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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        How Far is Goodman’s Approach to Studying Reading Applicable to Language Teaching?

        백주현,이은석 언어과학회 2013 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        This paper aims to critically examine the applicability of Goodman’s approach to second or foreign language reading contexts. It mainly focuses on Goodman’s two main models: top-down model and transactional socio-psycholinguistic model of reading. Despite a range of solid theoretical strengths of Goodman’s approach, a critical evaluation may suggest that guessing strategies are more effective for poor and younger readers who rely more on text as a compensation for problems in recognising words, and that L2 readers are not as skilled at making use of the strategies as L1 readers because of their limited language ability. The second limitation is that using redundancy rules may not be universally applied to L2 reading process because of linguistic differences between L1 and L2. Finally, it is noted that Goodman’s approach includes the idea of low-level processing like ‘recoding’ in explaining the role of cue systems in reading process, although his definition of reading does not include any relationship between the reader and word print. These all may give important teaching implications for using his approach as an compensatory strategy, and thus a balanced application with other sorts of approaches is needed.

      • KCI등재

        A Corpus-based Study of Interactional Metadiscourse in L1 and L2 Academic Research Articles: Writer Identity and Reader Engagement

        백주현 언어과학회 2014 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.70

        This study analyses interactional metadiscourse used in both NS and NNS research articles (RA) to investigate how far advanced L2 writers can achieve the balance between both objectivity of argumentative writing and professional persona as a scholar within academic community. The findings suggest that NNS showed a higher degree of subjectivity and personality with an overuse of attitude markers, engagement markers, and self-mentions. A further analysis showed that the higher frequency of subjectivity, personality, and engagement features in ‘Results' and ‘Discussion' section (in particular conclusions) in NNS corpus may correspond to the inductive ways of developing organizational patterns in Korean discourse. These may be due to their lack of linguistic knowledge about the use of metadiscourse markers and socio-pragmatic failure transferred from their L1 traditions. Their strong preference for obligation modal verbs and rhetorical questions among engagement devices might be also problematic for Korean L2 writers. All above may contribute to an in-depth understanding of how the balance between subjectivity and objectivity can be achieved though interactional metadiscourse devices in the RA genre. Pedagogical L2 writing resources should be given to teach Korean learners alternative strategies for both genre-specific and culture-specific devices in written academic community.

      • KCI등재

        A Cross-cultural Understanding of Korean Students in the British Academic Context

        백주현 대한언어학회 2010 언어학 Vol.18 No.3

        Back, Ju-hyun. 2010. A Cross-cultural Understanding of Korean Students in the British Academic Context. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal. 18(3). 71-91. A questionnaire-based survey was undertaken with 124 Korean students enrolled at 16 UK universities to gain an broad overview where the main problems perceived to lie in relation to cultural factors, such as face, hierarchy and indirectness. The participants showed a fairly high level of passivity in the classroom interaction, unfamiliarity with the strictness in referencing and with different rhetorical pattern in written English discourse, which corresponds to many findings for Chinese students at UK universities. Interestingly, the Korean students seemed to have a favourable attitude toward supervisory meetings in the UK, which contrasts with majority of the previous findings for Chinese students who showed a high level of dissatisfaction with teachers' guidance in the UK, although both would have problem with interacting with their supervisors. The responses to the survey gave a clear indication that, apart from language difficulties, some degree of integration into the host culture was felt to be an important aspect of studying abroad by many of the students and also led to a better understanding of intragroup differences within the homeogenous group of confucian culture.

      • KCI등재

        Authority and Objectivity: The Use of Personal Pronouns in Student Academic Writing

        백주현 언어과학회 2013 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.64

        The study aims to investigate how far Korean EFL writers can gain credibility or objectivity by representing an author identity and displaying confidence in their evaluations and commitment to their ideas. It comprises two empirical studies: the corpus-based analysis focuses on examining the frequency and use of personal pronouns in a corpus of corpus of L1 and L2 student academic essays written by speakers of English and Korean. The recall interviews were undertaken to support the corpus data by reasoning behind their choices of personal pronouns. The result showed that there was a high presence of the cases for first-person singular pronouns expressing personal opinions and ownership of assertions in contexts which involved making arguments or claims in Korean student corpus. This contrasted with the findings from English native student corpus in which the majority of cases for first-person singular occurred with a detachment of the writer's responsibility for the propositions. Although pragmatic transfer from L1 to L2 did not occur in the use of first-person singular, culture-specific patterns of a more interactive and interpersonal use of first-person plural and second- person pronouns occurred in the Korean student corpus. The use of personal pronouns invested with personal and authoritative voice seemed to be still problematic for many non- native writers. There is thus a need for teaching alternative strategies to raise both cultural and genre-specific awareness in second language writing.

      • KCI등재

        Korean University Students’ Progress in Developing Social Interaction with Native Speakers in the UK

        백주현 한국영어어문교육학회 2009 영어어문교육 Vol.15 No.3

        Although Korean university students’ primary concern is academic success in their higher degrees in the UK, they highly desire to develop English communicative competence through a number of opportunities to speak with natives speakers. The paper aims at examining to what extent they are able to be socialised into a new environment while they are studying at UK universities. The in-depth, longitudinal interviews with the targeted group of six Korean masters’ students at the University of York was undertaken to observe the pace of their progress in developing social skills. Reluctance and hesitance to contact and interact with their supervisors and other academic staff persisted for most of them to the final term caused by cultural reasons such as face and hierarchy rather than language problems. Despite the six participants’ variation in their patterns of social interaction, they struggled with pressures towards monoculture-biased interaction with Korean people, which was quite extreme for the five participants. This passivity can be explained by several reasons such as the students’ lack of communicative competence and other situational factors on one-year course. It is important to note that students’ failure to develop network with native speakers is strongly associated with experience of cultural withdrawal and frustration with developing communicative competence in English.

      • KCI등재

        Cohesive Features in Argumentative Writing by Korean EFL Learners at the Elementary Education Level

        백주현 언어과학회 2018 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.86

        This study aims to investigate differences and similarities in the use of cohesive devices by young and adult Korean EFL learners in their argumentative writings. Results show that young Korean EFL learners’ texts displayed some age-specific features in their overt use of causative conjunctions, which might be partly explained by their causal reasoning skills along with their tendency to provide a short description of their ideas in their argumentation. Several of the cases of overuse and misuse of conjunctions and references, which often interfere with cohesive text in young Korean EFL learners’ texts, might derive from the lack of L2 writing experience and linguistic knowledge. Interestingly, L1 influence can be seen through their overuse of the pronoun determiner ‘this’ indicating ‘definiteness’ since they use demonstratives instead of indefinite articles. These findings yield important teaching implications for developing written discourse competence at the Korean elementary education level.

      • KCI등재

        최인훈의 「가면고」에 나타난 프랑스 실존주의의 영향

        백주현 한국비교문학회 2009 比較文學 Vol.0 No.49

        Dans mon travail, j'ai examiné les effets produits par l'Existentialisme français, introduit durant la période de l’après-guerre dans le monde littéraire coréen, particulièrement sur le roman de Ch’oe Inhun, «Réflexions sur les masques». J'ai essayé de m’approcher au plus près des sources de la quête d'identité, du sentiment de solitude, de l’amour comme possibilité de salut, thèmes principaux des romans de Ch’oe Inhun, apparaissant fréquemment dans son oeuvre littérature et devant énormément à l'Existentialisme. Pour ce faire, tout d’abord, j’ai analysé les différents aspects de l'Existentialisme introduits résolument dans le monde littéraire coréen, pour ensuite tenter de découvrir comment Ch’oe Inhun se les est appropriés et les a intégrés dans son oeuvre. La pensée existentialiste de Ch’oe Inhun s'accorde avec le postulat de l’Occident : «Dieu est mort.» Ses thèmes littéraires nécessitent de comprendre les limites du raisonnement logique, d’appréhender la conscience de l'existence individuelle en tant que force décisive et la libération de la personne. Ainsi, Ch’oe Inhun a essayé de résoudre les contradictions et les situations difficiles auxquelles les Coréens faisaient face à ce moment-là avec la méthodologie de l'Existentialisme, en s’accordant avec la pensée existentialiste préconisant que «chaque être humain façonne sa propre essence». Selon Ch’oe Inhun, l'existence constitue la raison de l'être humain, voire même celle de la littérature, c’est-à-dire qu’elle vise à interroger le sens des valeurs humaines dans des situations extrêmes et à retrouver la signification de la vie grâce aux réponses ainsi obtenues. Dans ce processus, le rôle de l’individu, en tant que sujet recherchant un sens à la vie, est primordial. Les personnages des romans de Ch’oe Inhun souhaitent découvrir le sens de leur existence en se scrutant dans la plus complète solitude comme Min et Damungo en «Réflexions sur les masques». Cependant, Ch’oe Inhun ne professe jamais un individualisme intransigeant. Dans ses romans y compris «Réflexions sur les masques», il cherche toujours une manière pour l’individu et la société de cohabiter idéalement. Ceci signifie qu'il adopte clairement la pensée de Sartre qui souligne l’importance de l’engagement social, d’un esprit solidaire et du fait d’être solidaire de sa communauté. En conclusion, l'humanisme envisagé dans sa littérature consiste en une action visant à l’obtention d’une liberté reposant sur un rapport solidaire avec son époque et sa société. Ses idées ont quantité de choses en commun avec celles de Sartre qui a souligné l’importance de l’engagement de l'auteur et sa responsabilité sociale. Ainsi, nous pouvons affirmer que l'Existentialisme a fortement influencé les oeuvres de Ch’oe Inhun. Dans mon travail, j'ai examiné les effets produits par l'Existentialisme français, introduit durant la période de l’après-guerre dans le monde littéraire coréen, particulièrement sur le roman de Ch’oe Inhun, «Réflexions sur les masques». J'ai essayé de m’approcher au plus près des sources de la quête d'identité, du sentiment de solitude, de l’amour comme possibilité de salut, thèmes principaux des romans de Ch’oe Inhun, apparaissant fréquemment dans son oeuvre littérature et devant énormément à l'Existentialisme. Pour ce faire, tout d’abord, j’ai analysé les différents aspects de l'Existentialisme introduits résolument dans le monde littéraire coréen, pour ensuite tenter de découvrir comment Ch’oe Inhun se les est appropriés et les a intégrés dans son oeuvre. La pensée existentialiste de Ch’oe Inhun s'accorde avec le postulat de l’Occident : «Dieu est mort.» Ses thèmes littéraires nécessitent de comprendre les limites du raisonnement logique, d’appréhender la conscience de l'existence individuelle en tant que force décisive et la libération de la personne. Ainsi, Ch’oe Inhun a essayé de résoudre les contradictions et les situations difficiles auxquelles les Coréens faisaient face à ce moment-là avec la méthodologie de l'Existentialisme, en s’accordant avec la pensée existentialiste préconisant que «chaque être humain façonne sa propre essence». Selon Ch’oe Inhun, l'existence constitue la raison de l'être humain, voire même celle de la littérature, c’est-à-dire qu’elle vise à interroger le sens des valeurs humaines dans des situations extrêmes et à retrouver la signification de la vie grâce aux réponses ainsi obtenues. Dans ce processus, le rôle de l’individu, en tant que sujet recherchant un sens à la vie, est primordial. Les personnages des romans de Ch’oe Inhun souhaitent découvrir le sens de leur existence en se scrutant dans la plus complète solitude comme Min et Damungo en «Réflexions sur les masques». Cependant, Ch’oe Inhun ne professe jamais un individualisme intransigeant. Dans ses romans y compris «Réflexions sur les masques», il cherche toujours une manière pour l’individu et la société de cohabiter idéalement. Ceci signifie qu'il adopte clairement la pensée de Sartre qui souligne l’importance de l’engagement social, d’un esprit solidaire et du fait d’être solidaire de sa communauté. En conclusion, l'humanisme envisagé dans sa littérature consiste en une action visant à l’obtention d’une liberté reposant sur un rapport solidaire avec son époque et sa société. Ses idées ont quantité de choses en commun avec celles de Sartre qui a souligné l’importance de l’engagement de l'auteur et sa responsabilité sociale. Ainsi, nous pouvons affirmer que l'Existentialisme a fortement influencé les oeuvres de Ch’oe Inhun.

      • KCI등재

        HPLC/DAD에 의한 보중익기탕 중의 글리시리진산 정량분석법의 확립

        백주현,김선민,안지원,조창희,오미현,조정희,이미경,김효진,Baek, Ju-Hyun,Kim, Sun-Min,Ahn, Ji-Won,Cho, Chang-Hee,Oh, Mi-Hyune,Cho, Jung-Hee,Lee, Mi-Kyeong,Kim, Hyo-Jin 대한약학회 2008 약학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        A high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of glycyrrhizic acid was developed for the quality control of traditional herbal medicinal preparation Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT), which is well-known herbal medicine used as tonic. RP-HPLC analysis was carried out using Capcell pak $C_{18}$ MG column $(5\;{\mu},\;150{\times}4.6\;mm)$ and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and water containing 0.03% phosphoric acid (pH 2.46) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The optimum wavelength for the detection of the glycyrrhizic acid was found at 250 nm using diode-array UV/VIS detector. The glycyrrhizic acid in BZYQT shows good linearity $(r^2>0.999)$ in the range of $15\;{\mu}g/ml$ to 500 ${\mu}g/ml$. The limit of detection (LOD) was less than 5 ng and R.S.D for intra-day and inter-day reproducibility was less than 7%. The mean recovery of the glycyrrhizic acid was $97.3{\sim}113.0%$. These results suggest that the developed HPLC method is simple and efficient, and could be contributed for the quality control of commercial BZYQT products.

      • KCI등재

        근적외분광분석법을 이용한 생쥐꼬리에서의 비침습 혈당 정량시 장기간 측정에 따른 변이 요인의 보정

        백주현,강나루,우영아,김효진 대한약학회 2004 약학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        Non-invasive blood glucose measurement from mouse tail was performed by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Three groups; normal, type I diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM), type II diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM) group, were studied over a 10 weeks period with the collection of near-infrared (NIR) spectra. Spectral variations from long-term measurement (10 weeks) from dramatic and nonlinear changes in the optical properties of the live tissue sample were compensated by chemometrics techniques such as principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) regression. The effect from mouse body temperature changes on NIR spectral data was also considered. This study showed that the compensation of variations from long-term measurement and temperature changes improved calibration accuracy of non-invasive blood glucose measurement.

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