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        근로자 정기건강검진을 기초로 한 영양 및 건강관리 전산화 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

        노성윤,조여원 대한지역사회영양학회 2002 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        In this study, a computerized nutritional and health guide program for workers was developed. The dietitian at the work site could utilize periodically conducted medical examination data to develop an effective health care counseling model based on the developed Nutritional and Health Guide Program. A personal computer (Pentium Ⅱ PC MMX-150, 32MB RAM, 2.95 GB HDD) with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition and Microsoft Access 97 installed, was used. The Nutritional and Health Guide Program consisted of seven main menus and 43 sub-menus. Included in the main menu were: Basic Information, Periodic Health Check-ups, Visitors` Consultations, Nutritional/Health Tips, Nutritional Education according to Diseases, Help and Exit. In the Periodic Health Check-up menu, dieticians could input the health examination data of employees and search for the recommended treatments for diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and hepatitis. The Visitors` Consultation menu has been designed to compile health information about the employees who sought consultations. The Nutritional/Health Tips menu was designed to provide 14 kinds of programmed nutritional educational media and information. In the Nutritional Education According to Diseases menu, the dietitian could judge the subject`s willingness to obtain treatment based on the Stage of Change Model. According, the content of the administered respective nutritional education was classified by stages. The Help menu, provide a chart of the method and procedure used as nutritional guidelines, by which the results of the health examination were classified as people in good health and those requiring special medical attention. The results of the evaluation of this program showed highly positive rates for usefulness (4.09), convenience (4.04), lettering size (4.02), interest (3.93), design (3.49). It also showed that 97.5% of the subjects thought that this program would be helpful for implementation of their company`s nutritional educational program. Therefore, this menu could help dietitians plan, conduct, and evaluate their nutritional guidelines for employees. It is expected that The Nutritional and Health Guide Program developed in this study will playa role as a scientific and effective guide in conjunction with health examination results. (Korean J Community Nutrition 7(2): 266~276, 2002)

      • 직장인에서 비만과 혈액지표와의 상관성에 관한 연구

        노성윤,조여원 대한영양사협회 2002 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.8 No.4

        Obesity, a state of having excessive body fat enough to attack one's health, is most blamed for causing chronical degenerative illness such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus as well as arteriosclerosis. According to many studies, the program for the weight control was the most demanded at the worksites. This study was designed to investigate the correlation between the degree of obesity and blood parameters of the employees at the worksites. The results of periodic medical examination for 571employees(male : 418, female : 153) were analyzed : Age, BMI systolic blood presure(SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBF), hemoglobin(Hb), fasting blood sugar(FBS), total-cholesterol(TC), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(sGOT), serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase(sGPT) and r-glutamyl transpeptidase(r-GTP), Pearson correlation coefficient was used to find out the correlation between BMI and each blood parameters. In the case of mate, 27.3% of the subjects were over-weight The subject's age and their blood levels of uric acid, FBS, sGOT and sGPT did not show any significant difference regardless of BMI s, while SBP, DBP, Hb, TC and r-GTP levels of the overweight group were significantly higher than those of normal group. In the case of female, 92% of the subjects were over-weight. This study shows that the implementation of weight control program is required at the worksite

      • KCI등재

        Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with Arteriovenous Crossing

        노성윤,이재훈,정우진 한국망막학회 2023 Journal of Retina Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: The study was designed to analyze the incidence of branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) with characteristics of arteriovenous crossing. Methods: Patients diagnosed with BRVO from January 2012 to January 2017 were enrolled. We selected 117 patients with recognizable arteriovenous crossing on fundus photography. The control group consisted of 120 patients who had no eye disorders and normal fundus photography. To analyze the characteristics of BRVO arteriovenous crossing, the sites were compared with arteriovenous crossing sites in similar locations in the contralateral vascular arcade of the BRVO site. Second, the numbers of arteriovenous crossings and crossings in which the positions of an artery and a vein alternated in the main venous pathways were studied. Last, distances between arteriovenous crossings at the main venous pathway were analyzed. Results: Of BRVO patients, 75.2% showed an artery anterior to the vein at arteriovenous crossing sites. In the control group, 61.5% of arteriovenous crossing sites showed artery anterior to the vein. The total number of arteriovenous crossing sites was not different from that of the contralateral arcade in the same eye, but the number of arteries anterior to veins was significantly different. The total number of arteriovenous crossing sites was statistically different from that of the control group of normal people. Distance between arteriovenous crossings were measured by the Image J program. Patients with BRVO showed a 2.619 ± 0.859 disc diameter (DD) and normal subject was 3.505 ± 0.859 DD, a significant difference. Conclusions: The study shows that arteriovenous crossing sites play an important role in BRVO, and an artery anterior to a vein is more important at such crossing sites. Moreover, the distance between arteriovenous crossing sites can affect the incidence of BRVO.

      • 비만성인을 대상으로 처방된 체중조절 프로그램과 Fad Diet의 효과 비교

        노성윤,조여원 경희대학교 생활과학연구소 1999 생활과학논집 Vol.3 No.1

        A weight control program was prescribed to investigate its effects on weight reduction. The prescribed weight control program followed by the four overweight adults and fad diets followed by the six overweight adults for 3 to 7 months. The weight control program basically consist of behavior modification with the low calorie diets and nutrition education to enhance its effects. Fad diets were chosen among the popular fashionable diets and they were "apple diet", "yogurt diet", and "Lee Hijae diet". Anthropometric measurements, percent of body fat, and blood biochemical parameters were measured after the respective period of weight control programs. Body weight was significantly reduced and the percent of ideal body weight was also significantly lowered by the prescribed weight control program while the body weight and the percent of ideal body weight were not changed by the fad diets. After the prescribed weight control program the levels of plasma total cholesterol decreased while the levels of LDL-, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride were not significantly changed. Nutrition education and counseling for the weight control program induced more effective weight loss and better eating behavior. It was suggested that the weight loss program should be based on the low calorie diet with the well-planned nutrition education. The fad diets were attractive for a short period of time weight reduction but the rapid weight gain was noticed right after the diets ceased.

      • KCI등재

        관공서급식소의 메뉴엔지니어링기법을 적용한 메뉴분석 사례연구

        노성윤(Rho Sung Yoon) 韓國營養學會 2009 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.42 No.1

        본 연구는 D관공서 M 식당의 메뉴관리 및 식재료의 효율적 관리에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고, 나아가 관공소급식소의 메뉴분석방법을 기초로 한 급식관리 필요성을 제시하고자 1982년 Kasavana와 Smith가 개발한 Menu Engineering 기법을 활용하여 2007년 1월부터 12월까지 1년간의 식단을 계절별, 년간 그리고 메뉴군별로 분석을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) D 관공서는 토요일 휴무기관으로서 2007년도 급식일수는 248일이었으며, 총 35,193명이 이용하여 1일 평균 이용 인원은 141명으로 나타나 주 고객층의 식당 이용률은 64.0%이었다. 2) M 식당의 주 고객은 총 220명으로 남자 183명(83.2%), 여자는 37명 (16.8%)이었으며, 남자의 평균연령은 44.1 ± 6.3세, 여자는 32.7 ± 6.4세로 나타나 여자보다 남자의 평균연령이 유의하게 높았다 (p < .0001). 3) 직급별 조사에서는 판사 (124명)가 56.4%, 일반직(96명)이 43.6%로 나타났으며, 주 고객층의 과반수이상(51.8%)이 남자 판사이었다. 4) 봄철 (3~5월)에는 갈비탕 외 81가지의 메뉴가 제공되었으며, 공헌마진과 인기도가 높은 STAR로 판정된 메뉴는 김치볶음밥, 갈비탕, 대구매운탕, 동태매운탕 등 23가지 (28.0%)이었다. 공헌마진은 낮으나 인기도가 높은 PLOWHORSE로 판정된 메뉴는 봄나물비빔밥, 김치찌개, 삼계탕, 선지해장탕 등 26가지 (31.7%)이었고, 공헌마진률은 높으나 인기도가 낮은 PUZZLE로 판정된 메뉴로는 꽃게탕, 낙지연포탕, 돈까스 등 15가지 (18.3%) 이었다. DOG로 판정된 메뉴는 고등어구이, 단호박 영양밥, 마파두부덮밥 등 18가지 (22.0%)로 조사되었다. 5) 여름철 (6~8월)에는 총 74가지 메뉴가 제공되었으며 STAR로 판정된 메뉴는 날치알밥, 콩나물국밥, 동태매운탕 등 20가지 (27.0%), PLOWHORSE 메뉴는 김쌈밥, 마파두부덮밥, 산채비빔밥 등 28가지 (37.8%), PUZZLE 메뉴는 냉모밀국수, 돈까스, 된장찌개 등 8가지 (10.8%), DOG 메뉴는 고등어자반구이, 꽁치소금구이 등 18가지 (24.3%)로 나타났다. 6) 가을철 (9~11월)에는 총 75가지의 메뉴가 제공되었으며, STAR 메뉴는 김치콩나물국밥, 동태매운탕, 만두전골, 버섯전골, 어묵백반, 우거지갈비탕, 추어탕 등 23가지(30.7%), PLOWHORSE 메뉴는 김쌈밥, 마파두부덮밥, 잡채덮밥 및 카레라이스, 김치찌개, 된장찌개, 선지해장국, 순두부찌개, 얼갈이해장국, 육개장 등 24가지 (32.0%), PUZZLE 13가지 (17.3%), DOG 15가지 (20.0%)로 나타났다. 7) 겨울철에는 총 74가지의 메뉴가 제공되었으며 STAR 메뉴 김치볶음밥, 날치알밥, 갈비탕, 굴해장국, 청국장찌개, 추어탕 등 25가지 (33.8%), PLOWHORSE 메뉴는 김쌈밥, 낙지비빔밥, 마파두부덮밥, 떡만두국, 얼갈이해장국, 육개장, 불고기정식 등 21가지 (28.4%), PUZZLE 메뉴는 갈치구이, 고등어구이, 닭매운찜 등 14가지 (18.9%), DOG 메뉴는 간장닭찜, 고등어자반구이 등 14가지 (18.9%)로 조사되었다. 8) 사계절 STAR 메뉴는 김치볶음밥 등 8가지로 전체 메뉴 중 6.2%에 불과해 사계절 DOG 메뉴 14가지 10.9% 보다 낮은 비율이었다. PLOWHORSE 메뉴 (김쌈밥 등 14가지) 10.9%, PUZZLE 메뉴 (새우볶음밥/자장소스 등 17가지) 13.2%으로 나타났다. 9) 년간 제공된 128가지의 주메뉴를 메뉴군별로 분류한 결과 밥류 29가지 (22.6%), 국/탕류 27가지 (21.1%), 면류 18가지 (14.1%), 찌개/전골류 13가지 (10.2%), 조림/찜류 12가지 (9.3%), 구이류와 양식류 각각 8가지 (6.3%), 양식 8가지 (6.25%), 볶음류 7가지 (5.5%), 중국음식 4가지 (3.1%) 및 기타 (1.5%)로 조 The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate the menu served in government offices foodservice by using Kasavana & Smith’s Menu-Engineering. Sales and food costs were collected from the daily sales reports for a year from Jan 2 to Dec 31 in 2007. Calculation for menu analysis and customer’s data were done by computer using the MS 2003 Excel spreadsheet program and SPSS 12.0 package program. Menu mix% (MM%) and unit contribution margin were used as variables by Kasavana & Smith. Four possible classifications by Menu-Engineering technique were turned out as ‘STAR’, ‘PLOWHORSE’, ‘PUZZLE’, ‘DOG’. The main menus served during a year were 128 dishes and about 141 peoples visited this restaurant daily. The mean age of the men was 44.1 ± 6.3, women were 32.7 ± 6.4 and showed that was statistically higher than that of women (p < .0001). The rates of STAR menus were ‘Western style (75.0%)’, ‘guk/tang-ryu (48.1%)’, ‘jjigae/ jeongol-ryu (23.1%)’, ‘bap-ryu (17.2%)’ in sequence. There were no STAR menus in gui/jorim/jjim-ryu. PLOWHORSE menus were ‘gui-ryu (75.0%)’, ‘guk/tang-ryu (29.6%)’, ‘bap-ryu (27.6%)’ in sequence. There were no PUZZLE or DOG menus in ‘jjigae/jeongol-ryu’. PUZZLE menus were ‘jorim/jjim-ryu and Myeonryu (each 33.3%)’, ‘bap-ryu (31.0%)’ in sequence. PUZZLE menus were a lots of ‘Chinese food (75.0%)’ and ‘myeonryu (55.6%)’. This study provides the basic data based on regularly menu analysis method applied the scientific menu analysis techniques in government offices food services, I’d like to suggest that the menu management must be done based on the necessity and result of menu analysis according to the seasonal and middle, long-term plans. (Korean J Nutr 2009; 42(1): 78 ~ 96)

      • KCI등재

        외식급식산업에 있어서 국(탕)이 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향

        이영남,노성윤 동아시아식생활학회 2003 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        This study has been designed to stress the thoughts that soups should be offered taking into account customer's preference aimed at leading to eventual customer's satisfaction and the importance that Korean traditional food should take the lead in shifting dining-out industry's paradigm to customer-orientation instead of product-orientation. From August 15 through August 30, 2003, the drawn-up questionnaires were handed out to 500 numbers of adults aged over 20 living in Seoul, metropolitan city of Korea and the finally collected 361 questionnaires from them have been analysed as a subject for this study. It showed that the male respondents(44%) dined out much more frequently than the female respondents(35%) and their rate of 5,000-7,000 Won for a meal was most preferred as their average expenditure at one sitting in the restaurant. When eating Korean food at home or in a restaurant, the majority(51,3%) of them think the soups(Tang) should be served coupled with their ordered meals. Among soups using flesh and meat as a staple material, they most preferred beef & bone soup(33.2%), followed by beep rib soup(30.4%) and beef soup with seasoned red pepper(10.8%), and among soups using fish &shell and crustacean as a staple material, most preferred were hot fish soup(20.6%), loach soup(15.2%) and hot crab soup(11.4%). Among soups using beans as a staple material, they most preferred soybean paste stew(33.2%), uncurdled soybean curd stew(29.4%) and Dambuk stew(15.8%). Among soups using fowls and birds as a staple material, chicken soup with ginseng(51.9%), plain chicken soup(18.4%) and chicken soup with red pepper sauce(12.3%) falls on the most preferred. Among soups using vegetables and seaweeds as a staple material, most preferred are sea mustard soup(25.3%), Kimchi soup(16.8%), soybean paste soup with Chinese cabbage(13.0%) and bean sprout soup(10.1%). The soups(Tang) most preferred in the morning time are those soups whose staple materials are vegetables and seaweeds, such as sea mustard soup, bean sprout soup, Kimchi soup and soybean paste soup with Chinese cabbage while the soups most preferred for the lunch time are beef & bone soup, beep rib soup, chicken soup with ginseng and beef soup with seasoned red pepper while beef soup with seasoned red pepper, beef & bone soup, soybean curd stew and Kimchi soup are most preferred soups for the dinner time. The survey showed that 41 % of the subject preferred chicken soup with ginseng for a food considered good by themselves for their health. The male respondents preferred Bosin-tang(soup of edible-dog meat) than the female counterparts did, while the female respondents preferred chicken soup with ginseng than the male counterparts did. The survey showed that when eating korean traditional food, 70% of the subject are visiting a restaurant where soups are cooked delicious while 61% of the subject think that price does not matter if only food tastes good, which is reflecting that taste of food is a decisive factor in selecting menu rather than its price is. In conclusion, you can say that taste of soup is the most important factor creating steady customer in the restaurant, taking it into account Korean people most prefer their traditional food when dining out.

      • KCI등재

        근로자 정기건강검진을 기초로 한 영양 및 건강관리 전산화 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

        조여원,노성윤 대한지역사회영양학회 2002 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        In this study, a computerized nutritional and health guide program for workers was developed. The dietitian at the work site could utilize periodically conducted medical examination data to develop an effective health care counseling model based on the developed Nutritional and Health Guide Program. A personal computer (Pentium II PC MMX-150, 32MB RAM, 2.95 GB HDD) with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition and Microsoft Access 97 installed, was used. The Nutritional and Health Guide Program consisted of seven main menus and 43 sub-menus. Included in the main menu were Basic Information, Periodic Health Check-ups, Visitors' Consultations, Nutritional/Health Tips, Nutritional Education according to Diseases, Help and Exit. In the Periodic Health Check-up menu, dieticians could input the health examination data of employees and touch for the recommended treatments for diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and hepatitis. The Visitors'Consultation menu has been designed to compile health information about the employees who sought consultations. The Nutritional/Health Tips menu was designed to provide 14 kinds of programmed nutritional educational media and information. In the Nutritional Education According to Diseases menu, the dietitian could judge the subject's willingness to obtain treatment based on the Stage of Change Model. According, the content of the administered respective nutritional education was classified by stages. The Help menu, provide a chart of the method and procedure used as nutritional guidelines, by which the results of the health examination were classified as people in good health and those requiring special medical attention. The results of the evaluation of this program showed highly positive rates for usefulness (4.09), convenience (4.04), lettering size (4.02), interest (3.93), design (3.49). It also showed that 97.5% of the subjects thought that this program would be helpful for implementation of their company's nutritional educational program. Therefore, this menu could help dietitians plan, conduct, and evaluate their nutritional guidelines for employees. It is expected that The Nutritional and Health Guide Program developed in this study will play a role as a scientific and effective guide in conjunction with health examination results.

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