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        베어드(W. M. Baird) 선교사의 韓國觀과 한국을 둘러싼 국제정세 인식(1891-1906)

        박혜미,한명근 한국민족운동사학회 2022 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.110

        William Baird, who visited Korea as a North Presbyterian missionary after the opening of the port, is a person who has greatly contributed to the establishment of Soongsil University in Pyongyang and the publication and distribution of Christian documents by focusing on education and document missionary work for 40 years. In this paper, we tried to confirm how Baird perceived the situation surrounding Korea and Korea in the early days of mission. As he rejected secularism and was thorough in conservative and thorough Christian faith, Baird's perception of Korean politics and international affairs could be partially examined from February 1891 to around 1906. Since he took a wait-and-see stance on real politics, it seems that he did not mention much about Korea's political reality and international situation. The reference materials focused on Baird's understanding of Korean politics, culture, religion, etc. and records of conflicts between Japan, China, and Russia over Korea in letters sent by Baird to the general secretary of the U.S. Missionary Headquarters and his family. Baird has not recorded perceptions of the Korean political situation or Japanese colonial rule since Japan won the Russo-Japanese War and was virtually recognized by the international community. He judged that it was important to cultivate Christian leaders above all else, and focused on providing higher education by establishing a university in Soongsil. 개항 이후 북장로교 선교사로 내한한 윌리엄 베어드는 40년간 교육과 문서 선교에 주력하여 평양 숭실대학 설립과 기독교 문서 출판‧보급에 크게 기여한 인물이다. 본 논문에서는 선교 초기 베어드가 한국과 한국을 둘러싼 정세에 대해 어떻게 인식하였는지 확인하고자 하였다. 한국 정치나 국제정세에 대한 베어드의 인식은 시기적으로는 1891년 2월 내한 이후 1906년경까지 일부 살펴볼 수 있었다. 세속주의를 거부하고 보수적이고 기독교 신앙에 철저했던 만큼 현실정치에 관망하는 자세를 취하였기 때문에 한국의 정치현실과 국제정세에 대한 언급을 많이 하지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 참고자료로는 베어드 일기와 베어드가 미국 선교본부 총무에게 보낸 편지, 그리고 가족에게 보낸 편지 등에서 한국의 정치, 문화, 종교 등에 대한 이해와 한국을 둘러싼 일본과 중국, 러시아와의 충돌상황에 대해 남긴 기록을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 베어드는 러일전쟁에서 일본이 승리한 이후 사실상 국제사회로부터 한국 지배권을 인정받게 된 이후부터 한국 정치상황이나 일제의 식민통치에 관한 인식을 기록하지 않았다. 그는 무엇보다 기독교계 지도자 양성이 중요하다고 판단하고 숭실에 대학부를 설치하여 고등교육을 실시하는 것에 주력하였다.

      • 시약 변경 시 모집단 분포 추이에 따른 결과 분석

        박혜미,임수연,유선희,이선호,Hye-Mi Park,Soo-Yeon Lim,Sun-Hee Yoo,Sun-Ho Lee 대한핵의학기술학회 2023 핵의학 기술 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose In this study, the monthly population distribution was calculated for statistical verification of 10 tests (CA19-9, CA15-3, testosterone, PTH, calcitonin, AFP, CEA, CA72-4, PSA, estradiol) with changed reagents, and the trend of change By comparing and analyzing the results, we want to verify the accuracy of the results and improve the reliability of the test. Materials and Methods From June 2021 to February 2023, for the 10 items in which the reagent was changed, the monthly percentage and standard deviation index before and after the reagent change were compared, respectively. At this time, the reference value was arbitrarily set for the comparison group in consideration of the reference value of the test item, and the groups were subdivided and compared, and the standard deviation index allowed range was -2.0 or more and 2.0 or less. Results For CA19-9, CA15-3, AFP, CEA, and calcitonin 5 test items, the change in monthly ratio in all test sections before and after the reagent change was kept constant. On the other hand, for CA72-4, PSA, testosterone, PTH, and estradiol items, the standard deviation index exceeded the acceptable standard after changing the reagent. CA72-4 test items showed an increasing trend in standard deviation index in the test section exceeding the reference value. In the case of the PSA test item, the maintenance ratio of 0.04 ng/mL was significantly decreased after changing the reagent. The testosterone test item had a standard deviation index of -2.5 in the test section exceeding 10.1 ng/mL after changing the reagent, and the standard deviation index of the PTH test item was out of the acceptable range in all test sections. It was confirmed that the estradiol test item showed an overall increase in the result value. Conclusion Through this study, the continuity and accuracy of the test results could be verified. It is considered that the stability of the test can be secured by analyzing the factors affecting the test result and solving the cause for the test item whose standard deviation index is out of the acceptable standard.

      • TSH, FT4 검사의 Two-point Calibration Curve 적용의 유용성 평가

        박혜미,유선희,이선호,김년옥,Park, Hye-Mi,Yoo, Seon-Hee,Lee, Seon-Ho,Kim, Nyun-Ok 대한핵의학기술학회 2016 핵의학 기술 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose The ASAN Medical Center, Nuclear Medicine performs TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) and FT4 (Free Thyroxine) tests 8 times per day. Accordingly, 70 ~ 80 kit tubes are consumed every day for the measurements and the time consumed for reagent dispensing averages over 170 seconds, where the TAT (turnaround time) may be effected when the number of test samples is larger than expected. Therefore, the following test was conducted with the purpose to reduce the number of kit tubes consumed, and reduce the time for reagent dispensing. Materials and Methods The test is based on applying the same reagent for tests where the number of samples is 30 or less. The test for TSH was conducted 9 times from July $1^{st}$ 2015 to July $10^{th}$ 2015. The test for FT4 was conducted 4 times from June $18^{th}$ 2015 to June $22^{nd}$, 2015. Standard Solution No.2 (0.153 uU/mL) and No.5 (4.96 uU/mL) was selected as the two-point standards for the TSH test, and Standard Solution No.3 (0.777 ng/dL) and No.4 (2.044 ng/dL) was selected as the two-point standards for the FT4 test. 38 test samples were subject to correlation analysis. Results For TSH, the result of the normal test shows ranges of 0.20 ~ 0.37 uU/mL for Control1, 0.53 ~ 0.71 uU/mL for Control2, and 6.77 ~ 7.94uU/mL for Control3, while the result of two-point calibration curve test shows ranges of 0.18 ~ 0.27 uU/mL for Control1, 0.53 ~ 0.71 uU/mL for Control2, and 7.30 ~ 8.52 uU/mL for Control3. For FT4, the result of the normal test shows ranges of 0.85 ~ 0.94 ng/dL for Control1 and 4.23 ~ 4.57 ng/dL for Control2, while the result of two-point calibration curve test shows ranges of 0.61 ~ 0.75 ng/dL for Control1 and 3.88 ~ 5.71 ng/dL for Control2. For TSH, the CV% of the normal test for Control1, Control2 and Control3 are 10.5, 3.3 and 3.6 respectively, while the CV% of the two-point calibration curve test for Control1 and Control1 are 12.4, 8.2 and 5.1 respectively. The result shows an outstanding correlation of TSH: y = 0.9985x - 0.0459 $R^2=0.9986$. For FT4, the CV% of the normal test for Control1 and Control2 are 0.70 and 0.71 respectively, while the CV% of the two-point calibration curve test for Control1 and Control1 are 8.7 and 16.2 respectively. The result shows an outstanding correlation of FT4: y = 1.2674x - 0.1133 $R^2=0.9824$. Conclusion The two-point calibration curve can be efficiently applied for TSH in cases where the number of test samples is not large, since the number of samples to be re-tested increases when the result is abnormal from the calibration curve. The two-point calibration curve test should not be applied for FT4 where the results do not consistently comply with the quality assessment range. Depending on how the two-point calibration curve is applied, up to 5 test tubes can be conserved per test, and the reduced time for reagent dispensing is anticipated to have a positive effect on the TAT (turnaround time).

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 일본조합교회 조선전도본부의 활동과 식민주의

        박혜미 한국민족운동사학회 2013 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.74

        본 논문의 목적은 1910년대 국내에 들어와 활동했던 일본조합교회 조선전도본부의 기독교관과 조직 및 주도인물 그리고 전도활동 및 전도활동의 식민지적 성격에 대해 살펴보는 데 있다. 더불어 기존의 연구에서 소략하게 다루어졌던 3ㆍ1운동에 대한 조선전도본부의 인식과 대응 및 조선에서의 철수과정에 대해서도 충실하게 규명해 내고자 하였다. 특히 국내외 신문잡지, 일본조합교회 총회 기록, 조선총독부 관보 등 비교적 풍부하고 새로운 사료를 인용함으로써 일본조합교회의 활동양상을 분석하고 그 식민주의적 성격을 구체적으로 밝혔다고 할 수 있다. 1910년대 조선총독부는 조선 기독교를 회유ㆍ통제하기 하고 궁극적으로는 정신적인 동화를 꾀하기 위한 수단으로 일본 기독교의 조선전도를 장려하였다. 그 가운데 일본조합교회는 일제의 조선 식민지배에 적극 동조하여 조선전도본부를 결성하고 ‘주임’인 와타세 츠네요시를 중심으로 ‘조선전도실행위원’과 ‘조선전도자금모집위원’ 등을 조직하여 조선인 전도를 실행하였다. 조선전도자금모집위원은 일본 전역을 순회하면서 조선전도자금 후원인을 모집했는데 이 과정에서 기독교 신자가 아닌 일본 정ㆍ제계 인사들로부터 지속적인 후원을 받았으며 특히 와타세는 조선총독부와의 특수한 관계를 유지하며 매년 거액의 기부금을 찬조 받기도 한 것으로 보인다. 조선에 진출한 조선전도본부는 다양한 방법을 통해 그 교세를 확장해 나갔다. 설교회ㆍ전국순회강연ㆍ교육 활동 등 내부적인 전도활동을 전개하였고, 조선 교단의 분열로 인해 이탈한 목회자 및 신도들을 흡수하였으며 그리고 무엇보다 총독부의 정책적 배려 하에서 짧은 시간 동안 국내에서 상당한 수의 교세를 확보할 수 있었다. 한편 3ㆍ1운동이 발생하자 조선전도본부는 3ㆍ1운동을 ‘소요’로 규정하고 3ㆍ1운동을 비인도적으로 진압한 조선총독부를 옹호하는 태도를 취하였다. 또한 3ㆍ1운동을 잠재우기 위해 ‘대시국특별운동’은 벌임은 물론 해외에서 독립운동 세력을 ‘정탐’하는 역할까지 수행하기도 하였다. 그러나 3ㆍ1운동 이후 조선총독과 對종교정책이 바뀌었는데 이는 조선전도본부가 그간 조선총독부로부터 받았던 혜택을 상당부분 상실하게 되는 계기로 작용했을 것으로 추측된다. 이 같은 상황에서 와타세가 계획하고 주도했던 ‘여운형 사건’의 실패와 이후 와타세가 보였던 일련의 거짓증언으로 인해 일본조합교회와 조선전도본부는 일본당국의 신뢰를 완전히 잃어버리게 되었다고 할 수 있다. 또한 조합교회의 조선인 신자들이 교회를 이탈하는 현상이 꾸준히 발생하였고 일본조합교회 내부에서도 기독교로서 본분을 망각한 조선전도본부의 불순한 전도행태와 조선총독부와 맺은 ‘불건전’한 관계를 비판하는 목소리가 계속 제기되었다. 이 같이 복합적인 원인들로 인해 조선전도본부는 결국 철수하였고 이후 조선에서 이루어진 일본조합교회의 전도활동은 재조일본인을 대상으로 하는 형태로 전개되었던 것으로 보인다. This paper aimed to explain the organizations of the Chosun Missionary Center of the Japanese Congregational Church and the its view of Christianity, including its missionary activities and colonial elements. Along with these, this paper thoroughly investigated the recognition and reaction of the Chosun Missionary Center of the Japanese Congregational Church against the 3ㆍ1 Movement and the progress of its withdrawal from Chosun, which was slighted in earlier studies. Especially, by citing richly the internal and external presses, the reports of general meeting of the Japanese Congregational Church and the official gazette of Chosun Government General, it was passible that investigated the activities of the Japanese Congregational Church and revealed the its colonial characters. In the 1910’s, the Chosun Government General encouraged the proselytising activities of party of Japanese Christianity in order to conciliate and control the Chosun Christianity and ultimately assimilate in spirit the Chosun population. Among other things, the Japanese Congregational Church, which went along with the colonial policy of Chosun Government General, organized the Chosun Missionary Center and carried out the missionary activities to Chosun population, with Watase Cheuneyosi as a bosshead forming the ‘Executive Committee of Chosun Missionary’ and ‘Fund-Raising Committee for Chosun Missionary’. The Fund-Raising Committee for Chosun Missionary appealed the patronage support for the proselytising activities to Chosun population traveled throughout Japan. In this progress, the Fund-Raising Committee for Chosun Missionary was supported continually by non-Christians, including political and economic personages, and especially, Watase obtained annually a large sponsor, maintaining the special relationship with Chosun Government General. The Chosun Missionary Center, which have entered the Chosun, expanded congregation in a variety of ways, developing the internal movement such as meeting of sermon, a preaching tour in the whole country, educational activities. The Japanese Congregational Church absorbed the ministers and the faithful who left because of dissolution of the religious body from Korean Christian community and among other things in a short space of time could expand congregation in Korea to a great extent. Meanwhile, when 3ㆍ1 Movement was occurred, The Japanese Congregational Church regarded the 3ㆍ1 Movement as a ‘sedition’, and supported the Chosun Government General that suppressed it inhumanely. The Japanese Congregational Church also had a campaign named ‘Special Movement to Current Situation’ and played the spying role in overseas on the party of independent movement. After the 3ㆍ1 Movement, however, governor-General and the religious policy were changed, in this respect we found that it served as a momentum that the Japanese Congregational Church lose the much of advantages given by Chosun Government General. In these situations, the Japanese Congregational Church and the Chosun Missionary Center entirely lose truth of Japanese authorities because of the failure of the case of Yeo Un-Hyeong planned and led by Watase and after that time a succession of his false testimonies. And the Chosun faithful in Japanese Congregational Church steadily left the church and the criticism against impure missionary activities of Chosun Missionary Center neglected its duty as Christian and its insalutary relation with Chosun Government General was brought up continuously within the Japanese Congregational Church. Because of these complex causes, the Chosun Missionary Center withdrew eventually from Chosun and after that time the missionary activities of the Japanese Congregational Church in Chosun was developed in the form of targeting the Japanese in Chosun.

      • KCI등재

        일본조합교회 간사 김린의 생애와 친일활동

        박혜미 한국기독교역사학회 2019 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.0 No.51

        Kim Lynn was sent to Hansung Prison with figures of Independence Club in the last decades of Chosen, and after discharging from prison he joined in 'Hwang-Seong YMCA' and undertook the vice leader. However, directly after the 1910, he was dismissed going through with attempt to subjugate the Hwang-Seong YMCA into Japan YMCA with organization of Restoration Party. This paper aimed to trace his tracks and examine the ideological drivers which changed his whereabouts. In the last decades of Chosen, Kim Lynn got arrested and sent to Hansung Prison on charge of same conspiracy when Reform Party which consisted of progressive figures of Independence Club conspired the anti-government protest movements. In prison, he shared the Christian faith and modern sciences with 'comrade in prison', and after discharge from prison he joined the Hwang-Seong YMCA and participated in Christian Young Movement as a vice leader. However, he took the initiative to subjugate Hwang-Seong YMCA into Japan YMCA with organization of Restoration Party. It is hard to clearly investigate the cause of his action In spite of his position as a vice leader because of lack of materials, but we could inference the cause with his personal history and periodical background. In other words, while Kim Lynn experienced the 'civilization and enlightenment' through inspection in Japan, he witnessed the crisis of Christian group caused by the Event of 105 People' Case in Korea. Through this, he determined the incorporation of Hwang-Seong YMCA into Japan YMCA admitting the colonialization of Chosen. Kim Lynn, who was dismissed in Hwang-Seong YMCA because of participation in Restoration Party, worked in the Missionary Branch in Chosen of Japanese Union Church as a assistant, and in the time of 3.1 Movement, he propagated an idea to suppress the 3.1 Movement rounding Gangwon-do and Hamgyong-do participating in Great Special Movement of the Current Situation of Japanese Union Church. 김린(金麟, ?-1922)은 한말 독립협회 인사들과 한성감옥에서 투옥생활을 하였고 출옥 후에는 황성기독교청년회에 입회하여 부총무로 활동하였다. 그러나 경술국치 직후 그는 이른바 유신회를 조직하여 황성기독교청년회를 일본 YMCA에 예속하려는 시도를 감행하다가 파면되었다. 본고는 이러한 김린의 행적을 추적, 검토하는 한편 그의 행적이 변화하게 된 사상적 동인(動因)을 분석하였다. 한말 김린은 독립협회의 일부 혁신적인 인사들로 구성된 개혁당이 반정부 운동을 모의했다는 혐의를 받고 체포되었을 때 같은 혐의를 받고 한성감옥에 투옥되었다. 그는 감옥에서 ‘옥중동지’들과 기독교 신앙과 신학문 등을 공유하였으며 출옥 후는 황성기독교청년회에 입회하여 부총무직을 맡아 기독교청년운동에 참여하였다. 그런데 경술국치 직후 그는 이른바 유신회를 조직하고 황성기독교청년회를 일본 YMCA에 예속시키는 일에 앞장섰다. 황성기독교청년회 부총무 신분임에도 이 같은 행보를 하게 된 원인은 자료상의 한계로 인하여 명확하게 규명하기 어렵지만 그의 이력과 시대적 상황에 따라 다음과 같이 추론할 수 있다. 즉 그는 1910년 초 일본 시찰을 통해 일본의 ‘문명개화’를 체험하는 동시에 국내에서는 105인 사건으로 인한 기독교 세력의 위기를 목도하였다. 이를 통해 약소국 조선이 식민화된 현실을 인정하고 황성기독교청년회 역시 일본YMCA에 편입되어야 한다고 본 것이다. 유신회 활동으로 인해 황성기독교청년회에서 파면된 김린은 일본조합교회 조선전도본부에서 간사로 활동하였으며, 3·1운동 당시에는 일본조합교회의 ‘대시국특별운동’에 참여하여 강원도와 함경도 방면을 순회하면서 3·1운동을 무마하는 선전활동을 전개하였다.

      • KCI등재

        추출 방법에 따른 상지에 배양한 상황버섯 균사체 추출물의 항산화 활성

        박혜미,홍주헌 한국식품저장유통학회 2014 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        This study was conducted to examine the antioxidant activities of extracts derived with different extraction methods (HE, hot water extraction; UE, ultrasonic extraction; and PE, pressured extraction) from Phellinuslinteus mycelium in Mori ramulus. The extraction yield of PE (7.73%) was higher than that of UE (6.03%) and of HE (5.44%). The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of PE were 9.87 g/100 g and 1.90 g/100 g, respectively. The oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of PE (769.63 μM/g FW) was higher than that of HE (622.96 μM/g FW) and of UE (249.06 μM/g FW). The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of PE at 1,000 μg/mL were 35.85% and 51.42%, respectively. The superoxide radical scavenging activity of PE, 29.16-93.89%, was higher than that of other extracts. The ferric-reducing antioxidant power and the reducing power of PE were 180.60-607.93 μM and 0.14-0.51, respectively. The tyrosinase inhibition activity of PE (9.66-24.05%) improved with an increase in the treatment concentration. The antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibition activities of PE were significantly higher than those of the other extracts. In conclusion, we provided experimental evidence that Phellinus linteus mycelium extracts from Mori ramulus have potential as functional materials.

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