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        新たなボランティア活動の可能性 : ちょんまげ隊(smile for Nippon)の活動事例を中心に

        카미벳부 마사노부 한국일어일문학회 2020 日語日文學硏究 Vol.112 No.-

        일본에서 볼란티어 활동이라는 말이 사회에 정착한 계기는, 한신·아와지 대지진(1995년)에서의 구원 활동이었다. 물론, 그 이전에도 구원활동, 지원활동 등은 행해져 왔지만, 그것은 종교 단체를 비롯한 조직된 단체를 중심으로 시행되어왔다. 또 일반 시민에 있어서는 모금 활동 등에 참가하거나, 구원 물자를 보낸다는 것 등에 한정 되어 있었다. 그러나, 한신·아와지 대지진에 있어서는 많은 사람이 피해 현장에서 달려 오게 되어, 다양한 시점에서 볼란티어 활동의 방식의 연구가 개시되어, 또 법률적인 면에 있어서도 다양한 지원 체제가 정비되게 되었다. 이와 같이, 종래의 구원활동과는 다른 새로운 활동으로서의 볼란티어 활동이 성립되었다. 이렇게 시작된 일본에서의 볼란티어 활동은 이 20년으로, 또 새롭게 크게 변화해 왔다. 인프라로서의 인터넷의 보급이나 SNS과 같은 새로운 툴(tool)은 볼란티어 활동을 새로운 차원에 끌어올렸다. 여기에서는 동일본 대지진 이후 부터 SNS과 같은 툴을 사용하고 주목해야 하는 활동을 하고 있는 TUNODA HIROKAZU 씨를 중심으로 한 Chonmage-tai(smile for Nippon)의 재해 지원 활동의 사례를 개관하는 것으로, 새로운 형태의 볼란티어 활동의 가능성과 그 과제에 대해 고찰해 보고자 한다. The occasion that the term, ‘volunteer activities’ settled in society in Japan is the ‘rescue activities’ in Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake (1995). Needless to say, rescue activities and support activities have been performed before that, but they were conducted mainly centered around organized groups, including religious ones. They were also limited to the general public, such as participating in fundraising activities and sending rescue supplies. However, in the Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake, many people ran to the scene of the damage, and the study of volunteer activities was started at various points of view, and various support systems were established in the legal system. In this way, volunteer activities in a new format were established which were different from the conventional rescue activities. Japan's volunteer activities started as such, have been changed greatly in these 20 years. The spread of the Internet as infrastructure and new tools such as SNS have taken volunteer activities to a new level. This study is an overview of the disaster support activities of Chonmage-tai (Smile for Nippon) centered on Mr. TUNODA HIROKAZU, who has been using tools such as SNS in the Great East Japan Earthquake, and attempts to explore the possibility of volunteer activities in a new format and their tasks.

      • KCI등재

        GHQ占領下の宗教政策 - 国家神道の解体と“国家神道”の定義をめぐる問題を中心に -

        카미벳부 마사노부 일본어문학회 2013 일본어문학 Vol.60 No.-

        GHQ(連合国軍最高司令官総司令部)占領下における日本の統治政策に おいて宗教政策は極めて重要な位置を占めていた。GHQは信教の自由の確立、政教分離、宗教界からの超国家主義․軍国主義的思想の除去という三大原則が日本に安定的に運用されることを望んでいた。そして、その三大原則を実現するための施策として行われたのが、「人権指令」、「神道指令」、宗教法人令に代表される宗教政策であった。これによって、GHQは、信教の自由の確立、政教分離、宗教界からの超国家主義․軍国主義的思想の除去の最大の障壁とみなした国家神道の解体を試みたのであった。これらの宗教政策によって戦前の超国家主義․軍国主義的思想は排除され、国家神道は解体された。しかし、その一方で、国家神道は依然として解体されていないという議論もなされ、近年においても、国家神道とは何かという議論が盛んに行われている。本稿では、国家神道の成立過程である明治以降の宗教政策の変遷を簡単 に整理した後、GHQ占領下の宗教政策において国家神道がどのように認識され、解体されたかという点について明らかにし、次に近年の“国家神道”の定義をめぐる問題を概観する。最後に国家神道の定義について整理して国家神道の現在地を明らかにする。

      • KCI등재

        明治初期의 宗敎政策 - 神佛分離로부터 大敎宣布運動까지의 歷史的 展開와 政敎分離 -

        카미벳부 마사노부 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.53 No.-

        日本の近代の宗教政策は、不安定な政治基盤の中ではじまった明治新政 府が、天皇を中心とした祭政一致の政治体制を作るといった目的で開始された。それは、神仏分離令によって、実質的な国教の地位にあった仏教勢力を排除し、神道を国教の地位に据えようとした試みとして現われた。しかし、宗教的な基盤、制度を持っていなかった神道を中心とした国民の教化運動である大教宣教運動は直ぐに行き詰まりをみせた。明治政府は方針を転換して、佛教勢力も取り込んで神仏合同での宣教運動を開始した。しかし、この神仏合同宣教運動も不満をもった仏教教団が次々と離脱し、霧散してしまった。この過程において、森有礼、島地黙雷らは政教分離と信教の自由を求める理論を展開し、政府への政策の転換を求めた。これらの明治初期の宗教政策やそこに現われた政教分離、信教の自由を求める理論は、後に制定される大日本帝国憲法や宗教団体法、さらには、国家神道の成立に様々な面で影響を与えた。この意味からも、明治初期の宗教政策とその歴史的な展開は、近代国家成立に至るまでの極めて重要なプロセスであったと言える。

      • KCI등재후보

        일본국헌법과 종교법인법에 본 일본의 종교정책⋅종교행정과 그 문제점

        카미벳부 마사노부 서울대학교 종교문제연구소 2011 종교와 문화 Vol.0 No.21

        This study purposed to examine contemporary Japanese religious policies and religious administration and identify problems in them by scrutinizing the Religious Juridical Persons Act amended radically in Heisei 7 (1995), focusing on the Constitution of Japan and the Religious Juridical Persons Act, which are the core bases of postwar religious policies and religious administration in Japan. The basic spirit and idea of today’s Japanese religious policies and religious administration are derived from the Constitution of Japan (1946), and the practical operation of them from the Religious Juridical Persons Act (1951). These religious policies and religious administration, which are reflection on the prewar State Shinto System, are decisively different from the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the Religious Organization Law before the war. It is because such policies and administration are the results of drastic reforms based on the three great principles the freedom of religious belief, the separation of Church and State, and the removal of supranationalism and militarism from the religious circle under the occupation policies of the General Headquarters, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP) (in fact, the occupation policies of the U.S.). The reforms were continued to Japanese religious policies and religious administration, the Constitution of Japan and the Religious Juridical Persons Act after the occupational rule. With the enactment of the Constitution of Japan and the Religious Juridical Persons Act, governmental authorizes such as administration and jurisdiction came to refrain themselves from interfering with religious affairs from the viewpoint of the freedom of religious belief and the separation of Church and State. However, it is also true that disputes among religious organizations, which had never been brought up, surfaced. Such disputes include the appearance of religious sects or temples demanding breakaway from their denomination for secular reasons and the birth of religious juridical persons that cannot be regarded as religious organizations. In particular, Oumusinrikyo created a historically unprecedented criminal group as a religious juridical person on the surface, and shocked the Japanese society severely by causing numerous troubles starting from indiscriminate terrors. In this trend that various problems involving religious juridical persons were surfacing, the Religious Juridical Persons Act was amended drastically in Heisei 7 (1995) in order to catch up with the trend. As the law is applied in the form of strengthened regulation,however, some people are concerned about its threat to the freedom of religious belief and the separation of Church and State. Paying attention to this phenomenon, we should make efforts to hold the basic principles of the Constitution of Japan and the Religious Juridical Persons Act, that is, the freedom of religious belief and the separation of Church and State, as well as people’s rights arising from the principles.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 유사시 일본인 비전투원후송작전관련 한일 안보협력 방안 -한일관계, 미일관계, 국제비교의 관점을 중심으로-

        마츠우라 마사노부 한일군사문화학회 2019 한일군사문화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        The 2015 Japanese military legislation allowed the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) to use arms in order to rescue, protect, and transport Japanese civilians abroad. This task is called Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO), and the use of weapons is limited to the evacuation mission only. In the event of a Korean peninsula crisis, NEO success would depend on whether or not the host country, South Korea (ROK), accepted the action in advance. Considering ROK diplomacy toward China, it is difficult for the ROK to proceed with security cooperation with Japan soley from the perspective of a containment policy for North Korea. The Japan-US alliance has been working on NEO cooperation; however, there are still many challenges ahead, such as building transportation capacity and signing an official NEO agreement. Major states such as the UK and France consider protection of nationals abroad as important as national defense, and they minimize international criticism by disclosing their NEO conditions. While enhancing security cooperation with the ROK and the US, Japan needs to prepare its NEO doctrine, assign NEO experts, and build a workable NEO system. Bilateral and trilateral cooperation will also aid the ROK with protection and transportation of injured persons and refugees in a crisis. 2015년 평화안보법제의 성립으로 일본 자위대는 재외 일본인을 구출 수송하는 비전투원 대피활동(Non-combatant Evacuation Operations, NEO)에 관하여 ‘임무수행형’ 무기사용이 용인되었다. 한반도 유사시 영역국에서의 사전동의가 NEO실시의 성공 여부를 결정하지만 최근 한국에서는 대중외교의 중요성이 높아짐에 따라, 대북봉쇄만을 고려한 대일 안보협력을 추진하기가 어렵다. 또한 미일동맹에서도 NEO협력의 필요성이 인식되어 왔지만 수송 능력이나 협정 체결 방법이 과제로 남아 있다. 주요국에서는 재외국 국민보호를 국가방위와 동일시하고 실시 요건을 공개함으로써 국제적인 비판을 최소화하고 있다. 일본은 한일 안보협력과 미일동맹을 강화함으로써 NEO 실효성을 높이는 동시에, 이와 병행해서 NEO독트린 작성, 전문관의 배치 등을 통해 제도적·운용적인 측면에서 대책을 강구할 필요가 있다. 한편 한국은 NEO협력을 포함한 한일 안보협력을 추진함으로써 대량난민이나 부상자 보호·수송에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

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