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        거친 바닥 위의 에크만 경계층 내의 흐름의 특성

        나정열,김태연,Na, Jung-Yul,Kim, Tae-Yeon 한국해양학회 1998 바다 Vol.3 No.2

        거친 바닥을 포함하고 있는 laminar 에크만층 내 흐름의 방향변화를 파악하기 위하여 바닥경계조건을 Taylor 급수로 전개하여 에크만방정식의 해를 구하였다. 이때 거친 바닥의 거칠기 정도를 나타내는 변수 h/${\delta}_E$(h, 거칠기의 rms 높이; ${\delta}_E$, 에크만층 두께)의 크기를 변화시켜 거칠기에 의한 에크만층 내 흐름의 방향변화(에크만 veering)를 구하였다. 거칠기 증가시 에크만층 내 일정 수심에서 변회각의 크기가 증가할 뿐만 아니라 이에 따른 cross-isobar 수송량은 도리어 감소함으로써, 결과적으로 내부의 지형류 속도가 감소함을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 이론적 결과를 증명하기 위해 회전반 실험을 실시하였고 관측된 결과는 이론적인 것과 잘 일치하고 있다. Ekman layer equation with rough-bottom boundary condition has been solved to determine the effect of roughness on the magnitude of Ekman veering. The bottom boundary condition and the flow field were expanded in a power of roughness (h) which is always smaller than the Ekman layer thickness (${\delta}_E$). By changing the magnitude of roughness parameter (h/${\delta}_E$), the magnitude of the veering, which rotates counterclockwise from the interior geostrophic flow, has been computed. At a fixed depth within the Ekman layer, the magnitude of veering increases as the roughness parameter increases. However, the cross-isobar flux turns out to decrease with increasing roughness. To verify the analytic solution, laboratory experiments were carried out. Rough-bottom cylinderical container filled with homogeneous fluid was sit on a rotating table. The flow pattern during the period of steady spin-up shows that the degree of veering coincides well with the analytic results for various roughness parameters.

      • 원통형 이층유체의 회전반 실험

        나정열,최진영 한국해양학회 1993 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        A right cylindrical tank with sloping bottom and top (${\beta}-effect$) is filled with two-layered fluid and is put on the rotating table. External fluid of same density as the lower-layer fluid is continuously injected to drive the lower-layer current. By minimizing the interfacial stress between two layers the motion in the lower-layer deformed the shape of interface such that the upper-layer adjust itself to the variations of the interface in terms of its direction of flow patterns .The most significant parameter is the internal Froude Number($F_1$) and when $F_1$ is greater than 6 two-cellular circulation of the upper-layer changes its direction, there by creates a separation of Western boundary current. The separation position moves to the most northward when $F_1$ equals to 6.

      • 원통형 이층유체의 회전반실험 (극전선 모의)

        나정열,최진영 한국해양학회 1994 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.29 No.3

        Rotating right cylinder of rigid sloping boundaries(top-bottom) is filled with two-layered fluid. External fluid which has the same density as the lower-layer is pumped through the rim boundary at the bottom, and this induces uniform vertical velocity in the interior that produces the Sverdrup type motion such as southward flowing western boundary current with northward interior horizontal motion. The rigid sloping upper boundary meets with lower layer to simulate so called "polar front", and the upper-layer motion influenced by the lower-layer flow has been observed. Barotropic motion in the western part of the basin while baroclinic motion in the eastern half is always present. In particular, both southward flowing eastern boundary flow and western boundary flow meets near the western wall and it induces northward western boundary flow to separate from the boundary With increased ${\beta}$-effect on the upper0layer the width of western boundary decreases and the separated western boundary flow moves into the interior to form an eddy-like motion. Baroclinic Rosebay wave clearly observed in the easter boundary slowly propagates to the west but it seems to be decayed before travelling to the western boundary. A local topograpic effect imposed on the lower-layer causes very sensitive response of upper layer boundary flows. In the east standing0wave0like features are observed in the west whereas the width of the boundary increases without any evidence of the separation of the western boundary flow.This may be due to the gact that even the lower-lauer barotropic motion feels the topography its influence does not propagate into the upper-layer. With large ${\beta}$-effect on the upper-layer,relatively large scale waves whose wavelengths are greater than the internal radius deformation exist in the interior.

      • KCI등재

        동해에서 해양음향토모그래피에 의한 중규모 현상 관측

        나정열,한상규,이재학,심태보,김구,Na, Jung-Yul,Han, Sang-Kyu,Lee, Jae-Hak,Shim, Tae-Bo,Kim, Kuh 한국해양학회 1999 바다 Vol.4 No.3

        동해 울릉분지에서 해양내부 수온구조를 파악하기 위하여 폭발성 수중음원(signal underwater sound, SUS)을 이용하여 해양음향 토모그래피 실험을 1997년 6월에 실시하였다. 토모그래피 실험은 $120{\times}120$ km 격자 바깥쪽 경계선에 SUS 21개를 항공기에서 단시간에 투하하였고 그 신호는 관측해역 남쪽에서 수직선배열 수선기로 수신하였다. 수평단면 역산모텔로 얻어진 수온 분포는 150-200 m 수심에서 난수성 소용돌이가 존재함을 보여주어 AXBT에 의한 실측 수온분포와 유사하게 나타났다. 수직모델 역산결과 수직 음속구조 형태는 AXBT 관측결과와 유사하나 250 m 보다 얕은 수심에서는 실제 관측값보다 높은 값을 나타내었다. SUS가 폭발한 수심과 시간이 갖는 불확실성을 고려하여 임의 오류값을 입력한 역산 실험결과는 150-200 m 수심에서 난수성 소용돌이 형태를 보여주나 절대 수온값이 $2^{\circ}C$ 정도 낮게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 SUS를 음원으로 이용할 때 폭발 위치 및 폭발 시간 측정에 오류가 있음에도 불구하고 잘 발달된 중규모 해양현상을 추적하는데 SUS를 이용한 해양음향 토모그래피 적용 가능성이 매우 높음을 보여준다. The SUS (Signal, Underwater Sound)-OAT experiment was carried out in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea on 3 June 1997. The SUS-OAT system consisted of aircraft deployed shots as sources and a vertical line array (VLA) tethered by a receiver ship was used to survey a large area where a mesoscale warm eddy appears frequently. The experiment was carried out such that explosive charges set to detonate at 800 ft depth were dropped in a rectangular ($120{\times}120$ km). Sources were a rapidly deployable SUS charge (MK 61 MOD 0), and receiver is a fixed VLA, 90 m in length (150-240 m in receiver depth), composed of 10 elements equally spaced. The reference ray paths are computed by range-dependent acoustic model in canonical ocean based on the historical data. The singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to obtain the horizontal perturbation of the temperature fields. Horizontal distributions of temperature fields at 150 m and 200 m depth show a weak warm eddy observed by AXBT and the inversely estimated temperature shows similar patterns in terms of the location of the warm eddy. In conclusion, the SUS-OAT experiment has been successful to estimate the position of warm eddy and its temperature field in the East Sea of Korea.

      • 한국 해협에서 ADCP(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)의 음파 산란신호에 의한 동물플랑크톤 분포의 추정

        나정열,박정수,Na, Jung Yul,Park, Joung Soo 한국해양학회 1989 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.24 No.4

        Acoustical estimation of vertical distributions of zooplankton was carried out by using the backscattered signals of ADCP which was deployed in the Korea Strait in September, 1978. the backscattered signals of ADCP represents the total backward sound intensity caused by the scatters existing within the insonified water column of 8m deep. Based on these backscattered intensities, the estimated number of individual zooplankton (namely, Copepods) varies with depth such that in the surface layer above the thermocline, the numbers are exceedingly larger than the lower layer. It is also shown that a relatively larger number of individuals exists in the bottom cold water layer in the centeral part of the Strait. The horizontal distribution of the zooplankton in the surface layer across the west channel of the Strait shows that the number is higher in the coastal zone of the Korea and it decreases toward the central and then remains constant up to the vicinity of the Tsushima Island where it increases again. This type of distributions is well fitted to the one obtained at several stations by the conventional method at least in qualitative way. Therefore, it is quite plausible to use the ADCP data for monitoring the spatial and temporal distributions of zooplankton.

      • 해양음향 토모그래피 기술

        나정열 대한전자공학회 2004 전자공학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        해수의 물리적 성질은 수온, 염분 그리고 밀도 등으로 특성 지워지며 이러한 특성들의 시공간적인 분포 파악은 해수의 유동, 해양-대기 상호작용 및 해수자원 분포 파악 등에 필수적인 요소로 해양학 연구의 기본 관측 항목이 된다.(중략)

      • KCI등재

        한국 천해에서 수온전선이 수중음향전파에 미치는 효과

        나정열,Na, Jung-Yul 한국음향학회 1988 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.7 No.4

        한국 남서 해안에 겨울철 발생하는 수온전선으로 매우 특이한 음향매체가 존재한다. 이러한 조건하에서의 음파방정식은 변수분리가 용이하고 그 해 역시 간단하며 이는 이미 잘 알려진 수학적인 해이다. 수평 성분의 방정식 해를 구하기 위하여 WKB 방법 대신 mode 방법을 사용하였으며 구한 해의 특성은 수온전선이 존재함으로 야기된 수중음속의 수평변화로 인한 영향은 주파수에 따라 그 크기가 달라진다. 이를 설명하기 위해 ray tracing 을 이용, 그 물리적인 의미를 부여하였다. The thermal front over the shallow coastal seas of Korea during the winter season provides very unique acoustic media such that wave equation is easily separable and the solutions turn out to be very simple and well known. In steady of using the WKB method to solve the radial equation the mode technique have been applied to obtain the solution. The radial propagation is rather weakly influenced by the presence of the thermal front that causes the horizontal variations of the sound speed. The physical description of the sound propagation is also presented in terms of ray tracing.

      • Wind Stress Distribution and Its Application to the Upper-layer Structure in the East Sea of Korea

        나정열,Na, Jung Yul The Korean Society of Oceanography 1988 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.23 No.3

        The wind stress and the wind-stress curl over the East Sea of Korea are computed from the ship-observed wind data by the FRDA. In order to emphasize the role of the wind in determining the upper-layer structure, rather persistent and strong winds are selected based on the wind-rose data. The monthly averaged wind stresses are comparable in size with the average value over the Japan Sea. But the monthly averaged magnitude of the wind-stress curl is very large compared to the one over the Japan Sea. This may be due to the spatial variation of the wind speeds influenced by the local orography. The wind-driven upper-layer thickness over the East Sea suggests that the site of deep upper layer indeed exists regardless of season but the position does not appear to be fixed. The convergence of warm surface water driven by the wind could be referred as the warm core.

      • KCI등재

        Depth dependence of the low frequency propagation loss for the sea surface noise sources

        나정열,Na, Jeong-Yeol The Acoustical Society of Korea 1987 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.6 No.2

        수면가까이 존재하는 단일주파수 음원에 의한 수심별 sound field에 관하여 수치모델에 의한 결과를 분석하였다. normal mode function의 수심별 특성은 주어진 음속의 기울기에 매우 민감하며 따라서 mode별 특성이 음원으로부터 밀리 떨어진 곳에서의 수심에 따른 변화를 관찰할 수 있다. 특히 양 경계면, 즉 표면과 해저에 가까운 곳에서는 음압이 수심에 따라 일정한 모양의 fluctuation을 하며 해당 주파수 파장의 두배 정도 거리의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 이는 수중음향 관측시에 응용 가능한 결과로써 특히 수중소음 측정시 청음기의 수직거리예측에 활용할 수 있겠다. The depth dependent sound fields have been calculated for a single frequency source to reveal the fluctuating sound energy at both near the surface and the bottom of the water layer. Those fluctuation are mainly due to the mode function behavior along the depth where the sound-speed gradient acts like trapping lower mode sound energy in those medium.

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