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        존 호트의 종말론에 함의된 과학·생태 신학적 상상력 연구

        박완석 한국기독교철학회 2023 기독교철학 Vol.36 No.-

        The theology of the Anthropocene era is faced with a situation in which it must reconsider the activity and agency of ‘the universe’ and ‘things’ as a created world that were considered mechanical and passive compared to active human beings. In order to think about this, theology can never overlook scientific thinking and discovery. Furthermore, it is not only limited to scientific thinking and theological reflection on achievements, but rather requires a hermeneutic methodology and thinking technology that can actively and critically accept science as a framework for understanding the created world. This paper pays attention to the fact that 'anticipation' is another expression of eschatological faith in the later John F. Haught(1942)' theology and actively accepting scientific thinking to understand the horizon of the future that has not yet been realized. Therefore, this paper aims to examine haught's dialogue methodology between religion and science and 'anticipation' as a transversal reading method between religion and science. And through the analysis of this concept of 'anticipation', we will derive the necessity of complementing the religious and scientific readings that interpret the universe. It also reveals that God's creative act in the eschatological universe trusted by ‘anticipation’ can be fully realized only in solidarity with the entire creatures. Through this, this paper will suggest that haught's eschatological theology not only indicates the need for a correlation between science and religion, but also contains the radicality the-anthropo-cosmic' triple creation beyond the imagination of the anthropocentric theology and biocentric ecological theology. Lastly, I would like to clarify that haught's eschatological theology suggests a framework of scientific-ecological theology that can accommodate modern radical discussions on the activity and agency of things.

      • 자궁내막조직중 PAPP-A분포에 관한 면역효소 조직화학적 연구

        박완석,최종상,이대일 고려대학교 의과대학 1986 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.23 No.1

        Pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) which was supposed to be specific to placenta is now known to be distributed in normal and various pathologic endometrial tissue. This distribution of P-4PP-A in endometrial tissue was detected by solid-phase radioimmunoassay from tissue extract. Therefore, to understand exact localization of PAPP-A among various tissue component of the endometrial tissue, the author collected formalin fixed, paraffin embedded surgical specimens of normal and pathologic endometrial tissue. Paraffin sections of the specimens were treated by immunoenzyme histologic technic of avidinbiotin complex method using biotinylated rabbit anti-human PAPP-A. The result obtained are as follows; 1. Glandular epithelium of normal endometrium revealed positive reaction to anti PAPP-A antibody only during secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. However, stroma of normal endometrium showed persistent positive reaction to anti PAPP-A antibody throughout the cycle. 2. Predecidual cells exhibited strong positive reaction to anti-PAPP-A antibody. 3. Reaction of epithelium and stroma in cystic hyperplasia of endometrium to anti PAPP-A was similar with that of normal endometrium in secretory phase of menstrual cycle showing positive reaction in both components. 4. Reactions of epithelium and stroma in adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium, endometrial polyp and epithelium of endometrial adenocarcinoma to anti PAPP-A were similar with that of normal eidometrium in proliferative phase showing negative reaction in epithelium and positive reaction in stroma. Above findings suggest that pathologic change of the endometrium is associated with loss of reactivity to anti-PAPP-A in endometrial stroma.

      • 제왕절개술에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이영기,이태형,정원영,김재웅,김종욱,이승호,박완석 영남대학교 의과대학 1986 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        1983년 5월부터 1986년 11월까지 영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 산부인과에서 제절로 분만한 510예를 대상으로 임상적 관찰분석을 함으로써 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 제절발생빈도는 15.7%였으며 그중 일차제절은 10.9%, 반복제절은 4.7%였으며 제절수술이 점차 증가되는 경향이었다. 2. 연령분포는 26세에서 30세사이의 연령군에서 60.2%로 가장 높은 분포를 보였다. 3. 적응증은 기왕제절 30.2%, 아두골반불균형 26.9%, 이상상태위 22.7%의 순이었으며, 일차초산부제절은 아두골반균형이 일차경산부제절은 이상태위가 가장 많았다. 4. 제절시행 임신주수는 40주에 31.6%로 가장 많았다. 5. 신생아체중분포는 3,000 ∼3,499gm군이 39.8%로 가장 많았으며 미숙아가 9.1%, 거대아는 5.6%였다. 6. 제절술식은 자궁협부횡절개술이 97.5%였다. 7. 제절술시 병행한 수술로는 난관결찰술, 난소낭종제거술, 자궁적출술, 충수제거술, 자궁근종제거술의 순이었다. 8. 마취방법으로 전신마취가 83.5%였다. 9. 모성이환율은 14.7%였으며 그 원인은 창상감염, 요로감염, 불명열, 산후출혈의 순이었다. 10. 입원당시 빈혈의 정도별 모성이환율은 혈색소치가 10이하인 경우 18.4%의 모성이환율을 보였고, 낮을 수록 모성이환율이 증가되었다. 11. 양수파막 24시간이상 경과군에서의 모성군이환율이 44.4%였다. 12. 분만진통시간이 12시간이상군에서 24.6%의 모성이환율을 보였고, 진통시간이 길수록 되었다. 13. 자궁협부절개술에서 14.1%로서 가장 낮은 모성이환율을 보였다. 14. 응급수술시행군에서 선택수술군보다 모성이환율이 2배정도 높았다. 15. 모성사망은 1예도 없었다. Recent reports have noted the increase of and questioned the justificatin for cesarean section rate in the past decade. This study was carried out retrospectively based on the clinical charts of 510 patients who had been performed cesarean section among 3,357 deliveries at Yeungnam University Hospital from May, 9, 1983 through Nov., 30, 1986. The results were as follows : 1. Overall incidence of cesarean section was 15.7% of total deliveries. Of these, 10.9% were by primary cesarean section and 4.7% by repeat operation. There has been a gradual increase in the cesarean section rate. 2. In the distribution of age, the 26-30 aged group was the most prevalent(60.2%). 3. The most common indications for cesarean section were previous cesarean section(30.2%), CPD (26.9%), Malpresentation(22.7%), and fetal distress(3.5%). In primipara, CPD was the most frequent and in multipara malpresentation. 4. A great propertion (31.6%) was done at 40th gestational week. 5. In the weight distribution of infants, the group of 3,000-3,499gm was the most prevalent(39.8%), premature baby was 9.1%, and giant baby was 5.6%. 6. In the type of operatin, lower segment transverse cesarean section was the most(97.5%). 7. In the combined surgery, sterilization was the most prevalent and the next was ovarian cystectomy, hysterectomy, and myomectomy in order. 8. In the type of the anesthesia, general anesthesia was 83.5%. 9. Maternal morbidity was 14.7%. Among the causes of this morbidity, wound infection was the most and the next was urinary tract infection, fever of unknown origin,and atonic bleeding in order. 10. It was found that 18.4% was maternal morbidity in the patients below 10gm Hb. In this group, maternal morbidity was markedly increased as the level of Hb was decreased. 11. Maternal morbidity was increased as the duration of ruptured membrane was prolonged. In the group of over 24 hours after rupture of membrane, it was markedly increased(44.4%). 12. Maternal morbidity was increased as the duration of labor was prolonged. In the group of over 12 hours after the onset of labor, it was 24.6%. 13. Maternal morbity of lower segment transverse cesarean section was the least(14.1%). 14. Maternal morbidity of emergency cesarean section was about two times as much as elective cesarean section.

      • 정보 교과 교육 : 초등학생 인터넷 중독 예방을 위한 정책방안 연구

        박완석 ( Wan Seok Park ),김창석 ( Chang Suk Kim ) 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2010 한국컴퓨터교육학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        인터넷 과다 사용으로 인하여 일상생활 균형이 깨지고 어려움을 호소하는 청소년을 대상으로 한 심리상담, 치료 및 예방교육의 필요성이 증대하고 있다. 특히, 인터넷 이용 연령과 더불어 인터넷 중독 연령이 점차 낮아지고 있지만, 인터넷의 역기능 예방을 위한 활동과 정책들 대부분이 중, 고등학생의 청소년에 집중되어 있고, 초등학생을 위한 예방 및 교육프로그램은 턱없이 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구는 초등학생의 인터넷 중독 실태를 파악하여 초등학생을 위한 인터넷 중독 예방 정책들의 필요성을 인지하고, 초등학생들의 건전한 인터넷 사용의 선도와 인터넷 중독 예방을 위한 효과적인 정책방안을 제시하고자 한다.

      • 거대아에 대한 임상적 연구

        박완석,이태형,이승호,정원영,이강원,김종욱 영남대학교 의과대학 1986 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        1983년 5월 9일부터 1986년 10월 27일까지 약 3년 6개월간 영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 산부인과에서 체중 4,000gm 이상의 거대아를 분만한 산모의 병상기록을 중심으로 거대아 임신에 관계되는 요인과 출산에 따르는 문제점을 조사 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1. 거대아의 빈도는 체중 4,000gm 이상이 2.8%, 4,500gm 이상이 0.16%이었다. 2. 거대아의 성비는 남아가 65.9%로 전체 신생아의 남아비 53.5%보다 유의성있게 높았다.(P<0.05). 3. 임신기간에 따른 거대아 분만 빈도는 임신기간이 길수록 증가하였으며, 임신 42주와 43주이상에 출생한 신생아의 분포도 거대아군이 각가 33.3%와16.6%로 전체 산모에서의 분포 14.2%와 6.2%에 비해 유의성 있게 높았다.(P<0.01) 4. 산모의 출산회수에 따른 거대아 분만 빈도는 출산회수가 많을수록 증가하였으며, 초산부(2.35%)와 경산부 (3.74%)의 비교에서도 경산부의 거대아 분만빈도가 유의성있게 높았다.(P<0.01) 5. 산모의 연령에 따른 거대아 분만빈도는 24세이하, 25~29세, 30세이상에서 각각 2.4%,3.0%,2.5%로 차이가 없었다. 6. 거대아의 제왕절개 분만 빈도 30.8%와 흡인 및 감자분만 빈도 31.9%는 기간중의 전체적인 빈도 15.7%와 21.7%에 비해 유의성있게 높았다(P<0.01과 P<0.05). 7. 거대아의 임신 및 출산에 따르는 모성 합병증으로는 산전 빈혈(24.2%), 산후 출혈(11.0%), 산도 손상(10.0%),분만 제2기의 지연(7.7%)등이 있었으며 모성사망 및 자궁파열의 예는 없었다. 8. 태아 및 신생아 합병증으로는 태아가사 10예(11.0%), 견갑난산 2예, 자궁내 태아사망과 천미골 기형종 각각1예가 있었다. Obstetric problems concerning macrosomia were evaluated by retrospective review of 91 pregancies that resulted in the delivery of an infant weighing 4,000gm or more at the Yeungnam University Hospital during 3 1/2 years from Jun. 1983 to Oct. 1986. The results Obtained were as follows. 1. Macrosomic infants weighing 4,000gm or more occured in 2.8% of the deliveries. 2. 65.9% of macrosomic infants and 53.5% of total infants were male. The ratio of male was stastically higher in the macrosomic infants than in the total infants(P<0.05) 3. The incidence of macrosomia was highter with increasing qestational age, and deiveries at 42 weeks or more gestation were more common in the macrosomic infants than in the total infants(P<0.01). 4. The incidence of macrosomia was highter with increasing parity, and stastically higher in the multipara than in the primipara(P<0.01). 5. There was no difference in the incidence of macrosomia between the mothers aged 24 or less and that of 30 or more. 6. The cesarean section rate of macrosomia(30.8%) was stastically higher than that of the total infants(15.7%)(P<0.01) 7. With the pregnacy and delivery of macrosomic infants, 22 antepartum anemia(24.2%), 10 post-partum hemorrhage(11.0%), 9 birth canal injury(10.0%), 7 prolonged second stage of labor (7.7%), 4 breech presentation, and 3 pregancy induced hypetensionn occured in the mothers, and 10 asphysia(or Apgar score 6 or less), 2 shoulder dystocia, 1 intrauterine fetal death, and 1 sarococcygeal teratoma occured in the infants.

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