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        노주현 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.50

        In this research, as a trial of University Class to foster Cross-Cultural Competence between Korea and Japan, we switched from teacher-centered to learner centered, incorporated peer-learning activities, and reported on the practice. The issue of peer learning activities incorporated in this lesson is “Let's find the difference” . The procedure of the peer learning activities in this lesson is as follows. (1) Explain the purpose of introduction and the goal of the activity and share it with the learners. (2) Form a group of three people (3) Explore group specific themes through group activities (4) Deepen understanding on the theme of each group (5) Summarize opinions on themes by group and prepare for presentation (6) Make a group presentation on group specific themes and discuss with all class members In the peer learning activities of this lesson, students spread the discussion of the same theme from “three-person group to all the classes”, and experienced the prototype, and were reminded of it. We aimed to reconsider ourselves. As a result of the activities, peer learning activities have enabled Korean and Japanese learners to change their perceptions of “culture” and “Cross-Culture”, and have been effective in improving their learning goals and satisfaction. It became clear that they recognized the necessity of introduction into the class. However, Korean learners have a negative opinion of the humble attitude of Japanese learners. It has been confirmed that this has a negative effect on the satisfaction of Korean learners in class. Only when there is ‘active exchange with peers’ can peer-learning activities be performed. The challenge for the future is to switch from the humble attitude of Japanese students to a positive attitude. 本研究では、韓日異文化理解力を育てるための大学授業の試みとして、教師中心から学習者中心へと転換し、ピア・ラーニング活動を取り入れ、その実践を報告した。本授業に取り入れた活動の課題は「違いを見つけましょう」であり、活動の手順を簡単に示すと、以下の通りである。 (1) 活動の導入目的と到達目標を説明し学習者と共有する (2) 三人一組でグループを組む (3) グループ別に、各々のテーマを探る (4) グループ別に、各々のテーマに関する理解を深める (5) グループ別に、各々のテーマに関する意見をまとめ、発表の準備する (6) グループ別のテーマについてグループ発表を行い、クラス全員で話し合う 本授業のピア・ラーニング活動では、同一のテーマについて「三人グループからクラス全員へ」と話し合いを広めていくことにより、プロトタイプ化を体験し、それに気づき、繰り返しその多様性の実態を学習者自ら捉え直すことを狙った。ピア・ラーニング活動に対する学習者の評価からは、ピア・ラーニング活動の目標を到達したこと、「文化」や「異文化」に関する認識を変えることができたこと、ピア・ラーニング活動が学習目標達成度や満足度の向上にも効果的であったこと、などが明らかとなった。だが、韓国人学習者には日本人学習者の控え目な態度が否定的に見受けられ、授業の満足度にネガティブな影響を及ぼしていることが浮彫りとなった。「仲間との活発なやりとり」があってはじめてピア・ラーニング活動が行えるだけあって、日本人の学生の控え目な態度を積極的な態度に切り替えるための工夫は、欠かせない今後の課題であると言えるであろう。

      • KCI등재

        相手の所有物を使用する場面での韓国語の勧誘表現 - 日本語との相違を踏まえて -

        노주현 한국일본어학회 2009 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.25

        本研究では日本語との相違を踏まえ、相手の所有物を使用する場面での韓国語の勧誘表現の使用実態・要因・行動意識を明らかにすることを目的とする。そのため、「①話し手の性別、②親疎関係、③上下関係、④場面の事柄(共同行為を伴うか伴わないか)、⑤言語行動の切り出し方」という五つの要素に注目して計量的な考察を進め、行動意識の側面から考察を行った。その結果、以下のようなことが明らかとなった。 (1)相手の所有物を使用する場面で用いられる韓国語の勧誘表現形式を見ると、親しい同年代の人には「~자」、親しい上の人には「(같이)~아/어요」が多く使われる。 (2)相手の所有物を使用する場面において勧誘表現は、初対面より親しい人に対して、年上より同年代の人に対して、共同行為を伴わない場合より伴う場合に、行動を起こす前に一言断わる場合より行動を起こしながら発話する場合に、それぞれ多く使われる。 (3)各要素が勧誘表現の使用に影響する度合いは「親疎関係>場面の事柄>上下関係>切り出し方」の順であり、「話し手の性別」はあまり関わっていない。 (4)相手の所有物を使用する場面での韓国語の勧誘表現の使用には、「相手に親しみを感じさせるように振る舞おう」という行動意識がうかがえる。しかし、日本語の勧誘表現の使用にはこのような意識がうかがえず、且つ、相手に何かを借りたり頼んだりする人は使えず、誘う人のみが使用できる表現である。この点で日韓の相違が大きい。

      • KCI등재

        不満表明状況に関わる韓日の対照社会言語学研究 - 異文化間コミュニケーション教育の観点から見た研究動向と課題 -

        노주현 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2020 일본학 Vol.51 No.-

        This study focused on a total of 26 papers on Korean-Japanese comparative sociolinguistics related to complaint situations, and research trends were reviewed in respect to [① trends in the number of papers by age ② data type ③ characteristics of the informants ④ analysis data and ⑤ research results]. Based on the results, the following tasks were presented from the viewpoint of intercultural communication education. (1)There is a need to increase the validity and reliability of research results: ① Since research methods are concentrated on DCT, diversify data collection methods using new forms of communication such as social media or web reviews, or the multimedia corpus.② Since the informants are concentrated in college (graduate) students, it is necessary to increase the validity and reliability of the research results by increasing the number of surveys targeting members of society. ③ Data of Japanese learners, such as learning level and learning environment, should be considered as variables from the collection stage. (2)The complaint situation needs to be reconsidered as a whole and continuous flow, including the four steps of [① complaint occurrence ② complaint behavior ③ response to complaint and ④ relationship recovery] (3)In order to clarify the communication mechanism of complaint situations, it is necessary to organically diversify the strategic analysis items by introducing evaluation. Based on these results, it is also an important task to establish a database that can be used in the field of intercultural communication education. 本研究では、不満表明に関わる韓日の対照社会言語学研究(計26本の学術論文)を考察の対象とし、①論文数の年代別の推移、②データの種類、③調査協力者の特徴、④分析項目、⑤研究成果、という側面から研究動向を探った。その動向を踏まえ、異文化間コミュニケーション教育の観点から今後取り組むべき課題を次のように提案した。 (1)考察データの良質化:①調査方法がDCTに偏っているため、マルチメディア・コーパスを考察データとしたり、SNSやWeb上の口コミサイトなどの新たなコミュニケーション上の不満表明を考察データとしたりしてデータの収集方法を多様化すること、②調査協力者が大学(院)生に偏っているため、社会人を対象とした調査を増やすこと、③韓国人日本語学習者のデータは、収集の段階から学習レベルや学習環境を変数として捉えること、各々が必要である。 (2)不満表明状況の捉え直し:不満表明状況は、①不満の成立、②不満表明、③不満表明に対する返答、④関係修復、という四つの段階を含め、行動を全体的、且つ、連続的な流れの中から捉え直す必要がある。 (3)受け手の評価を取り入れた分析項目の有機的な多様化:不満表明状況のコミュニケーションメカニズムを究明するためには、受け手の評価の観点を取り入れ、ストラテジー中心の分析項目を有機的に多様化することが必要である。 上記の成果を踏まえて異文化間コミュニケーション教育の現場で活用できるデータベースを構築し、今回触れられなかった研究成果も視野に入れ、不満表明状況の特徴を新たな角度から客観的・体系的に解明することも今後求められるであろう。

      • KCI등재

        Project for Creating Bilingual Environments Viewed from the Perspective of Japanese Language Education for the Children from Korean-Japanese Multicultural Families: Focusing on the Program of the Multicultural Families Support Center in Dobong-gu

        노주현 한국일본학회 2020 日本學報 Vol.0 No.124

        The present study investigated the project for Creating Bilingual Environments in Multicultural Families implemented by the Multicultural Families Support Center in Dobong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2018. The study examined Japanese language education for children from Korean-Japanese multicultural families. The study found that, first, the bilingual coaching program for parents would improve their multicultural understanding and awareness of the importance of bilingual education and environmental promotion. This enhanced awareness would foster bilingual environment and motivate their children to learn the Japanese language. Second, the parent-children interaction program and bilingual application program would reinforce the emotional and cultural sense of solidarity between the parents and children and provide opportunities to be naturally exposed to Japanese sounds such as Japanese pronunciation. Moreover, such developments would cause interest in Japanese listening and speaking activities while fostering environments that would enhance their speaking and listening abilities. From the perspective of Japanese language education for children from Korean-Japanese multicultural families, the present study has put forward a set of elements for improvement; First, it is necessary to improve activities and programs through which Japanese written language can be presented. Second, it is important to improve programs arousing interest in Japanese reading and writing activities while fostering environments for reading and writing ability enhancement. Third, a significant program should be established and provided which would help elementary-school students learn Japanese during linguistically critical period. To help children from the Korean-Japanese multicultural families develop multilingual skills desired by the global community, more social interest and support for the project will be necessary. This would facilitate further additions to the program to create bilingual environments for multicultural families.

      • KCI등재

        The Dilemmas of Aging and Down-aging: The Fashion Attitude of Senior Street Look

        노주현,박주희 한국복식학회 2017 International journal of costume and fashion Vol.17 No.1

        This study aimed to analyze the dilemmas of aging and down-aging by the senior street look, and to examine the styling, psychology, and attitudes of the elderly through socio-cultural discussions. It was conducted through a multidisciplinary literature review and empirical analysis of seniors featured in fashion photos collected from SNS. With respect to seniors’ fashion attitudes, firstly, they make personal/ social records of dress as a means of recording aging and to reminiscence. Secondly, they attempt to down-age kidult play using mature humor. Thirdly, they try to express a perfect, moderate, and mature beauty to positively adapt themselves to aging. Fourthly, they adopt a regional and ethnic look to escape from the dilemmas accompanying aging and down-aging. This may be regarded as an attitude for repositioning themselves and planning a new life by escaping from a long-standing frame. Finally, they show a desire to stop and enjoy the moment of aging. While recording their cherished everyday lives, they enjoy the present rather than becoming concerned about the past or the future and use styling as a cure for their lives.

      • Aminophylline 클리어런스 및 유지 용량에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석

        노주현,정영미,남궁형욱,이병구 한국병원약사회 2006 병원약사회지 Vol.23 No.3

        In many clinical cases such as emergency bronchial asthma attack, methylxanthine bronchodilator, aminophylline may have a beneficial role in the management of asthma. However, aminophylline has a narrow therapeutic index. Also individual variability in the rates of metabolism or total clearance has marked an influence on the serum level of the drug. Generally, the overall liver function declines with age, probably as a result of reduced hepatic mass and blood flow. Therefore, we should carefully monitor mode of action and adverse effect of the drug. At present, we don't have a standard guideline for patients on maintenance dose of aminophylline. In practice, initial dose is decided by the clinical experience and maintenance dose is determined from each patient's hepatic clearance. Consequently, in the study, we aimed to analyze the factors of influencing aminophylline maintenance dose in Korean respiratory lung disease patients. From April 2004 to September 2005, the initial treatment of the patients had included constant intravenous aminophylline therapy in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. Subjects were the adult of over 18 years old and had measured serum level in steady state. Also exclusion were made for patients with altered theophylline metabolism (e.g., smoking), drug interactions (e.g., ciprofloxacin), and concomitant disease states (e.g., congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis). The subtherapeutic range group had smaller maintenance dose (mg/kg/hr) than the therapeutic range group (0.24 ± 0.06 vs 0.33 ± 0.12, t-test, p 0.05). Mean serum level and maintenance dose of aminophylline in therapeutic range were not influenced by sex and obesity but these were high in young subjects (less than 65 year old). No significant difference between young subjects and geriatric subjects (greater than 65yr) was detected in theophylline clearance. Also, it was found that the clearance of theophylline in obese subjects was similar to that of non-obese subjects. From this study, it is concluded that obesity (actual body weight/ideal body weight) has to be considered as the factor which affect to the clearance. Maintenance dose of the patient group reached therapeutic range was 0.33 ± 0.12 mg/kg/hr, hence dosage guideline can be set by this result.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal Shape of Blunt Device for High Speed Vehicle

        노주현,정성민,김규홍 한국항공우주학회 2016 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sc Vol.17 No.3

        A contact strip shape of a high speed train pantograph system was optimized with CFD to increase the aerodynamic performance and stability of contact force, and the results were validated by a wind tunnel test. For design of the optimal contact strip shape, a Kriging model and genetic algorithm were used to ensure the global search of the optimal point and reduce the computational cost. To enhance the performance and robustness of the contact strip for high speed pantograph, the drag coefficient and the fluctuation of the lift coefficient along the angle of attack were selected as design objectives. Aerodynamic forces were measured by a load cell and HWA (Hot Wire Anemometer) was used to measure the Strouhal number of wake flow. PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) was adopted to visualize the flow fields. The optimized contact strip shape was shown a lower drag with smaller fluctuation of vertical lift force than the general shaped contact strip. And the acoustic noise source strength of the optimized contact strip was also reduced. Finally, the reduction amount of drag and noise was assessed when the optimized contact strip was applied to three dimensional pantograph system.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of Passive Flow Control on the Bluff Body with Moving-Belt Experiment

        노주현,이동호,김규홍 한국항공우주학회 2016 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sc Vol.17 No.2

        The passive control methods such as horizontal and vertical fences on the lower surface of the bluff body were applied to suppress the vortex shedding and enhance the aerodynamic stability of flow. For investigating the effects of the passive control methods, wind tunnel experiments on the unsteady flow field around a bluff body near a moving ground were performed. The boundary layer and velocity profiles were measured by the Hot Wire Anemometer (HWA) system and the vortex shedding patterns and flow structures in a wake region were visualized via the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system. Also, it is a measuring on moving ground condition that the experimental values of the critical gap distances, Strouhal numbers and aerodynamic force FFT analyses. Through the experiments, we found that the momentum supply due to moving ground caused the vortex shedding at the lower critical gap distance rather than that of fixed ground. The horizontal and vertical fences increase the critical gap distance and it can suppress the vortex shedding. Consequently, the stability characteristics of the bluff body near a moving ground could be effectively enhanced by the simple passive control such as the vertical fences

      • KCI등재

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