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      • KCI등재

        굴 양식수역의 환경용량 산정 -I. 생태계 모델을 이용한 거제 · 한산만 굴 먹이 공급량 추정

        박종수,김형철,최우정,이원찬,박청길,Park Jong Soo,Kim Hyung Chul,Choi Woo Jeung,Lee Won Chan,Park Chung Kil 한국수산과학회 2002 한국수산과학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        거제 $\cdot$ 한산만 굴 양식어장의 수용력 산정에 가장 중요한 요소인 월별 먹이량 변동을 생태-유체역학 모델을 이용하여 산정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 비양식시기인 5월의 거제 $\cdot$ 한산만의 chlorophyll $\alpha$ 농도는 $0.29\~4.72$ (평균 $1.73{\mu}g/L$)로 낮은 농도를 나타내었고, 수평분포 특성은 화도 주변 수역에서 $2.0{\mu}$g/L 이상의 높은 농도 분포를 보인 반면, 만의 중앙부에 해당하는 산달도에서 봉암도 및 율포에 이르는 수역에서 1.4$\mu$g/L 이하의 낮은 농도 분포를 보였다. 거제 $\cdot$한산만의 잔차류는 표층의 경우 외양과 접한 남쪽의 협수로에서는 10 cm/sec의 유속으로 남쪽 방향으로 유출하고, 송도와 비산도 부근에서는 5cm/sec 내외의 유속으로 북서 방향으로 흐름이 진행되었으며, 만 중앙부에서는 내측에서 외측으로 유출하는 형태였으나 유속의 크기는 3cm/sec 이하로 작게 나타났다. 중층은 전반적으로 유속의 크기가 감소하였고, 만 중앙부근에서는 표층의 흐름과는 반대로 만 내측으로의 흐름이 뚜렷하였으며, 저층에서는 수로를 중심으로 흐름이 나타났다. 생태계 모델에 의해 비 양식시기로 가정한 5월의 식물플랑크톤 분포를 재현한 결과 실측치와 계산치의 적합성의 정도를 나타내는 $R^{2}$값은 0.70, 상대오차는 $10.3\%$이었고, 재현된 분포 특성은 화도와 거제시 둔덕면 사이의 수로 부근 수역과 하천의 영향을 많이 받는 만 내측 수역에서 높은 농도분포를 나타내었고, 외해 방향으로 갈수록 점차 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 이것은 만내로 유입하는 유입부하에 직접적으로 영향을 받고 비교적 정체수역인 만 내측에서 기초생산력이 높다는 것을 나타내었다. 생태계 모델을 이용하여 9월부터 다음해 5월까지 월별 먹이 공급량을 추정한 결과 $0.19\~l.27gC/m^{2}/day$ 범위에 평균 $0.62gC/m^{2}/day$로 나타났다 9월에 1.12gC/m^{2}/day$의 높은 값을 나타낸 이후 점차 감소하기 시작하여 2월에 0.19gC/m^{2}/day$의 최소 값을 나타내었으며, 봄철로 접어들면서 점차 증가하는 양상을 보였고, 5월에 $1.27gC/m^{2}/day$의 최대 값을 나타내었다. A 3D hydrodynamic-ecological coupled model was applied to estimate a food supply to oysters in Geoje-Hansan Bay where is one of the oyster culturing sites in Korea, In this study, the primary productivity (PP) was adopted as an index of food supply, and the spatial patterns of average chlorophyll a concentration during a culturing seasons from September to May of the following year were simulated by the model, The numerical result showed that PP was high in the inner part of the bay and the adjacent areas of Hwado island, but low in the outer. This result indicates that PP is essentially influenced by anthropogenic nutrient loadings in the system. The model was calibrated using the field data in May which is non culturing season of oysters and a simulated phytoplankton biomass agreed fairly well with the observed data ($R^{2}=0.70$, $RE=10.3\%$). The computed food supply varied from 0.19 to $1.27\;gC/m^{2}/day$ with a mean value of $0.62 gC/m^{2}/day$ from September to May. The highest value was showed in May ($1.27 gC/m^{2}/day$) and the lowest was in February ($0.19 gC/m^{2}/day$).

      • KCI등재후보

        굴 양식수역의 환경용량 산정 -II. 거제 · 한산만의 환경용량-

        박종수,김형철,최우정,이원찬,김동명,구준호,박청길,Park Jong Soo,Kim Hyung Chul,Choi Woo Jeung,Lee Won Chan,Kim Dong Myung,Koo Jun Ho,Park Chung Kil 한국수산과학회 2002 한국수산과학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        과밀양식으로 생산성이 저하되고 있는 거제 $\cdot$ 한산만의 안정적이고 지속적인 굴 생산방안을 제시하기 위하여 생태계 모델을 이용하여 먹이 공급량을 추정하였고, 양식 굴의 여수율과 chloro-phyll $\alpha$ 농도로부터 먹이 요구량을 계산하여 양식 수용력을 산정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 수확 크기별 굴의 먹이 요구량은 습중량 4g의 알굴인 경우 1.40~4.82mgC/ind./day (평균 2.49mgC/ind./day), 습중량 7g의 알굴인 경우 1.96-6.77mgC/ind./day (평균 3.50mgC/ind./day) 범위로 나타나 알굴의 습중량이 증가할수록 먹이 요구량도 크게 나타났다. 월별로는 2월이 가장 작았고, 9월이 가장 크게 나타났다. 월별 먹이 공급량을 월별 먹이 요구량으로 나누어 수확 크기별 수용력을 산정한 결과 2월이 평균 6.10 ton/ha로 최저 수용력을 나타내었고, 4월이 14.91 ton/ha로 최대 수용력을 나타내었다. 거제 $\cdot$ 한산만의 알굴 생산량은 9ton/ha로 최대 수용력의 $60\%$ 수준이나 지속적 생산을 위해서는 임계 수용력인 2월의 6.1ton/ha와 통계자료에 의한 최대 생산량 5.5ton/ha를 감안하여 현재 시설량을 $32\%{\~}39\%$ 정도 줄여야 할 것으로 판단되었다. A 3D hydrodynamic-ecological coupled model was applied to estimate carrying capacity in Geoje-Hansan Bay where is one of the most important oyster culturing grounds in Korea. We considered the carrying capacity as the difference between food supply to the oysters and food demand, considering monthly difference of the actual growth. The food supply to the system was determined from the results of the model simulation (tidal exchange and chlorophyll $\alpha$) over the culturing period from September to May of the following year. The food demand was estimated from the food concentration (chlorophyll $\alpha$) multiple the filtration rate of oysters that is considered monthly different growth rate of oysters and food concentration. The values of carrying capacity for the system varied from 6.1 ton/ha (minimum carrying capacity) in february to 14.91 ton/ha (maximum carrying capacity) in April of marketable size oysters (>4 g wet-tissue weight) depending on temporal variations in the food supply. The oyster production calculated from present facilities was 9 ton/ha in wet-tissue weight in Geoje-Hansan Bay. This value corresponded to $60\%$ of maximum carrying capacity of the system. The optimal carrying capacity without negatively affecting on oyster production was 5.5 ton/ha when calculated from annual statistic data and 6.1 ton/ha when determined by this study. These results suggest that it must be reduced $32\%$~$39\%$ of oyster facilities in the system.

      • KCI등재

        고차원 데이터를 부분차원 클러스터링하는 효과적인 알고리즘

        박종수,김도형,Park, Jong-Soo,Kim, Do-Hyung 한국정보처리학회 2003 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.10 No.3

        고차원 데이터에서 클러스터를 찾아내는 문제는 그 중요성으로 인해 데이터 마이닝 분야에서 잘 알려져 있다. 클러스터 분석은 패턴 인식, 데이터 분석, 시장 분석 등의 여러 응용 분야에 광범위하게 사용되어지고 있다. 최근에 이 문제를 풀 수 있는 투영된 클러스터링이라는 새로운 방법론이 제기되었다. 이것은 먼저 각 후보 클러스터의 부분차원들을 선택하고 이를 근거로 한 거리 함수에 따라 가장 가까운 클러스터에 점이 배정된다. 우리는 고차원 데이터를 부분차원 클러스터링하는 새로운 알고리즘을 제안한다. 알고리즘의 주요한 세 부분은, $\circled1$적절한 개수의 점들을 갖는 여러 개의 후보 클러스터로 입력 점들을 분할하고, $\circled2$다음 단계에서 유용하지 않은 클러스터들을 제외하고, 그리고 $\circled3$선택된 클러스터들은 밀접도 함수를 사용하여 미리 정해진 개수의 클러스터들로 병합한다. 다른 클러스터링 알고리즘과 비교하여 제안된 알고리즘의 좋은 성능을 보여주기 위하여 많은 실험을 수행하였다. The problem of finding clusters in high dimensional data is well known in the field of data mining for its importance, because cluster analysis has been widely used in numerous applications, including pattern recognition, data analysis, and market analysis. Recently, a new framework, projected clustering, to solve the problem was suggested, which first select subdimensions of each candidate cluster and then each input point is assigned to the nearest cluster according to a distance function based on the chosen subdimensions of the clusters. We propose a new algorithm for subdimensional clustering of high dimensional data, each of the three major steps of which partitions the input points into several candidate clutters with proper numbers of points, filters the clusters that can not be useful in the next steps, and then merges the remaining clusters into the predefined number of clusters using a closeness function, respectively. The result of extensive experiments shows that the proposed algorithm exhibits better performance than the other existent clustering algorithms.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of Carboxymethyl Cellulase Produced by Cellulomonas sp. CS1-1 on Microcrystalline Cellulose

        박종수,윤민호,최우영,Park, Jong-Soo,Yoon, Min-Ho,Choi, Woo-Young Institute of Agricultural Science 1997 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.24 No.2

        The prcx.iuction of extracellular 1,4-${\beta}$-glucanase by Cellulomonas sp. CS1-1 on microcrystalline cellulose, sigmacell was maximal after 5-day cultivation as 280 units/mL, which was three times higher than the level produced on carboxymethyl cellulose. A carboxymethyl cellulase containing the carbohydrate of 8.2% was purified from the culture filtrate by successive procedures of column chromatographies. Purification factor was calculated as 22-folds with the specific carboxymethyl cellulase activity of 31.9 units/mg. The molecular weight and isoelectric point of the purified enzyme were 54,000 and pI 5.4, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and $45^{\circ}C$, and the enzyme was stable between pH 6.5 and 7.5 and below $50^{\circ}C$. The estimated Km and Vmax were 10 mg/mL and $6.25{\mu}mol/min$ for carboxymethyl cellulose and 30.3 mg/mL and $2.85{\mu}mol/min$ for sigmacell, respectively. The enzyme was partially inhibited by $Ag^+$, $Zn^{+{+}}$, $Fe^{+{+}}$ and EDTA, while completely inhibited by $Cd^{+{+}}$ and $Hg^{+{+}}$ at 1 mM concentration. 섬유소분해세균 Cellulomonas sp. CS1-1을 미소결정성 섬유소(sigmacell)에서 배양하면서 생육 및 1,4-${\beta}$-glucanase의 생산량을 조사하였다. 생균수는 배양 1일만에 최대이었지만 1,4-${\beta}$-glucanase의 활성도는 CMC 당화력으로 280 units/mL, 점도저하력으로 $3{\times}10^3units/mL$으로서 배양 5일째 최대이었으며, 이것은 가용성기질에 비하여 약 3배 높은 수준이었다. 또한 배양여액으로 부터 황산암모늄침전, Ultro-gel Ac54 겔여과, DEAE-Sephadex A50 이온교환크로마토그래피, 그리고 Con A-Sepharose 4B 친화성크로마토그래피의 방법으로 CMCase의 한분획을 순수정제하였다, 정제한 CMCase는 8.2%의 탄수화물을 함유하는 당단백질이었으며 그 정제도는 배양여액에 비해 CMC 당화력으로 22배 증가한 것이었다. 분자량은 54,000 그리고 둥전점은 pI 5.4 이었으며, 작용최적 pH 및 온도는 각각 pH 6.0 과 $45^{\circ}C$ 이었다. 정제효소의 CMC에 대한 Michaelis 상수 및 최대반응속도는 10 mg/mL, $6.25{\mu}mol/min$, 그리고 sigmacell에 대해서는 각각 30.3 mg/mL, $2.85{\mu}mol/min$으로 계산되었다 효소의 활성도는 $Ag^+$, $Zn^{+{+}}$, $Fe^{+{+}}$ 그리고 EDTA에 의해 부분적으로 저해되었고, 1mM의 $Cd^{+{+}}$와 $Hg^{+{+}}$ 이온에 의해서는 완전히 저해되었다.

      • KCI등재

        서울 대도시권 버스 네트워크에서 픽업 위치 선정을 위한 흐름-포착 위치-할당 모델의 적용

        박종수,Park, Jong-Soo 한국정보처리학회 2012 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.19 No.2

        서울 대도시권 버스 네트워크에서 승객이 전자 상거래로 구매한 소화물을 집이나 사무실로 가는 도중의 버스 정류장에서 수령할 필요가 있을 수 있다. 흐름-포착 위치-할당 모델을 응용하면 포착되는 승객 흐름을 최대화시키는 버스 정류장들을 선정하는 것이 가능하다. 승객 흐름은 승객 이동의 기-종점 쌍을 나타낸다. 본 논문에서는 기-종점 행렬을 이용하여 빠르게 픽업 위치를 선정하는 휴리스틱 알고리즘을 제안한다. 실험을 위한 대용량의 기-종점 행렬은 오백만 교통카드 트랜잭션들로부터 추출된다. 실험 결과에서 승객 흐름에 관한 특성과 포착률을 이용해 픽업 위치로 선정된 버스 정류장들을 설명하고 상위 20개 픽업 위치의 공간적인 분포를 지도로 표시하였다. In the Seoul metropolitan bus network, it may be necessary for a bus passenger to pick up a parcel, which has been purchased through e-commerce, at his or her convenient bus stop on the way to home or office. The flow-capturing location-allocation model can be applied to select pickup points for such bus stops so that they maximize the captured passenger flows, where each passenger flow represents an origin-destination (O-D) pair of a passenger trip. In this paper, we propose a fast heuristic algorithm to select pickup points using a large O-D matrix, which has been extracted from five million transportation card transactions. The experimental results demonstrate the bus stops chosen as pickup points in terms of passenger flow and capture ratio, and illustrate the spatial distribution of the top 20 pickup points on a map.

      • KCI등재

        무역장벽수단으로써 반덤핑조치의 현황과 그 대응 방안

        박종수(Park Jong-Soo) 한국국제상학회 2001 國際商學 Vol.16 No.1

        A]though anti-dumping duties start from the recognition that selling goods cheaper ;n the foreign maIkets than in the domestic markets ;s unfair competition, the realty ;s different from the recognition. When the duties are really applied, they are actually considered as means of trade regulations rather than unfair trade practices. Recently, as some developing countries in As;a and Central and South America that are facing economic difficulties increase their efforts to expand their exports to the developed countries, the USA and EU are actively investigating the dumping activities against the developing countries that are also actively utilizing the anti-dwnping system. For example, as of 2000, the 2.3%(about 3.1 billion dollars) of total Korean exports and O.2%(about 330 nrillion dollars) of total Korean imports correspond to the target of anti-dumping. While, the USA and ED are exercising their anti dwnping duties for the 1.8% and 1.6% of their total imports, respectively. From this fact, it is estimated that more than $50 billion goods are applicable to the target of anti-dumping out of the total world trade. Since the end of the last year, the value of Korean CUlTency has been decreased agcinst the US dollar, and hence developed countries has looked closely at the Korean commodities. Their caution recently has gradually been realized into the "New Protectionism". In particular, Korean people are really concerned about that the major industries of Kprea, s\Job as semi-conductors, steel, and petrochemistry, have become the target of anti-dumping. Therefpre, the key to the increase irr exports .is to exactly understand' the ;inti-dumping system and to prepare the situation by the government through the cooperation with industries. On the pne hand, it is necessary not only to prepare agcinst the detouring dumping and the clarifications of anti-dumping prooesses that are being discussed in the special group within WTO, but also to participate in the muJtj-party negotiations. On the other hand, the develppment pf PUT anti-dumping system can contribute to the stability of management for small and medium enterprises. This is just the time when the export companies should prepare against the anti-dumping duties with the government, and the companies producing commodities for domestic markets shpuld strengthen the efforts of minimizing the damage from the unfair trades by foreign companies in the domestic markets.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국 서해안의 수산물 계통 판매량 경년변화

        박종수(Jong-Soo Park) 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 2004 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Recently, in western shore of Korea, Fisheries resource have been decreased rapidly owing to reclamaion work. The purpose of this report is to show trends of cooperative sales of fishery products in western shore, Korea for recent 10 years from 1988 to 1997. The total cooperative sales of fishery products in Korea stable leveled around from 1,500,000 ton to 1,700,000 ton. But western shore of korea, the total cooperative sale of fishery product has decreased by 95 percent in Gyeong Provincial Federation, 20 percent in Choogcheng Provincial Federation and 40 percent in Jeon-book Provincial Federation.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 초기 선교사에 나타난 성서이해

        박종수(Jong Soo Park) 한국기독교학회 2001 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.22 No.-

        Rev. Yong-Do Lee(1901-1933), who led the Korean Christian revival movement in 1930s, understood the Bible in his own living situation. Although he did not leave any copy of sermons, a number of letters and his diary show Rev. Lee`s understanding of the Bible. In his letters and diary, New Testament passages were more cited than those of the Old Testament. Genesis, Exodus and the Song of Songs were favorite books to him. Especially, the suffering of the Israelites in the Book of Exodus was stressed in relation to Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsular. In the New Testament, Mr. Lee found the Jesus` love toward children and the Apostle Paul`s faith(Rom 1:17), which were believed to have the spiritual power to save Koreans at his time. The Book of the Song of Songs was the most favorite book to Mr. Lee, who was regarded as "the Mystic centered on Jesus." Beyond the allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs, he understood himself as the very bride of Jesus. He delivered his sermons only when Jesus allowed him to do that. He tried to live as Jesus did, by suffering physically as well as spiritually. Although he was a tuberculosis patient, he did not avoid to deliver Jesus` messages. Mr. Lee was inspired by the theology of cross and the love of Jesus to the oppressed. His understanding of the Bible was also based on his commitment to the work of Jesus, which was regarded as the prophetic vocation. After leading the revival movement for 3 years, he died at his age of 33. His understanding of the Bible was his life itself, which was a shadow of Jesus` life journey.

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