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        의학드라마 캐릭터와 내러티브를 통해 본 드라마 삽입곡의 역할에 대한 고찰- 「하얀 거탑」과 「낭만 닥터 김사부」를 중심으로 -

        박혜윤 한국문화산업학회 2019 문화산업연구 Vol.19 No.1

        Television drama background music is known as an essential element of the production that effectively communicate the psychology of the characters and assist the narrative. The object of this study is to specifically examine how drama background music contributes to the character and the narrative. Based on these result, it will propose basic standards on the study of drama background music and help the direction of their production. For this, The medical television dramas analyzed in this study were the White grand Tower and Romantic Dr teacher Kim. This study assumes that background music also play a very important role in medical television dramas, which are dramas surrounding professions, as they do in other genres of television dramas. Medical television dramas are characterized by superhero protagonist who miraculously resurrects the life of a critical patient; this study predicts that the background music effectively supports the narrative structure of the superhero character. Under these assumptions, this study analyzed whether the background music of medical television dramas played a role in constructing the hero character and faithfully supported the narrative structure of the hero narrative. We analyzed the ‘original soundtracks’ and the ‘existing songs’ used in these two television dramas through theoretical review and literature review on the function and role of soundtracks. As a result, we found that the songs presented the image of the hero character and faithfully supported the dramatic narrative. In the operating room and the emergency room where the main character’s performance is most prominent and the dramatic tension reaches the climax, the background music maximizes dramatic tension and vividness, faithful to its function of bringing viewers’ attention to focus. Existing songs and old pop songs also brought out the sympathy of viewers during narrative development through the effect of nostalgia. As a result, it was found that drama background music used in the White grand Tower and Romantic Dr teacher Kim effectively constructed the hero character and strongly assisted in the narrative. While existing studies have mostly analyzed background music focused on the elements of music, the significance of the present study is its analysis, which shows that drama background music supports the character and the narrative of medical television drama as a genre drama. Therefore, drama music makers need to pay attention to how drama background music works in the medical drama to increase fascination of character and effectively develop the narrative. 드라마 삽입곡은 등장 인물의 심리를 효과적으로 전달하고 극의 내러티브를 보조하는 드라마의 필수적인 요소로 알려져 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 드라마 삽입곡이 캐릭터와 내러티브를 어떻게 보조하는지 구체적으로 살펴보는데 있다. 또 그 결과를 바탕으로 향후 드라마 삽입곡 연구에 기초자료를 제시하고 드라마 음악 제작 방향에 도움을 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위해 전문직 드라마 장르 중 의학을 소재로 삼은 「하얀 거탑」과 「낭만 닥터 김사부」두 편을 연구대상으로 삼았다. 이 연구는 의학드라마에서도 삽입곡이 타 장르의 드라마와 마찬가지로 매우 중요한 역할을 담당할 것으로 가정하였다. 의학드라마는 위독한 환자의 생명을 기적적으로 소생시키는 슈퍼 히어로가 주로 주인공으로 등장하는 특징을 가지고 있는데, 삽입곡이 이 영웅 캐릭터의 서사구조와 내러티브를 효과적으로 뒷받침할 것으로 예측하였다. 이런 가정 하에 의학드라마의 삽입곡이 과연 영웅 캐릭터를 구축하는 역할을 하였는지, 영웅 서사구조의 내러티브를 충실하게 뒷받침하였는지를 분석했다. 이 두 편의 드라마에 삽입된 ‘창작곡’과 ‘기존곡’을 영화 음악의 기능 및 역할에 대한 이론적 검토와 문헌고찰을 통해 분석했다. 분석 결과, 삽입곡이 영웅 캐릭터의 이미지를 제시하며, 극의 내러티브를 충실하게 뒷받침한 것으로 나타났다. 주인공의 활약이 가장 두드러지고 극적 긴장감이 클라이맥스에 이르는 수술실과 응급실 장면에서 삽입곡은 극적 긴장감과 생동감을 최고조로 높이며 시청자의 이목을 집중시키는 기능을 충실하게 담당하였다. 기존 창작곡과 올드팝이 노스탤지어 효과를 통해서 내러티브 전개 시에 시청자의 공감을 이끌어내기도 하였다. 결과적으로 상기의 두 의학드라마에 사용된 삽입곡은 주인공 영웅 캐릭터를 효과적으로 구축하고 나아가 내러티브를 강력하게 보조한 것으로 파악되었다. 기존 연구들이 주로 음악적 요소에 치중해 드라마 삽입곡을 분석했다면 이 연구는 의학드라마라는 장르 드라마의 특성에 따라 삽입곡이 캐릭터와 내러티브를 보조하는 역할을 분석했다는데 그 의의가 있다. 따라서 드라마 음악 제작자는 의학드라마 역시 캐릭터의 매력을 높이고 내러티브의 효과적 전개를 위해서는 삽입곡이 어떻게 기능하는지에 대해서 좀 더 주목할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        국제개발원조의 문제점과 대안: 신제도주의적 접근

        박혜윤 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2013 국제지역연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness of 2005 and the Accra Agenda for Action of 2008, which called for better institutions in both donor and recipient countries, were two important developments that marked the shift of the agenda of the international aid community towards aid effectiveness. While aid community began to adopt changes in institutions and policies, there is yet much to be improved. For those who are working on the reform, it is indeed quite important to understand what aspects of institutions place particular constraints upon the incentives of the actors within them. To solve this question, new institutionalism ― in particular rational-choice institutionalism ― may provide an insightful analysis. It argues that aid institutions tend to have “collective-action problems” in which rational actors’ optimal decisions end up with collectively sub-optimal outcomes. Development aid also involves “multiple-principals” and “broken feedback loops of information” (Martens et al., 2002), both of which may formulate perverse incentives for actors. New institutionalists have suggested a number of alternative paths for solving institutional dilemmas of development aid: a competition among donors, and a participatory process of decision making regarding aid. For aid agencies, it is particularly important to make all information transparent so that relevant aid officials can learn from past practices and manage and sustain the outcomes of aid after projects are completed. For this to take place, organizational incentives within these agencies are critical. The present paper is expected to be a first step towards institutional understanding of development aid in Korea and to contribute to the future progress in Korean development aid. 2005년 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 회의에서 채택된 ‘원조효과성에 대한 파리선언(Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness)’과 2008년 ‘아크라행동계획(Accra Agenda for Action)’은 좀 더 효과적인 원조를 위해 적합한 원조체제를 갖출 것을 원조커뮤니티에 요구하고 있다. 지난 십여 년간 연구자들과 각 국의 원조정책기관들은 원조의 제도 문제에 주목해왔으며 그 이론적 근간에는 신제도주의(new institutionalism)가 있다. 신제도주의에서도 특히 합리적 선택 제도주의(rational-choice institutionalism)는 개발원조의 문제를 합리적 개인의 선택이 다수의 불이익을 초래하게 된다는 이른바 ‘집단행동의 문제(collective-action problems)’라 규정하고, 이의 해결을 위해서는 개인들의 인센티브에 영향을 미치는 제도적 조건을 바꾸는 것이 중요하다고 주장한다. 다수의 행위자들이 각자의 이익을 위해 공동생산에 참여하는 과정에서 책임과 권한의 오너십이 불분명해지고, 공여국과 수원국 사이의 물리적, 정치적 거리로 인해 정책 피드백이 불가능해지는 원조의 특수한 상황으로 인해, ‘주인-대리인 문제(principal-agent problems)’와 같은 왜곡된 인센티브의 문제가 심화된다는 것이다. 신제도주의 학자들은 공여국 간의 경쟁체제 도입, 주민의 적극적인 참여를 통한 원조결정과 실행 등을 대안으로 제시하고 있다. 공여국의 원조기관에 대해서는 원조와 관련된 정보를 모든 원조업무 담당자들이 투명하게 공유하고, 원조의 결과물을 지속적으로 관리할 수 있도록 조직 차원의 인센티브를 제공할 것을 제안한다. 현재 국제 원조커뮤니티는 결과중심주의와 수원국 오너십과 같은 제도개혁을 통해 원조효과성을 제고시키고자 하고 있다. 앞으로 한국이 선진적인 원조제도를 구비해 나아가는 데에는 신제도주의적 접근과 진단이 유용할 것으로 보이며, 본 논문이 이에 기여할 수 있기를 바란다.

      • F-99 : Free Paper Presentation ; Metabolic Syndrome Is Associated Reduced FEV1 and Dyslipidemia Attenuate CT Quantified Emphysema Severity

        박혜윤,권오정,김호중,정만표,서지영,고원중,엄상원,전경만,이경종,정병호,엄중섭,유홍석,송원준,신범수,정호중,임성용 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2013 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.116 No.-

        Objectives: The apparent effect of emphysema on left heart structure and function was reported, which is as important as that of traditional risk factors such as smoking and diabetes. However, the relationship between emphysema, another component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are unclear. Methods: We identified 2815 adult male patients of the Health Promotion Center in Samsung Medical Center between January 2009 and June 2009 and retrospectively reviewed clinical data. Emphysema index were measured by using commercially available software with a -950-HU threshold. MetS was defined according to the AHA/NHLBI and IDF criteria. Results: We found that emphysema index was not associated with the prevalence of MetS, while prevalence of MetS significantly increase as the FEV1 (% pred) decreased. Among components of metabolic syndrome, independent factors leading inverse relation between obstructive type (FEV1% ≤80%) and MetS were large waist circumference (OR 1.57, p<0.001), impaired glucose metabolism (OR 1.330, p<0.001) and low HDL cholesterol (OR 1.164, p=0.006). Despite lack of relationship between emphysema type (emphysema index ≥12%) and MetS, elevated blood pressure was positively related (OR 1.461, p <0.001) with emphysema type, while the presence of high triglycerides had an inverse relationship (OR 0.814, p=0012). High LDL cholesterol (≥160 mg/dL) was also inversely correlated with emphysema type. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is associated reduced FEV1 and dyslipidemia attenuate CT quantified emphysema severity.Objectives: The apparent effect of emphysema on left heart structure and function was reported, which is as important as that of traditional risk factors such as smoking and diabetes. However, the relationship between emphysema, another component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are unclear. Methods: We identified 2815 adult male patients of the Health Promotion Center in Samsung Medical Center between January 2009 and June 2009 and retrospectively reviewed clinical data. Emphysema index were measured by using commercially available software with a -950-HU threshold. MetS was defined according to the AHA/NHLBI and IDF criteria. Results: We found that emphysema index was not associated with the prevalence of MetS, while prevalence of MetS significantly increase as the FEV1 (% pred) decreased. Among components of metabolic syndrome, independent factors leading inverse relation between obstructive type (FEV1% ≤80%) and MetS were large waist circumference (OR 1.57, p<0.001), impaired glucose metabolism (OR 1.330, p<0.001) and low HDL cholesterol (OR 1.164, p=0.006). Despite lack of relationship between emphysema type (emphysema index ≥12%) and MetS, elevated blood pressure was positively related (OR 1.461, p <0.001) with emphysema type, while the presence of high triglycerides had an inverse relationship (OR 0.814, p=0012). High LDL cholesterol (≥160 mg/dL) was also inversely correlated with emphysema type. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is associated reduced FEV1 and dyslipidemia attenuate CT quantified emphysema severity.

      • KCI등재

        항공사의 유・무형, 인적서비스 품질요인이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 : 항공사 브랜드 및 브랜드태도의 매개효과를 중심으로

        박혜윤,박소연 한국유통과학회 2017 유통과학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        Purpose - This study's aims are to examine the effects of airline service quality on brand image, brand attitude and reuse intention and the mediating roles of brand image and brand attitude in the relationship between airline service quality and reuse intention. Research design, data and methodology - A total of 500 questionnaire copies were distributed and 474 were used for the empirical study after excluding some empirical inappropriate or unusable ones. To analyze the collected data, the SPSS/WIN 22.0 statistical package was used. Results - The result of analysis showed that all the intangible, tangible and human elements of the airline service quality positively influenced on brand image and brand attitude and did not directly influence on reuse intention. However, brand image and brand attitude played mediating roles in the relationship between all the service quality elements and reuse intention. Conclusions - This means that airlines need to develop service quality, which is differentiated and provides special feelings for customers and work out improvement strategies for positive brand images and attitudes, since customers choose and reuse airlines, based on brand images and attitudes, which are perceived and formed through the experience of airline service quality and word of mouth.

      • KCI등재

        복합쇼핑몰 개발을 위한 매장규모 및 임대차 관점에 따른 임차인 입점결정요인에 관한 연구

        박혜윤,이상엽,Park, Hyeyoon,Lee, Sangyoub 한국건설관리학회 2017 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구는 국내 복합쇼핑몰의 임차인 입점을 결정하는 요인에 대한 분석을 위해 SPA브랜드를 대상으로 2개의 상위기준에 따른 6개의 중위기준으로 구분되는 24개 요인을 도출하였다. 이를 AHP-Fuzzy기법을 기반으로 매장규모 및 임대차 관점에 따른 요인별 중요도를 도출한 결과, 공통적으로 '상권규모 및 특성', '유동량', 'MD계획' 등의 중요도가 높게 나타났다. 규모별로 대형은 '매장크기', 'Main층 입점여부', 중형은 '키테넌트 입점여부', '경쟁브랜드 입점여부', 소형은 '주동선 접속유무', 'Main층 입점여부'가 중요하게 나타났으며, 임대차 관점에 있어서는 개발자는 '교통의 편리성/접근성'과 '연면적', 테넌트는 '키테넌트 입점여부'와 'Main층 입점여부'가 주요 요인으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과를 기반으로 복합쇼핑몰 개발사업의 기획단계에서 사업규모에 맞는 적정면적배분 및 특성이 사업계획과 설계 및 시설의 운영을 위한 임대차관리에 반영되어 차별성을 가지는 임차인 유치전략 수립에 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. This study intends to determine the decision making criteria of leasing in mix-used shopping mall, analyze the variation of their weight by store size inside mall and lend-lease perspective for lessor and lessee towards the identification of optimal leasing environment in mix-used shopping mall development. The decision making have been identified based on the number of prior literature review and expert consultation. And the AHP methodology and Fuzzy theory have been implemented to develop the weight for criteria based on experts survey. Research finding indicates that the 2 categories with 6 criteria and 24 sub-criteria have been determined. It is noteworthy that the large sized group would be located in both ends on main floor with their requested store size; middle sized group done over second floor with low rent by attracting with both competitive brands and key-tenants; small sized group done in both ends on main floor or on 2 to 3 floor connecting to main circulation. This should be examined in the planning stage of SPA lessee solicitation by the lessor in mix-used shopping mall development project.

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