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        X-ray를 통한 예풍(藝風)과 하관(何關)에서의 안전한 자침 깊이에 대한 고찰

        변혁,강민주,정찬영,박인식,조현석,김경호,이승덕,김갑성,Byun, Hyuk,Kang, Min-Joo,Jung, Chan-Yung,Park, In-Shik,Jo, Hyeon-Seog,Kim, Gyeong-Ho,Lee, Seung-Deok,Kim, Kap-Sung The Korean AcupunctureMoxibustion Medicine Society 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        목적 : X-ray를 통해 안면마비에 다용되는 예풍과 안면통에 다용되는 하관에서의 안전한 자침 깊이에 대하여 고찰하여 보고자 하였다. 방법 : 건강한 지원자들에게 원치 않을 경우 언제든지 시험을 중지할 권리가 있다는 것을 공지한 후, 시험에 동의한 남녀 각각 2명의 피험자들을 대상으로 대학병원 침구과 전문의가 예풍과 하관을 직자(直刺)($40mm{\times}0.35mm$ 일회용 침)하였다. 피험자의 이상 반응 유무를 살피며 안면신경 혹은 삼차신경이 지나가는 경로로 알려진 깊이까지 진침(進鎬)하였다. 유침(留鍼) 상태에서 Skull X-ray의 AP view와 Lateral view를 촬영하였다. 결과 : 피험자들은 침병이 피부에 도달 하는 동안(40mm 직자) 자침 혈위에서 중창감(重脹感)을 자각하였으며, 추후 어떠한 이상 반응도 보이지 않았다. 결론 : 안면마비와 안면통의 효율적인 치료를 위하여 안면신경과 삼차신경에 근접할 수 있는 혈위인 예풍과 하관에서의 40mm 직자는 신경염이나 뇌 손상과 같은 이상 반응을 유발하지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        퇴행성 슬관절염에 대한 맞춤형 침 치료 효과 검증무작위 대조군 임상연구(RCT)(ISRCTN40706107)

        변혁,김선웅,안지현,김용석,서정철,최선미,박지은,Kawakita K,Takahashi N,Sumiya E,이승덕 대한침구의학회 2007 대한침구의학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        Objectives : To determine whether individualized acupuncture (IA) provides greater pain relief and improved function compared with standardized acupuncture (SA) in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Methods : Design is a randomized single blind controlled trial with two intervention arms (IA vs SA) of 6 weeks’ duration and 3 months follow up. An orthopedist diagnosed 50 patients’ symptoms as knee osteoarthritis. Interventions were applied by 2 residents studying the acupuncture and moxibustion spe- cially in Dongguk University International Hospital. Primary outcome measure is pain as measured by visual analogue scale (VAS). Secondary measures of pain and disability include WOMAC, SF-36, LFI and KHAQ. Results : The 50 participants were well matched for age, sex, bad side, VAS, WOMAC, SF-36, LFI and KHAQ scores at the baseline. 3 participants dropped out. There have not been any adverse events in both groups. Participants in both groups experienced great improvement in all measures except SF- 36at 3 and 6 weeks. At 18 weeks, the IA group experienced significantly greater improvement than the SA group in VAS but not in WOMAC, SF-36, LFI and KHAQ. Conclusions : Manipulation of IA seems to provide pain relief longer for osteoarthritis of the knee when compared with SA.

      • KCI등재후보

        영화「자유부인」에 표현된 춤의 사회적 인식에 관한 고찰 - 1950년대 서울을 중심으로 -

        변혁,정의숙 한국무용예술학회 2009 무용예술학연구 Vol.28 No.-

        This study aims to acknowledge the social aspect that dance retains by analyzing a dance featured in Madame Freedom, a Korean film made in 1956 which brought about great controversy in Korean society in the 1950s. As this study examines the role of dance in the movie by adopting the method of drama analysis, it also looks at the dance’s image and how they influence in dance discourse. At the time when the movie was made, Korea experienced the flood of liberalization which to some extent affected the conservative Korean society to be changed. However, women were still expected to be “a wise mother and good wife” under Confucian ideology which restricted and limited women’s role in the society. By analyzing the plot of the movie, it was found that the Confucian idea on women’s role was reflected in the movie as well. The movie only focused on the main female character Oh Sun Young being corrupted by dancing, damaging the original role and image of dance. Also, it described that the female character had been morally corrupted through dance, instead of found her self- reliance by dancing. When it comes to analyzing visual and auditory elements, the changes in clothing and spaces in the movie illustrated the changing society and people’s thought. Also, various filming techniques made us see a professional dancer’s movement in the movie from males’ viewpoint. In conclusion, the movie seemed to describe dance as a mean to corrupt the female character. However, having a closer look at the movie enabled to see the true mean of the dance for the female character, realizing self-reliance and attaining true identity. In carrying out this study, it is expected that dance and film, two different genre in art form, are integrated, and bring us with various cross-genre products actively, which will finally contribute to promoting cultural diversity.

      • KCI등재

        뇌파 관련 국내 한의학 연구에 대한 고찰

        변혁,이진호,정찬영,김은정,이재동,최도영,김갑성,이승덕 대한침구의학회 2010 대한침구의학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Objectives : To research the changes of electroencephalogram(EEG) signals for acupuncture stimulation and to establish the hereafter direction for the study on EEG. Methods : We reviewed the domestic papers searched by search engine of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society and Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine. Results : We have searched 31 articles in 10 journals. The 13 articles were concerned with acupuncture. 1. All articles were published after 2001. In 2007 there were 10 articles. 2. The studies dealing with the changes of EEG signals were 24, the studies dealing with correlation of EEG signals were 5, and the studies analyzing EEG with Korean medicine were 2. 3. In the studies dealing with the changes of EEG signals, the case-control studies were 9, the non case-control studies were 14, and the case study was 1. 10 studies used electro-acupuncture, 1 study used herbal acupuncture, and 2 studies used manual acupuncture. Conclusions : We need more various kinds of studies. 1. Excited condition by acupuncture stimulation may reduce α wave. 2. There may be the acupuncture point-specific variation of EEG signal patterns. 3. The number of responding channels for acupuncture stimulation may correlate with the quantity or variety of acupuncture effect.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Danse et Musique, 무대 위의 '음악의 시각화': <윤이상을 만나다>를 중심으로

        변혁,BYUN, Daniel H. 성균관대학교 트랜스미디어연구소 2016 트랜스- Vol.1 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 춤과 음악과의 관계를 다루며 공연예술직품의 무대화 작업에서 어떻게 음악이 시각화되어 춤과의 연계를 돕는가를 살피는 것이다. 텍스트로 삼은 <윤이상을 만나다>는 윤이상의 음악을 중심으로 무용과 음악과 영상이 한 무대 위에 융합된 복합장르공연으로 음악이라는 청각적 콘텐츠를 무용과 영상이라는 시각적 정보를 중심으로 무대화하여 제시하고 있다. 일시적으로 음악은 무용이라는 신체의 움직임을 통해서 시각화되었고, 또한 카메라와 스크린을 이용한 영상매체를 통해 무대 위에 시각화되었다. 음악의 구조 속에 드러난 작곡가의 의도는 다중영상시스템의 활용을 통해 보다 선명하게 구현될 수 있었던 바 본 연구에서는 음악이 가진 특징적인 구조들이 어떤 방식으로 무대 위에 시각화되고 있는지, 음악의 구조와 시각적 구현을 분석적으로 살피고 있다. 음악의 이해를 바탕으로 한 시각화 작업은 디지털미디어 제어기술의 발달로 일정 부분 성취되었으며 향후 공연예술 콘텐츠가 어떻게 기존무대의 공간적 한계를 극복하며, 더 나아가 시공간을 재구성할 수 있을지 그 기능성을 엿보게 한다. The theme of this research is the music visualization on stage. As the collaborated work, combining the dance, images with the Isang Yun's music, <Interview with Isang Yun> is showing the staged music, which is expressing the music not only through the sound but also the visualization. In the process of visualizing the music through the body and images on the stage, Isang Yun's musics are recreated in the hand of today's artists. The study found that the recreated work from the new point of view, like Interview with Isang Yun can be the bridge between the composer and today's artists and we can see the future through it. Even though, this paper analyzed the work through the aspects of dance and images, the main theme of the work is focusing how can we deliver the music in the new representative form through formative visualization on the stage.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화콘텐츠의 글로벌경쟁력 강화를 위한 선(先)지원정책연구: 미드 시스템을 기초로 한 '스토리텔링 제작소'의 가능성

        변혁,BYUN, Daniel H. 성균관대학교 트랜스미디어연구소 2017 트랜스- Vol.2 No.-

        In the 21st century, developing cultural industry is an important issue world-wide. Since the Kim Daejoong government, Korea has focused on cultural industry development and has thereby treated it as one of the basic, necessary industries. Therefore, the industry is being supported both financially and politically. This policy nurtured the development of quality and quantity within the cultural content industry. However, most of the reports and studies about Korean cultural content have shown it is still not strong enough to compete with leading countries in the field. Competitiveness of storytelling is especially weak. The goal of this study is to find the best direction for the funding policy to strengthen competitiveness in storytelling. Analysing the policies of the No Moo-hyun and Lee Myoung-park governments, we can see that they primarily focused on developing infrastructure in investment and the distribution environment. Support for producing content and distribution follows after confirmation of results. Moreover, policies for the support of developing ideas within culture content are vertical. Currently in the industry, a person or company decides how and where to use the moneys available for investment in the development of content. However, we need to invest more directly, initial funding is required. We analysed the market, studying its activity, achievement and limitations. As a result, we suggest a 'Storytelling Factory' like the group writing system adopted by US TV Shows. 세계 각국과 글로벌 기업들은 21세기를 문화산업의 시대로 규정하고 글로벌시장을 선점하기 위한 콘텐츠 개발에 정책적인 지원과 투지를 아끼지 않고 있다. 문화산업의 중요성을 인식한 우리나라도 문화콘텐츠 경쟁력을 확보를 위한 국가적 차원의 적극적인 정책을 추진하고 있다. 하지만 현실적인 글로벌시장 점유율을 생각하면 아직까지 국제적 경쟁력에서 취약한 상태라고 할 수 있다. 문화콘텐츠의 경쟁력 부재에는 여러 가지 요인이 있을 수 있겠으나, 창작력의 부재, 특히 스토리텔링의 취약성이 가장 큰 문제점으로 지적되고 있다. 본 논문은 지금까지 정부 지원책의 현황을 살펴보고 향후 스토리텔링 경쟁력 강회를 위한 정책 수립의 필요성에 대해 논하고자 하며 소위 '선(先)지원', 즉 기획과 아이템 개발이라고 하는 콘텐츠 제작의 초기단계의 육성방안의 대안을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Inclinometer with Universal Goniometer in Evaluating Cervical and Lumbar Spine and Shoulder Range of Motion

        변혁,김선웅,김갑성,김우영,백승태,최선미,이승덕 대한침구의학회 2006 대한침구의학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        목적 : 경사계와 각도기로 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위를 반복 측정하여 두 도구의 측정자내 신뢰도 우위를 추정하여 보고자 하였다. 방법 : 각 관절에 별다른 증상이 없는 104명의 학생들을 대상으로 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 능동 운동 범위를 경사계와 각도기로 각 도구 당 2회씩 측정하였다. 측정하기 바로 전에, 한 명의 교육자가 경사계와 각도기를 이용한 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위 측정 방법을 교육하였다. 104명은 두 명 씩 쌍을 이룬 후 각도기, 경사계, 각도기, 경사계를 이용하는 순서로 서로의 경추, 요추 및 견관절의 운동 범위를 측정하였다. 결과 : 견관절의 수평 외전과 외회전에서 경사계의 측정값이 각도기의 측정값보다 통계적으로 의미 있게 안정적으로 반복되었다(P<0.05, 독립 이 표본 t-검정). 결론 : 견관절의 운동 범위 측정에 있어서 경사계가 각도기보다 높은 측정자내 신뢰도를 가지는 것으로 추정되어, 경사계와 각도기의 신뢰도를 급간내 상관 계수(intraclass correlation coefficient)를 이용하여 비교해보는 연구의 예비 조사로서 실시된 이번 연구의 결과는 향후 시행될 연구에 있어서 견관절의 운동 범위 측정에 보다 집중적인 연구를 진행할 수 있는 근거를 마련하였다.

      • KCI등재

        A Randomized, Single-Blind, 2-Limbed, Parallel-Group Study to Compare the Effectiveness of ‘Individualized Traditional Korean Acupuncture’ with one of ‘Standardized Minimal Acupuncture’

        변혁,백승태,박인식,김갑성,최선미,이승덕 대한한의학회 2006 대한한의학회지 Vol.27 No.4

        Objective:To test the hypotheses that individualized traditional Korean acupuncture improves pain and disability in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and that benefits remain after stopping treatment more so than is the case for standardized minimal acupuncture. Design:Randomized single blind controlled trial with two intervention arms (individualized traditional Korean acupuncture, standardized minimal acupuncture) of six weeks' duration and three months follow-up. Setting:Acupuncture interventions were applied by two training doctors in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a 1000-bed hospital. Assessment of the result was performed in a university-based laboratory. Participants:50 patients with symptoms of knee osteoarthritis as diagnosed by an orthopedist. Intervention:Individualized traditional Korean acupuncture or standardized minimal acupuncture for six weeks. Main outcome measures: Primary outcome measure was pain as measured by the visual analogue scale. Secondary measures of pain and disability included the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index, Short Form-36 (SF-36), Lequesne Functional Index (LFI) score and Korean version of Health Assessment Questionnaire (KHAQ). Discussion:This paper presents detail on the rationale, design, methods and operational aspects of the trial. Objective:To test the hypotheses that individualized traditional Korean acupuncture improves pain and disability in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and that benefits remain after stopping treatment more so than is the case for standardized minimal acupuncture. Design:Randomized single blind controlled trial with two intervention arms (individualized traditional Korean acupuncture, standardized minimal acupuncture) of six weeks' duration and three months follow-up. Setting:Acupuncture interventions were applied by two training doctors in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a 1000-bed hospital. Assessment of the result was performed in a university-based laboratory. Participants:50 patients with symptoms of knee osteoarthritis as diagnosed by an orthopedist. Intervention:Individualized traditional Korean acupuncture or standardized minimal acupuncture for six weeks. Main outcome measures: Primary outcome measure was pain as measured by the visual analogue scale. Secondary measures of pain and disability included the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index, Short Form-36 (SF-36), Lequesne Functional Index (LFI) score and Korean version of Health Assessment Questionnaire (KHAQ). Discussion:This paper presents detail on the rationale, design, methods and operational aspects of the trial.

      • KCI등재

        Surveyor assay to diagnose persistent Müllerian duct syndrome in Miniature Schnauzers

        김영준,권혁진,변혁,염동욱,최재홍,김중현,심호섭 대한수의학회 2017 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.18 No.4

        Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a pseudohermaphroditism in males characterized by the presence of Müllerian duct derivatives. As PMDS dogs often lack clinical symptoms, a molecular diagnosis is essential to identify the syndrome in these animals. In this study, a new molecular method using DNA mismatch-specific Surveyor nuclease was developed. The Surveyor nuclease assay identified the AMHR2 mutation that produced PMDS in a Miniature Schnauzer as accurately as that obtained by using the conventional method based on restriction digestion. As an alternative to the current molecular diagnostic method, the new method may result in increased accuracy when detecting PMDS.

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