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        P32 추적자법(追跡子法)에 의한 토양의 유효 인산정량법에 관한 연구(Ⅱ)

        박훈,이춘영 한국농화학회 1970 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.13 No.1

        The present study has been undertaken to see if any proper measure be found for the determination of available phosphorus by chemical extraction on the basis of A-values as the standard. The results obtained are described as follows. 1. Since A-value of the samples under study showed a significant correlation with Fe-P at 1% level. The available phosphorus in the present paddy soils was considered to be affected by Fe-P. 2. Six methods for chemical extraction were not correlated with the determination of Fe-P, proving them inadequate for the quantitative measurement of available phosphorus. 3. Adequate method for extracting available phosphorus in paddy soils should rest on the measurement of the reduction intensity of Fe-P. The extractable intensity was estimated to be 270 ppm in average. 4. Bray No. 2-P showed significant correlation with Lancaster-P, Spurway-P, Truog-P, and (Ca+Al)-P at 5% level. Olsen-P and Lancaster-P indicated significant correlation with Al-P and Spurway-P with Ca-P respectively at 1% level.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Nitrogen Sources on Chlorophyll, and Oxidases in Soybean Leaves different in Phosphorus Sensitivity

        박훈,찰스 A. 스뚜디,Park, Hoon,Stutte, Charles A. 한국토양비료학회 1973 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        대두(大豆)의 인산감수성(燐酸感受性)과 관련(關聯)하여 엽중(葉中)의 엽록소(葉綠素) 및 산화효소활성(酸化酵素活性)에 대(對)한 질소원(窒素源)의 영향(影響)을 조사(調査)하였다. 암모니움태(態)와 요소태(尿素態) 배양(培養)은 인산감수성(燐酸感受性)이 큰 품종(品種)에서 엽(葉)의 노화(老化)를 촉진(促進)시켰다. 질소원(窒素源)에 의(依)한 엽(葉)의 노화양상(老化樣相)은 생엽자체(生葉自體)의 흡광도(吸光度)로 명확(明確)하게 나타났다. 최고흡광파장(最高吸光波長)(메타놀 추출(抽出)에서 670nm, 생엽자체(生葉自體)에서 685nm)은 동일(同一)한 방법(方法)에서는 질소원(窒素源)에 의(依)하여 변(變)하지 아니하였다. 엽(葉)의 노화양상(老化樣相)에 의(依)하여 생리적(生理的) 감수성(感受性)의 일반적(一般的) 양상(樣相)을 검토(檢討)하였다. IAA-oxidase 활성(活性)은 초산태(硝酸態) 배양(培養)과 내인성품종(耐燐性品種)에서 암모니움 태배양(態培養)과 감수성(感受性) 품종(品種)에서 보다 컸다. Glycolate oxidase 활성(活性)은 감수성(感受性) 품종(品種)과 초산태배양(硝酸態培養)에서 높았다. Polyphenol oxidase 활성(活性)은 내인성(耐燐性) 품종(品種)과 요소배양(尿素培養)에서 컸다. 암모니움 과잉(過剩)은 ATP 생성(生成)(광인산화(光燐酸化) 및 산화적인산화(酸化的燐酸化))을 억제하여 광합성(光合性)을 조해(阻害)하고 인산과잉(燐酸過剩)도 암모니움 과잉(過剩)에 매우 유사(類似)한 것으로 결론(結論)되었다. Effects of nitrogen sources on chlorophyll, activity of some oxidases in soybean leaves were investigated in relation to phosphorus sensitivity. Ammonium and urea culture accelerated leaf senescence more in phosphorus sensitive cultivars. The leaf senescence patterns affected by nitrogen sources were clearly indicated by intact leaf absorbance. Absorption maximum (670nm in methanol extraction or 685nm in intact leaf), was not changed by nitrogen source in the same method. According to leaf senesence pattern general physiological sensitivity pattern was discussed. IAA-oxidase activity was higher in the phosphorus tolerant cultivars and nitrate treatment than in the sensitive cultivars and ammonium treatment. Glycolate oxidase activity was higher in the sensitive cultivars and nitrate treatment. Polyphenol oxidase activity was higher in the tolerant cultivars and urea treatment. It is concluded that the excess ammonium, to which excess phosphorus is highly similar in physiological effect, disturbs the photosynthetic system by inhibition of ATP generation (photo-and oxidative phosphorylation).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Varietal Response to Phenoxy Herbicides on Plant Height and Root Length in Rice Plant

        박훈,김무성,오승환,Park, Hoon,Kim, Moo-Sung,Ohh, Seung-Hwan 한국토양비료학회 1979 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Propanil, MCPA, 2, 4, 5-T와 Silvex의 이들 10개(個) 농도수준(濃度水準)을 수경액(水耕液)과 엽면철포(葉面撤布)로 태중재래(台中在來) 1호, Caloro, PI 245717 및 Bluebonnet 50의 수도품종(水稻品種)을 사용(使用)하여 초장(草長) 및 근장(根長)을 조사(調査)하였다. Silvex를 엽면(葉面) 철포(撤布)한 경우 태중재래(台中在來) 1호(號)의 초장(草長)이 증가되며 근부투여(根部投與)의 경우(境遇) 모든 수준(水準)에서 Bluebonnet PI 245717의 근장(根長)이 감소(減小)되었다. 모든 Phenoxy 계제초제(系除草劑)는 근부투여(根部投與) 경우(境遇) 4ppm 이상(以上)에서 모든 품종(品種)의 초장(草長)을 감소(減少)시켰다. The effects of propanil, MCPA; 245-T and silvex on growth pattern were tested on Taichung Native 1. Caloro, PI 245717 and Bluebonnet 50 by root administration and foliar spray at 10 levels of concentration. Silvex in foliar spray increased plant height of Taichung and when applied via root decreased root langth of Bluebonnet and pi245717 at all levels. All phenoxy herbicides over 4 ppm - decreased plant height in all varieties tested when applied to root. General morphorogical response - were also observed.

      • KCI등재

        인삼포장(人蔘圃場)에서 개체간 근생육경합(根生育競合)

        박훈,김갑식,권석철,박귀희,Park, Hoon,Kim, Kap-Sik,Kwon, Suk-Chul,Park-Lee, Quihee 한국토양비료학회 1980 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        포장조건하(圃場條件下)에서 인삼개체간의 근생육경합(根生育競合)을 유형별(類型別)로 분류(分類)하고 경합정도(競合程度)를 단순상관으로 검정하였다. 경합유형(競合類型)은 행간(行間), 열간(列間) 및 대각간으로 나눌 수 있고 각유형별(各類型別) 경합요인(競合要因)은 광(光), 양수분(養水分) 및 양자로 볼 수 있다. 경합(競合)의 정도(程度)는 행간(行間)이 가장 크며 열간(列間)과 대각간은 경우(境遇)에 따라 다르다. 후행(後行) 에서는 대각간 경합(競合)이 가장 컸다. 개체경합은 4년근(年根)에서 뚜렷해지는 것 같다. 이상의 결과와 엽면적지수가 4년근(年根)에서 부터 1 이상(以上)인 것으로 보아 광경합(光競合)이 개체생육을 결정(決定)하는 주요인(主要因)으로 광경합(光競合)의 감소(減少)또는 제거(除去)에 충분(充分)한 일복내광량증대가 수량(收量) 증대의 방법으로 보였다. The competition in root growth between plants was investigated under the field condition of Panax ginseng. Competition pattern was classified in three groups, interline, interrow and diagonal and the principal factor for competition was considered light, nutrients including water and both of them, respectively. Interline competition was always great while interrow and diagonal competition were varied to field. Diagonal competition was always great at the backside line. Competition appeared to be significant from the age of 4 years old at which leaf area index become greater than one. Above facts strongly suggest that main competition at present shading structure appears light and thus light intensity sufficient to decrease or eliminate light competition is the key factor to increase yield.

      • KCI등재

        大日本史 편찬에서 ‘藤田派’의 역할 再考

        박훈 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.86 No.-

        ]It has been said that the later Mito school(Kokimitogakuha) took great role in compiling the 'Dainihonshi' by issuing the 'Three great argument(Sandaigiron)' in Kansei period(1789∼1801), which resulted in the drastic change of the leadership of the Shokokan, or history compiling organization of Mito Prefecture. However, I think that the Fujita faction, the politically radical group of the later Mito school, didn't take any roles in projecting the compiling business.In Kansei period, the leaders of the Shokokan had been preparing the publication of the important parts(Kiden, 紀傳) of the 'Dainihonshi' for commemorating the 100th anniversary of Tokugawa Mitukuni's death, who started this compiling business. But the younger historians leaded by Fujita Yukoku put firm opposition against the publication, insisting 'Three great argument(Sandaigiron)'. These are as follow; first, the title of 'Dainihonshi' was not proper and should be corrected, second the history compilement should not be published without 'sihyo(志表)', so the publication must be put off until sihyo's completion. third the comments(ronsan, 論贊) attached below each chapters should be deleted because they contained the disrespect to the Tenno.These harsh attacks on the leaders of the Shokokan brought about the leadership's drastic change, and so the Fujita faction became to seize power of Shokokan. The time had come when they realized their ardent of compiling business. But, they had been very neglected in such business, and they were much more eager for political struggles and taking offices in government.In sum, the Fujita faction didn't contribute to completing the 'Dainihonshi', and they were some academic persons such as Toyota Tenko who put the business forward and finished. (Kookmin University/ticotahiti@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        진흥(振興)과 IR667벼의 미등숙립중(未登熟粒中) 당(糖) 및 전분(澱粉)의 시기별(時期別) 변화(變化)

        박훈,권항광,Park, Hoon,Kwon, Hang Gwang 한국토양비료학회 1975 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        진흥(振興)과 IR667 벼의 등숙기간중(登熟期間中) 미등숙립(未登熟粒)(진흥(振興)은 비중(比重)은 1.06, IR667은 1.03이하(以下))중(中)의 당(糖)과 전분함량(澱粉含量)의 변화(變化)와 등숙률(登熟率), 미등숙립중(未登熟粒重)과 등숙립중(登熟粒重)의 변화(變化)를 조사(調査)하여 이들 상호간(相互間)의 관계(關係)를 검토(檢討)하여 다음 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 미등숙립중(未登熟粒重)의 당함량(糖含量)은 진흥(振興)이 IR667 의 약(約) 2배(倍)로 높고 전분농도(澱粉濃度)는 약(約) 2.5~3.5% 높고 starch/sugar 비(比)는 IR667이 언제나 높아서 간 (稈)및 엽초에서 고당형(高糖形)이던 IR667 이 수기(受器)에서 고전분형(高澱粉形)으로, 고전분형(高澱粉形)인 진흥(振興)은 고당형(高糖形)으로 바뀌었다. 2. 등숙환경(登熟環境)이 좋은 경우에는 미등숙립중(未登熟粒重)이 먼저 최소치(最少値)에 이르고 다음에 등숙률(登熟率)이 최대치(最大値)에 이르며 최후(最後)에 등열립중(登熱粒重)이 최대치(最大値)에 이른다. 3. 당(糖)과 전분함량(澱粉含量)은 등숙(登熟)이 진행(進行)됨에 따라 점증(漸增)했다가 점감(漸減)하는데 최고치(最高値)는 등숙률(登熟率) 최대치(最大値) 이전(以前)에 오고 (6주이전(週以前)) 당(糖)이 8주(週)부터 훨씬 빨리 최대치(最大値)에 이르며 다시 증가(增加)하는 경향(傾向)이다. 4. 전분(澱粉)/당비(糖比)는 전분최고치(澱粉最高値)보다 빨리오며 IR667이 진흥(振興)보다 빠르다. 5. 미등숙립중(未登熟粒中) 전분함량(澱粉含量)의 최대치(最大値)는 진흥(振興)에서 51.1%였다. The weekly change of sugar and starch content in unfilled grain of Jinheung (temperate rice var.) and IR667-Suweon 214 (tropical rice var.) and of filled grain ratio (less than specific gravity 1.06 for Jinheung and 1.03 for IR667), filled grain weight and unfilled grain weight from flowering and the relationship among them were as fallows. 1. Total sugar content in unfilled grain was twice in Jinheung than in IR667 and starch content was higher (about 2.5 to 3.5%) in Jinheung but starch/sugar ratio was greater in IR667. Thus IR667 that was classified as high sugar type in leaf sheath and internode appears to be high starch type in sink (grain). 2. Under the favorable condition the weight of unfilled grain reached to minimum value and followed by maximum filled grain ratio and lastly by maximum weight of filled grains per ear. 3. Sugar and starch content gradually increased and then decreased during ripening and the maximum values reached prior to maximum filled grain ratio (6 weeks). Sugar content reached to maximum much earlier than starch content did and increased again from 8 weeks later. 4. Starch/sugar ratio reached to maximum value earlier than maximum starch content and earlier in IR667 than in Jinheung. 5. Maximum starch content of unfilled grain in Jinheung was 51.1%.

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