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        申八均의 생애와 민족운동

        박걸순(Park Gul-Sun) 호서사학회 2010 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.57

        Shin Pal-gyun was born in the famous soldier clan in Korea. He graduated from Military Officer School. He had served two years as military officer until 1909 before Korean troops were disorganized by Japanese imperialism. He returned to his hometown and established Bo-Myoung Youngman School, leading the save-the-nation movement. At that time, he participated in Unity Youth Party(大東靑年團) as part of his efforts for the enlightenment movement, which hints us that his activities are related to Daejonggye. Before 1914, Shin Pal-gyun fled to China and settled in Beijing. There, he participated in SeoroGunJeongseo(西路軍政署) and Shinheung Military Academy. Through these activities, he was called "Three Cheon(天, meaning 'sky' in Chinese)" along with Ji Cheong-cheon and Kim Gyeong-cheon. This shows that people think highly of him in the Korean independence movement. Shin Pal-gyun participated a lot of independence movement, moving back and forth between Beijing and West Jiandao. In 1922 when he settled in Beijing, he took part in Beijing Korean Education Unit, Beijing Goryeo Communist Party and Beijing Korean Club. Especially in the early 1923, he played a major role in National People's Congress(國民代表會議) as Creative Clan(創造派) and was elected as the representative of National People's Committee. When the committee was annexed to the Central Administrative Department of Goryeo Communist Party on October, 1923, he was elected as Military Chairman, taking control of independence army in five districts including Machuria and Noryung. On April, 1924, at the request of Daehantongeuibu(大韓統義府), he was inaugurated as the Military Chairman. He reorganized volunteer army into five companies. By holding office for the Commander of volunteer Army, he emerged as the top military officer in the activities of Daehantongeuibu. He also worked as an instructor and trained many independence activists. However, on July 2nd, 1924, when he was doing the outdoor discipline, he was assassinated by Chinese bandits who was employed by the Japanese force. His death was not only a huge loss in the Korean independence movement but also a miserable blow to the long history of his family as independence activists. Nowadays, Shin Pal-gyun is known as a shining example who proves that the spirit of Korean people was not waned even though their country was occupied and their army was disbanded by the Japanese imperialismisbae enduring spirit of Korean people nded byn through his leading role in taking part in independence movements in Beijing and South Manchuria although his army was disorganized inside the country. In this regard, it is appropriate that he should be considered a fliure who connects the great Korean Empire army in the latter era of Joseon Dynasty with the independence army in Manchuria during the Japanese imperialism.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        『한국독립운동사연구』50집 간행(1987~2015)의 성과와 연구사적 의의

        박걸순(Park, Geol-sun) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2015 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.51

        1987년 개소한 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소가 그해 8월부터『한국독립운동사연구』를 발행하여 28년 만인 2015년 5월 제50집을 발행하였다. 그간『한국독립운동사연구』에는 모두 214명의 국내외 연구자가 참여하여 550편(부록 60편 포함 610편)의 논문을 발표하였고, 연 면수는 23,908쪽, 연 발행부수는 54,450부에 달한다. 『한국독립운동사연구』수록 논문의 경향성은 한국근현대사의 연구사 그 자체라 할 수 있다. 주제별 연구는 인물, 일제 침략·식민지 지배정책사, 독립운동단체 순인데, 이들 논문이 전체 수록 논문의 40.8%나 차지하는 것은 학계의 연구경향을 여실히 보여준다. 대한민국 임시정부나 독도영유권 문제, 해외지역의 독립운동도 꾸준한 연구경향을 보이며, 일본 역사교과서 문제와, 한국민족주의와 역사인식 등 주제가 새롭게 등장하는 양상을 보인다. 특히 국내 지역의 독립운동사와 자료연구가 급속히 활성화되는 것은 발전적 양상으로 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 독립운동사의 중요 주제인 3·1운동과 의병·위정척사운동은 급격히 퇴조하는 경향을 보이는 것은 안타까운 일이다. 『한국독립운동사연구』는 28년의 역사를 통해 한국근현대사 관련 양대 학회에서 발행하는 학술지와 함께 한국근현대사연구를 대표하는 ‘3대 학술지’라 평가해도 과언은 아닐 것이다. 그러나 유사 성격을 지닌 일반 학회와는 차별화 된 한국독립운동사연구소 논문집으로서의 위상을 더욱 강화하여, 학계를 선도하는 가장 권위와 공신력을 인정받는 논문집으로 발전해야 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 그러기 위해서는 중장기 계획을 수립하여 논문집을 보다 다양하고 일관성 있게 구성해야 한다. In May, 2015, the Institute of Korean Independence Movement Studies of Independence Hall of Korea issued the 50th volume of its Journal of Korean Independence Movement Studies after 28 years since the first volume in August, 1987 when the Institute was established. Total 214 researchers home and abroad published 550 papers(610 when 60 appendixes are included) in the Journal whose annual number of pages was 23,908 and whose annual number of issues published was 54,450. The tendency of papers published in the Journal was the research history of modern and contemporary history of Korea itself. The research topics went through the order of figures, Japanese invasion and history of Japanese colonial ruling policies, and independence movement groups. The papers on those topics accounted 40.8% of the entire papers published in the Journal, which clearly shows the research trends of the academia. There was also a consistent research trend in the topics of Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, ownership of Dokdo, and independence movements in foreign countries. An emerging trend of topics includes the issue of Japanese history textbooks and the nationalism and historical awareness of Korea. A developmental pattern was especially observed in the rapid activation of researches on the history and materials of independence movements in Korea. It was shameful, however, that there was a swift decline in the researches on March 1 Movement(3·1運動) and also Uibyeong(義兵) and Wijeongcheoksa Movement(衛正斥邪運動), two of the major topics in the history of independence movements. It is no exaggeration to say that Journal of Korean Independence Movement Studies has emerged as one of the three major journals on the researches on the modern and contemporary history of Korea along with the other two published by two prominent societies on the subject in the course of its 28-year-old history. It is, however, tasked with reinforcing its status as a collection of dissertations issued by the Institute of Korean Independence Movement Studies differentiated from other general societies of similar nature and evolving into a journal recognized for its authority and public confidence to lead the academic circles. It is thus needed to make mid and long term plans and organize the Journal in a more diverse and consistent fashion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1910년대 비밀결사의 투쟁방략과 의의

        박걸순(Park, Geol-Sun) 독립기념관 한국독립운동사연구소 2013 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.46

        일제 무단통치 시기인 1910년대의 독립투쟁은 비밀결사가 주도하였다. 1910년대의 독립운동에서 먼저 평가하여야 할 것은 의병항쟁이 3·1운동 때까지 지속되었다는 점이다. 잔여 의병 활동과는 별도로 망국 후 유림과 의병 출신자들을 중심으로 의병 조직을 재정비하려는 움직임이 일어 났다. 그 대표적 비밀결사가 독립의군부·풍기광복단·광복회·민단조합 등이었다. 이들은 대개 유림이 중심이 되었기 때문에 복벽주의적 성향이 농후하였다. 그러나 이들은 위정척사적 사고 범주에만 고착되지 않고 사상적 소통과 포용성을 지니며 독립을 추구하였다. 계몽운동 계열에서 조직한 비밀결사로는 대동청년단·달성친목회·조선국권회복단·조선국민회 등이 있다. 한편 천도교 계열에서는 민족문화 수호운동본부와 천도구국단을 조직하여 독립운동을 모색하였다. 3·1운동기에는 만세시위를 방략으로 하는 비밀결사가 등장하여 대중화를 주도하였다. 이들 가운데에는 명의만 내세운 비밀결사들도 있다. 그러나 京城獨立秘密團, 朝鮮獨立開城會·彗星團, 조선독립단 이원지단, 조선독립고흥단의 활동이 돋보인다. 연기청년회는 기존의 청년회 조직을 활용하였으며, 도란사와 혈성단은 향촌 조직이 비밀결사로 전화한 사례이다. 이들은 3·1운동의 교훈을 반성적으로 반추하며 점차 의열이나 무장투쟁으로 방향을 선회하였고, 보다 민중적 성향을 강하게 지니게 되었다. 한국독립운동사에서 1910년대의 비밀결사 투쟁이 지니는 의의는 지대하다. 비밀결사들은 일제의 폭압적 무단통치가 실패였음을 입증한다. 또한 한말 국권회복운동을 계승하고 3·1운동 이후 독립운동을 선도하고 있어 한국독립운동의 내재적 발전과 전개 양상을 잘 보여주고 있다. 뿐만 아니라, 독립운동의 이념과 방략상 변화와 발전상을 보여준다. 공간적으로는 특정 지역을 무대로 하되, 전국적 조직은 물론 국외까지 외연을 확대하고자 하였다. 주체 세력은 점차 신교육을 이수한 학생과 청년, 종교인, 여성으로 확대되는 양상을 보인다.

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