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      • 정책형성과정의 복잡성과 의제지속성 : 법학전문대학원 사례를 중심으로

        노재석 고려대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study is on the explanation of the legislative proceedings for the introduction of the law school policy, using the complexity theory. The present legal profession training system is composed of the undergraduate legal education and the bar exam. Its substitution for law school system had been debated over three administrations from 1995 to 2007.7. Analyzing the substitution process with the complexity theory, this study explains the process as a 'self-organization' of an open system. The complexity theory tries to explain natural phenomenon and complexity, chaos, disorder, non-equilibrium, non-linearity, and holism of social, economic reality with a perspective of a maintenance of system and an establishment of order. These phenomena are considered as 'complex systems' and are explained using their, characteristics such as self-organization, path-dependency, sensitivity on the initial condition, co-evolution and emergence. At a glance, the complex systems seem to change abruptly through chaos and disorder. However, they are stabilized by the making of an order (self-organization), followed by an emergence, in its own way. Since the stabilization of a complex system is formed from the bottom up by external negotiation and internal interaction processes, the stability of the complex system would be high. Although researches so far have emphasized the non-deterministicity and non-linearity of the complex system, this study paid its attention on its implicit stability. The first chapter is an introduction. The research topics of this paper are presented in this chapter. The research topics are: First, why didn't the introduction of law school policy change although the three administrations had different ideological aims? Second, what maintained the stability of the policy during legislative proceedings, which seem to be very complex and disordered? Third, which conditions maintain or weaken the stability of the policy? Answers to these questions will propose the condition for stably pursuing a policy. The second chapter is an explanation about the previous studies and theoretical background related with this research. The section on the previous studies presents researches on law school and previous studies using complexity theory. The section on the theoretical background presents a theory on the policy formation and main contents of the complexity theory. The third chapter is an analysis of the time that law school policy was selected as an agenda. The policy for the introduction of a law school was discussed in order to prepare for an open legal market and to offer better legal service to the public. To fulfill these goals, many lawyers with diverse specialties must be supplied. The supporters of the law school policy, including law professors, insist that these goals may be achieved by reformation of the current legal system, with an establishment of the law school. On the other hand, of the current lawyers, who have passed the bar exams in the current system, opposed this policy because the production of a large number of lawyers with diverse specialties from law schools may infringe their vested rights. During the administration of President Kim Young-Sam, the 'Globalization strategy committee' had proposed the introduction of the law school to the President in order to make it an agenda, but it failed due to oppositions of the legal circles, including the Supreme Court. Instead, they have proposed a gradual increase in the number of successful applicants of the current bar exam. During the administration of President Kim Dae-Jung, the 'New education community committee' tried to select the introduction of the law school as an agenda, with a perspective of the improvement of the higher education system. However, the advisory committee for judicial reform opposed this idea by suggesting a graduateeducation of the successful applicants of the current bar exam. These were the periods of debate between the executive branch and the judicial branch on the selection of the introduction of the law school as an agenda. The fourth chapter analyzes the process of selecting the introduction of the lawas an agenda during administration of President Roh Moo-hyun. It became an agenda because the Supreme Court changed position and supported it. The change of Supreme Court's attitude on the introduction of the law school reflects that it was in favor of the public opinion. The administration of President Roh Moo-hyun pushed ahead with the legalization of the law school policy and the policy formation entered its second stage. The fifth chapter is an analysis of the policy formation by the legislative process in the National Assembly. After the legislative bill on introduction of the law school has been submitted to the National Assembly, there has been one year and nine months of unstable period due to political conditions, being connected to amendment of the laws on private schools. The sixth chapter is an analysis on the complexity which makes the formation of law school policy difficult. The order of priority among the policies and especially, President's will to decide a policy differed among the administrations. The opposition of the establishment, including the Supreme Court and the groups of lawyers who have been recognized as an expert by passing the current bar exam, has been the main cause of the complexity. On the other hand, the justification for producing lots of lawyers with specialty and diversity, in order to offer better legal service to the public and prepare for opening and globalization of the legal market, has been the main cause of the stability. In addition, active development of reasoning by the law professors and experts, and the friendly coverage by the media have been another causes for the stability. It has taken twelve years to persuade the establishments by accepting present legal profession training system in the law school concept. After legalization has succeeded, the policies, such as those related to the law school education system and the number of successful applicants of the bar exam, have been continuously evolving. This shows that an incrementalism is valid forsolving complexity and uncertainty and securing stability of the policy.

      • 다차원 데이터베이스에 의한 신용카드 사용 분석에 관한 연구

        노재석 광운대학교 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국문요약 현대 기업경영환경은 하루가 다르게 급변하고 있다. 매출의 새로운 구심점이된 신세대들의 유행은 하루가 다르게 변하고 있으며, 소비자의 소비성향 또한 양(量)에서 질(質)로 바뀐지는 이미 오래다. 즉 어떠한 상품이든지 보다 차별화되어진 고품질의 것이어야만 하며, 더군다나 최 근 IMF의 지원을 받기로 결정한 현재 국내의 어려운 경제상황은 새로운 기업경영마인드를 요구하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 정보화사회로의 변화를 촉 진시키고있는 과도기적 상황하에서 기업정보기반에 대한 많은 보완과 변 화가 필요할 것이다. 기존의 컴퓨터에 대한 지식이 없는 사람들을 가르 켜'컴맹'이란 말이 생겨난 이후로 '넷맹'과 '네티즌'이라는 새로운 신조어 를 만들어낸 전세계적인 통신망인 인터넷과 기업내의 통신망인 인트라 넷, 케이블 TV 및 무선통신의 발전등은 정보기반의 변화를 부채질하고 있으며, 이러한 매체를 통하여 실시간적으로 무한한 정보가 안방에까지 제공되어 지고있는 현실에서 기업정보도 통합된 정보시스템을 기반으로 기업에 꼭 필요한 정보만을 얻을 수 있어야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 21세기 새로운 기업정보기반인 데이터웨어하우스 와 다차원 데이터베이스를 이용하여 구축할 수 있는 의사결정지원 시스 템에 대해 알아보고 실제 신용카드 사용데이타를 이용하여 다차원 모델 에 적용시키는 시도를 함으로써 21세기 새로운 정보기반구축에 한 몫을 하고자한다.

      • 생명의 근원을 형상화 한 조각에 대한 연구 : 본인 작품을 중심으로

        노재석 목원대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        로댕(Auguste Rodin;1840∼1917)이후 지금 이 시대의 인체 표현은 작가로 하여금 무엇을 추구해야 할지 관심거리로 등장하는 아주 다양한 형태로써의 조각 즉 과학적 근거에 의한 조각등에 의해 인간의 내면 세계를 추구하는 것과 각기 갖고 있는 개성적인 작가의 의식 세계를 표현하고 있다. 본인의 작품은 지금까지 인체를 기초로 작업하여 왔다. 그러나 작업의 진행과정중 외적으로 볼 수 없는 자연속 생명체의 근원에 대한 관심과 우주에 대한 무한한 상상력으로 원형질에 가까운 생명체에 대한 매력에 매료되어 유기적 형태에 관하여 본인의 작품 제작에 대해 설명하고자 한다. 선사 시대부터 동심원을 통해 나타난 형체는 자연주의적이며 생명력을 느끼게 해준다. 순수한 창조활동에 의해 자연속의 경이로움과 질서속에서 무한한 영감과 시각적 최소단위에서 엮어지는 융합·해체속에서 상호간의 끊임없는 생명의 영속성을 율동미로 이미지화시켜 자연의 새로운 모습을 찾아 작품에 응용하고자 한다. 인간이 가장 먼저 접해야 하는 자연속에서 생명에 대한 이미지와 감정이입을 통한 생명력은 본인의 작품 제작에 도움을 주고 있다. 본인의 작품과 본 논문은 자연의 영속성과 생명을 형성화한 추상적이고 유기적인 형태를 통해 본인의 내면세계와 결합하여 새로운 생명을 가진 형으로 재구성 되어진다. 본인은 생명의 기본 형태인 원이라는 원초적인 형에서 순수한 의미의 추상적 조형 형태로 재창조하여 작품에 생기를 부여해 주고자 하였다. 살아 숨쉬는 듯한 유기적인 모습과 생명력을 지닌 예술적 모티브로 표현한 본인 작품과 연관되는 여러 작품을 비교·분석, 연구하였다. Since Auguste Rodin(1840~1917), the artists have been in pursuit of expression of the internal world of human beings through the science grounded sculptures and the individual consciousness of the artist himself. My works have been based on the human bodies. During working, I was fascinated to the prototype of life that invisible but existing, and fancied about the universe. Hereby I would like to explain the organic configuration about my works. Since prehistory era, the appearance expressed as a concentric circle has us feel the naturalism and the respect of life. I have tried to apply the new features of the nature that was found by me in the way of my creation in the midst of the wonder and the order of the nature to my works. It was materialized as beauty of rhythmic movement of the eternity of life created by the harmony and dismantling weaved by the unlimited inspiration and the minimum unit of sight. Nature, the first thing the human beings are confronted, and the living power came from the image for the life and bring in and out of the feelings, have influenced my works. I tried to apply the eternity of the life to my works. My works and this thesis explain the restructuring of the human body through nature's eternity and the life. I tried to vitalize my works by recreation of the original form of life as pure and abstract sculpture. I hope you could find in my thesis a comparative study between my works expressed like alive breathing organic features and the other works related.

      • 연구개발비회계기준에 관한 연구

        노재석 단국대학교 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Up to this point, this research, comparing some of the standards of management in the accounting of R&D costs in the advanced countries and Korea, have investigated the many de-vices by which the concerned parties and organizers of financial statements establish their standards of management in the accounting of R&D expenditure. Thus, in the effort to demonstrate a standard to the management of accounting R&D expenditure, a study was done not only on the theoretical background of R&D and R&D expenditures, but also an observation of the management of accounting R&D costs in the advanced countries and Korea. And with it, this research is an attempt to carry out and empirical analysis on the subject. Summarizing up to this point, the content of the study on the management of financing R&D expenditure is the following: Firstly, in Korea, a unified regulation on the management of accounting R&D expenditure does not exist. According to the corporation tax regulation and business accounting standards, in "special" or "extraordinary" circumstances, experimental research costs are made to be deferred and development costs are managed with given expenses within the present budget. However, when the concept of the two costs become unclear, instead of managing a separated account, R&D costs or experimental research costs are integrated into one provision, and established into an inflexible standard. Therefore, deferring or expense managing will be a way to diminish the arbitrariness of the accountant. Secondly, the conditions of deferrence of an experimental research cost is defined as something that is "extraordinary"or a "special" expense. However, a solid standard of what expense is "extraordinary" or "special" is not pointed out. Because the interpretation of these regulations is an arbitrary and a personal judgement of the accountant, Pointing out a more concrete deferrence condition will eliminate this arbitrariness. Thirdly, the scope of R&D activities should be clarified, and also the range of the essential elements that should be included in the R&D expenditure must be clearly pointed out. As seen in the empirical study, Personnel expenses of the person in charge of R&D should be included in the deferred asset or the development costs; however, in many cases their salaries are treated as an ordinary desk worker. Therefore, it is important to clarify specifically the scope of R&D activities and the essential elements that should be included in the R&D expenditure, in order to render certain the judging standards of the accountant. Fourthly, a "amortizing" method in R&D expenditure is regulated as being irrational. The decision on how the deferred R&D costs can be amortized, Plays an important role in influencing the company's profit-and-loss account and financial state. Therefore, in accordance to the amount of future profits, a way to appropriate costs rationally should be researched. Lastly, in Korean business accounting standards, R&D expenditure is not publicly notified. However, R&D final costs, defer-red R&D expenditure's fluctuating costs and amortizing costs, the unamurting amount at the end and the financing course of action should be at least be known to Che public.

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