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      • 환위험 헤지에 관한 연구 : KIKO사례를 중심으로

        박태순 배재대학교 국제통상대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 환율변동의 정도가 심화되고 있는 실정에서 대외적인 환위험관리기법 중에서 통화옵션계약의 활용방안을 도출하기 위하여, 환율의 변동 행태와 그 특성을 규명하고, 통화옵션 가격결정의 요인 및 효과를 분석하여 환위험의 효율적 관리를 위한 최적통화 헤징방안을 규명하였다. 헤징의 개념·원리·동기의 규명 및 옵션계약을 이용한 헤징원리와 그에 대한 기법을 가격결정에 영향을 주는 요인들의 효과 측정수단인 델타·감마·쎄타·베가·로를 규명하고, 이들을 이용한 헤징기법을 분석했다. 그리고 최근 현안으로 부각된 장외파생상품 중 KIKO의 상품원리, 선호배경 및 상품특성, KIKO의 환헤지 과정에서 문제점과 기업의 환위험 헤지원칙 정립 방안을 검토하였다. This paper identifies the movement behaviors of foreign exchange rates and their properties analyzes the pricing determinants of the currency option contracts and their effects and the optimum hedging methods to derive the strategic orientation and tasks of currency option contact application to manage the foreign exchange risk efficiently. In chapter 2, we analyze the concept, principles, and motivations of hedging and identifies the internal and external methods to manage the foreign exchange risk. In chapter 3, we make the comparative analysis of the pricing models of stock and currency option contracts. And we review the hedging methods with the currency options through the effect-measurement tools such as delta, gamma, theta, rho, and vega and compare their respective hedging performances. In chapter 4, we review the commodity principles, preference backgrounds, and commodity properties of the Knock-in and Knock-off option(KIKO) in the Korean financial markets, analyze the overusing problems of KIKO, and derive the efficient application methods and their implementation strategies. Concludingly, to manage the foreign exchange risk efficiently and avoid the unnecessary hedging cost, the Korean enterprises should establish the systematic organizational structures appropriate to their own conditions and accomplish their capabilities to implement their foreign exchange risk management strategic tasks efficiently.

      • 보육교사의 역할갈등과 직무만족의 관계 분석

        박태순 금오공과대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract This study intended to see the role conflict and the level of job satisfaction, and to illuminate the relationship between role conflict and job satisfaction in childcare teachers. To achieve the purpose, a questionnaire was designed, consisting of 20 items concerning 4 areas of role conflicts(intrarole conflict, intraperson conflict, interrole conflict, and role ambiguity) and 36 items concerning 6 areas of job satisfaction(job itself, work condition, administration system, human relationship, pay and promotion, and social recognition). 250 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to teachers randomly selected from private childcare centers in Gumi, Kyeongbuk Province of Korea. The collected data were analysed by SPSS program. The result is as following. First, the analysis result of childcare teachers’ perceived role conflicts reveals a generally low level conflict in intrarole, interrole, and role-ambiguity areas, but a moderate level conflict in intraperson area. The level of role ambiguity is higher among unmarried teachers than the married, and those of less than 3 years of experience. Second, the analysis result of childcare teachers’ perceived job satisfaction indicates that they seem to be moderately satisfied in the areas of work condition, pay and promotion, and social recognition, and a little more satisfied in the areas of job itself, administration system, and human relationship. As for job itself, the level of satisfaction is higher among married teachers than the unmarried, and as for administration system, it is higher among the older, the married, the more experienced, and those in the large-scaled centers. And as for pay and promotion, the level of satisfaction is higher among the younger, the unmarried, and those in the large-scaled centers, and as for social recognition, it is higher among the younger teachers than the older ones. Third, it is found out that there is a statistically meaningful relationship between role conflict and job satisfaction in childcare teachers. That is, there appears a slightly low negative correlation between the 4 areas of role conflict and the sub-areas of job satisfaction. And the regression analysis of role conflict and sub-areas of job satisfaction reveals that interrole conflict is deeply related with sob itself and work condition, that intrarole conflict is deeply related with administration system and pay and promotion, and that intraperson conflict is deeply related with role ambiguity and social recognition.

      • 申東曄 시의 인물 류형 연구

        박태순 건국대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study will be conducted in the new format for understanding the poetry by focusing on the characters presented in it. Nonetheless that it is insufficient to overview all works of Shin, Dong Yup, this is the significant in which it is the new approach in studying his works. This study was derived from the book <Theory of The Poet's Spirit>. The characters in his poetry will be typically sorted and the ideal world that Shin, Dong Yup dreamt of are looked over. Also, his viewpoint recognizing the present is memorable. First, Shin, Dong Yup recognized that all matters in the commune concept regard community and self. Second, he understood the reality in the historical viewpoint. He understood the reality in divided as the one that should be presented and the other that was presented with an insight and public viewpoint. Third, he longed for the primitive commune. Also he recognized the reality as a group of functional people without purpose, which is configured on the inhuman and impersonal culture of division of labor. Forth, in the attitude of the present, he admitted the negative reality. Fifth, nevertheless, he showed much afforded reaction in the recognition of the present. Sixth, the reaction of 4.19 was definite. Seventh, he claimed the pure nature subject of true ethnic putting off the light appearance. As shown above, he was interested in the practical matters of life. We can find out this present has changeable possibilities and the ultimate prospect of improvement as well as it is based on the love for the life of people. This study is conducted based upon the <Theory of poet's spirit>. Firstly, the world he longs for is what is filled with love. This world is the 'Primitive Figure World (原數性世界)' that keep the primitive purity of life on the earth. The point of time is past. The second, unfortunately, the present world is the 'Second Figure World (次數性世界)' surrounded with the wall interfering the longing for love. Therefore his works contain fury and hatred. The third, the world he waited for is recognized as the 'Returning Figure World(歸數性世界)'. So the popular consciousness is expressed in the hope of revolution. The main character is woman as a storyteller in <The earth of The Story Telling Plowman>. And this study confirms that his utopia is the life-oriented world of abundance and fecundity. The topic of the <Silk River (錦江)> is the fabricated character, 'Shin Ha Nui', set up to redefine the <Donghak Revolution>. The setting up of 'Shin Ha Nui' is wrong. In the <Silk River (錦江)> the historical person existed such as Su-un, Haewol, Chun Bong Jun and Kim Kae Nam and the fabricated person, 'Shin Ha Nui' are co-presented. The important point is the definition of stand of the 'Shin Ha Nui', the utopia he longed for is the world without classes and possessions. This is on a stream of the notion that 'people are heaven(人乃天)' Right on here, 'Shin Ha Nui' exists. That is, the fabricated character, 'Shin Ha Nui', is located in the utopia, recovering the 'Second figure world (次數性世界)' where the officer Kim and his dirty wife existed. Hence, they can be sorted into the some kind of type of 'Returning figure'. It can be found out in his awareness saying that " I saw the sky." with Su-un. In the「Letter of honesty and origin (正本文)」, after he shows the process of creating world and reaching a tragic present condition through the relationship of 'man' and 'snake', he states his intention to treat the present to progress toward the new world. It is a new world that the 'man' and 'snake' are reconciled, namely, it is the 'Returning Figure World(歸數性世界)' where the 'man' who is prospective and 'Returning figure character', is existed. Ultimately, the characters in his work can be analyzed in the composition of the 'Primitive Figure World (原數性世界)'- the 'Second Figure World (次數性世界)'- the 'Returning Figure World(歸數性世界)' also this feature can be found out in almost all his works. As above, the characters in his works are divided with three parts; the first, the past character, the second, the present character and the third, the future character-the people such as girls, boys, prostitutes and the laborers. Now we can sort out the characters as follow; First, the 'Primitive figure character (原數性人物)' is a past character Second, the 'Second figure character (次數性人物)' is belonged to the present, living in both the past and present. Third, the 'Returning figure (歸數性人物)character' is a prospective one, living in both the present and future. As for the past characters, the 'Primitive figure character (原數性人物)', such as the 'Hwang Jin Ie (黃眞伊)' is standing in the yard of the apricot tree, the beauty of Baek-Jei dynasty having their face reflected on the brass mirror and the girls of 'So Bu Li (所夫里)', are innocent and living in a peaceful world. They are past away and frequently presented on his work of longing for. 'Asadal' and 'Asanyu' are the past characters as well as the present. Even they are inclined to the past, they are the characters of revolution and hope denying the present and presenting the practical vision. They are the people such as boys, girls, prostitute and the labor (少年, 小女, 娼女, 勞動者). When he gained recognition and aggressivity, he recognized the past character couldn't demolish the paradox of the present and the transformation of the people. The characters he longed for were not contemporary. They did not exist 'in the present', that is, the past away. In other words, they are the people he can never touch. His longing continued as a love for the people, namely, sympathy. The motivation of his work is not based upon his personal pleasure, but upon the practice of good Samaritanism. In his work, symbolic activities are presented such as a plowing and planting seeds. Through this, he wished the revolving of creating the world, abundance and fertility. In <The earth of the story telling plowman>, it is developed in a sentimental mood and reminiscing of the past. The main idea of this poetry is getting back to the time when the earth and humanity were living in a healthy ballance, that is for hope to recover the earth and human. The earth, forest, dance round and moonlighted night that are frequently appear in his poetry are metaphors implicating the product, abundance, fecundity and revival. These are pursuing the original world of life, which is not presenting his internal notion inclining the primitive world of life with denying the civilizations. Therefore, he should incline the life by denying the civilization to turn back to the 'Primitive figure world (元數性世界)', that is, people doing cooperative work and the world is filled with the enchantment of festivals.

      • 한 미분방정식을 만족하는 奇數次元球面의 一般形 部分多樣體

        박태순 경북대학교 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        最近 奇數次元球面의 完備 一般形 部分多樣體 M^n 에 誘導되는 構造 f가 正規 또는 反正規일 때의 M^n의 特性이 밝혀졌다 (論文 [3], [4J, [5J, [6J 參照). 本 論文에서는 奇數次元球面의 完備 一般形 部分多樣體 M^n에 誘導되는 構造 (f_c^a, g_cb, f_c^x, f^a, f^x)가 어떤 函數 A에 대한 自明하지 않는 微分方程式 □_cf^x=Af_c^x를 만족할 때, M^n의 大域的 形態를 밝혔으며 主로 다음의 結果를 얻었다. 定理. □_cf^x=Af_c^x(A≠0)를 滿足하는 奇數次元球面 S^2m+1(1)의 完備 一般形 部分多樣體 M^n은 平均曲率벡터가 平行이고, 法接續이 平坦이며 빽터 u, v에 관한 斷面曲率이 常數이면, 誘導構造가 反正規가 되어서 n次元大圓 또는 두 球面積 S^m(1/√2)×S^m(1/√2)으로 分離된다. 定理. 위의 微分方程式에서 函數 A가 零인 경우에는 만일 平均曲率벡터가 平行이고, 法接續이 平坦하며, 第二基本量이 不等式 h_cb^xh^cb_x≤n(2m+1-n) 을 滿足할 때, 奇數次元球面의 緊密·極小 一般形 部分多樣體 M^n은 n次元大圓 또는 有限個 球面積 S^P1 (r₁)x…×S^PN(r_N)으로 分離된다. 단, P₁,…, P_N≥1, P₁+…+ P_N = n, r_α=√P_α/n(α=1,…, N)이다. 여기서 本質的 餘次元 N-l은 l<N≤2m-n+2을 滿足한다.

      • 脫검, 脫色, 脫臭條件 變化에 依한 大豆油의 色相變化

        박태순 韓京大學校 産業大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        대두유를 정제하는 과정에서 대두원유를 탈검-탈산-탈색-탈취의 일반적인 정제공정을 모두 거친 것과 이들 정제공정을 생략하고 decantation만을 행한 후 그대로 탈취하여 고유의 색상을 갖는 독특한 대두유를 얻었다. 이 때의 차이는 Sample 1은 정상 탈취유, Sample 2, 3는 decantation에 의하여 협잡물만을 제거한 다음 batch type deodorizer에 주입하여 진공도, 최고온도, stripping steam 주입량, 탈취시간 등을 차등화하여 3단계 탈취를 행하였다. 얻어진 탈취유의 이화학적 특성은 Sample 1의 경우 산가 0.034, Lovibond color 9.1Y/0.9R, 과산화물가 0의 엷은 노란색 대두유였다. 그러나 Sample 2는 산가 0.078, Lovibond color 65.0Y /18.39R/4.2B/0.1N, 과산화물가 0.7의 밝고 투명한 녹색을 나타내었다. Sample 3은 산가 0.072, Lovibond color 37.3Y /3.8R/0.1B/0.1N, 과산화물가 1.6의 짙은 검붉은 갈색을 나타내어 차이를 보였다. 이러한 착색 탈취대두유는 앞으로 솔잎향미유, 들깻잎향미유 등의 다양한 향미유 제조의 원료유로 각광 받을 것으로 판단된다. Deodorized soybean oils(DSO) were obtained to 2 types. Sample 1 was carried out a general refining process, which is degumming-alkali refining-bleaching-deodorizing. Sample 2 and 3 were not general refining process, its were carried out only both decantation of insoluble impurities and batch type deodorizing(BTD). At this time, BTD was composed of 3 stages, operating differences were vacuum degree, maximum temperature, stripping steam and retention time etc. DSO obtained were appeared original physicochemical characte-ristics. Sample 1 had acid value 0.034, Lovibond color 9.1Y/0.9R, peroxide value 0 and thin yellow color's soybean oil. But sample 2 had acid value 0.078, Lovibond color 65.0Y /18.39R/4.2B/0.1N, peroxide value 0.7 and bright green color's soybean oil. Sample 3 had acid value 0.072, Lovibond color 37.3Y /3.8R/0.1B/0.1N, peroxide value 1.6 and dark brown color's soybean oil. These colorful DSO were expects as raw-materials of various seasoning oils as like pine needle and/or perilla leaf seasoning oil.

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