show that on the day of the protest they did not see themselves as demanding freedom from discrimination as members of an ethnic or racial group. Rather, they argued that as persons living in the territory governed by the U.S. government, they submit to its laws and proclaim their loyalty to the U.S. polity, and hence feel it is their right to remain in the U.S. The widespread opposition to political proposals for the legalization of “illegal immigrants” is based on the popular notion that they cannot or will not assimilate to American social and cultural norms. However, this nativist nationalist discourse is shown to be false by the case of the so-called “green card soldiers.” The non-citizen soldiers who serve in the U.S. military illustrate non-citizens’ deep affirmation of commitment and loyalty to the U.S. polity. Like the May 1 protestors, the immigrants in the military seek to affirm their commitment to the U.S.A., in spite of their cultural and class differences that bar their entry into the American mainstream This paper describes the social movement for immigrants’ rights, which organized massive street demonstrations on May 1 of 2006 and 2007. The protest movement, which demands the rights of undocumented migrants in the United States, could be portrayed as an ethnic movement for the civil rights of Latinos. However, quotations taken from the protestors show that on the day of the protest they did not see themselves as demanding freedom from discrimination as members of an ethnic or racial group. Rather, they argued that as persons living in the territory governed by the U.S. government, they submit to its laws and proclaim their loyalty to the U.S. polity, and hence feel it is their right to remain in the U.S. The widespread opposition to political proposals for the legalization of “illegal immigrants” is based on the popular notion that they cannot or will not assimilate to American social and cultural norms. However, this nativist nationalist discourse is shown to be false by the case of the so-called “green card soldiers.” The non-citizen soldiers who serve in the U.S. military illustrate non-citizens’ deep affirmation of commitment and loyalty to the U.S. polity. Like the May 1 protestors, the immigrants in the military seek to affirm their commitment to the U.S.A., in spite of their cultural and class differences that bar their entry into the American mainstream

      • KCI등재

        The Challenge of Governance: Cultural Barriers to Enforcement of the IWC Whaling Moratorium in Korea

        브래들리타타르,Taeheok Lee 한국학술연구원 2012 Korea Observer Vol.43 No.4

        In this article we examine obstacles to the successful implementation of Korean policy for the protection of whales. At the local level, we focus on the governance problems raised by a political campaign for the restitution of the right to whaling, centered in Ulsan, Korea. Considering the difficulties of implementing the Directive on the Conservation and Management of Cetacean Resources emitted in 2011 by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries, we suggest that the political campaign in Ulsan presents a barrier to any policy intended to protect whales. However, at the international level, another major obstacle to policies for whale protection is presented by the impasse within the IWC on determining catch quotas and allocating authority for monitoring and oversight of markets for whale products. We advocate a compromise by which already existing institutions and social networks could be mobilized for participation in market monitoring and oversight, in exchange for a quota allocation under the Revised Management Procedure. If this policy were implemented, Korea would become the first nation to concede market monitoring jurisdiction to the IWC and would set a virtuous example for neighboring countries.

      • Agrippinilla 비문: 종교적 모임(Associations)들과 초기교회 형성

        브래들리 H 맥글린(Bradley H McLean),양형주 개혁주의이론실천학회 2014 개혁주의 이론과 실천 Vol.- No.7

        Agrippinilla 비문은 Roman Campagna의 Torre Nova로부터 2km 떨어진 곳에서 발견되었는데, AD 150년경으로 추산된다. Agrippinilla는 AD 150년 소아시아의 집정관이었던 M. Gavius Squilla Gallicanus의 부인이었다. 이런 훌륭한 상원의원의 가족은 Pompei의 친구이자 역사가인 Mytilene의 Theophanes의 자손이다. 가족은 원래 Mytilene에 거주했는데, 2세기 중반에 Roman Campagna로 이주했다. 비문은 디오니소스적 모임의 여사제인 Pompeia Agrippinilla에게 바쳐진 조각물의 대리석 기초에 조각되어 있다. 우리가 그 모임의 유기체적인 모델과 회원자격과 내부의 구조들을 함께 취급할 때, 회원자격과 회원모집과 같은 것들은 초기 기독교 교회들의 형성을 이해하는데 필요한 유사한 정보를 효과적으로 제공해준다. 이와 같은 비문은 결정적으로 초기기독교의 사회적 지위를 재평가하는데 도움이 된다. 미래에 신약연구는 기독교회안의 역동성과 사회적 역동성의 상호연결된 본질, 그리고 신앙과 사회 질서, 계급, 신분 그리고 부의 분배사이의 관계들에 대한 더 나은 인식을 제공해 주어야만 한다. 좀 더 부유한 회원은 후원과 의존과 사회적 이동성, 정치적 출세 경제적 번영을 위한 기회를 의심없이 제공받는다. 이런 의미에서 "나는 바울에게 속한다", "나는 아볼로에게 속한다", "나는 게바에게 속한다", "나는 그리스도에게 속한다."라는 진술은 이념적 확신보다 더 후원적 동맹과 같이 읽혀진다. The Agrippinilla Inscription was discovered 2km from Torre Nova in Roman Campagna dating AD 150. It is located on the marble base of a sculpture dedicated to Pompeia Agrippinilla, a priestess of this Dionysiac association. The statue no longer survives. Agrippinilla was the wife of M. Gavius Squilla Gallicanus, a one-time senator, consul and later proconsul of Asia Minor. This eminent senatorial family was descended from Theophanes of Mytilene, friend and historian of Pompei. The family had originally resided in Mytilene on the island of Lesbos, but subsequentlymoved to the Roman Campagna, bringing the Dionysiac association with it. In late Western antiquity voluntary religious associations provided a principal setting for social interaction. The Agrippinilla Inscription belongs to one such association, dedicated to Dionysos. Its organizational model, internal structures, membership and recruitment offer an instructive point of comparison with early Christian churches. From this perspective, studies of conversion and membership in early churches which focus on psychological need and ideological attachment, yo the exclusion of the importance of social networks, are bound to be incomplete. The structured social relationships in a church such as at Corinth, with its fictive kinship, probably facilitated opportunities for patronage, clientellism, employment and social and political mobility. In this light the statements, 'I belong to Paul', I belong to Apollos', I belong to Cephas', I belong to Christ' could be interpreted as patronage alliances as godparenthood rather than as ideological affirmations.

      • 치과용 예방지구가 금속 도재금관의 금속 표면조도에 미치는 영향

        커틀러, 브래들리 제이,진희관,김철위 서울대학교 치과대학 치과생체재료학교실 1998 치과생체재료학 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        치과예방기구는 금관 변연의 표면을 파괴하여 치태의 축적을 돕거나 야기할 것이다. 본연구는 고금(RX Y), 저금 (Aspen), 은 팔라듐 (RX 91) 및 니켈-크롬 합금(REX Ⅲ)의 잘 연마한 금속원반 시편을 탐침, 스케일러, 큐렛 및 덴스플라이 캐비트론 기구로 표면을 긁ㅇ느 후 표면조도는 윤곽감지기로 측정하였다. 결관느 고금 합금이 표면파괴에 가장 저항이 낮으며 초음파 스케일러가 모든 금속 표면에 가장 큰 파괴를 가져왔다.

      • KCI등재

        Hombres Bravos, Mujeres Bravas : Gender and Violence in the Mexican Corrido

        Bradley Tatar(브래들리 타타르) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2010 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.23 No.4

        This article examines the construction of meaning in episodes of violence which have come to dominate Mexican popular music, focusing on the story-telling song called the corrido. Although scholars have considered the multiple meanings of violence in the narrative songs, they have not given adequate attention to the character of the mujer brava, or “tough woman”. I begin by considering gender roles and codes of honor which historically developed in northern Mexico, in the region of the U.S./Mexico border. Next, the expression of machismo and marianismo as cultural patterns in popular corridos is illustrated and explained. Finally, the mujer brava is contrasted with the traditional conception of the submissive woman, as this character is aggressive and defends her honor against threats from men. The argument is developed that the mujer brava is not simply a woman who acts like a man, but who defends her honor with distinctly female forms of destructive power. Finally, I apply these insights to the appearance of the “mujer brava” in several narcocorridos. In these selected narcocorridos, the destructive power of a woman is used as a representation of the serrano or ranchero culture, in which gendered norms of honor and respect are considered to be more important than laws and political institutions. I argue that an understanding of gender norms helps to reveal the meanings of Mexico’s narco-insurgency, especially shedding light on why drug smuggling and drug-related culture are not deemed unethical by the audiences who enjoy narcocorridos.

      • KCI등재

        On the disordering ritornello of graffiti

        조프 피터 노먼 브래들리(Joff Peter Norman Bradley) 한국비평이론학회 2020 비평과이론 Vol.25 No.3

        무엇인가를 미친 듯이 쉴 새 없이 긁는다는 것은 무엇을 의미하는가? 이 질문은 제이크, 다이노스 채프먼 형제의 위반적인 작업들에 대한 검토의 필요성을 제기한다. 이 논문은 이들의 그래피티 작업에서 무질서와 질서의 단어들을 찾아내고 이해하고자 한다. 이를 위해서 필자는 그래피티 자체가 무질서한 말의 표본이라고 주장할 것이다. 그러나 이런 주장은 채프먼 형제들이 보여주는 부도덕한 병적 예술이 소아병적이고 비의적이면서 자폐적이라는 사실을 전제한다. 이미 이런 예술은 치명적인 반복구이다. 어떤 것도 들뢰즈가 말한 “위대한 반복”과 “대단한 건강”을 보여주지 않는다. 훌륭한 자본가로서 그들의 죽음 충동은 자기 탐닉이자 만족을 추구한다. 그들의 과잉, 착란, 체념은 어떤 삶의 기쁨도 위대한 삶의 반복에 도입할 수 없는 묵시록적 주이상스의 형식이다. 채프먼 형제는 하이데거와 들뢰즈 연구가인 닉 랜드에게 영향을 받은 것으로 알려져 있다. 이런 영향 하에서 이들은 반인간주의적인 “광기의 검은 들뢰즈주의”라는 유명한 가속주의 운동으로 나아갔다. 이 논문의 요지는 채프먼 형제의 낙서와 그래피티가 고야의 에칭을 되풀이한 것이면서 비철학적인 가속주의 운동의 무기력하고, 비정치적이고 반정치적인 반인간주의 철학의 전범이라는 것이다. 이를 통해 필자가 주장하고자 하는 것은 어두운 계몽주의를 넘어서서 닉 랜드의 철학에 내재해 있는 파시즘적인 요소들을 극복해야한다는 것이다. 필자는 가속주의의 후속 세대는 채프먼 형제의 작업에 담겨 있는 허무주의와 치명적인 반복과 다르게 그래피티를 들뢰즈와 가타리의 의미에서 삶의 반복으로 새롭게 바라보아야한다고 주장한다. What does it mean to scratch insatiably and manically? This will be the question guiding the interrogation of the transgressive work of the British artists and brothers Jake and Dinos Chapman. In their virulent graffiti, I find and want to understand the difference between disordering and ordering words. As such, I will look at graffiti as a prime example of the disordering word. But my argument is that the infectious, immoral art of the Chapman Brothers remains solipsistic, hermetic and autistic: it is a virulent deadly refrain; nothing of the “great refrain” and the “great health” of which Deleuze speaks of can be found in their art. As good capitalists, their death drive is mere self-indulgence and satiation. Their excess, delirium, fatalism is a form of apocalyptic jouissance, at once symptomatic of the political pessimism which cannot import any joie de vivre into the great refrain of life. It is widely known that the Chapman Brothers were influenced by the philosophical virulence of Nick Land, a Heidegger and Deleuze scholar, who later became infamous for the “mad, black Deleuzianism” connected to the anti-humanist, accelerationist movement. My point is that the mad scribblings and graffiti of the Chapman Brothers repeated over again and again on the Goya etchings is a prime example of the impotent, apolitical, antipolitical and anti-humanist philosophy of this trendy a-philosophical, accelerationist movement. Moreover, my point is we need to look beyond the loathsome Dark Enlightenment and perceived fascistic elements in both the philosophy of Nick land and the second generation accelerationist movement to assess and distinguish the graffiti qua expression of the great refrain in the Deleuze and Guattari sense, from the nihilistic, deadly refrain found in the Chapman Brothers’ work.

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