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      • KCI등재

        Harvest maturity highly affects fruit quality attributes of ethylene-treated ‘autumn sense’ hardy kiwifruit

        박효원,김만조,김철우,한나래,이욱 한국산림과학회 2022 Forest Science And Technology Vol.18 No.1

        Optimal harvest date is an important quality parameter for hardy kiwifruit. We, therefore, examined the ideal harvest date to obtain high-quality ripe “Autumn sense” hardy kiwifruit. The fruit was harvested at four different harvest maturity stages [6.2%, 7.1%, 8.1%, and 9.1% average soluble solids content (SSC); H1, H2, H3, and H4, respectively], then treated with exogenous ethylene at ambient temperature, to examine the quality of the ripening fruit. The four harvest maturity stages differed significantly in firmness, SSC, titratable acidity (TA), and SSC/TA ratio, both in freshly harvested and ripe hardy kiwifruit (p < 0.001). Fruit firmness at harvest gradually decreased from 32.1 to 25.1 N, while SSC increased steadily as harvest maturity increased. TA increased steadily from 0.8 in H1 to 1.1% in H3, and was lower in H4. After ethylene treatment, the range of firmness was much lower, at 2.7–3.1 N, while SSC increased significantly from 15.1% in H1 to 16.4% in H4. TA decreased significantly from 1.0% at harvest to 0.7% after ethylene treatment, regardless of harvest maturity stage. For H3 fruit, TA was 56% lower after ethylene treatment than before treatment. After treatment, H3 had the highest SSC/TA (p < 0.001). Consumer preference was higher for H3 and H4 than H1 and H2, and was highly correlated with the SSC/TA ratio at harvest and after ethylene treatment, and with SSC at harvest. These results suggest that TA, SSC, and SSC/TA should be considered for determining the optimal harvest maturity for hardy kiwifruit. This study reveals that the quality of ripened hardy kiwifruit can be maximized by controlling har- vest maturity.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring digital literacy in the context of remote education for Korean elementary school teachers: Challenges, efforts, and demands

        박효원 한국교육개발원 2023 KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Vol.20 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the challenges, efforts, and demands faced by Korean elementary school teachers responsible for lower-grade students in developing digital literacy skills during the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of remote education. It also aims to provide support strategies to enhance teachers’ digital literacy. Through a comprehensive analysis, the study identified five components of teachers’ digital literacy: (a) understanding and utilizing technology tools and digital media; (b) exploring and managing information and data; (c) digital ethics and safety; (d) relationship building; and (e) teaching and evaluation. A semi-structured interview methodology was then employed to uncover the challenges, efforts, and demands experienced by teachers regarding their digital literacy. The study’s findings are categorized based on the components of teachers' digital literacy and lead to four recommendations for enhancing their digital literacy. First, creating a supportive infrastructure and environment that encourages teachers to prioritize their digital literacy improvement is crucial. Second, providing diverse training programs, manuals, and tailored guidelines for each component of digital literacy is essential. Third, fostering collaborative support networks among teachers, both online and offline, to facilitate information and resource sharing is vital. Lastly, considering a long-term perspective, integrating digital literacy-related content into the curriculum for pre-service teacher preparation is recommended.

      • KCI등재

        Multifunctionalization of Indoles: Synthesis of 3-Iodo-2-sulfonyl Indoles

        박효원,배준렬,손수빈,장혜영 대한화학회 2019 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.40 No.11

        The selective multifunctionalization of indoles by using thiosulfonates, trimethyl sulfoxonium iodide (Me3SOI), and H2O2 was studied. The reaction of thiosulfonates with Me3SOI and H2O2 produced sulfonyl radicals and an iodination reagent, both of which were incorporated in indoles to form 3-iodo-2-sulfonyl indoles under carefully controlled conditions. The related reaction mechanism and the substrate scope of 3-iodo-2-sulfonyl indoles are presented.

      • KCI등재

        예천지역 천일건조 곶감의 품종별 품질특성 비교

        박효원,오성일,조문경,김철우,이욱 한국산림과학회 2018 한국산림과학회지 Vol.107 No.4

        본 연구는 천일건조법으로 제조된 품종별 곶감의 품질특성을 비교·분석하여 품종 간 차이를 확인하고자 실시하였 다. 천일건조한 4품종 곶감(고종시, 고동시, 상주둥시, 갑주백목)의 물리적 특성(수율, 경도, 당도, 수분함량, 수분활성도, 색도)과 관능적 특성(외관, 맛, 식감, 전반적기호도)을 조사한 결과, 수율은 갑주백목이 29.4%로 가장 높았고, 경도는 모든 품종에서 6.11∼9.62 N 범위로 갑주백목(9.62 N)이 가장 높았다. 반면 당도는 고종시(27.3 °Brix)가 가장 높았으며 품종 간 통계적 차이가 있었다(p<0.05). 수분활성도는 0.784∼0.819 범위로 나타났으며, 고종시(0.784)가 매우 낮았다. 수분함 량은 갑주백목(37.51%)이 가장 높았으나 상주둥시(35.32%)가 가장 낮았다. 색도(L, a, b)는 상주둥시(34.56, 9.24, 17.07) 가 모든 항목에서 높은 반면, 갑주백목(29.17, 5.68, 13.59)은 낮은 경향을 보였다. 관능평가 결과, 전반적 기호도는 고종 시(5.16), 고동시(5.16)가 가장 높았으며 상주둥시(4.26), 갑주백목(3.95) 순인 것으로 분석되었다. 천일건조한 품종별 곶감 의 물리적 및 관능적 특성은 그 차이가 뚜렷한 것으로 확인되었다. This study was performed to determine quality characteristics of solar-dried persimmon for each cultivar. The physical and sensory characteristics of 4 cultivars of solar-dried persimmons (Gojongsi, Godongsi, Sangjudungsi, Koshuhyakume) were investigated. As a result, yield rate and firmness was highest in Koshuhyakume (29.5%, 9.62 N). Meanwhile, the soluble solid content (SSC) was the highest in Gojongsi (27.3 °Brix) and it has a significant difference between 4 cultivars (p<0.05). The water activity was range from 0.784 to 0.819 and Gojongsi (0.784) was significantly lower than others. The water contents value was the highest in Koshuhyakume (37.51%), while Sangjudungsi (35.32%) was the lowest. In case of Hunter’s value, ‘L’, ‘a’ and ‘b’ were the highest in Sangjudungsi (34.56, 9.24, 17.07), whereas Koshuhyakume (29.17, 5.68, 13.59) has generally low value. In sensory evaluation, overall acceptability was the highest in Gojongsi and Godongsi (5.16), while Koshuhyakume (3.95) was the lowest. The results showed that the quality characteristics of dried persimmon manufactured by solar drying method have distinct difference according to cultivars.

      • KCI등재후보

        South Koreans' Despair before the Modern Power Structure in The Host

        박효원 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구논총 Vol.35 No.2

        봉준호 감독의 2006년 작 『괴물』의 한국 영화 역사상 유례없던 몬스터 장르영화로서의 성공은 근대권력에 대한 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 미셸 푸코(Michel Foucault)에 의하면 근대 권력은 생체권력 및 담론권력이라는 대규모통제 기제를 통해 작동하는 한편, 근대 권력의 관계성은 권력의 행위자들 사이의 협력․대립 관계 의해 권력이 형성․와해되도록 한다. 봉준호 감독은 『괴물』에서 상이한 여러 권력의 행위자들이 푸코식의 권력 관계를 가지는 것을 재현하고, 가장 미약한 권력 행위자인 주인공 가족이 모순적이게도 가장 강력한 행위자인 정부 권력조차 퇴치하지 못하는 괴물을 제거하는 설정을 통해 권력의전복성을 드러내는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 이러한 설정과 함께 봉 감독은 또한주인공 가족의 경험에 환상성을 주입함으로써, 결과적으로는 권력의 관계성과 그에 기반한 권력의 전복이 과연 가능한 것인가 의문을 제기한다. 『괴물』의 전례 없는 인기는 바로 이러한 권력 전복의 환상성에 대한 영화의 문제제기가 서구화․근대화라는 환상적 목표를 추구해왔던 한국 영화관객들의 무의식을 자극했기에 가능했던 것이고, 이 지점에 이 영화의 특별한 가치가 숨겨져 있다.

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