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      • KCI등재

        황부산물의 콘크리트 원료 활용 가능성 평가

        박혜옥,권기운,이경호,김문정,이우원,류돈식,이종규 유기성자원학회 2020 유기물자원화 Vol.28 No.4

        매립지에서 발생하는 매립가스 내 포함된 황화수소는 연소과정에서 산소와 결합하여 황산화물을 발생시키고대기 중의 수분과 결합하여 산성비가 되는 등 다양한 환경 문제를 일으킴에 따라 별도의 전처리 시설이 필수적이다. 매립가스의 탈황을 위해 탄산칼슘(CaCO3) 생성 반응에 따른 침전물 생성 처리, 흡착제를 통한 처리 등 다양한물리화학적인 방법을 적용하고 있으나, 폐수 등 2차 폐기물의 발생되는 문제가 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기위한 방법으로 생물학적 처리 공정을 이용해 원소황(S°)으로 슬러지 형태인 황부산물로 생성시켜 처리하는 공법이사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 매립가스 내 황화수소의 생물학적 처리 부산물을 활용하기 위한 기술의 기초연구로서황부산물을 활용하여 콘크리트 혼화재로 사용하고 첨가량에 따른 강도 보조 효과를 알아보기 위한 실험을 수행하였다. 황부산물 혼합 콘크리트 강도 분석 결과, 황부산물의 혼합은 콘크리트 강도에 영향을 미치며, 10% 혼합시가장 높은 강도 값을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 황부산물 10% 혼합시 포졸란 반응과 CaSO4의 형성 등에의해 결합 강도를 증가시키는 것으로 판단된다. The landfill gas produced in landfill is generally made up of methane(CH4) and carbon dioxide(CO2) of more than 90%, with the remainder made up of hydrogen sulfide(H2S). However, separate pre-treatment facilities are essential as hydrogen sulfide contained in landfill gas is combined with oxygen during the combustion process to generate sulfur oxides and acid rain combined with moisture in the atmosphere. Various desulfurization technologies have been used in Korea to desulfurize landfill gas. Although general desulfurization processes apply various physical and chemical methods, such as treatment of sediment generation according to the CaCO3 generation reaction and treatment through adsorbent, there is a problem of secondary wastes such as wastewater. As a way to solve this problem, a biological treatment process is used to generate and treat it with sludge-type sulfide (S°) using a biological treatment process.In this study, as a basic study of technology for utilizing the biological treatment by-products of hydrogen sulfide in landfill gas, an experiment was conducted to use the by-product as a mixture of concrete. According to the analysis of the mixture concrete strength of sulfur products, the mixture of sulfur by-products affects the strength of concrete and shows the highest strength value when mixing 10%.

      • KCI등재

        소비자는 왜 명품 브랜드에 충성하는가? 브랜드 동일시 및 동조의 매개효과

        박혜옥,나준희,이용학 한국광고학회 2010 광고학연구 Vol.21 No.5

        소비자는 왜 명품 브랜드를 구매하는가? 기존의 많은 연구는 브랜드 동일시의 관점에서 설명하였다. 그렇다면 명품 브랜드를 구매하는 모든 소비자는 브랜드 동일시를 지각하는가? 이에 대해서 본 연구는 동조의 매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 즉, 소비자의 소비 성향에 따라 브랜드 동일시를 통해 명품 브랜드에 대한 충성도가 형성되는 경우가 있는 반면에 동조를 통해 브랜드 충성도가 형성될 수 있음을 파악하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 개성추구형, 확장자아형, 쾌락주의형 소비자는 브랜드 동일시의 매개효과가 검증되었다. 그렇지만 개성추구형, 과시추구형, 쾌락주의형 소비자의 경우에는 동조의 매개효과가 검증되었다. 보다 구체적으로 개성추구형, 확장자아형, 쾌락주의형 소비자는 브랜드 동일시를 통해 동조 및 브랜드 애착하는 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드 애착은 브랜드 충성도에 영향을 미쳤다. 그렇지만 개성추구형, 과시추구형, 쾌락주의형 소비자는 브랜드 충성도에 있어서 동조의 직접적인 매개효과가 검증되었다. 특히 개성을 추구하는 소비자의 경우, 동조에 부정적인 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        Korean Elementary English Teachers' Perception of Readers’ Theatre

        박혜옥,허미선 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2015 외국학연구 Vol.- No.31

        This study explores a group of 69 elementary English teachers' experiences with readers’ theater (RT) during a Teaching English in English (TEE) intensive teacher training program at the Seoul Educational Training Institute in the fall of 2014. The research was designed to investigate teachers' perceptions of RT, which has been suggested by a number of researchers as an effective tool for improving literacy development, not only in L1 settings but also in ESL and EFL contexts. To localize the strategy to the Korean context, teacher questionnaires were administered and two semi-structured interviews were conducted with the instructor to collect data. Results showed that 96 percent of teachers wanted to use RT in and affective factors such as interest, self-confidence, and cooperation. Follow-up teacher training programs their classes; likewise, they recognized thepositive effects of RT on young learners' language proficiency and RT-related material development were strongly suggested as ways to localize the strategy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Developing English Language Teaching Materials Using a Text-driven Approach

        박혜옥 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2014 외국학연구 Vol.- No.27

        This study explores a group of eighteen graduate school students' experiences with a text-driven approach during an English materials development class conducted in the spring semester of 2013 in Seoul. The research was designed to raise awareness of the effectiveness of the text-driven approach suggested by a number of researchers as an effective method of developing language teaching materials. Its emphasis rests on personal responses to texts by using various multidimensional mental representations such as visualization and inner speech. Unlike conventional reading activities, a text-driven approach does not check readers' comprehension by asking true- or-false types of questions. Instead, it provides various opportunities to experience the text with the reader's experiences and allows the readers to take advantage of all the knowledge they have. Despite its benefits for English second language learners, however, many Korean ELT practitioners are unaware of its very existence. The researcher, therefore, designed a seven-week project to introduce and to raise awareness of the approach to the graduate students who took the ELT materials development class. The participants of this study experienced the whole process of writing text-driven materials, from brainstorming topics for text writing to assessing materials developed by peers. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and materials developed by the students were used to collect the data. The results of the questionnaires revealed that the students not only raised the awareness of the approach, but also recognized its differentiating features from conventional reading activities and its possible effectiveness as an ELT materials development method. The students' semi-structured interviews and the materials represented how much they had learnt about the approach from the project. Longitudinal classroom research where the text-driven material is taught was suggested as continuing research in order to localize the approach in the Korean context.

      • KCI등재

        Сравнительный анализ пословиц о речи на материале русского и корейского языков

        박혜옥 한국슬라브어학회 2010 슬라브어연구 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to compare Russian proverbs about 'words or speech' with Korean ones. Because peoples' consciousness is fully reflected in proverbs, we can easily detect their commonness and difference with others. Commonness is as follows: Being talkative and talking without thinking is considered as negativeness, Speech is necessary when it is needed, spoken language is more precious than written one, we have to speak wisely not to show the signs of strains and we have to be careful to speak to keep personal relationship smoothly. Difference is as follows: We can see the difference of the objects of metaphor- in Russian proverbs words like 'an empty cart, an empty grinding stone, a can with peas, a thin fly, a loudly barking dog' are used as a metaphor of talkativeness and loudness, while in Korean words like 'measuring with a doe, dividing a rice cake, the flavor of soy sauce, a female slave of a widow' are used. Besides, in Russian the words deeply related with a life style- ‘yeast, a dumpling, a cat'-are often used, while in Korean the words having great value like ‘meat, drug, money, food' appear in the proverbs. The Russian proverbs show more negative attitude to talkativeness than those of Korean ones. While the Korean proverbs show too much positive point of view of necessary talking to others- that is, if the situation requires it, we have to speak it to get rid of conflict even if it is a lie. The most important thing is that this research shows that the opinion of Fischer and Yoshida(1968) about speech relationship with population density is not correct. That is because the proverbs having positive attitude to speech are much more used and even emphasized in Korea, although Korea has a high population density. Сравнение пословиц в русском и корейском языках ясно покозывает не только культурно-национальное самосознание этих народов, но и некоторые общие черты мировозрения. В обоих языках выражается идеи важности речи, подходящей к ситуаци, и сильный эффект высказанных слов, невозможность вернуть сказанное, и предостережение опастности говорить правду прямо. Пословицы показывают житейскую мудрость, призывающую говорить смягчённо, чтобы избежать возможных конфликтов и конфронтаций. В русских и корейских пословицах используюься разнообразные метафоры: например, для обозначения болтуна в русском -пустая бочка,глупая собака, пустая мельница, бадья с горохом, худая муха в осень, а в корейском -пустая тележка, утренняя сорока, слуга вдовы. Также следует отметить, что в пословицах часто употребляются слова, тесно связанные с жизнью в своей культуре и быт широко отражается -т.е. в русской дрожжи, мельница, мука, а в корейском -떡(рисовой торт), 장(корейский соус), 되질(мерить зерновую муку). Кроме того, мы можем заметить, что когда в пословицах выражается больше количество, в русском употребляются числительное три, семь (например, трижды, семь верст), а в корейском сто, тысяча(например, 백 냥, 천 냥), и в РП часто появляются пирог и кошка, а в КП -мясо, шёлк, лекарство, деньги, которые считаются главным в жизни. Следет отметить, что слова, выбранные в качестве метафор, в РП являются обычными вещами, а в КП. -дорогими, ценными предметами. Поэтому мы можем сказать, что в КП важности доброй и подходящей к речи придаётся большее значение, чем в РП. Следует отметить, что в русских пословицах болтунов сильнее критикуют, чем в коейских: болтун-это враг, беда и наказание, а в корейских- людей заставляют говорить активно, только если это нужно, даже если это ложь. Это показывает, что народ не может говорить, если даже хочет, и ему осталось только терпеть и молчать. Ещё можно отметить, что страстность и могучую силу воли как основные свойства русского народа. Но в русском народе встречается и ленность, пасссивность, что получило в народных пословицах отрицательную оценку. Такой факт, что говорить более активно рекомендуется чаще в корейских пословицах, чем в русских, не позволяет нам согласить ...

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