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        해방기 여성대중의 부상과 여성봉기의 재현

        류진희 한국여성문학학회 2020 여성문학연구 Vol.51 No.-

        Women have appeared in large numbers in the plazas and streets of the liberation period in Korea. However, these women and women’s uprisings were not represented. This article tries to think of this gap historically and culturally. First, I tried to get the best of the moment when women gathered as a group in this spiral of liberation, when the Japanese colonial period and the American military regime crossed. Next, I analyzed the narrative of women’s uprisings. In the process of postcolonial nation-building, women exist only as groups and cannot speak as of their voice. Neither did female writers strategically adopt what women’s masses were revolutionary. However, the women’s masses and women’s writers during the liberation period also had to follow the urgent political situation on the left and right. Not long after liberation, the gap between the left and right women has exploded. Furthermore, the strike of ‘kisaeng’s was not reported favorably, and the demonstration of women for the rice distribution was imprinted as a disturbance of the Red Socialists. In short, the women’s uprising during the liberation period and the narratives surrounding these women allow us to see the paradox of the mass’s movement in postcolonial situations. 이 글은 해방기 광장과 거리의 대중정치 장에서 여성들이 대대적으로 등장했음을 말한다. 동시에 이같은 여성봉기가 여성작가에 의해서 잘 재현되지 못했음을 지적했다. 이 간극을 사유하기 위해 우선 해방의 소용돌이에서 여성이 단체로 집결하는 운동의 순간을 최대한 재구했다. 다음으로 이 기록들을 당대의 관련 서사와 교차해서 살펴보고자 했다. 이때 오히려 탈식민 민족/국가의 틈바구니에서 여성대중이 내세워지기도 하지만, 전략적으로 말해지지 않기도 했음을 드러낼 것이다. 해방기 대중운동의 앙등기에서 여성대중의 봉기는 좌우남북의 급박한 정세를 반영했다. 좌우 여성들의 차이가 폭발적으로 가시화하는 동시에, 이들이 연대한 공창제폐지운동의 맥락에서 기생들의 파업은 거의 주목되지 못했다. 또한 우파 여성이 승기를 쥔 이후, 여성들의 쌀배급 데모는 종종 사회주의자들의 시위로 진압됐다. 해방의 기운을 드러내고자 하는 좌파적 입장에서 여성봉기는 군집적으로만 재현됐고, 탈/식민 문학 장에서 여성작가들은 당대 여성들의 집단적 목소리를 구체적으로 서사화할 수 없었다. 이는 탈/식민 대중을 둘러싼 속성, 즉 변혁의 원천이자 잠재적 혼란 사이의 모순을 그대로 보여준다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        혁명하는 여성들의 서사적 입지-『혁명적 여성들』(배상미, 소명출판, 2019)을 읽고

        류진희 상허학회 2020 상허학보 Vol.59 No.-

        Since the recent ‘reboot’ or re-popularization of feminism, there has been a notable trend of relativizing Korea’s literature’s historical focus on ‘heterosexual love & elite & male’ and exploring the potential of female narrative. This paper states that defining female narratives as feminine stories about women written by female writers makes it more difficult to approach to particular female writers who are often regarded as “masculine” and have a more socialistic orientation. This has a historic context in which women and feminine things were presented as a culture to make up for politics prohibited in the colonial media field. Revolutionary Women by Bae Sang-mi(Somyung, 2019) provides an overview of the wide-ranging expression of female labor in proletarian novels, defined broadly, without touching on the issue between KAPF literature and female writers. With this, proletarian narratives set in the period between 1925 and 1935 in line with the history of the KAPF organization can be extended to the early 1940s. Moreover, their scope can be expanded to include not only factory labor but also paid and unpaid reproductive labor and service labor. This evidently shows the will to read proletarian literature through the lens of female narrative rather than working to identify class narratives in female literature. This also places the modern women as a part of female laborer, in turn relativizing the man=faced proletariat. It can also be noted that creating proletarian novels was impossible without going through women during the colonial period. This paper nevertheless expresses doubts over whether the female characters interpreted favorably in Revolutionary Women truly embody the "vision for a world where laborers become the owners of society.” Specifically, it is not clear how the female service worker highlighted at the end of the book can present an alternative future when the book itself exhibits an ascending “growth-conflict-outlook” structure. This paper concludes that narratives in which women in certain occupations becomes immersed in men’s ideologies rather than their own may undermine the imperialistic/colonial system, but they should not be interpreted as a defiant action against the dominant order. After all, the female workers addressed in this book seem to point towards an empty space in which revolutionary women who transform the pre-existing concept of labor and directly resist the imperialistic/colonial system can not be put forth. More time may be needed for narratives about revolutionizing women with theoretical background and systematic resources to come to the fore. 최근 페미니즘 ‘리부트’ 혹은 대중화 이후, ‘이성애-엘리트-남성’ 중심의 한국문학사를 상대화하고, 이와 다른 여성서사의 가능성을 탐구하려는 흐름이 거세다. 여성작가들이 쓴 여성에 대한 여성적인 이야기로 여성서사를 정의하자면, 사회주의적 성향으로 종종 ‘남성적’으로 평가됐던 여성작가들에 대한 접근이 한계를 갖는다. 여기에는 정치가 금지된 식민지 매체 장에서 그를 보충하는 문화로서 여성과 여성적인 것들이 내세워진 역사적 맥락이 있는 것이다. 배상미의 『혁명적 여성들-프롤레타리아 문학의 젠더, 노동, 섹슈얼리티』(소명출판, 2019)는 카프문학과 여성작가 사이에 놓인 곤란을 에둘러서, 확장된 의미의 프롤레타리아 소설에서 여성노동이 얼마나 다양하게 드러나는가를 조망한다. 이로써 카프라는 단체의 명멸에 맞춰 1925년에서 1935년 사이를 시대적 배경으로 했던 프롤레타리아 서사는 1940년대 전반까지로 확장될 수 있다. 또한 공장노동에만 초점을 두지 않고, 유무급의 재생산노동과 서비스노동까지가 시야에 들어오게 된다. 이는 여성문학에서 계급서사를 찾아내는 것이 아니라, 프로문학을 여성서사로 읽겠다는 의지에 다름없다. 이로써 신여성 역시 여성노동자의 일부로 위치되면서, 남성의 얼굴을 한 프롤레타리아 역시 상대화되는 것이다. 또한 조선의 프롤레타리아 소설이 여성을 경유하지 않고서는 생성되지 못했음도 지적될 수 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이 책에서 최대한 텍스트를 선해하여 부감시켜낸 여성인물들이 오롯이 “노동자들이 사회의 주인이 되는 세상에 대한 비전”을 담고 있는지는 다시 생각해볼 만하다. 다시 말해 이 책 자체가 ‘성장-갈등-전망’이라는 선형적인 구성을 가질 때, 결국 마지막에 초점화되는 여성 서비스노동자가 과연 어떤 대안적인 미래를 제시하게 되는지 궁금한 것이다. 이 글에서는 특정 직군에 종사하는 여성이 자신의 노동이 아닌 남성의 사상에 몰두하게 되는 서사가 제국/식민지 체제를 균열낼 수는 있겠지만, 그러나 지배질서에 포섭되지 않는 도전적 실천으로까지 의미될 수 있는지 질문했다. 결국 이 책에서 다룬 여성노동자들은 기존 노동의 개념을 혁명적으로 바꿔내는 동시에, 직접적으로 제국/식민지 체제에 대항하는 혁명하는 여성들을 내세울 수는 없는 빈 곳을 가리킨다고 생각한다. 여전히 이론적 배경과 조직적 자원을 가진 혁명하는 여성들에 대한 서사는 아직 도래할 시간이 필요했던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        재현과 제도를 넘어, 진격하는 걸 페미니스트들 - 서평: 『소녀들』(여이연, 2017. 9), 『걸 페미니즘』(교육공동체벗, 2018. 2)

        류진희 한국여성문학학회 2018 여성문학연구 Vol.44 No.-

        Recently in “School Me Too” movement, teenage girls have been starting to make their voices heard amid the age of "Feminism Reboot," or the prevalence of feminism in society. This study analyzed the two books that depict female adolescents-who have long been invisiblized where dichotomous gender meets social authority-as a subject of representation and a main agent of movement. Girls (Sep. 2017) and Girl Feminism (Feb. 2018) published near the end of last year and early this year set forth female adolescents as a subject of active interpretation in feminism, serving as a spectacle of neo-liberalism, or a new agent of feminism with emphasis on staying true to "myself." This study examined how the agents are created beyond representation and institution, and investigated a new type of narration as an institutionalized representation that differs from the literary canon. 최근 ‘스쿨 미투’에서 볼 수 있듯, 페미니즘 리부트 혹은 페미니즘 대중화 시대에 10대 여성 청소년들의 목소리도 대대적으로 들여오기 시작했다. 이 글은 이분법적 젠더와 사회적 권위가 교차하면서 오랫동안 비가시화됐던 여성 청소년들을 재현의 대상으로, 그리고 운동의 주체로 전면적으로 다룬 두 책에 주목한다. 지난 해 말과 올해 초 나란히 간행된 『소녀들』(2017.9)과 『걸 페미니즘』(2018.2)은 신자유주의 스펙터클로서 페미니즘의 적극적인 해석의 대상으로, 혹은 ‘나’답게를 내걸고 새로운 페미니스트 주체로 여성 청소년을 전면에 내세우고 있다. 이 글은 재현과 제도를 넘어 ‘지금-여기’ 어떠한 ‘소녀(girl)’ 주체가 창출되고 있는지 가늠하고, 제도화된 재현으로서 정전 문학과 다른 어떤 서사가 필요한지 짐작해보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여성문인 관계망의 불/가능성-한국근현대예술사 구술채록연구 및 관계망조사를 토대로

        류진희 구보학회 2023 구보학보 Vol.- No.35

        이 글은 한국근현대예술사 구술채록연구 및 관계망조사 사업을 토대로 하여 여성문인 관계망 구축의 불/가능성을 논하려고 한다. 한국문화예술위원회 아르코예술기록원은 근 20년에 걸쳐 예술인의 구술채록 및 그 활용방안 사업을 진행해왔는데, 이를 통해 총 10명의 여성문인, 즉 조경희, 박순녀, 한말숙, 김남조, 송원희, 이정호, 박완서, 추은희, 김후란, 정연희의 자료가 확보되었다. 이들 여성문인 10명에 의해 총 1300개의 일화 및 총 500인의 인물이 추출됐는데, 이들 중 남성이 360명, 여성이 140명 정도이다. 대체로 여성문인은 대부분 직연(職緣) 중 예술계 및 예술단체, 부수적으로 여대 중심 학연(學緣)에 속해있었다. 사적인 관계로 엮여있으리라는 기대와 달리, 이들은 지연(地緣) 및 혈연(血緣), 혹은 사사 및 영향 관계로는 잘 언급되지 않았다. 결국 여성문인의 관계망은 대체로 예술계라는 느슨한 범주로만 드러나는데, 이로써 그들 관계의 다채로움은 구술 내용을 경유해서만 드러나는 것이다. 이때 박순녀와 정연희는 구술채록연구 및 관계망조사에 개입하는 젠더 및 섹슈얼리티의 문제를 상기시킨다. 먼저 박순녀는 문인단체 중심이 아닌 문화촌의 여성문인들에 대해 풍부히 구술한다. 이는 여성문인들이 공사 너머 생활인으로서 일상과 작가로서 활동을 함께 했던 정황을 말한다. 반면 정연희는 기존 문인단체 활동 관련 일화 외, 여성문인에 대한 언급을 충분히 하지 않는다. 대신 여대생 신춘문예 등단작가를 둘러싼 당대의 스캔들을 사후적으로 비판하며, 여성문인을 둘러싼 섹슈얼리티의 문제를 당사자로서 제기하고 있다. 요컨대 여성문인을 주로 연루시키는 예술계라는 광범위한 범주를 내용적으로 보완할, 즉 박순녀와 정연희 사례에서 드러나듯 드러난 내용뿐 아니라 삭제된 의미까지를 포괄할 방안이 요청된다고 할 것이다. This article studies the im/possibility of women writers’s networks based on The Oral History Project and related studies on Korean Modern and Contemporary Arts. ARCO has been continuing this Oral History Project and related studies for nearly 20 years. Through this project, the oral history of 10 women writers was recorded and written. They are Cho Kyung-hee, Park Soon-nyeo, Han Mal-sook, Kim Nam-jo, Song Won-hee, Lee Jung-ho, Park Wan-seo, Chu Eun-hee, Kim Hu-ran, and Jeong Yeon-hee. These 10 women writers refer to a total of 500 artists in a total of 1,300 episodes, of which 360 are men and 140 are women. In general, most women writers belonged to the art field and art organizations in the professional network(職緣), and incidentally, to the academic network(學緣) centered on women’s universities. Contrary to the bias that they would be strongly involved in private networks, they did not refer to local networks(地緣) and blood networks(血緣), etc. In the end, the network of women writers is mainly revealed in the overly loose category of the art field, and the variety of their networks can only be known by their oral statements. The cases of Park Soon-nyeo and Jeong Yeon-hee raise the issue of gender and sexuality that intervene in The Oral History Project and related studies. First of all, Park Soon-nyeo describes a lot of women writers in Cultural Villages, not centered on The Writers’ Association. This means that women writers went beyond the division of the Public-Private Field and shared everyday life as ordinary people and activities as writers. On the other hand, Jeong Yeon-hee does not sufficiently describe women writers other than some episodes related to the activities of related writers’ organizations. Instead, she criticizes the harsh scandal surrounding herself, a female college student who became the winner of the annual spring literary contest. It means that the issue of sexuality surrounding young women writers can be political at the same time. These two women writers ask for ways to complement the broad category of the art field, where women writers are mainly involved.

      • Factors affecting the use of Antenatal Care Services among Mothers in an Urban Slum of Ghana

        류진희,( Alexander Kpakpo Moffatt ),최수정,황정혜,한동운 한국모자보건학회 2019 한국모자보건학회 학술대회 연제집 Vol.2019 No.2

        Purpose: Maternal mortality is considered to be one of major public health concerns in the world. In 2017, about 295,000 women died during pregnancy and delivery, and almost 94% of women died in the regions with low resources such as Sub-Saharan Africa (66.4%) (WHO, Maternal mortality). Although many developing countries such as Ghana provide Antenatal Care (ANC) services to decrease avoidable deaths, the maternal mortality rate (MMR) is still high. It is because that the number of ANC visit by women does not reach the minimum level of recommended ANC visits. Thus, each country has started investigating the characteristics of women who do not attend ANC services for the appropriate interventions. In the previous study, women living in venerable condition like urban slum had has few opportunities to receive good quality ANC services. However, only few studies have been conducted to find the determinants of ANC attendance in Ghana. The aim of study was to examine the association between the frequency of ANC visits and the place of delivery as well as the key factors affecting the ANC utilization in urban slum of Accra, Ghana. Methods: A descriptive community-based cross-sectional study with structured questionnaire was conducted among 291 women of ages 18-49 years living in the slum on the coast of Accra, Glefe, Ghana. The data was collected by trained surveyors (two female community health workers) from August to September 2015. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS) version 21. Initial analyses involved descriptive statistics for the sample means for continuous and categorical variables. Differences between socio-demographic and economic characteristics with ANC visits were examined by the chi-squared test and logistic regression model. Results: The study showed that most of the respondents (93.4%) had attended ANC services and more than three-quarters of the respondents (78.5%) had used the government health facilities. Unlike the expectation of reducing of MMR by ANC visits, Accra has had one of the worst maternal mortality ratio and only about one half of the women received ANC by skilled professionals in adequate health facilities. This condition was related to the characteristic of different groups of women that were divided by age at first pregnant which was also a key determinant of the number of ANC visits. There was a significant difference among women with first pregnant age more than 21 years old. 17.3% of them visited ANC services less than two whereas 82.5% of women attended ANC services more than three. However, the gap of proportion had been decreased among women with first pregnant age less than 20 years old. 33.6% of women attended ANC services less than two while 66.4%, of women visited ANC services more than three (p value less than 0.05). Conclusion: Although the utilization of ANC services seems high in this study, women with younger age at first pregnant were more likely not to attend ANC. Women living in urban slum and less than 20 years old were difficult to get enough information about both ANC and health planning services. This shows that the provision of adequate public health interventions such as community-based health education program and health planning services are required to increase the use of ANC services to decrease the MMR. This study can aid to seek the specific problems and develop strategic interventions to improve maternal and child health care in urban slum of Ghana.

      • KCI등재

        Capillary Characteristics of Water and Cations in Multi-layered Reclaimed Soil with Macroporous Subsurface Layer Utilizing Coal Bottom Ash

        류진희,정덕영,하상근,이상복,김민태,박기도,강항원,김시주 한국토양비료학회 2014 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        Serious problems in reclaimed land agriculture are high soil salinity and poor vertical drainage, so desalinizationin these soils is very difficult. Also, although desalinization is accomplished in reclaimed top soils, beforelong, soils are resalinized according to capillary rise of salts from the subsurface soils. To resolve theseproblems, multi-layered soil columns with subsurface layer of macroporous medium utilizing coal bottom ash(CBA) were constructed and the effects of blocked resalinization of these soils were investigated. In thisexperiment soil samples were collected from Munpo series (coarse-loamy, nonacid, mixed, mesic, typicFluvaquents). The soil texture was silt loam and the EC was 33.9 dS m-1. As for groundwater seawater wasused and groundwater level of 1 cm from the bottom was maintained. The overall rate of capillary rise was 2.38cm hr-1 in soil 60 cm column, 0.25 cm hr-1 in topsoil (30 cm) + CBA (5 cm) + subsurface soil (10 cm) columnand 0.08 cm hr-1 in topsoil (30 cm) + CBA (10 cm) + subsurface soil (10 cm) column. In multi-layered soilcolumns with CBA 20, 30 cm layer, wetting front due to capillary rise could not be seen in top soil layer. After70 days capillary rise experiment water soluble Na+ accumulated in top soil of soil columns with CBA 20, 30cm was diminished by 92.8, 96.5% respectively in comparison with Na+ accumulated in top soil of soil 60 cmcolumn because CBA layer cut off capillary rise of salts from the subsurface soil. From these results we couldconclude that the macroporous layer utilizing CBA placed at subsurface layer cut off capillary rise of solutesfrom subsurface soil, resulting in lowered level of salinity in top soil and this method can be more effective innewly reclaimed saline soil.

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