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        지속적 어업을 위한 적정 자원이용료 부과에 관한 연구

        박성쾌 ( Seong Kwae Park ),김기수 ( Ki Soo Kim ),김은채 ( Eun Chae Kim ) 한국수산경영학회 2002 수산경영론집 Vol.33 No.2

        This study examines, from an economic perspective, the reasons for introducing a resource taxe system into the Korean off-shore fisheries and the type of charges that can be introduced. Following a review of the charging systems in other advanced fisheries, we consider the types of charging scheme and some implications for the Korean off-shore fishing industry. Charges could be used for recovering part of fisheries management cost from the industry(i.e. administration, enforcement, research, etc). This can be justified on the grounds that the fishing industry is the main beneficiary of management and that it should therefore bear at least part of the cost involved. It is arguable that publicly-funded management is in effect a subsidy to the industry. Using charges to raise revenue in excess of the cost of management would represent the extraction of a public rent from the fishery resource, but the short-run financial consqquences for the industry would be significant. Results from a qualtitative analysis suggest that while any new charge will have a significant financial impact on the industry in the short run, a landings tax would have a lesser impact on fleet structure in the long run. The study also considers the possibility of a capital gains tax on license sales in order to recover some rent from the industry. Despite any short run-financial consequences, making the fishing industry pay for at least some of the cost of management could benefit the industry as a whole if there were more cooperation between industry and managers as a result. It is acknowledged, however, that there could be disputes over the relative management costs of different sectors of the industry. Even though this study makes few specific recommendations about charging the Korean off-shore fishing industry, it does advise that the issue be reviewed on the basis of the entire Korea fisheries. Finally, the study notes that insufficient data are available on the economic performance of the Korean off-shore fishing vessels and it recommands that a comprehensive system for the collection of costs and earnings data be put in place. It also suggests that MOMAF pay much attention to the permit right market and its transactions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 수산업의 선진화에 대한 이론적 고찰

        박성쾌(Park Seong-kwae),김종천(Kim Jong-cheon) 한국해양수산개발원 2010 해양정책연구 Vol.25 No.2

        The objectives of this study are to define the concept of Korean fisheries advancement, to design fisheries advancement indices and to develop their measuring method. Korean fisheries advancement in this research is defined as a concept of evaluating fisheries growth and fishery society's integration and as a state of growth harmonious with integration and full-bloomed civil virtue. Key components of fisheries advancement include trust, social norms, network and social structure. These factors are affected by order, economy, society and culture that are closely related to fisheries advancement. For their survey and measurement, each factor requires an appropriate number of elements. The scope of factors and elements can be determined through expert consultation. For international comparison and goal setting, target countries would be chosen among OECD coastal member states. In addition, social capital in fisheries society has to be surveyed and measured to support an empirical study of Korean fisheries advancement.

      • KCI등재

        김 양식에 있어서 산 이용의 생산위험과 경제성에 관한 연구

        박성쾌(Seong Kwae Park) 한국수산경영학회 2001 수산경영론집 Vol.32 No.1

        본 논문의 목적은 김 양식 있어서 무기산 또는 유기산 사용 문제와 김 양식 어업인들의 생산위험 회피행위를 고찰하기 위한 이론적 틀을 개발하고, 정책함의를 도출하는데 있다. 김 양식의 생산위험 또는 가격위험은 김 양식 어업인들이 직면하고 있는 가장 중요한 의사결정변수라고 할 수 있으며, 특히 문제가 되고 있는 무기산(또는 폐염산) 또는 유기산은 농업에 있어서 농약처럼 김 양식 어업인들이 생산위험을 최소화하기 위한 일종의 보험 생산요소(insurance production inputs)으로 볼 수 있다. 김 양식 어업인들의 생산위험은 평균(1차 적률 mean), 분산(2차 적률 variance), 왜곡도(3차 적률 skewnesss)에 의해 측정될 수 있으며, 특히 김 양식 어업인들은 확률이 낮을지라도 일단 갯병과 잡태(예 : 파래 등)가 광범위하고 심각하게 발생하게 되면 생산물의 심각한 질적 저하가 야기된다는 사실을 경험적으로 인식하고 있다. 따라서 김 양식 어업인들은 평균생산뿐만 아니라 생산의 분산과 하향성 확률 분포를 최소화할 수 있는 생산기술을 이용하게 된다. 이러한 김 양식 어업인들의 위험회피행위를 분석하기 위해 기대효용이론을 채택하고, 미지의 眞效用函數를 테일러 시리즈 확장에 의해 3차 적률까지를 근사치로 이용하였다. 이윤에 대한 기대효용 극대화를 위한 1차 최적조건을 구하면, 어떤 酸(무기산 또는 유기산)을 얼마만큼 이용하느냐 하는 문제는 생산량의 분산과 하향성 분포에 대한 김 양식 어업인들의 위험회피계수의 크기와 생산요소의 탄성치에 의해 결정된다. 특히 하향성 위험회피계수가 높고 3차 적률에 대한 생산요소 酸의 탄성치가 클 경우 김 양식 어업인들은 하향성 위험을 줄이기 위해 상대적으로 강력하고 가격이 저렴한 酸을 더 많이 이용하게 된다. 또한 두 가지 산의 효과가 같다면 무기산/유기산의 시장가격과 정부 酸 가격 정책이 김 양식 어업인들의 酸 종류 선택과 사용량 결정에 유의한 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 무기산의 사용이 광범위하고 집약적으로 이루어질 경우 김 양식부문에서 폐공업용 염산 이용에 의한 생산위험 감소는 해양생태환경 파괴위험 증가로 이어질 수 있으며 여기에 바로 정부 酸政策의 딜레마가 있다. 따라서 김 양식의 생산성 증대와 환경보전의 균형 유지에 대한 확고한 정책목표가 필요하며, 이러한 정책목표가 흔들릴 경우 酸 문제에 대한 정부정책은 생산성 증대와 환경보전 어느 한쪽 부문에 심각한 왜곡현상을 초래할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        수산부문 정부재정지원정책의 정성 평가

        박성쾌 ( Seong Kwae Park ),김정봉 ( Jung Bong Kim ) 한국수산경영학회 2002 수산경영론집 Vol.33 No.2

        The main objective of this research aims at analyzing efficiency of government financial transfers(GFTs) to the Korean fisheries sector, using the Linear Structural Relations model(i.e., LISERL model) and the field survey data. Most policies of GFTs tend to be implemented to protect industries with weak competitive advantages such as infant and/or primary industries. Specific policy instruments include income transfers, government loans with lower interest rates, taxes and the like. Fishing activities are made at a highly changeable natural environment of the ocean with a great amount of risk and uncertainty. Fishing households make their livelihood under the small-scale fisheries. Such fisheries and fishing households have also a relatively weak market power. Because of these fisheries characteristics most coastal states have adopted a variety of government support programs. However, despite such a huge government support, during the past several decades the world fishing communities have seen a tendency of continuous fishereis resource overexploitation. For this resason there have been hot debates over the government support policies for fisheries through OECD, FAO, WTO, and UNEP. In general, policy evaluations tend to be made on the basis of benefit-cost(B/C) analysis. However, the B/C analysis may produce results quite different from real ones primarily due to many unmeasurable effects. Thus, the authors composed simple questionaires and let fishermen, government officials and academic people answer the questions. The survery was made in several ways such as post-mail and personal/group interviews. In recent years, for analysis of policy performances and effectiveness, the LISREL model has often been used, which consists of structural and measurement eqquations. This model has a good advantage of transforming unobservable variables to observable ones so that it helps construct endogenous cause and effect relationships among relevant variables. The evaluation was done from the two aspects: policy results and policy effectiveness. The policy result evaluation showed that there is a need for improvement for policy problem perception and decision-making process, while the policy effect evaluation suggested that the policy goals were successfully achieved and social justics was improved from the perspective of the entire society as well. However, the research results showed that the GFT policies rendered little contrubtion to narrowing narrowing down the gap between GFT beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries incomes.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 수산업 실태와 국제기구를 통한 수산분야 협력 방향

        박성쾌 ( Seong Kwae Park ) 한국수산경영학회 2015 수산경영론집 Vol.46 No.3

        The main purpose of this study is to explore a way of South-North Korea fisheries cooperation through international organizations under the principles of the Korean peninsula trust process. Considering the government policy toward the North, although some humanitarian aids or cooperations may be plausible with permission of the Ministry of Reunification. direct cooperations between the South and the North Korea must be much limited at leat under the present government. The 5.24 measures taken in 2010 banned in fact all economic/humanitarian cooperations by private sectors and government. Noting the present and the visible future, an important question is whether the North accepts all cooperations including fisheries, bartering giving up nuclear weapon development for the 5.24 measures. It would be a difficult question to be answered, because win-set to both parties is too narrow, so far as there is no change in the South-North conflicting priority policies. If so, one way of implementing South-North fisheries cooperations is to drive forward cooperative programs through UN organizations. Since for instance FAO and WFP secure justification and roles and has a global network, they have sufficient capacity of being abe to organize fisheries experts. If the South can finance the budget necessary for the programs, FAO or WFP would lead the programs through a negotiation with the North. In other words, it is a type of cooperative model that FAO or WFP leads the programs and the South finances. In addition, if World Fisheries University(WFU) is invited to the Republic of Korea, it might make a great contribution to expert exchange of the North.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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