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      • KCI등재

        무기대여법은 소비에트 연방의 승리에 얼마나 이바지했는가? - 제2차 세계대전 시기 미국의 대(對)소련 군수물자 원조를 둘러싼 쟁점과 역사서술의 동향 -

        류한수 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 러시아연구소 2023 슬라브연구 Vol.39 No.1

        This article aims to give an overview of the historiography on what role the Lend-Lease aid played in the Soviet victory in World War 2. After the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the USA provided the Soviet Union with the astronomical amount of military aid, which helped to build up the Red Army’s combat capabilities. Roosevelt and Stalin maintained a good relationship throughout the war. The Roosevelt administration, which touted the Lend-Lease program as a major achievement, maintained that it was a secondary factor in the Soviet victory, and the Soviet leadership was grateful for the aid. This mutual respect faded during the Cold War. The Soviet historiography viewed the Red Army as having won the war on their own, while the Western historiography viewed it as not having won without Lend-Lease aid. Since the 1970’s, however, not a few researchers in the West has taken a more flexible approach to the issues. After the demise of the Soviet Union, some Russian scholars even adopted the view that had prevailed in the West during the initial stages of the Cold War, arguing that the Soviet victory would not have been possible without Lend-Lease aid. Such claims were refuted by the mainstream of Russian historians. 2000’s saw that a new generation of the Russian historians succeeded to produce high quality research. A kind of convergence took place in Western and Russian historiography, with a tentative consensus that the Lend-Lease aid was important, but not decisive in the Soviet Union’s triumph. 이 글의 목적은 제2차 세계대전에서 미국이 무기대여법으로 소련에 지원한 물자가 소련의 승리에 어떻게, 얼마나 이바지했는지에 관한 미국과 소련/러시아의 인식, 역사서술의 추이, 쟁점의 변동을 정리하고 소개하는 것이다. 독일이 소련을 침공하자 미국은 소련에 천문학적 분량의 군수물자를 지원했고, 붉은 군대의전투력을 키우는 데 이바지했다. 미국과 소련은 전쟁 동안 혈맹 관계를 유지했다. 루스벨트 행정부는 무기대여법의 성과를 자랑하면서도 소련의 승리에 2차적 요인이라는 입장을 견지했고, 소련 지도부는 미국의 원조에 고마움을 표현했다. 이 상호 존중은 냉전으로 사라졌다. 소련 역사학계는 소련이 자력으로 승리를 거두었다고 본 데 반해, 서방 역사학계는 무기대여법 원조가 없었다면 소련이 이기지 못했으리라고 보았다. 한편, 1970년대 이후 서방에서는 더 유연한 시각에서 무기대여법의 역할을 평가하는 연구자가 나타났다. 소련해체 뒤에 몇몇 러시아 학자는 무기대여법 원조는 소련의 승리에 필수불가결했다고 주장했다. 이러한 주장에 러시아 역사학계의 주류는 비판적이다. 신진 러시아 역사학자들은 무기대여법에 다양하게 접근하는 연구성과를 배출했다. 이 흐름 속에서 서방과 러시아의 역사학계에서는 일종의 수렴 현상이 일어나서, 미국의무기대여법 원조는 소련의 승리에 중요했지만 결정적이지는 않았다는 잠정적 합의가 이루어졌다.

      • KCI등재후보

        혁명 러시아 노동자 조직의 이란성 쌍둥이: 러시아 혁명ㆍ내전기(1917~1921) 노동조합과 공장위원회의 관계

        류한수 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2008 동국사학 Vol.44 No.-

        In the revolutionary period of 1917 there were two labor organizations in Petrograd, Russia. One was factory committees and the other was trade unions. Whereas the former was quite strong and steady in representing factory workers’ demands and implementing the movement for workers’ control over production, the latter was more or less retarded in doing so. After the seizure of political power in October 1917, however, the Bolshevik leadership made a decision to merge factory committees into trade unions as their basic organs. The Bolshevik Party and many labor leaders thought that such a step would lead to the strengthened system of trade unions, which could serve the contruction of socialist economy in Soviet Russia. Contrary to their rosy expectations, the attempt to merge trade unions and factory committees into one organization ended in a failure during the Russian Civil War. For trade unions did not have enough strength to exert influence on factory committees and, in their turn, factory committees adhered to their own autonomy. The leaders of trade unions tried to contain the autonomous factory committees, but in vain. In conclusion the decision to merge factory committees into trade unions in January of 1918 proved to be a fatal fiasco detrimental to the vitality of the Russian labor movement.

      • KCI우수등재

        가쁘게 달려온 뒤 숨을 고르며 러시아사 연구의 정체성을 고민한다

        류한수 역사학회 2023 역사학보 Vol.- No.259

        이 논문의 목적은 2021년과 2022년에 한국에서 나온 러시아사 연구성과물을 평가하는 것이다. 2017년까지 러시아사 연구는 양과 질에서 느리지만 꾸준히 성장했다. 러시아 혁명 100주년인 2017년에는 극적인 증대가 있었다. 2020년대 초엽에 이 추이와 기세가 유지되었다. 지난 두 해 동안 나온 연구성과물은 243편이다. 정치사, 사회사, 경제사, 지성사, 예술사 분야에서는 성과가 탁월했지만, 여성사 등 몇몇 분야에서는 미흡했다. 다양하고 신선한 주제를 파고드는 신진 연구자들이 나타나고 있다는 점을 고려하면, 전반적으로는 전망이 어둡지 않다. 한편, 국내 “러시아사” 연구의 정체성에 관한 중요한 문제를 숙고할 때가 되었다. 우크라이나사가 통상적으로 러시아사 연구의 일부로 간주되었는데, 이같은 분류법은 우크라이나가 주권 독립국이 되었으므로 문제가 아닐 수 있다. 해결책을 모색해야 한다. “동슬라브사 연구”라는 명칭이 해결책이 될 수 있다. This article aims to assess and analyze those articles and books on the Russian history published in 2021 to 2022 in Korea. Up to 2017 there was a slow but steady growth in both quantity and quality of the researches on the Russian history. On the occasion of the year 2017, the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, there was a drastic increase in the research achievements on the Russian history. The early 2020s saw that such a trend didn’t break and its momentum was maintained. 243 pieces of work were produced for the past two years. The remarkable researches were produced in the spheres such as political history, social history, economic history, intellectual history, and art history. In contrast, however, little was produced in some spheres, especially gender history. Further study should be stimulated in those areas in which inertia was observed. Overall, the prospects are far from being bleak, considering the advent of the younger generation of those researchers who delve into the various fresh topics on the Russian history. In the meantime, it is high time to contemplate an important problem concerning the identity of the “Russian” history study. It has been conventional that the studies in the Ukraine history has regarded as a part of the Russian history study. Such a classification will be problematic, given that Ukraine is a sovereign independent state. Some solutions should be groped for anew. A labelling of the “study of East Slavic history” can be a solution to the problem.

      • KCI등재

        1945년 “8월의 폭풍”과 1991년 “사막의 폭풍”: 붉은 군대의 만주 전역과 미군의 이라크 전역의 유사성 분석

        류한수 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 역사문화연구소 2017 역사문화연구 Vol.66 No.-

        This article aims to examine the similarities between the Soviet campaign against the Japanese Kwantung army in Manchuria in August 1945 and the operation “Desert Storm” carried by the U.S. forces against the Iraqi army at the Gulf War in 1991. In many ways the latter bore a striking resemblance to the former. At the end of the Second World War the Red Army placed all the forces of the theater of the Far East under the jurisdiction of the Far East Headquarters, which launched the coordinated operations against the enemy. In the Gulf War all the operations of the U.S, forces were coordinated by the theater headquarters, the United States Central Command. In its Manchurian campaign the basic operation planned by the Red Army was that the main attack should be carried out by the operational maneuvering forces through the Greater Khingan Range and the Gobi Desert defended weakly by the enemy and the supporting attack be carried out in the eastern and northern regions of Manchuria. In the Gulf War the basic operation planned by the U.S. Central Command that the main attack should be carried out by the operational maneuvering forces at the Saudi-Iraq border defended weakly by the enemy and the supporting attack be carried out by the Marine Corps in Kuwait. Before the full-scale campaign the Soviet army launched the massive deception operations to induce the Kwantung army to misread its strategic intentions. For the Iraqi army to be deceived, the U.S. forces pretended to launch their main attack not in the Saudi-Iraq border but in the Persian Gulf. In both campaigns a great role was played by the efficient combined arms of the army, the navy, and the air forces. In a nutshell, the two campaigns shared the similarities such as the organization of the theater headquarters, the tendency to select the harsh terrains as the main attack axis, and the massive deception operations followed by the main attacks. Such similarities are more than a coincidence. The operations of the Gulf War were planned by “the Jedi Knights”, those U.S. military staff officers who had been taught the Soviet military theories and the operational art by their mentors, a batch of scholars majoring in the military history of the Soviet army at the School of Advanced Military Studies, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth. In the stages of panning the military strategies and operations, moreover, the “the Jedi Knights” kept in touch with their mentors, who gave advice to their apostles. 이 글의 목적은 소련군이 1945년 8월에 만주의 일본 관동군을 상대로 실시한 만주 작전과 1991년 2월에 미군을 비롯한 다국적군이 이라크군을 상대로 실시한 “사막의 폭풍” 작전의 유사성을 살펴보는 것이다. 여러 면에서 두 작전은 매우 유사하다. 소련군은 소련 극동전구에 배치된 모든 군사력을 총지휘하는 극동사령부를 조직해서 통합된 전구사령부의 지휘 아래 작전을 수행했다. 미군은 전구사령부인 미중부사령부를 통해 작전을 지휘했다. 소련군의 기본 작전은 관동군의 방비가 가장 허술한 다싱안링 산맥과 고비 사막에 작전술적 기동부대를 투입해 주공을 펴고 만주 동부와 북부에서 조공을 펴서 관동군을 만주에서 포위해 섬멸하는 것이었다. 미군의 기본 작전은 작전술적 기동부대가 이라크군 방비가 허술한 사우디아라비아-이라크 국경 지대에서 주공을 펴고 쿠웨이트에서는 해병대가 조공을 펴서 이라크군 주력을 쿠웨이트 전구 안에서 포위하는 것이었다. 소련군은 대대적 기만을 실시해 일본군이 소련군의 병력배치 상황을 오판하도록 유도했다. 미군은 사우디아라비아-이라크 국경에서 공격을 하지 않고 페르시아 만에 상륙할 것처럼 이라크군을 기만했다. 공격이 개시되자 소련군의 주공 부대는 다싱안링 산맥과 고비 사막을 넘어 관동군을 기습했고, 조공 부대도 적군을 고착시켜 만주 중부에서 관동군을 포위할 토대를 마련했다. 작전이 개시되자 다국적군의 주공을 맡은 작전술적 기동부대는 고속 전진하며 이라크군을 에워쌀 포위망을 구축했고 조공을 맡은 해병대는 쿠웨이트시티를 공격했다. 두 작전 모두 육군, 공군, 해군의 효과적 제병협동이 역할을 했다. 요컨대, 전구사령부를 구성하고 주공축선을 험지로 정하고 적극적 기만 작전을 수행한 뒤에 공격을 감행했다는 점에서 두 전역의 유사성이 두드러진다. 이 유사성은 우연이 아니다. 미육군 지휘참모대학 고등군사연구원에서 소련군의 군사 이론을 학습하면서 작전술을 터득했던 미군 참모장교들이 “사막의 폭풍” 작전을 기획했다는 사실, 그리고 이 작전의 기획 과정에서 이 장교들이 자기들에게 작전술을 가르쳤던 소련군 전문가들과 지속적으로 의견을 교환했다는 사실에서 두 전역의 유사성이 비롯되었을 가능성이 매우 크다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        “결백한 독일국방군” 신화의 산파 바실 리델 하트: 한 군사학 구루의 명예와 제2차 세계대전의 진실

        류한수 대구사학회 2018 대구사학 Vol.130 No.-

        This article aims to explain the reason why Sir Basil H. Liddell Hart, a world-famous English military thinker, chose to defend those German generals accused of the war crimes in the aftermath of World War II and to clarify his role in the birth of the “Clean Wehrmacht” legend. 1930s saw that having changed his former position on the military issues Liddell Hart began to argue the superiority of position warfare over mobile armored warfare and to attach more importance to defence than attack. In 1940 when Germany invaded France, he predicted that the German army would be defeated by the French army. Virtually all his predictions went wide of the mark. As a result his reputation was seriously ruined. As World War II came to close, he made an effort to make contact with those German high-ranking officers incarcerated in the POW camps and talk about strategy and tactics with them. He asserted that most of them were no more than the professional soldiers who were not interested in Nazism. As the Nuremberg trials began, he argued that Erich von Manstein was not engaged in the war crimes and depicted the Wehrmacht generals as the patriotic soldiers who fought not for Hitler but for their fatherland during the war. In doing so, Liddell Hart tried to induce the pre-eminent German generals to say that they were inspired by his ideas on the mobile warfare in the formation of the German armored forces and in the planning of the operation “Sichelschnitt” in 1940. Some German generals such as Heinz Guderian accepted his suggestion to characterize him as a mentor of their Blitzkrieg. As a result he succeeded to regain his reputation. The fact is that the German mobile armored warfare was not influenced by Liddell Hart and that many Wehrmacht generals were engaged directly or indirectly in the war crimes in the Eastern Front of Europe during the war. In a nutshell, his honor was redeemed at the cost of the truth of World War II. Liddell Hart was a midwife of the “Clean Wehrmacht” legend. 이 글의 목적은 영국의 저명한 군사 전문가 바실 리델 하트가 제2차 세계대전 직후에 전쟁범죄 재판에 회부된 독일국방군 고위 장교들을 옹호한 까닭과 그가 “결백한 독일국방군” 신화의 형성에서 한 역할을 밝히는 것이다. 리델 하트는 1930년대부터 자기의 기동전 이론을 포기하고 진지전의 효율성을 강조했고, 1940년에 독일군이 프랑스를 침공했을 때 독일의 패배와 프랑스의 승리를 예측했다. 따라서 그의 평판은 심하게 훼손되었다. 전쟁이 끝난 뒤 리델 하트는 수감된 독일 장성들과 접촉하면서 친분을 쌓았고, 전범 재판의 부당성을 주장하며 그들을 옹호했으며, 그들이 전쟁범죄와 무관한 동시에 나치 체제가 아닌 조국 독일을 위해 싸운 명예로운 군인이라고 단언했다. 리델 하트는 이러한 변호의 반대급부로 독일의 유명한 장군들이 자기의 저술에 착안해서 기갑부대를 창설하고 “전격전”이라는 기동전을 구상했다는 발언을 하도록 유도했다. 구데리안 장군을 비롯한 여러 독일 고위 장교가 그의 은밀한 요청에 응하면서 리델 하트는 독일 기갑전의 “스승”으로 알려지게 되었다. 이로써 전후에 그는 바라던 대로 명성을 되찾았다. 그러나 리델 하트가 독일군의 기갑부대 편성과 운용에 큰 영향을 주었다는 인식은 사실과 어긋난다. 또한 만슈타인을 비롯한 독일국방군 고위 장교들이 유럽 동부전선에서 자행된 전쟁범죄에 직간접적으로 관여했다는 것은 엄연한 사실이다. 제2차 세계대전의 진실을 희생해서 명성을 얻은 리델 하트는 “결백한 독일국방군” 신화의 탄생을 도운 산파였던 셈이다.

      • KCI등재

        폐세포암의 초음파소견

        류한수 대한영상의학회 1983 대한영상의학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        With the development of gray scale ultrasonography, detection and evaluation of hepatic parenchymal disease including space occupying lesions are easily performed and frequently used in the world. Thirty-five cases of histopathologically proven and ultrasonographically suggested hepatocellular carcinoma are retrospectively studied. The results were as follows ; 1. Ultrasonographic findings of hepatocellular carcinoma show hyperechoic pattern in 22 cases (63%), hypoechoic pattern in 2 cases (6%), and mixed pattern in 11 cases (31%). 2. The margin of tumor is ill-defined in 19 cases (54%) and well defined in 16 cases (46%). 3. The size of tumor by sonographic measurement was larger than 5cm in diameter in 33 cases (94%). 4. The number of tumor is solitary in 19 cases and multiple in 16 cases. The sites of involved lobe were right lobe in 22 cases (63%), left lobe in 2 cases (6%), and both lobes in 11 cases (31%). 5. Associated sonographic findings were hepatomegaly with focal contour change in 25 cases (71%), splenomegaly in 16 cases (46%), cirrhosis of liver in 15 cases (43%), ascites in 11 cases (31%) and tumoral thrombosis in portal vein in 8 cases (23%). 6. The sex ratio is 6 : 1 male predominence and the age ranges from 32 to 76 years with highest incidence in 5th and 6th decades.

      • KCI등재

        Mechanical Analysis of Woven Composites at High Strain Rates and Its Application to Predicting Impact Behavior

        류한수,임지호,정관수 대한금속·재료학회 2008 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.14 No.6

        The deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates was analyzed using a constitutive equation developed to describe the nonlinear, anisotropic/asymmetric and rate-dependent mechanical behavior of woven composites. The rate-dependent nonlinear behavior of woven composites was characterized at high strain rates (1 s-¹ to 100 s-¹) using a tensile testing method first proposed in this research. The material properties for the developed constitutive equation were determined and subsequently used in a finite element analysis of the deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates. Finally, the impact behavior of woven composites was predicted using the constitutive equation and the results were compared with experiments, showing that the current constitutive equation including the characterization method is adequate to describe the deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates up to impact level. The deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates was analyzed using a constitutive equation developed to describe the nonlinear, anisotropic/asymmetric and rate-dependent mechanical behavior of woven composites. The rate-dependent nonlinear behavior of woven composites was characterized at high strain rates (1 s-¹ to 100 s-¹) using a tensile testing method first proposed in this research. The material properties for the developed constitutive equation were determined and subsequently used in a finite element analysis of the deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates. Finally, the impact behavior of woven composites was predicted using the constitutive equation and the results were compared with experiments, showing that the current constitutive equation including the characterization method is adequate to describe the deformation behavior of woven composites at high strain rates up to impact level.

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