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      • KCI등재


        노철우,김민수 대한설비공학회 2012 International Journal Of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.20 No.3

        This study investigated the spray behavior and atomization characteristics of refrigerant R407C injection in a high pressure chamber under various ambient pressure conditions using a spray visualization system and image processing methods. In order to observe the spray behavior of refrigerant R407C, the spray images were analyzed in time series after the start of injection. From images of spraying features, spray characteristics, for example, the spray tip penetration and cone angle were investigated by using the contour map of the light intensity levels. By using these processes, qualitative properties of refrigerant, when it is discharged from the valve, were quanti¯ed.

      • KCI등재후보

        금융기관의 주화 창구 교환 거부 및 수납 기피에 관한 법적 검토

        노철우 서강대학교 법학연구소 2019 서강법률논총 Vol.8 No.1

        In Laos, there was a Civil Code compiled by France for colonial purposes. However, the Recently, it is known that some financial institutions have refused to exchange coins or avoided the acceptance of coins due to lack of manpower, etc.. Financial institutions withdraw money from the Bank of Korea and supply it to the market, and deposit the money deposited by customers into the Bank of Korea. So, financial institutions become a distribution window for money by connecting the money consumers and the supplier between the Bank of Korea and the general public. In addition, financial institutions classify the money deposited by the customers as unsuitable for reuse and reusable currency, and they are in charge of the purification of the circulation currency by depositing it to the Bank of Korea or paying customers again. It is hard to say that the act of avoiding the acceptance of low-value coins or refusing to exchange coins for reasons such as lack of manpower at the financial institution window is clearly a violation of the current laws such as Banking Act except when existing depositors want to deposit the coins. However, these cases are not only a factor that undermines the confidence of financial institutions as a foundation and public interest institution of our society that have been well done, but also increase the cost of issuing coins by unnecessarily increasing the demand for new manufacturing of coins in society as a whole. Therefore, the Bank of Korea is able to provide administrative guidance on smooth exchange and acceptance of coins by financial institutions as a currency issuer. But, due to changes in the domestic and overseas financial and economic environment, efforts to rationalize management through the reduction of manpower of domestic financial institutions can be understood to some extent. Therefore, it is necessary for the Bank of Korea to seek appropriate incentives for financial institutions that cooperate faithfully with currency issuance activities of the central bank such as currency exchange. 최근 일부 금융기관 창구에서 인력부족 등을 이유로 고객의 주화 교환을 거부하거나 주화 수납을 기피하는 사례가 있는 것으로 전문(傳聞)되고 있다. 금융기관은 한국은행에서 화폐를 인출하여 시중에 공급하고, 고객이 입금한 화폐를 한국은행에 입금함으로써 한국은행과 기업․일반인 등과의 사이에서 화폐 수요자와 공급자를 연결해 줌으로써 화폐의 유통창구가 된다. 또한 금융기관은 고객이 입금한 화폐를 재사용에 부적합한 화폐(손상화폐)와 재사용 가능한 화폐(사용화폐)로 분류하여 한국은행에 입금하거나, 고객에게 사용화폐를 다시 지급함으로써 유통화폐의 정화 역할을 담당한다. 우리나라의 현행법상 금융기관에 대해 주화 교환 의무를 명시적으로 부과하고 있지않은 이상, 위 사안에 관한 법적 검토는 은행법 제3조(적용법규)에 따라 한국은행권의권종(券種) 간 교환과 손상은행권의 교환에 관해 규정하고 있는 한국은행법 제52조, 주화의 발행․교환 등에 관하여 한국은행권 관련 규정을 준용하고 있는 한국은행법 제53 조 제2항 등을 금융기관에 적용 또는 유추적용 할 수 있는지 여부 및 행정주체(기관) 로서 한국은행이 금융기관의 주화 창구 교환 및 주화 수납에 관해 행정법상 행정지도를 할 수 있는지 여부 등이 핵심사항이 될 것으로 판단된다. 아울러 예금통장을 개설한 고객이 주화로 입금하고자 할 때 이를 거부하는 등 주화 수납을 기피하는 경우, 법적 문제점이 없는지도 살펴볼 필요가 있다고 본다. 금융기관 창구에서 인력부족 등을 이유로 저액주화의 수납을 기피하거나 고객의 주화 교환을 거절하는 행위는, 기존 예금거래자가 주화입금을 하고자 하는 경우 등을 제외하고는 은행법 등 현행 법령에 명백히 위반하는 행위라고 보기는 어렵다고 판단된다. 다만, 이 같은 사례는 그간 잘 수행해왔던 우리 사회의 근간 및 공공성을 가진 금융기관의 신뢰를 손상시킬 뿐 아니라 사회전체 차원에서도 주화의 신규 제조수요를 불필요하게 늘려 발권비용을 증가시키는 요인이 되고 있는 점 등에서 바람직하지 못한 면이 있다고 볼 수 있으므로, 한국은행은 화폐발행기관으로서 금융기관의 원활한 주화교환 및 수납을 행정지도 할 수 있다고 본다. 그러나 대내외 금융․경제 환경 변화에 따라 국내 금융기관들의 인력 감축 등을 통한경영합리화 노력도 어느 정도 이해할 수 있으므로, 화폐교환 등 중앙은행의 발권업무에 성실하게 협력하는 금융기관들에 대하여 한국은행이 적절한 인센티브를 주는 방안을 모색할 필요도 있다고 사료된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        현행법상 한국은행의 법적 성격

        노철우 한국금융법학회 2010 金融法硏究 Vol.7 No.2

        The Bank of Korea was established by the Bank of Korea Act to contribute to the sound development of national economy by seeking price stabilization through the establishment and execution of effective monetary and credit policy. The monetary and credit policy by the Bank is a kind of economic administration and belongs to macro economy policies. When we are asked what the legal characters of the Bank of Korea, we usually answer that the Bank is a special juridical person without capital. This reply is correct, but it does not represent in full the legal characters of the Bank. This thesis is to draw the legal characters of the Bank of Korea by analyzing the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the Bank of Korea Act, the Act on the Operations of the Public Institutions, and so on. The first chapter of this paper deals with the purpose and scope of this study. The second chapter draw the legal characters of the Bank of Korea by analyzing current laws in Korea including the Bank of Korea Act. In the third chapter, I extract some problems from the legal characters of the Bank drawn in the second chapter. In the fourth chapter, I suggest some legislative amendment schemes regarding the legal characters of the Bank. The fifth chapter draw a conclusions of this thesis. The Bank of Korea has the characters of a juridical person, a subject of administration, a financial institution, a legal institution, a national institution, and a public institution under the current laws in Korea. The article 3 of the Bank of Korea Act stipulates that "The monetary and credit policy of the Bank of Korea shall be neutrally established and independently executed, and the autonomy of the Bank of Korea shall be respected." In light of the purport of the above article, the Bank of Korea should be exempted from the object of the Act on the Operations of the Public Institutions. In order to protect the Bank of Korea against the unlawful intervenes form the Government and to relive the Bank by the Constitutional Court Act, the Bank of Korea should be a constitutional institution.

      • 한국은행법 및 은행법상 금융기관의 범위 —개별 법률에서 한국은행법 및 은행법상의 금융기관으로 보는 경우를 중심으로—

        노철우 한국금융법학회 2006 金融法硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        Article 11 of the Bank of Korea Act prescribes that “(1) The term “financial institutions” in this Act means financial institutions referred to in Article 2 of the Banking Act and bank holding companies referred to in the Financial Holding Companies Acts. (2) Any credit business division of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives shall be deemed a financial institution. (3) Insurance companies and the companies exclusively engaged in mutual savings bank business or trust business shall not be deemed financial institutions.” One the other hand, Article 2 of the Banking Act stipulates that “for the purpose of this Act, the definitions of terms shall be as follows: 1. The term “banking business” means a business of lending funds raised by bearing debts from many unspecified persons through the receipt of deposits and issuance of securities and other bonds; 2. The term “financial institutions” means all legal persons other than the Bank of Korea regularly and systematically engaged in the banking business; ....” However, the meaning of banking business and financial institutions in Article 2 of the Banking Act is not so clear that it is difficult to decide whether a certain institution can be a financial institutions or not. In order to solve the problem, it is desirable that financial institutions be enumerated one by one in an Article of the Banking Act. For a new-born institution, the Banking Act should mandate the Enforcement Decree of the Banking Act the power to prescribe that the institution shall be deemed a financial institution for the purpose of the Banking Act. The Mutual Savings Banks Act and the Credit Unions Act stipulate that the Federation of Saving Banks and the National Credit Union Federation shall be regarded as a financial institution respectively in Article 2 of the Banking Act and Article 11 of the Bank of Korea Act when they carry out specified activities. But it is unclear that which Articles of the Bank of Korea Act and the Banking Act can be applied to them. So it is desirable that the Bank of Korea Act and the Banking Act by themselves stipulate that such a institution shall be deemed as a financial institution and some specified Articles of the Acts shall be applied to the institution.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 금융소비자보호법의 체계 및 주요 내용에 관한 연구

        노철우 사법발전재단 2017 사법 Vol.1 No.42

        2008년 글로벌 금융위기는 탐욕스러운 금융기관에 대한 감시의 필요성을 제고시키는 동시에 금융소비자보호의 중요성을 깨닫게 하였다. 그 결과 선진국들은 금융소비자보호 조치들을 취했는바, 미국은 경우는 「도드프랭크법」에 따라 2011년 금융소비자보호국(CFPB)을 설립하였고, 영국은 「2012년 금융서비스법」에 의해 금융소비자보호원(FCA)을 창설하였다. 우리나라는 KIKO 사태·상호저축은행 후순위채 피해 등 소비자피해 사례가 계속해서 발생하였는바, 이는 금융회사들이 금융상품에 대한 정보가 어두운 금융소비자의 권익 보호보다는 동 판매에 치중한 점, 소비자보호규제가 업권별(業圈別)로 다르고 소비자보호제도가 관련 개별법에 산재하기 때문에 체계적인 소비자보호가 어려운 점 등에 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 이에 따라, 금융소비자보호에 관한 정부안과 국회의원안들이 2011년 이래 여러 차례 제안되었지만 활발한 논의 없이 19대 국회에서 자동 폐기되었다. 그 후 20대 국회에서 금융소비자보호법 제정을 재추진하여 정부는 「금융소비자보호에 관한 법률」안(“정부안”)을 2017. 5. 23.에 국회에 제안하였고, 국회의원들이 2017년 3월과 4월에 제안한 2건도 정부안과 함께 국회에 계류 중이다. 이 논문은 제2장에서 미국, 영국, 일본, 호주 등 주요국의 금융소비자보호법제를 다룬다. 이어 제3장에서 우리나라 금융소비자보호법의 체계를 고찰한 후, 제4장에서 우리나라 금융소비자보호법들의 주요 내용을 살펴본다. 제5장은 정부안을 중심으로 금융소비자보호법안의 주요 내용을 고찰한 후, 제6장에서 이 논문의 결론을 내린다. 글로벌 금융위기 이후 금융소비자보호를 강화하기 위해 소비자보호 기능을 전담하는 독립기구인 금융소비자보호국(CFPB)을 연준 안에 신설한 미국의 사례, 통합감독기구인 금융감독청(FSA)을 폐지하고 건전성 감독과 소비자보호 감독을 분리한 영국의 사례, 금융감독기구를 건전성 규제를 담당하는 금융감독원(APRA)과 영업행위 및 소비자보호를 담당하는 증권투자위원회(ASIC)·통화신용정책의 수립 등 금융시스템 전반의 안정성 유지를 담당하는 중앙은행(RBA)으로 3원화되어 있는 호주의 사례, 금융거래 형태·신용제공기관의 업태에 따른 개별 금융업법 이외에 금융소비자보호를 위한 일반법으로 금융상품판매법을 두고 있는 일본의 사례 등은 우리나라에게 시사하는 바가 크다고 본다. 우리나라 금융소비자보호법들을 크게 3가지, 즉 헌법·소비자기본법·기타 개별 법률로 분류할 수 있고, 기타 개별 법률은 금융업종에 관계없이 일반적으로 적용되는 일반금융법과 특정한 금융업종에만 적용되는 금융업법으로 나눌 수 있다고 본다. 일반금융법에는 예금자보호법, 약관규제법, 금융위설치법 등이 포함되고, 금융업법에는 은행법, 보험업법, 자본시장법 등이 있다. 헌법 제124조는 “국가는 건전한 소비행위를 계도하고 생산품의 품질향상을 촉구하기 위한 소비자보호운동을 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 보장한다.”라고 규정하고 있다. 이러한 소비자보호운동에 대한 헌법적 보장은 곧 소비자의 권리를 전제한 것으로 이해될 수 있으므로, 소비자의 권리는 소비자보호운동을 규정한 헌법 제124조에서 근거한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 소비자기본법은 소비자의 권익을 증진하기 위하여 소비자의 권리와 책무, 국가·지방자치단체 및 사업자의 책무, 소비자단체의 역할 및 자유 ... At the same time it magnified the necessity of tightening supervision and oversight of avaricious financial institutions, the global financial crisis in 2008 also highlighted the importance of protecting financial consumers. Accordingly, advanced countries have taken measures to intensify the protection of financial consumers. The United States, for example, established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The United Kingdom founded the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Financial Services Act of 2012. Lately, Korea has witnessed a series of supervisory failures, including the incident involving the knock-in knock-out (KIKO) currency option contract in 2008 and the insolvency of many mutual savings banks in 2011. Some of the contributing factors included the fact that financial institutions focused more on selling their products than on protecting the rights of unsophisticated financial consumers, and the challenges of systematically protecting consumers in the face of consumer protection regulations that are disparate across different financial sectors and spread across individual statutes. In light of this, legislative bills proposed by both the government and lawmakers on financial consumer protection have been proposed since 2011, but they were automatically abrogated without debate in the 19th National Assembly. Resuming its pursuit of the enactment of consumer protection laws in the 20th National Assembly, the government proposed a legislative bill on the Act for the Protection of Financial Consumers (hereinafter the “government bill”) on May 23, 2017. The two bills sponsored by lawmakers in March and April, 2017, are also pending at the National Assembly along with the government bill. Part 2 of this article deals with the legal systems on financial consumer protection in, inter alia, the U.S., U.K., Japan, and Australia. Part 3 delineates the structure of Korean financial consumer protection laws, which is followed by Part 4 reviewing their main contents. Part 5 reviews the main contents of financial consumer protection bills, centering on the government bill. Part 6 concludes. Many implications for Korean system can be drawn from the examples of other countries, including the following: (a) the U.S., which newly established the CFPB, an independent organization, exclusively in charge of consumer protection to ensure an intensified protection of financial consumers following the global financial crisis; (b) U.K., which abrogated the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and separated consumer protection supervision from prudential supervision; (c) Australia, which has a tripartite system of financial supervision comprising the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) in charge of prudential regulation, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in charge of sales co+nduct and consumer protection, and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) in charge of the overall stability of the financial system, including the establishment of currency credit policy; and (d) Japan, which has instituted the financial product sales statute as a general law aimed at protecting financial consumers, in addition to the individual financial industry laws according to each financial transactional form and business type of credit offering vehicle. Korean financial consumer protection laws can be classified into three groups, namely, the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the Framework Act on Consumers, and other individual laws. Other individual laws can be further divided into two subgroups: (a) general financial laws, which are generally applicable regardless of the type of financial business, including the Depositor Protection Act, the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, and the Act on the Establishment, etc. of the Financial Services Commission; and (b) financial business laws, which are applicabl...

      • 패킷교환을 위한 링크계층의 구현에 관한 연구

        盧哲愚 新羅大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        A function of the link layer is implemented by utilizing the MK5025 chip which is used for data link layer device of the PHM block in the TDK-?? Packet switching system. A specification of both descriptor ring to transfer packet frame and CSR register to issue packet primitive is described and coded. The MK5025 phase diagram and link state diagram, apply for the LAPB mode. And the state of link layer is handled through MK5025 service privitives. The link layer procedures such as init, setup, sending, receiving and reset are coded in C language by the use of primitives. It is expected to apply easily for the interfacing with O.S and implimentation of link layer by the use of intelligent chip like MK5025 for tne other packet systems.

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