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      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        지역(地域) 수집종(蒐集種)쑥의 차광재배시(遮光栽培時) 생육특성(生育特性) 및 성분함량(成分含量)

        노태홍,서관석,심재성 한국약용작물학회 1994 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.2 No.3

        1. m2당(當) 생체수량(生體收量)은 전남 순천 수집종(蒐集種)이 3,975g으로 가장 많았으며, 충북 옥천 수집종(蒐集種)은 713g으로 가장 적어 5.6배(倍)의 차이(差異)가 있었으며, 수집종간(蒐集種間)에는 황해쑥이 3,420g, 명천쑥이 3,173g, 실제비쑥은 3,148g 순으로 많았으며, 뺑쑥은 2,093g, 큰제비쪽이 2,078g으로 가장 적었다. 2. 황해쑥과 실제비쑥, 명천쑥은 향미(香味)가 좋고 색택(色澤)은 연녹(軟綠)으로 상품성(商品性)이 가장 양호(良好)하였다. 3. 수량(收量)과 품질(品質)이 좋았던 황해쑥은 철, 마그네슘이 많이 함유(含有)되어 있었던 반면(反面)에 동은 적게 함유(含有)되어 있었으며 상품성(商品性)이 가장 뛰어났던 명천쑥과 템쑥은 단백질함량(含量)이 않았던 반면(反面)에 칼슘과 철, 아연이 적 게 함유(含有)되었다. 4. 차광매배시 황해쑥과 실제비쑥의 수양(收量)이 가장 높았고 맛과 색택등(色擇等) 품질(品質)이 우수(優秀)하여 상품성(商品性)이 좋은 것으로 나타났다. Artemisw spp. have been known as natural health foods from ancient time and recently, Artemisia spp. have been developed as a preference food. In the paper Artemisia spp. collected from 28 local areas in 1993 were growth in condition shaded selected some suitable species for summer cultivation. Growth characteristics and chemical components of shade-cultivated were summerized by follows. 1. The volume per m2 was 3.925g collected in Suncheon. Jeonnam which was most abundant, and 713g in Okcheon. Chungbuk was little. and there was difference at 5.6times. The volumes per m2 collected in species were plentiful of 3,420g in Hwanghaessak, 3,173g in Meongcheonssuk and 3.l48g Siljebissuk. But there were little of 2,093g in Panssuk and 2,078g in Keunjebissuk. 2. Hwanghaessk, Siljebissuk and Meongcheonssuk were good seasoning, and leaf color was light green. and also comodities was show a good result. 3. Hwanghaessuk, which was excellent quality and quantity, was include many iron and magnesium, but content of copper was low. Meongcheonssuk and pangssuk were excellent in comodities. and content of protein was abundant, but contents of catcalcium, iron, and zink were low. 4. Hwanghaessuk and Siljebissuk were a great many quantity and taste, leaf color, quality and comodity were excellent. Therefore Hwanghaessuk and Siljebissuk were most suitable cultivated in shading the light.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        수집종(蒐集種) 쑥(Artemisia sp.)의 생육특성(生育特性) 및 성분함량(成分含量)

        노태홍,서관석 한국약용작물학회 1993 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        본연구(本硏究)는 쑥의 周年生産(주년생산)과 쑥의 용도별(用途別) 적품종(適品種)을 선발육성(選拔育成)하기 위(爲해) 전국(全國)에서 수집(蒐集)된 28종(種)에 대(對)하여 지상부(地上部)의 생육특성(生育特性)과 잎에 대(對)한 무기(無機) 및 유기성분(有機成分)을 分析(분석)한 바 얻어진 주요결과(主要結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 북부수집종(北部蒐集種)은 경장(莖長), 경태(莖太), 분지수(分枝數), 절간수(節桿數), 잎의크기, 잎의 모용(毛茸)가 모두 커 중부(中部)와 남부수집종(南部蒐集種)보다 지상부(地上部)의 생육(生育)이 왕성(旺盛)하였다. 2. 생체중(生體重)은 명주산 덤블쑥이 가장 무거웠으며, 지역별(地域別)로는 전북이리 수집종(蒐集種)과 경북의성 수집종(蒐集種)이 가장 많았으며, 이들 수집종(蒐集種)에 대(對)한 특성(特性)은 잎수(數)와 절간수(節桿數)가 많고 잎의 모용(毛茸)가 길었다. 3. 잎의 무기성분(無機成分)은 북부수집종(北部蒐集種)은 N, MgO, Zn, Cu, Mn 함량(含量)이 많았던 반면(反面), 중부수집종(中部蒐集種)은 P2O5과 K2O 함량(含量)이 또한 남부수집종(南部蒐集種)은 Fe 함량(含量)이 많이 함유(含有)되었다. 4. 잎의 탄수화물(炭水化物) 함량(含量)이 많올수록 K2O 함량(含量)도 많은 경향(傾向)이 있다. 5. 생체중(生體重)이 가장 많았던 전북이리 수집종(蒐集種)과 경북의성 수집종(蒐集種)은 잎의 N, P2O5, K2O 함량(含量)이 많았으나, 반대(反對)로 MgO, Zn, Ca, Mn, Fe 함량(含量)은 적게 함유(含有)되어 있었다. This experiment was conducted to select and rear the adaptable cultivar which isused for various purpose and to build a year-round cultivation using with characters of aerial part and analysis of chemical components in 28 local cultivar of Artemisia princeps Var. The growth of aerial part, which are stem length, stem diameter, no. of branch, node, leaf size and leaf pubescence, in north local cultivars was more vigorous than those of south local caltivars. Fresh weight of "Myeongcheonssuk " was highest in local caltivars, and in view of local area, local cultivars which was collected from Iri Si and Euiseong Gun was shown the highest fresh weight. Local cultivars as mentioned above had a characters with plenty of leaves, nodes and pubescence of leaf is long. In chemical components of leaves in morth cultivar, content of N, MgO, Zn, Cu, Mn was high, while P2O5, K2O in middle local cultivars, Fe in south local cultivars. The more content of carbohydrate in leaves was high, the content of K2O had a increasing tendency. In local cultivars which was collected form Iri Si and Euiseong Gun with the highest fresh weight, content of N, P2O5, K2O was high, on the other hand content of MgO, Zn, Ca, Mn, Fe, was low in leaves of Artemisia Princeps Var.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

        수집종(蒐集種) 쑥(Artemisia sp.)의 조기(早期) 재배시(栽培時) 생육특성(生育特性)과 화학성분(化學成分) 함량(含量)

        노태홍,서관석 한국약용작물학회 1994 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        1. 28 수집종중(蒐集種中) 인도쑥과 실제비쑥은 초기생장량(生長量)이 많은 반면(反面)에 황해쑥은 후기 생장량(生長量)이 많아 m2당(當) 생체중(生體重)은 황해쑥과 실제비쑥이 1711~1531gr으로 가장 많았다. 2. 조기재배시 실제비쑥과 황해쑥은 향미(香味)가 좋고, 형태가 가늘어 상품성(商品性)이 좋아 가장 우수(優秀)하였다. 3. 지상부의 생육이 양호(良好)하였던 산쑥, 황해쑥, 실제비쑥은 탄수화물, 철, 동의 함량(含量)이 많이 함유(含有)되어있었으나, 생육(生育)이 떨어졌던 뺑쑥, 명천쑥, 큰제비쑥은 인과 마그네슘함량(含量)이 많이 함유(含有)되어 있었다. 4. 지상부(地上部)의 생체중(生體重)과 무기성분간(無機成分間)에는 인, 철, 마그네슘, 아연, 동함량간(含量間)에는 유의성이 인정되지 않았으나, 칼슘과 후기 생체중(生體重)과는 유의성이 인정되었다. This experiment was conducted to study the growth characteristics and organic and inorganic components in 28 local cultivars of Artemisia sp. The early growth of lndossuk and Siljebissuk was vigorous, while the fresh weight of Hwanghaessuk was the highest in 28 local cultivars as the amount of post growth was increased. Siljebissuk and Hwanghaessuk had a commercial worth as the good flavour with thin stem in early planting culture. Sanssuk, Hwanghaessuk and Sijebissuk were contained high percentage of Carbohydrate, Fe and Cu, while Pangssuk, Meongcheonssuk and Keunjebissuk was contained high percentage of P2O5 and MgO. There is no significance between the fresh weight of aerial part and inorganic componets but the correlation between CaO and fresh weight was signficant.

      • KCI등재

        재배방법의 차이가 수도 품종의 생육·수량에 미치는 영향

        이종철,노태홍,문창식,서해영,박금동,조재성 韓國作物學會 1973 한국작물학회지 Vol.- No.14

        본 시험은 중부지방에서 재배방법의 차이(이앙재배, 담수직파재배, 건답직파재배)에 따른 수도품종의 생육·수량의 변이를 알고자 1970-1972년에 걸쳐 수행되었던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 파종에서 출수까지의 일수는 담수직파가 이앙재배에 비해 현저히 단축되었으며 건답직파재배는 이앙재배에 비해 출수일수가 연장되었다. 2. 수수는 담수직파재배, 건답직파재배, 이앙재배, 순으로 많았으며 일수영화수는 이앙재배, 건답직파재배, 담수직파재배순으로 많았다. 3. 정조중은 모두 품종 공히 담수직파재배에서 가장 많았고 이앙재배는 건답직파재배보다 증수되었으며 담수직파재배에서 고위수량성인 품종은 사도미노리, 아끼바레, 수원 213-001 등이었다. 4. 수량과 수량구성요소와의 상관을 보면 이앙재배에서는 현미천입중 및 일수영화수, 담수직파재배에서는 일수영화수 및 수수, 건답직파재배에서는 수수와 정(+)의 높은 상관이 인정되었다. 5. 정조중과 출수일수와의 상관은 건답직파재배와 담수직파재배에서는 부(-)의 상관관계가 현저하였으나 이앙재배에서는 부(-)의 상관이 매우 낮았다. This study was carried out in the central part of Korea for three years from 1970 to 1972. Its aim was to investigate the variations of growth and yield of rice varieties of different cultivating methods (transplanting culture, direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field, and direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field. The results could be summarized as follows; 1. The number of days from sowing to heading by direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field was remarkably shorter than transplanting culture. Direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field was longer than transplanting culture. 2. The number of panicles showed direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field was first, direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field was second, and third transplanting culture. But the number of spikelets per panicle was first on the transplanting culture, second on the direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field and third on the direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field. 3. The weight of the brown rice showed that direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field produced the highest yield among the cultivating method in all varieties. The transplanting culture increased more than the direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field. The highly productive varieties were Sadominory, Akibale, Suwon 213-1 when the direct sowing culture on irrigated paddy field was used. 4. The correlation between the brown rice yield and the yield components were as follows; in each cultivating method, it showed highly significant positive correlation between the brown rice yield and the 1, 000 grain weight of hulled rice, and between the brown rice yield and the number of the spiklets per panicle in the transplanting culture, in the direct sowing culture On irrigated paddy field between the brown rice yield and the number of spikelets per panicle and between the brown rice yield and the number of panicles, in direct sowing culture on non-irrigated paddy field between the brown rice yield and number of panicles. 5. It showed highly significant negative correlation between the brown rice yield and the number of days from sowing to heading in the direct sowing culture on irrigated and non-irrigated paddy field, but it was showed very low negative correlation in the transplant culture.

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