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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사각 실린더를 지나는 층류 유동특성

        박두현(Doohyun Park),양경수(Kyung-Soo Yang),안형수(Hyungsu Ahn) 한국전산유체공학회 2015 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        This study performed numerical simulation to elucidate the characteristics of flow past a rectangular cylinder with various values of the aspect ratio(AR) of the cylinder. We calculated the flow field, force coefficients and Strouhal number of vortex shedding depending on the Reynolds number(Re) and the aspect ratio. The AR?1 is preferred for drag reduction, and 0.375<AR<0.5 should be avoided and AR?0 is recommended if suppression of the lift-coefficient fluctuation and the shedding frequency is desirable. Furthermore the criticality of the Hopf bifurcation is also reported for each AR.

      • KCI등재

        과정 드라마(Process Drama)를 활용한 대학에서의 영미 문학 교육 방법

        박두현(Doohyun Park) 한국영미문학교육학회 2013 영미문학교육 Vol.17 No.3

        This paper tries to show that process drama as a useful language activity to understand English expression and culture can be a possible method in English literature and language classroom at college level. Kenneth Burke's dramatism should be a useful and important theoretical base for drama activity. William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet is used as a major story structure to perform process drama activity in the college classroom. In the EFL pedagogy in recent years the focus of language learning has moved from teacher-centered lecture to students-centered activity like reading literary works. Process drama then can be a pivot method for student-centered class. It would be noticeable that process drama has some advantages in combining the important elements of linguistic fluency, cultural appropriateness, emotional involvement, active, physical participation, and the language class. Using process drama is also challenging for both language learners and teacher, because process drama activity is different from those of other dramas. In language classrooms using process drama, students could utilize what they learn, such as vocabulary, grammar, or nonverbal cues, to describe or act with the events they have seen or heard. When both professor and students participate enthusiastically in the process drama activities, this drama method could have a great effectiveness in the EFL environment.

      • KCI등재

        "[L]ose the name of action" : The Paradoxical Meaning of Personal Autonomy in Hamlet

        Park Doohyun(박두현) 한국셰익스피어학회 2001 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.37 No.3

        이 글은 극 햄릿에서 주인공 햄릿이 보여주는 행위가 역설적 의미를 내포한다는 것을 그 주제로 한다. 햄릿은 클로디우스에 대한 복수를 행하는 과정에서 한편으로는 그에게 주어진 외부적 조건을 이용하면서 또 다른 한 편으로는 그 외적 조건에 부딪혀 자기 자신을 끊임없이 창조하면서 아버지의 복수라는 그의 목표를 성취해 나간다. 그 과정에서 그가 보여준 외부 상황에 대한 태도들과 행위의 복잡성 들은 주어진 조건과 그의 내적 욕망 사이의 심오한 거리를 보여주는 것이다. 전체적으로 햄릿이 의도를 가지고 추진해 왔던 행동들이 실제로는 우발적 상황에 대한 반응이었다는 데에 햄릿의 자율성에 역설이 있다. 주인공 햄릿은 그가 살고 있는 덴마크의 궁정 내에 사회적 도덕적 조건들이 그가 행동의 기반을 삼을 수 있는 토대를 제공해 주지 않으며 그 사회가 타락하고 위선적이라고 생각하기 때문에 모든 도덕률과 규범들을 그 자신의 개인적 해석에 의존한다. 그러나 역설적으로 그의 주변조건에 대한 자의적 해석과 개인가치들은 행동의 자율성을 강화시키는 모태가 되지만 동시에 그 자신이 주변상황으로 부 터 제약받는 원인이 된다. 따라서 그가 목표를 위해 행동에 옮길 때, 그는 우발적 상황과 그 상황을 받아들이는 자신의 내적 욕망사이에서 그 자신도 예측할 수 없는 결과로 인도된다. 햄릿은 사적인 욕망과 개인적 가치를 가지고 목표를 향하여 행동에 옮기지만 그는 외부의 우발적 상황에 벗어날 수 없다. 이것이 햄릿을 자유로 운 주체, 혹은 행위의 원천이라고 부를 수 없는 이유가 된다. 햄릿의 비극적 죽음은 그의 자율성이 외부 환경에 제약받았음을 뜻하며 동시에 그가 제한된 자아를 가지고 사회 속에 존재하는 상대적 가치를 이해할 수 없었던 것을 의미한다. 나아가서 그의 행동의 결과는 그의 자아와 외부적 환경사이의 자기 창조적 움직임이었음을 증명한다. 결국 햄릿의 환경은 그가 가지고 있는 자 아를 넘어 서는 것이며, 또한 그는 사회적 집착과 욕망들이 얽혀 있는 그물 속에서 자유롭지 못했다. 그러므로 그 비극은 단순히 개인적 비극이 라 기보다는 사적 욕망과 공적 영역 사이의 의미와 가치에 대한 투쟁들로서 읽혀 질 수 있으며 햄릿 이 보여준 행위는 그가 결코 외부적 상황을 초월한 자유로운 주체가 될 수 없음을 나타낸다.

      • KCI등재

        “[M]ine own gain'd knowledge”

        박두현(Doohyun Park) 한국셰익스피어학회 2006 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.42 No.1

        The purpose of this essay is to trace out private self-knowledge and the problem of uncertainty by focusing on Iago in Shakespeare's tragedy, Othello. People in Renaissance age should have experienced the dissonance between thing and human knowledge and doubted that language can accurately reflect things. Shakespeare might describe such contemporary world that any knowledge provides by no means clear standard of judging individual actions through Iago's movement and idea in this tragedy. Iago profoundly stays away from the major other characters in terms of private self-knowledge. Furthermore, Iago's self-knowledge makes us understand a particular aspect of contemporary epistemology because his action does not have any fixed rules and guides and his idea is dissociated from the established ideology. Iago's power of self-knowledge has a destructive attribute because his idea leads most characters to their tragic deaths. When Iago's knowledge affects most characters including Othello by using the uncertain assumptions, such meanings as moral value, reputation, social order, ideology which profoundly influenced private lives in the Renaissance, are understood, with changes of social circumstances, as mutable, and contingent, rather than as fixed and essential. Iago's action can be the significant origin of meaning in the sense that most characters may be influenced by his knowledge. The disproportion between language and thing never guides Iago's action to stable interpretation of meaning. Characters' limited self-knowledges in the play tend to bring about the contemporary epistemological problems.

      • KCI등재

        『코리오레이너스』 : 우발적 가치와 개인 자율성에 관한 문제

        박두현(Doohyun Park) 한국셰익스피어학회 2004 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.40 No.3

        This essay focuses on the fact that the relationship between Coriolanus's private meaning and the multiple value system of Roman society in Shakespeare's Roman play, Coriolanus could be associated with the political and social situation in Elizabethan and Jacobean age. When he dramatized Thomas North's translation, Plutarch's Lives whose description of the heroes is chiefly didactic and moralistic, he had transposed the original one with the Machiavellian elements by paying attention to contingent value. Shakespeare made Coriolanus a distinct individual who is obsessed with private value and meaning in this play. The play shows that there should be the profound conflict between the social condition that consists of a complex web of various perspectives and the hero who has a unique and individualistic value. Therefore, Coriolanus can be translated into a distinctive and private individual, not a figure determined by oppressive institutions and ideologies. While the Roman scenes in the play shows a multi-layered tension in which self-interest and class values conflict each other, Coriolanus, who remains solitary in the structural tension, makes a forthright effort to achieve his self-ideal, an effort which is also a struggle to impose hierarchical order on the contingent political situation in Rome. Coriolanus sees the tribunes' and the plebeians' demand for political and economic reform as incompatible with his stanch nobility, seen not so much as a class interest but as a principle of order, decency, and intelligibility. Furthermore, his process of achieving private value shows how certain constructions of the self and certain social contingencies produce an unbridgeable gap between individual meaning and communal value. What makes Coriolanus's value ineffective is the conflict of multiple values that gives rise to the change of circumstance. However, his actions could be rationally justified in Roman society because Coriolanus has better utility in time of war than in peacetime. Although he becomes a victim of self-chosen circumstances, his indomitable effort at self-idealization in a time of transition makes his individual quality memorable.

      • KCI등재

        정방형 실린더의 모서리 원형화에 따른 유동 불안정성의 변화

        박두현(Doohyun Park),양경수(Kyung-Soo Yang),이경준(Kyongjun Lee),강창우(Changwoo Kang) 한국전산유체공학회 2014 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        This study performed numerical analysis for the characteristics of flow-induced forces and the flow instability depending on the cross-sectional shape of the cylinder in laminar flow. To implement the cylinder cross-section, we adopted an Immersed Boundary Method with marker particles. We analyzed flow characteristics based on the radius of corner curvature. Main parameters are corner radius and Reynolds number (Re). With Re= 40, 50, 150 we calculated the flow field, drag coefficient, RMS of lift coefficient, pressure coefficient and Strouhal number in conjunction with the corner radius variation. Also, we calculated critical Reynolds number (Re<SUB>c</SUB>) depending on the corner radius variation.

      • KCI등재

        맥베드와 도덕 운의 문제

        박두현(Doohyun Park) 한국셰익스피어학회 2004 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.40 No.1

        This essay argues that Macbeth's morality in William Shakespeare's Macbeth has to do with various lucks beyond his control. A contemporary philosopher, Bernard Williams could give a useful way to evaluate Macbeth's morality by discrediting the Kantian view of morality which can be described as the idea that morality is immune to luck. Williams suggests that luck could make a moral difference. He tries to do fatal damage to the notion of moral by setting up a collision between moral justification and rational justification. According to his view, rational justification is at least partly a matter of luck, while moral justification is not supposed to be a matter of luck at all. So a certain action is morally unjustified, but rationally justified(or vice versa). His argument calls into question the notion of moral autonomy. His view could be applied to Macbeth's behavior as a moral agent because his circumstantial luck heavily works on his consciousness. Luck enters into Macbeth's life in profound ways and affects his success and failure. Macbeth's crimes, then, is morally unjustified but rationally justified, because his serial killings happen when he is forced by circumstances to act in order to fulfill his desire. As the circumstances develop, his desire for power proceeds in a way he never wanted. Furthermore, Macbeth's emotional weakness and personality to some degree remit his guilt because those are beyond his control. Circumstances are incompatible with the fulfillment of Macbeth's private ambition. Therefore, we need to consider the fact that intuition and circumstantial and intrinsic luck work together in the sense that Macbeth's nature and circumstances interact when we make a moral judgment of Macbeth's crime. Macbeth's tragedy shows that moral value is relative to the interaction of individual character and circumstance. Macbeth's failure may result from his bad luck after all.

      • 정방형 실린더의 모서리 원형화에 따른 유동의 이차 불안정성

        박두현(Doohyun Park),양경수(Kyung-Soo Yang) 대한기계학회 2014 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        The present study performed numerical analysis for the flow instability in the flow past a square cylinder with rounded corners in laminar flow. The previous study found that the critical Reynolds number(Re<SUB>c</SUB>) of the primary instability is maximum at r/D=0.25(r is the corner radius and D is the cylinder diameter). This means that the flow with r/D=0.25 is more stable than the circular or square cylinders. Furthermore, this study performed floquet stability analysis to detect the onset of the secondary instability depending on the corner radius. To implement the cylinder cross-section, we adopted an immersed boundary method with marker particles. The main parameters are the corner radius and Reynolds number(Re). With r/D=0(square), 0.25, 0.5(circular) we calculated the critical Reynolds number and the dominant spanwise wavelength(λ<SUB>c</SUB>) of the instability modes.

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