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        학습자의 메타인지 수준과 하이퍼텍스트 유형이 학습 과제 수행에 미치는 효과

        백영균,최재희 한국교육학회 1996 敎育學硏究 Vol.34 No.3

        학습자의 메타인지 수준과 하이퍼텍스트의 학습내용 제시의 구조화 측면은 하이퍼텍스트 설계시에 고려해야할 변인이다. 메타인지 수준에 따라 학습과제를 성취하는 정도가 다르다면, 메타인지 수준에 따라 학습내용 제시의 구조를 달리하면 학습자 개개인의 학습과제 수행 또한 달라질 것이라는 것을 가정해 볼 수가 있다. 본 연구에서는 학습자의 메타인지 수준과 하이퍼텍스트 유형이 학습과제 성취에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 연구 결과 하이퍼텍스트의 구조는 그 자체로서 보다는 학습자의 메타인지 수준에 따라 상이한 영향을 미친다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이와 같은 결과는 하이퍼텍스트 프로그램을 통한 학습에서 학습자들의 메타인지 수준에 부합되는 하이퍼텍스트 유형을 제공할 때 학습 효과를 증진시킬 수 있다는 것을 시사한다. 예를 들어 메타인지 수준이 높은 학습자에게는 하이퍼텍스트의 유형을 그들의 취향에 따라 선택하는 것이 동기 유발의 측면에서 바람직할 수 있으며 메타인지 수준이 낮은 학습자에게는 위계적인 하이퍼텍스트가 제공되도록 프로그램 통제를 취하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 하이퍼텍스트 활용 수업에서 메타인지 이외의 다른 학습자 특성과 학습과제의 특성을 고려한 후속 연구가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터 시뮬레이션의 충실도 수준이 학습자의 인지 양식에 따라 학업성취에 미치는 효과

        백영균,김정겸,김근명 한국교육정보미디어학회 2000 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.6 No.2

        컴퓨터 공학이 급속히 발전함에 따라 새롭고 흥미로운 형태인 시뮬레이션이 학습효과를 극대화시킬 수 있다는 면에서 컴퓨터 기반 교수, 학습에 많이 응용되고 있다. 따라서 교수, 학습용 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구도 다양하게 진행되어 왔으며 역사적으로 볼 때 시뮬레이션의 충실도와 학습의 관계는 늘 중요한 과제로 논의되어 왔다. 하지만 선행연구들은 충실도와 학습의 관계를 연구함에 있어서 학습자의 특성을 거의 고려하지 않았고 학습자의 중요한 특성중의 하나인 인지양식을 고려한 연구는 더욱 없는 실정이다. 학습의 주체인 학습자의 인지양식은 컴퓨터 기반의 시뮬레이션 학습에서도 기필코 중요한 영향을 끼친다고 본다. 그러므로 본 연구는 낮은 수준의 충실도와 높은 수준의 충실도의 시뮬레이션을 개발하고 충실도 수준이 서로 다른 두 프로그램을 인지양식이 서로 다른(장의존, 장독립) 두 학생집단에 적용하여 실험하므로 써 학습자의 인지양식에 따른 학업성취의 효과를 검증하였다. 이 글은 교수, 학습 현장에서 시뮬레이션을 개발할 때 시뮬레이션의 충실도 수준과 학습자의 인지양식(장의존, 장독립)의 특성을 고려해야 한다는데 이론적, 실증적 근거를 제공할 것으로 기대된다. Ⅰ. The purpose of the study A simulation is a powerful technique that presents about some aspects of the world by imitating or replicating it. So, making-decision on the level of fidelity is very important. There are a few studies of the effect of fidelity on academic achievement in computer simulation. But they did not consider how the level of fidelity affects on academic achievement by the learner's variable in the computer simulation. The purpose of the study is to identify the effect of fidelity levels on the academic achievement in computer simulation by learner's cognitive style. To achieve the purpose, on the basis of reviewing related literatures and preceding studies, the following research problems were formulated. 1. For field-dependent learners, there would be a significant difference on the academic achievement by the level of fidelity in the computer simulation. 2. For field-independent learners, there would be a significant difference on the academic achievement by the level of fidelity in the computer simulation. Ⅱ. Hypotheses To achieve the purpose of the study, on the basis of reviewing preceded studies and related literature, the hypotheses were established as follows: <Hypothesis Ⅰ> For field-dependent learners, there would be a significant difference on the academic achievement among the low level of fidelity, the high level of fidelity in the computer simulation. <Hypothesis Ⅱ> For field-independent learners, there would be a significant difference on the academic achievement among the low level of fidelity, the high level of fidelity in the computer simulation. Ⅲ. Method and procedure In order to verify the hypotheses, 179 of 6th graders were selected from 4 classes of S elementary school located in Ok-cheon, Chung-buk. They were divided into two groups: the low level of fidelity group and the high level of fidelity group. And each group was divided again into two sub-groups by cognitive styles. Finally remained subjects to be analyzed were 125 students. The instruments used in the study were Children's Embedded Figure Test(CEFT), the pre and the post academic achievement test, and the computer simulation program by the level of fidelity on the unit of 'molecule movement' in the subject of science for the first semester of the 6th grade. The program was developed with Jamba 2.1 and Namo 3.0. The results of the tests were analyzed by the t-test procedure using SPSS 8.0 for Windows. Ⅳ. Results The results of the study were as follows. 1. Hypothesis Ⅰ was accepted. For field-dependent learners, the low level of fidelity was more effective on learner's academic achievement than the high level of fidelity in simulation. 2. Hypothesis Ⅱ was rejected. For field-independent learners, there was no significant difference on learner's academic achievement between the low level of fidelity and the high level of fidelity in simulation According to the results, for field-dependent learners, the low level of fidelity was more effective on learner's academic achievement than the high level of fidelity in the computer simulation. But for field-independent learners, there was no significant difference on learner's academic achievement between the low level of fidelity and the high level of fidelity in simulation. That is to say, field-dependent learners showed high achievement in the low level of fidelity simulation. But field-independent learner gained high academic achievement with no relation to fidelity levels of the computer simulation. The results mean that field-dependent learners were affected on the academic achievement by the levels of fidelity in computer simulation but field-independent learners were not affected on the academic achievement by the levels of fidelity in simulation. On the basis of the results, it can be suggested as followings: 1. Along with the study on variables of learner's cognitive style and principle-learning tasks in simulation, it is required to study on the different variables of learner and learning task. 2. Along with the study on physical simulation in simulation, it is required to study on the other types of simulation: process simulation, procedural simulation, and situational simulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • PPBS를 중심으로 한 평생교육 계획 수립방안에 관한 연구

        白英均 又石大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        A decision maker can take the most suitable alternative of all and can predict the outcome of their decision by using of PPBS. PPBS has many advantages in anwering the question who searches for what by which methods? It has many problems to adapt PPBS to planning of Life-long education. In education. there are many goals or objectives for us not to be able to separate them or in decide its priority because they have mutidimensions. And we can not estimate exactly the cost of teaching and learning, apart from other related factors. In order to adapt PPBS to planning of Life-long education successfully, we should attempt to understand PPBS and Life-long education in the perspective of system mana dment. Thus PPBS should be a crucial factor in decision making of education, especially in planning of Life-long education.

      • 직업적 발달의 이론에 대한 탐색적 연구

        白英均 又石大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The main purpose of this study is to search for the theories of vocational development and compare them in a comprehensive framework. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) Comparisons of the theories Roe, Super, Ginzberg and associates, and psychoanalytic thought all describe career behavior fundamentally in terms of general concepts of human development. Super emphasizes how the self-concept is shaped. According to Super, each phase of life exerts its own particular emphasis on human behavior, including individual vocational behavior. It is thus possible to chart, in general terms, the activities of a vocational sort that are to be expected to an individual living in Western culture. The Ginzberg's approach, similar to Super's describes career development as a series of events in a predictable sequence. Each aspect of the sequence presents the individual with a particular set of problems to be solved. Thus, in the vocational realm, the Ginzberg theory attempts to predict the sequence of behavior relevant to career decision-making Ginzbergs' approach does not lead to the prediction of occupation as much as it allows one to anticipate the vocationally relevant behavior an individual will engage in. Roe's description of the normal career development process is not as explicit as Super's description. She assumes that individuals differ physically and psychologically at birth. Added to these differences are effects of parental attitudes and behavior styles which lead the maturing child to favor one of a number of interpersonal styles of behavior. The combination of the genetic features and the familial patterns lead to the prediction of general vocational behavior. Roe's theory is primarily concerned with predicting what kind of occupation a person will choose, but says little about vocational development subsequent to the choice. Both the Holland and social systems approaches emphasize the view that vocational behavior is situationally bound. For Holland, the important situation determinants seem to lie more in the individual's organization of his perceptions of the vocational world and how he might best interact with it. Thus, the youth, according to Holland, might develop images (or stereotypes) of the activities involved in a variety of kinds of work and then try to integrate these images into his own view of how he fits into the world. The determinants of his view, of course, probably include factors such as social class membership and personality development as emphasized by the other theories. Our review of the theoretical view of normal career development reveals several significant attitudes. In effect, the theories emphasize all the nonability aspects of human behavior that relate to vocational preference selection, attainment, and satisfaction, and pay very little direct attention to the role of aptitudes in career behavior. (2) concluding suggestions It becomes clear as the assessment of career development theory is concluded, that several shortcomings exist. First of all, overall, the theories appear to be much too broad in scope and generally too skimpy in detail. What vocational psychology needs at the present time is a collection of miniature. theories, each dealing with circumscribed, explicit segments of vocational behavior, to be woven into a broad theory after the smaller theories have been shaped by empirical findings. Another difficulty in the understandings about career development lies in one of the central assumptions most investigators make and questioned only by an occasional writer. (e.g., Ginzberg at al., 1951) It is generally assumed the all men want to work and desire vocational activities. Seldom is any consideration given to the likelihood that a given individual may have negative attitudes toward work. A third problem lies in the treatment of female career development by the theories. Few special explanations or concepts have been devised to deal with the special problems of the career development of women, yet all who have observed or counseled women with respect to their career behavior realize that special problems exist for them as opposed to men and that most of the masculine-based tests and theories fail to provide a useful vehicle for the understanding of the career development of women. In brief, the fruitful career development theory will take shape within the larger context of human development and behavior theory.

      • KCI우수등재

        교육용 컴퓨터 게임의 평가 도구 개발 연구

        백영균,이광희 한국교육학회 1994 敎育學硏究 Vol.32 No.5

        이 연구는 교육용 컴퓨터 게임의 평가를 위한 도구를 개발하기 위하여 수행되었다. 속성을 다룬 문헌들을 검토하여 게임의 목표, 내용, 통제, 프로그램의 구성, 피이드백 및 기술적 특성으로 구성된 평가 리스트를 작성하였다. 이 평가 리스트는 교육용 소프트웨어 개발 전문가 및 평가 전문가의 검토를 거쳐 수정되었다. 이렇게 수정된 문항들은 내용 타당도, 구인타당도, 평정자간 일치도, 재검사 신뢰도 등을 통하여 그 타당성이 분석되었다. 이 결과 각 영역 및 문항들은 타당도와 신뢰도에 있어서 교육용 컴퓨터 게임의 평가 기준으로서 받아들여질 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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