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        공기중 이소시아네이트류의 측정 및 분석방법에 관한 비교연구

        변혜정,윤충식,백남원 한국환경보건학회 1996 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was performed to evaluate accuracy and precision of filter method and impinger method for analyzin airborne isocyanates in mixture (2, 6-TDI, HDI, 2, 4-TDI, MDI). Filter method was performed using the OSHA Method 42 and impinger method using the NIOSH Method 5521. The samples were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detector (HPLC-UVD). After the optimum operating conditions for each method were investigated, samples with various concentration levels were quantified at the conditions. The precision was expressed by the pooled coefficient of variation(C.V.) and the accuracy by overall accuracy. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The optimum condition of filter method was determined at 35/65 ACN/buffer (0.01 M ammonium acetate) in mobile phase. And in case of impinger method, it was at 30/70 ACN/buffer(0.2 M sodium acetate). The effect of concentrations of acetate on the separation of the peaks was not significant, but, the effect of ACN/buffer ratio was significant. 2. The correlation coefficients for the two methods were above 0.9 in all isocyanate compounds. Average recovery efficiencies for 2, 6-TDI, HDI, 2, 4-TDI and MDI in filter method were 92.4%, 102.6%, 87.3% and 101.0%, respectively. Those in impinger method were 106.6%, 106.7%, 99.0% and 103.6%, respectively. As a result, the recovery efficiency of impinger method was higher than those of filter method in analyzing isocyanate compounds. 3. The pooled coefficients of variations of the methods were slightly higher than expected. The overall accuracies of the methods were within $\pm 25%$ for each isocyanate compound. Since these results satisfy NIOSH criteria, the accuracy of the experiment is appropriate. 4. As seen above, impinger method is more efficient than filter method. But, there are many disadvantages in impinger method. Therefore, solid sorbent such as a glass fiber filter must be developed in order to have the high efficiency not less than that of impinger method in the future.

      • KCI등재

        북한영화에서 재현되는 "여자다움"과 그 의미에 대한 연구

        변혜정 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1999 여성학논집 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper analyzes the femininities represented in North Korean films, from a position which recognizes the realities of the production of North Korean films, including the propagandizing aims of the regime in the efforts to complete the socialist revolution. T examine the processes the femininities represented in these films appear, and at what power relations are working therein. It is important to consider these aspects because 'femininity' is reproduced in accordance with people's actions and thoughts about the political economic system, and the cultural and emotional aspects which are located in the discursive system of film, and which have the established social regulations and are diversely diffused. This is to say, that the social agency of film through which the cultural meanings of North Korean society are produced and reproduced, also produce femininities. Through these assumptions the following results were gleaned from the research. The femininities in North Korean films exist in the name of the embodiment of national spirit and socialist ideology in order to maintain the power relations which legitimate the system. Looking comprehensively at the roles of the characters appearing in the films and tile story lines, the fundamental notions running throughout each film is the reproduction and maintainence of aspects of North Korean militarist society: the idol worship of Kim Il-Song and his son Kim Chung-Il, the desire to ensure the people's loyalty to the state and it's leaders, other propaganda, labor instigation and ideological training. In order to accomplish this, the women are represented as objects expressing indignation and fury at capitalism and imperialism in anti-US or anti-South Korean sentiment, in different roles as active revolutionaries, workers, mothers and wives etc. Another strong theme appears in the clear representation of a rigid gender division structure within the home and family, disseminated in order to maintain the socialist family. Following the stagnation in socialism, traditional wonton engaged in such housework activities as sewing, ironing, dish washing and child care were more greatly emphasized under the name of 'the embodiment of the national form'. These knowledges which in this way compliment the morals and common sense of North Korean society, are related to the specific notions concerning the natural, the moral and the good, necessary for the socialist revolution. These concepts emphasize a 'natural temperament' aspect of femininity and of masculinity in specific forms regulated by society. The temperament of femininity is continuously maintained and reproduced through flexible meanings which produce the communist woman revolutionary. However, it is certain that in accordance with changes in policy which respond to changes in the power structure in North Korea, international relations and social economic conditions, the composition of femininity also changes. Due to the rhetoric of the early socialist period the 'alternative femininity' which did not appear in the early period, was established as an important element in the construction of femininity as socialism became more secure. What became different in this way of constructing femininity was not only changes in the contort which surrounded the films themselves, but is also possibly the result of changes made for the audience who were watching the films. The viewers of the films are not simply the passive receptors of ideas. North Korean society is of course, as a socialist society, a thoroughly regulated society. And distressingly, recognition of women's problems in North Korea is exceedingly low. However, despite this we can not simply presume that al1 women are affected in the same way by the methods of control employed in socialist countries. Even looking at the history of the past, the power of influence in the system itself has been flexible rather than fixed. Moreover contemporary North Korean society cannot maintain it's exceptionally closed character. As each individual develops their resistance at their own level to the dominant discourse, alternative knowledges will be produced and the expression of this resistance will appear in diverse ways. However in this aspect, analysis of North Korean film must in the future also re-assess the experiences of those women who have left in North Korea. Through the perspective of South Korean feminism I cannot judge or assess their lives abiturary. However despite this there is worth in my effort to contextualize the relationships between North Korean films and women and the symbolic production and expression of femininity as a means of finding the tendencies and the political social attitude concerning women and North Korean social relations and organization. This relationship exists as in North Korean society films are considered to be an important propaganda tool. There is also value in making clear the traditional and folk elements which are 'women's (oppressed) reality' in North Korean films, which are proposed as thc proposed as the homogenity of a united Korea. The proposition that women's reality based partly in the traditional culture, could become the foundation in the search for strategy to overcome the heterogeneity and contradictions between the citizens of North and South Korea as the basis for cultural exchanges between the north and south does not uncover the real realities of women. 'Women's realities' are not made visible as they are absorbed into the discourse of the tradition. Failing to ask for whom and what is reunification ensures the greater possibility of the further oppression and distortion of the realities of women in both North and South Korea, even if unification were to occur. It will be the task of future research to assess in what ways the common points of women in North and South Korea can be salvaged through the reunification argument.

      • 체납지방세 관리방안에 관한 연구 : 체납조세채권 및 압류권의 양도와 유동화 방안을 중심으로

        변혜정,김필헌 한국지방세연구원 2016 위탁연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.4

        □ 연구목적 ○ 본 과제에서는 체납지방세채권 또는 체납지방세채권의 압류재산에 대한 압류권을 양도하거나 유동화 하는 방안을 검토함. - 지방자치단체의 재정자립도가 열악한 가운데 사회복지비 등의 재정지출 부담은 더욱 증가하고 있어 체납지방세 해소를 통한 지방세수 확보가 필요한 상황임. - 체납지방세를 해소하는 방안으로서 체납지방세채권 자체 또는 체납지방세의 압류재산에 대한 압류권의 양도 또는 유동화를 고려해 볼 수 있음. ·지방세 체납징수 인력이 부족한 현실을 감안할 때 이러한 체납지방세채권과 압류권의 양도 또는 유동화는 지방세 체납금액의 일정부분을 해소하여 지방세 체납징수율을 낮춤으로써 지방자치단체의 재정건전성을 개선하는데 일조할 수 있음. □ 주요내용 ○ 현행 법령에 따라 지방세 체납처분과 지방세 체납에 대한 행정적 제재가 이루어지고 있으나 체납지방세를 효과적으로 해결하지 못하고 있는 실정임. - 각 지방자치단체 내에 전문 체납징수조직이 마련되어 있지 않아 지방세 체납이 누적되고 있음. ·그럼에도 불구하고 체납지방세 규모를 축소하기 위한 세무공무원의 증원은 예산 및 공무원 인사제도상 한계가 있음. - 압류재산에 대한 공매를 한국자산관리공사로 하여금 대행하도록 하는 경우, 그 공매대행 수수료가 법원의 경매대행 수수료와 비교했을 때 매우 높게 책정되어 있으며 수수료 산정기준도 공매로 매각되는 재산과의 관련성이 부족함. - 체납지방세채권 압류재산의 선순위 권리에 대한 정확한 분석이 부족하여 조세채권을 실현하지 못하는 경우가 발생함. ·체납지방세채권의 압류재산에 근저당권, 압류 및 가압류, 가처분, 가등기가 있는 경우 이에 대한 정확한 분석이 있어야지만 압류재산을 통한 조세채권 실현이 가능함. ·한국자산관리공사에 공매를 대행하는 경우 공매재산에 대한 분석이 형식적인 내용에 한정되어 공매가 반려되기도 하고 지방자치단체가 추가적인 비용을 부담하게 되기도 함. - 압류재산이 장기간 미공매 상태로 남아있는 경우가 발생하고 있음. ·강력한 민원이 우려되는 경우, 또는 압류재산에 국세에 의한 선압류가 있거나 선순위 근저당권부 채권이 있는 경우에는 공매 등 강제환가가 어려워져 압류재산이 미공매 상태로 장기간 방치되게 됨. ○ 미국의 지방정부에서는 재산세 체납에 효과적이고 신속히 대응하기 위하여 체납조세채권 또는 압류권의 양도 및 유동화를 제도화하고 있음. - 미국의 지방정부들은 1990년대 후반부터 체납재산세의 대상자산에 대한 압류권(lien)을 대규모로 양도 또는 증권화(securitization)하기 시작하였음. - 미국의 지방정부들은 각기 다른 재산세 징수 및 압류제도를 가지고 있어 압류 및 체납처분, 이에 대한 사법부의 개입 여부, 압류권 또는 그 대상자산의 공매, 상환기간 등에 있어서 차이를 보이고 있음. ○ 체납지방세채권 등의 양도 및 유동화는 금융수단의 역할을 넘어서 체납지방세의 효율적 해결방안이 될 수 있으므로 관련 제도의 도입을 고려해볼 필요가 있음. - 체납지방세채권 등의 양도 및 유동화를 제도화하기 위해서는 현행 관련 법령에 대한 검토를 통하여 기존 제도와 조화될 수 있는 도입 방안을 마련하여야 함. ·체납지방세채권의 양도와 관련된 제도 도입을 위해서는 「민법」상 채권의 양도에 관한 규정, 「채권의 공정한 추심에 관한 법률」에 따른 채권추심의 원칙 등을 검토할 필요가 있음. ·체납지방세채권 등의 유동화에 있어서도 「자산유동화에 관한 법률」에 따른 자산유동화 방식과 조화를 이룰 수 있도록 하여야 함. - 체납지방세채권은 양도가 허용되는 종류물채권 중에서 양도성이 높은 금전채권에 해당하나, 공적 채권으로서 인격적 결합의 정도가 강하여 대가형(代價型) 계약 등과 비교할 경우 그 양도에 제한이 있음. ·따라서 체납지방세채권의 양도를 제도화할 경우 이와 같은 양도상 제한을 감안한 제도를 마련할 필요가 있음. - 체납지방세채권 또는 그 압류권을 유동화하는 경우 체납지방세채권 등에 대한 평가와 체납지방세채권 등의 금액산정, 체납지방세채권 등의 유동화 방식, 위탁기관의 선정 등에 관한 구체적 제도 확립이 필요함. - 체납지방세채권 등의 양도 및 유동화는 징세업무의 민간위탁이 가능한지의 문제와 연결되어 체납지방세업무의 민영화에 대한 심도 있는 논의가 필요함. - 체납지방세채권 등의 양도 및 유동화는 체납정리의 연장에 해당하는 것이므로 납세자의 권리가 침해되지 않도록 하는 제도적 뒷받침이 같이 논의되어야 함. ·특히 체납조세 대상자산의 소유자가 저소득층이나 노령층 등 취약계층인 경우에 대한 특별 방안이 마련되어야 함. - 체납지방세채권 등의 유동화에 있어서는 체납자는 물론 그 외 거래에 관련되는 자들에 대한 형평성도 고려하여야 함. ·따라서 매수자들이 대상자산에 대한 권리의 행사를 효과적으로 할 수 있는 방안도 함께 마련되어야 함. □ 결론 ○ 체납조세채권 등의 양도와 유동화는 지방세 체납을 효율적으로 해결할 수 있는 방안이 될 수 있음은 물론 새로운 금융상품으로서 투자대상이 될 수 있으므로 관련 제도의 도입 방안을 고려해볼 필요가 있음.

      • KCI등재

        실험실 근무자의 화학물질 노출과 건강 위험

        변혜정,박정임,Byun, Hyae-Jeong,Park, Jeong-Im 한국환경보건학회 2010 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.36 No.6

        Researchers who work in science and engineering R&D laboratories are commonly exposed to a wide range of chemical, biological and physical hazards. They also may adopt ergonomically poor postures for long periods of time. These factors may increase the risk of adverse health outcomes in laboratory workers. Recently, there were several fatal accidents in the laboratories in universities and research institutes in Korea. Consequently, the 'Laboratory Safety Act' was enacted in 2006. However, there are concerns about the health risk associated with chronic exposures to hazards, as the management measures provided in this Act are very limited, focusing primarily on accident prevention and compensation for lab work-related accidents. In this article, the methods for assessing exposure to chemicals in laboratory environments are discussed. Also, epidemiological studies examining the association between laboratory exposure and health effects, including cancer and reproductive toxicity are extensively reviewed. Finally, the possible roles of environmental health professionals in this area are suggested, along with a list of critical research needs for properly assessing laboratory workers' exposure and risk.

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