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      • 도시철도 친환경 지하터널 배수형식의 효율적인 유지관리 방안 검토

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),홍종헌(Hong Jong-Hun),김한배(Kim Han-Bae) 한국철도학회 2010 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        Excepting tunnel of dorimstream - ccachimountain station section, the subway line No.2th section was build using ASSM and NATM methods because of soil pressure and land condition. The way of dealing underground water was selected without sufficient preconsideration of geographical features, ground condition, influence of lowing underground water, and long-term cost of running maintenance so that the form of undrained tunnel was build having decreased construction characteristics and technically improper elements. The form of partial drainage is very difficult to manage structures of tunnel, because water leakage, water pressure causing cracks of lining concretes and scaling are constantly happened. so partial drainage suggest that setting reinforced Anchor Bolt to prevent buoyancy and should increase center drainage way up to height of railroad. Partial drainage suggest that holey pipe(ø350mm) manhole, drainage checking pipe manhole are should be regularly dredged , when changing roadbed(gravel→concrete) drainage checking pipe manhole should be build and setting a limitation of entering underground water's quantities. Beside drainage degree in changed section of structures causing instability of structures is continuous degree. so if efficient drainage way and the patterns of flaws, problems are considered in survey, it will be expected to have a advantage condition in maintenance part. 서울지하철 1~4호선 구간에서 부분적으로 도시터널공법을 채택하여 건설한 노선은 2~4호선으로서, 2호선 구간은 2기 지하철 건설시 시공된 신정기지 인입선 도림천~까치산역 구간 터널을 제외하고는 전체가 재래식 공법(ASSM)을 3~4호선 터널은 지형적인 여건 및 토압의 영향에 따라서 ASSM공법과 NATM공법을 병행하여 건설하였으며, 지하수 처리 형식은 지반조건과 지형적인 조건, 지하수위 저하에 의한 영향, 장기적인 운전 유지비 등을 감안하여 배수 및 비배수 형식을 적용하여야 하나, 이에 대한 충분한 사전검토 없이 채택하므로서 완전방수(비배수) 형식은 건설시에도 시공성이 떨어지고 기술적으로도 불합리한 요소를 지닌 채 설치되었으며, 부분방수(배수)형식은 배수관 기능저하, 배수구배 부적정 등으로 인해서 터널 구조물의 유지관리에서 누수와 수압에 의한 라이닝 콘크리트 균열, 박리 현상이 지속적으로 발생하여 보수 및 보강공사에 많은 비용이 소요되고 또한 터널 안정성 확보에 어려움이 있는 실정이다. 그러므로 터널 방수 형식에 대한 설계 및 시공 개념을 고찰함으로서 기술적인 문제점 등을 파악해서 유지관리의 개선 방향을 제안하고자 한다.

      • 콘크리트 내구성 향상을 위한 표면처리제의 영향

        백종명(Jong-Myeong Baek),신민호(Min-Ho Shin),윤인구(In-Gu Yun),심재일(Jae-Il Sim) 한국철도학회 2015 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        콘크리트 구조물의 내구성을 향상하기 위해 개발된 통기성이 개선된 나노합성 폴리머 표면처리제를 도포한 콘크리트의 내구성향상 효과를 평가하기 위해 염분침투, 탄산화, 동결융해 및 화학적 침식 저항성에 대한 실험을 진행하여 기존 표면처리제와 비교․분석하였다. 나노합성 폴리머 표면처리제를 도포한 콘크리트의 염분침투 깊이는 무도포 콘크리트에 비해 약 92% 이상, 수성 에폭시 표면처리제를 도포한 콘크리트보다도 약 70% 이상 감소하였다. 특히 황산 5% 수용액에 침지 실험한 화학적 침식 저항성 실험에서는 침지 12일 이후 무도포 콘크리트와 수성 에폭시 표면처리제를 도포한 콘크리트에서 -4%의 중량감소를 보였다. This experiment was compared and analyzed between the original surface paint through chloride penetration, neutralization, freeze-thaw and chemical corrosion resistance in order to evaluate the effect of increase in durability of the newly modeled nano synthesized polymer paint painted on concrete surface which results improvement on air permeability to increase the durability of concrete structures. Chloride penetration depth of concrete, painted with nano synthesized polymer paint, was decreased more than 92% compared to non-painted concrete and 70% with water-based epoxy painted concrete. Especially, chemical corrosion resistance test set with aqueous solution of 5% sulfuric acid, non-painted concrete and water-based epoxy painted concrete showed weight loss of 4% after dipping for 12 days.

      • 친환경적 도시철도 혼잡역사 개선에 관한 연구 방안

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),신민호(Shin min-ho),김한배(Kim Han-Bae) 한국철도학회 2011 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.5

        수도권의 인구 집중화와 역세권 주변 개발 등으로 다수의 역사가 건설당시 추정 이용승객을 초과하여 혼잡한 실정으로 이에 지하철 이용승객의 안전과 비상대피 공간확보, 쾌적한 승차 환경조성을 위하여 친환경적으로 도심지 지하철역사의 혼잡도 개선 관한 연구방안. Concentration of people in urban areas and development around Metro make exceed the passenger number which was calculated when the Metro station was built, in the result the Metro stations are crowed this is the study on the improvement of Metro station’s congestion in urban areas for ensuring the passenger safety, the space of evacuation path and promoting the more pleasant riding environment with an environmental- friendly approach

      • [미발표] 친환경 연성섬유로드를 이용한 기존철도구조물기둥 내진성능보강공법에 관한 연구방안

        백종명(Jong Myeong Baek),신민호(Min Ho Sin),김한배(Han Bae Kim),김박진(Park Jin Kim) 한국철도학회 2012 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        최근 한반도 주변에서 크고 작은 지진의 발생 빈도가 증가 추세에 있으며, 내진설계의 중요성이 커지고 있는 실정으로, 기존 내진설계에 반영되지 않는 철도, 지하철 콘크리트구조물 등에 대한 내진성능공법은 특히 지하철구조물 등에 적용되는 노출 및 비노출 내진성능 보강공법에서 여러 문제점들이 노출되어 있는 구조물에 대하여. 본 연구는 연성 섬유로드를 이용한 내진성능 보강공법으로 철근콘크리트 기둥의 실험결과 분석을 통하여 내진성능 보강 설계기준의 선정에 관한 적정성을 평가함으로서, 지진에 의해 철근콘크리트 기둥구조물에 미칠 구조적 거동을 분석 및 파악하여 범용성에 대하여 기초자료로 활용하고져 하였다. There is frequent occurrence of a small earthquake to an increasing trend around the recent Korean peninsula.It is growing largely the importance of an seismic design This study is about an earthquake-resistant which is using for ductile fiber rod applied with railroad or subway concrete structure, especially having a weakness for exposure and non-exposure environment this study is one of the method about reinforcement work of the seismic design using a ductile fiber rod Estimating the optimum level of seismic design basis from the analysis of a result which is tested on a concrete column, main purpose of this study is that parlay wide use which is analyzed by behavior of the reinforced concrete column into foundation data.

      • 나노합성 나일론 섬유 무기질 폴리머 보강제를 적용한 콘크리트의 내구성 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),장석재(Jang Seog-Jae) 한국철도학회 2006 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        A concrete structure can be deteriorated by ingress of outside moisture and aggressive agents. To maintain the sound performance of concrete structure during the service life, it needs to protect concrete from ingress of outside moisture and aggressive agents before arising deterioration of concrete. The protection of concrete is possible by surface treatment. In this study, the nano-composite nylon fiber inorganic polymer reinforcing agent based coatings which can provide a barrier against the ingress of outside moisture or aggressive ions to concrete is discussed. For the durability evaluation of the coatings, chloride penetration test, accelerating carbonation test, freezing and thawing test, and surface ponding test are conducted. As the result of this study, the concrete applied the nano-composite nylon fiber inorganic polymer reinforcing agent based coatings has had a much higher resistance to the ingress of chloride ion, carbon dioxide, outside moisture and aggressive acid than plain concrete and concrete structure with epoxy resin based paint by means of cross-linking three-dimensional structure.

      • 친환경 기능성 무기질계와 고무아스팔트를 혼합한 내진방수 보강공법에 대한 실험적 평가

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),황영호(Hwang Young-Ho),손정철(Shon Jung-Chul) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Recent interest in the construction sector, rising about the environment and eco-friendly recycled material resources, and increase the development of method But despite these efforts, and the diverse functional and structural changes in the structure can not be an appropriate response to the functional waterproof structural changes in the structures and appropriate response Diversification does not waterproof and functional issues such as durability, and which are occurring due to the structure to secure stability and durability, never sees the conservative economic losses due to import constructability reinforcement situation. Therefore, this study applies to structure the existing waterproof method (hereinafter referred to as structures water-resistant methode), and to review recent issues of environmental pollution and resource waste, and taking on environmental issues, such as Revelation and functional Inorganic mixed in a way to leverage the manufacturing water-resistant material 『 Re Inorganic, functional and environmentally friendly high-viscosity mix asphalt waterproof rubber reinforcements, and taking conservative』 for the characterization and performance assessment to the issues raised by the structure and whether the judge would respond

      • 기능성 나노복합 무기질 활성탄계 표면 처리제를 적용한 콘크리트의 내구성능 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),양기영(Yang Gi-Young),장석재(Jang Seog-Jae) 한국철도학회 2006 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Concrete structure can be deteriorated by ingress of moisture and aggressive agents. To maintain the sound performance of concrete structure during the service life, it needs to protect concrete from ingress of moisture and aggressive agents before arising deterioration of concrete. Protection of concrete is possible by surface treatment. In this study, durability of the functional nano composite inorganic activated carbon based coatings which can provide a barrier against the ingress of moisture or aggressive ions to concrete is discussed. For the durability evaluation of the coatings, fine void structure evaluation test, chloride penetration acceleration test, accelerated carbonation test, freezing and thawing test, and the accelerated test of chemical erosion are conducted. As the result of this study, the functional nano composite inorganic activated carbon based coatings which became one formed complex compound with adsorption and porosity on concrete surface, had an effect on the function of far infrared radiation, antimicrobial action, air cleaning, airing assurance, and the interception of moisture of deterioration factor, chloride ion, carbon dioxide, sulfate, and so on.

      • 나노합성 무기질 폴리머계 표면처리제를 적용한 콘크리트의 내구성능 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

        백종명(Baek Jong-Myeong),김은겸(Kim Eun-Kyeum) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this study, durability of the nano-level inorganic polymer based coatings which can provide a barrier against the ingress of moisture or aggressive ions to concrete is discussed. For the durability evaluation of the coatings, chloride penetration test, accelerating carbonation test, freezing and thawing test, and sulfate ponding test are conducted. As the result of this study, concrete applied nano-level inorganic polymer based coatings has a much higher resistance to the ingress of chloride ion, carbon dioxide, moisture and aggressive acid than plain concrete and epoxy resin based paint by means of cross linking three-dimensional structure with concrete structure.

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