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      • 담양군 가사문화권의 관광상품화 전략

        나승화,정용악 한국문화관광학회 2001 문화관광연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Damyang County is considered as the rest area of Gwangju resident and is not benefited. Now we have to take interest in value of Damyang county's value and increase resident income. In order to increase the value, the development of tourist products must be settled without delay. If a self-governing body make an investment in the tourist industry and we secure experts and develope cultural products, the growth of this area will be amazed.

      • 공동구매특성이 소비자의 태도와 재수용에 미치는 영향

        나승화 한국유통과학회 2005 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        The study is aimed to figure out whether a customer will continue acceptance of a certain product and recommend it to neighbors. Using SPSS_win 10.0 package, we made a frequency analysis on preference by kinds of products and essential considerations (low price, safety, delivery, time saving, convenient payment, and the like) in purchasing. We also analyzed feasibility and reliability and made a regression analysis in order to identify extents of re-acceptance of joint purchase according to such features (as price-to-performance, convenience, safety in payment, and provision of diverse products) and of recommendation to neighbors. As a result of a series of analyses, book & music disc, clothing & footwear, and computer & peripheral devices were found to be most preferred, and in terms of the elements to be primarily considered in purchasing, respondents pointed out low price and safety & stability. As well, such elements as safety in payment and provision of diverse products are seen as sub-elements of the element of convenience. Meanwhile, in the aspect of re-acceptance, 'price-to-performance' and 'provision of diverse products' look like having significant effects on joint purchase, while in the aspect of the recommendation to neighbors, only 'price-to-performance' affected meaningfully, joint purchase.

      • 중국과의 FTA 협상방식을 위한 전략적 접근

        나승화 한국유통과학회 2010 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.1 No.1

        한ㆍ중 양국은 1992년 수교 이래 문화적 공통성과 지리적 인접 성 그리고 상호보완적인 경제구조 등을 바탕으로, 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ사 회ㆍ문화 등 모든 분야에서 유례를 찾아 볼 수 없는 비약적인 발 전을 가져왔다. 특히 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국으로, 그리고 한국 은 중국의 제3대 교역국으로 부상하였으며, 2008년에는 전략적 협 력 동반자 관계로 격상했다. 현재 국제 통상관계에 있어서 WTO/DDA협상이 난항을 겪고 있 는데 반해, FTA는 전 세계적으로 심화와 확대를 거듭하고 있으며, 한ㆍ중 양국도 각각 그 어느 나라에 뒤지지 않는 다각적이고 적극 적인 FTA 협상을 추진하고 있다. 특히 1997년 금융위기 후 절감한 지역 경제협력의 필요성이 요 구됨에 따라 중국은 2005년 아세안과 FTA체결을 시작으로 여러 국가에 관심을 표명하였으며, 한국에도 FTA에 추진에 적극적으로 접근하고 있는 상황이다. 지난 5월 28일에는 이명박 대통령과 중 국 원자바오 총리와의 회담에서 이에 대한 내용을 언급하였는바, 가까운 시일 내에 본격적인 추진협상이 이루어지리라 예측된다. 이에 중국과 FTA의 본격적인 협상에 대비하여, 한국이 어떤 협 상방식을 선택할 것인가에 정책적 제언과 관심이 집중되고 있다. 일부 학자들은 한ㆍ중 FTA는 포괄적 협상을 하되, 지속적 논의를 위한 프로토콜을 확정하는 지속형 FTA를 추진해야 한다고 주장하 고 있으나 본 연구는 한ㆍ중 FTA는 상품무역ㆍ서비스ㆍ투자분야 를 포함하고 협상에서 일괄적으로 타결하는 포괄적 FTA가 되어야 한다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 중국의 기 체결된 FTA 협상사례를 통해 중국의 협 상방식의 특징을 살펴보고 시사점을 도출하였다. 중국은 현재 아 세안, 파키스탄, 칠레 등 개도국과는 단계별 혹은 지속형 FTA 협 상방식을 취하고 있으며, 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 등 선진국과는 일괄 타결형 포괄적 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있다. 중국과의 FTA 협상에 있어서 한국은 농업시장 개방과 국내 이 해집단과의 관계 등 쉽지 않은 이슈들이 잔재하고 있으나, 이들은 주로 상품무역 분야에 포진되어 있다. 반면에 중국은 금융ㆍ통신 산업이 개방될 경우 중국경제의 전반적인 기반이 위험에 노출하게 되는데, 이들은 주로 서비스무역 분야에 포함되어 있다. 따라서 한 국은 협상 범위를 상품무역뿐만 아니라 서비스무역 나아가서 투자 분야까지 넓혀야 이슈간의 교환이 가능해지며, 협상타결의 여지도 충분하리라 판단된다. 즉, 한ㆍ중 FTA에 있어서 한국은 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 사례와 유사한 포괄적이며 협상에서 일괄 타결하는 협상 방식을 채택해야 할 것이다.이러한 방식으로 인하여 한국은 관세 철폐로 인한 무역 창출효과와 무역 전환효과 나아가 서비스 분야 에서 미국, 유럽, 일본 등 선진국에 대비한 중국시장의 선점효과도 기대할 수 있으리라 여겨진다. 또한 한국은 중국과의 FTA 협상의 성공적인 타결을 위하여 중 국 국가 차원의 FTA 협상방식에 대한 정책기조를 파악할 필요가 있으며 이를 토대로 한국에 이익을 창출할 수 있는 협상안을 제시 해야 할 것이다. 더불어 본격적인 협상이 이루어지기 전인 현 상 황에서 중국의 기 체결된 협상 사례에 관한 체계적인 비교분석도 절실히 필요하리라 판단된다. FTA 협상방식에 대한 체계적이고 철저한 파악의 부족함에서 비롯 된 결과라고 보고 있다. 중국의 기체결 FTA 협상사례를 살펴볼 경우 개도국과 체결한 FTA 즉 아세안 10개국과 칠레ㆍ파키스탄 등 국가와 체결한 FTA에서는 상품 분야의 FTA를 핵심으로, 우선 적으로 상품무역에 관한 FTA를 체결하고, 차후에 서비스와 투자 부문에 관한 FTA룰 협상하고 체결하는 단계적ㆍ지속적인 협상방 식을 채택하였었다. 그러나 2008년에 선진국인 뉴질랜드ㆍ싱가포 르와 체결한 FTA는 상품무역과 서비스ㆍ투자분야를 모두 일괄적 으로 타결하는 ‘포괄적 FTA’ 체결방식을 채택하였다. 한국은 선진 국으로서 서비스산업 경쟁력에서 중국보다 비교우위에 있으며, 장 기적인 차원에서 중국과는 상품무역의 FTA보다도 서비스와 투자 분야에서의 FTA에서 더욱 큰 이익을 기대할 수 있다. 따라서 한 국은 對中FTA 협상방식에 있어서, 단계적ㆍ지속적인 협상방식보 다는 동시에 상품ㆍ서비스ㆍ투자 등을 모두 아우르는 포괄적 FTA 를 체결하는 것이 더욱 바람직하다. 또한 한국은 對中 FTA 협상의 성공적 타결을 위하여, 중국 국 가차원의 FTA 협상방식에 대한 정책기조를 파악할 필요가 있으 며, 이를 토대로 한국에 이익이 되는 협상안을 제시하여야 할 것 이다. 본격적인 對中 FTA 협상이 들어가기 직전인 현시점에서 한 국은 중국의 기체결 FTA 협상사례에 관한 체계적인 비교 분석이 시급하고 절실하며, 중국의 FTA 협상방식의 기본 특징과 변화에 대한 이해와 철저한 파악이 필요하다. Since Korea establish diplomatic ties with China in 1992, korea and China have had rapid progress in most of field as politic, economy, society and culture through basing on cultural commonality and geographical adjacency. Especially, China is the biggest trading partner to korea, and also Korea is third-biggest trading country to China. They become strategic cooperating relation in 2008. Currently, in terms of international trade relation, WTO/DDA negotiation is proceeding in difficulty, but FTA has been growing and extending in the world, and the two country, china and korea, have been competitively trying wide and active FTA negotiation promotion. After Financial crisis in 1997, according to the requirement of local economic cooperation, China has shown the interest to several countries since the conclusion of FTA treaty with ASEAN in 2005. China also makes the active afford to conclude FTA with Korea. Last May 28th, this was mentioned in the meeting between president Lee and Premier Wen Jiabao, so it is anticipated that the negotiation for FTA will be started in the near future. There are many political suggestions and concerns in terms of way of negotiation korea would choose. Some economist said that "'Continuous FTA aimed at long-term protocol should be promoted between korea and China and negotiated includingly'" However, this research claims that commodity exchange, service, and investment areas should be included and it has to be comprehensive package settlement style in negotiation. This research has found out the characteristics of China's negotiation and implications through the China's existed FTA negotiation examples. Currently, China has taken Continuous or a phase-negotiation method to ASEAN, Pakistan, Chile and some other developing country and to advanced countries like New Zealand or Singapore, comprehensive package settlement method is used in FTA negotiation. In consider of the FTA negotiation between Korea and China, Korea has some problems in the commodity change area in agriculture maket's opening. While, for china, the issues would happen in service trade area, especially when encountering finance and communication industries are opened, China's economy could be exposed to some risk. In result, Korea should expand its negotiation range from commodity trade to service trade, in order to exchange both issues, then the negotiation will be concluded more easily. In other word, for FTA, korea should follow comprehensive package settlement way that is similar to New zealand and Singapore case. Through this kind of method, Korea can expect effect of creating trade, conversion of it and preoccupancy of service field in china's market against the advanced countries like Usa, Europe and Japan. Also, to have a successful FTA negotiation, korea should find out china's policy for FTA negotiation. With this information, korea will be able to suggest the way to make a profit. Systematic analysis and comparison about previous negotiation cases of china are needed before the negotiation begin.

      • SCM 시스템 특성이 마케팅 성과에 미치는 영향

        나승화(Na Seung-hwa) 한국유통과학회 2006 한국유통과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.-

          The purpose of this research is to reestablish the reliability of the decision making of top management, to raise proper understanding of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) system, and to encourage currently depressed domestic enterprises to invest in the information technology. This study develops and tests a model on the effects of marketing accomplishments which are a part of organizational outcomes. The model is theoretically developed based on the review of the previous literature for the SCM system, and an empirical analysis is conducted on the domestic enterprises which have introduced the SCM system.   In more detail, this study has developed and empirically tested hypotheses how system quality, information quality produced by the system, partnership between system enterprises, and internal support activities as successful factors for the system affect perceived usefulness and users" satisfaction degree, how perceived usefulness affects the system"s satisfaction, and lastly how the users" satisfaction degree affects marketing performance.   To test these hypotheses, domestic companies which are currently implementing the SCM system were surveyed in January 2006, and 66 companies responded. From these companies, a total of 162 questionnaires, which are able to be processed statistically, were analyzed, and the Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) analysis was performed using SPSS/PC+(V.11.0), LISREL(V.8.0).   To make successful use of the SCM system, this study suggests that it is required to recognize that the first priority is to establish plans for awareness of the effectiveness of systems related to business performance and outcomes of system users. Also, it is suggested to build strategies to link the awareness of the system"s effectiveness to customer satisfaction, and the study confirms that marketing accomplishment of the SCM system rises as customer satisfaction rate increases. &nb

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Strategic Approach to FTA Governmental Negotiation Method between China

        Na, Seung-Hwa(나승화) 한국유통과학회 1999 유통과학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        한.중 양국은 1992년 수교 이래 문화적 공통성과 지리적 인접성 그리고 상호보완적인 경제구조 등을 바탕으로, 정치.경제.사회.문화 등 모든 분야에서 유례를 찾아 볼 수 없는 비약적인 발전을 가져왔다. 특히 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국으로, 그리고 한국은 중국의 제3대 교역국으로 부상하였으며, 2008년에는 전략적 협력 동반자 관계로 격상했다. 현재 국제 통상관계에 있어서 WTO/DDA협상이 난항을 겪고 있는데 반해, FTA는 전 세계적으로 심화와 확대를 거듭하고 있으며, 한.중 양국도 각각 그 어느 나라에 뒤지지 않는 다각적이고 적극적인 FTA 협상을 추진하고 있다. 특히 1997년 금융위기 후 절감한 지역 경제협력의 필요성이 요구됨에 따라 중국은 2005년 아세안과 FTA체결을 시작으로 여러국가에 관심을 표명하였으며, 한국에도 FTA에 추진에 적극적으로 접근하고 있는 상황이다. 지난 5월 28일에는 이명박 대통령과 중국 원자바오 총리와의 회담에서 이에 대한 내용을 언급하였는바, 가까운 시일 내에 본격적인 추진협상이 이루어지리라 예측된다. 이에 중국과 FTA의 본격적인 협상에 대비하여, 한국이 어떤 협상방식을 선택할 것인가에 정책적 제언과 관심이 집중되고 있다. 일부 학자들은 한.중 FTA는 포괄적 협상을 하되, 지속적 논의를 위한 프로토콜을 확정하는 지속형 FTA를 추진해야 한다고 주장하고 있으나 본 연구는 한.중 FTA는 상품무역.서비스.투자분야를 포함하고 협상에서 일괄적으로 타결하는 포괄적 FTA가 되어야 한다고 주장한다. 본 연구는 중국의 기 체결된 FTA 협상사례를 통해 중국의 협상방식의 특징을 살펴보고 시사점을 도출하였다. 중국은 현재 아세안, 파키스탄, 칠레 등 개도국과는 단계별 혹은 지속형 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있으며, 뉴질랜드, 싱가포르 등 선진국과는 일괄 타결형 포괄적 FTA 협상방식을 취하고 있다. 중국과의 FTA 협상에 있어서 한국은 농업시장 개방과 국내 이해집단과의 관계 등 쉽지 않은 이슈들이 잔재하고 있으나, 이들은 주로 상품무역 분야에 포진되어 있다. 반면에 중국은 금융.통신 산업이 개방될 경우 중국경제의 전반적인 기반이 위험에 노출하게 되는데, 이들은 주로 서비스무역 분야에 포함되어 있다. 따라서 한국은 협상 범위를 상품무역뿐만 아니라 서비스무역 나아가서 투자분야까지 넓혀야 이슈간의 교환이 가능해지며, 협상타결의 여지도 충분하리라 판단된다. 즉, 한. Since Korea establish diplomatic ties with China in 1992, korea and China have had rapid progress in most of field as politic, economy, society and culture through basing on cultural commonality and geographical adjacency. Especially, China is the biggest trading partner to korea, and also Korea is third-biggest trading country to China. They become strategic cooperating relation in 2008. Currently, in terms of international trade relation, WTO/DDA negotiation is proceeding in difficulty, but FTA has been growing and extending in the world, and the two country, china and korea, have been competitively trying wide and active FTA negotiation promotion. After Financial crisis in 1997, according to the requirement of local economic cooperation, China has shown the interest to several countries since the conclusion of FTA treaty with ASEAN in 2005. China also makes the active afford to conclude FTA with Korea. Last May 28th, this was mentioned in the meeting between president Lee and Premier Wen Jiabao, so it is anticipated that the negotiation for FTA will be started in the near future. There are many political suggestions and concerns in terms of way of negotiation korea would choose. Some economist said that "'Continuous FTA aimed at long-term protocol should be promoted between korea and China and negotiated includingly'" However, this research claims that commodity exchange, service, and investment areas should be included and it has to be comprehensive package settlement style in negotiation. This research has found out the characteristics of China's negotiation and implications through the China's existed FTA negotiation examples. Currently, China has taken Continuous or a phase-negotiation method to ASEAN, Pakistan, Chile and some other developing country and to advanced countries like New Zealand or Singapore, comprehensive package settlement method is used in FTA negotiation. In consider of the FTA negotiation between Korea and China, Korea has some problems in

      • KCI등재후보


        손종원,나승화 한국국제회계학회 2008 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.22

        本文旨在对中国电子产品消费者的环保行为及退货行为进行分类,继而分析其与电子产品的逆向物流及生产企业商业价值之间存在的结构关联性。 基于结构方程模型的实证分析结果整理如下。第一,消费者环保行为对退货行为没有直接的影响;第二,环保意识对环保行为和退货行为具有一定的影响;第三,环保法规和环保意识均对电子产品的逆向物流带来正面影响,但环保法规的影响不太明显;第四,产品质量和消费者竞争均对逆向物流会带来正面影响,但品质方面的影响更为明显;第五,消费者的环保行为和退货行为对企业商业价值均带来正面影响,但两者间的影响力差异不大;第六,电子产品的逆向物流量对生产企业的商业价值会带来较大的正面影响。 本文的研究意义在于探索出电子产品逆向物流的主要动因,为相关生产企业的绿色营销活动提供参考性建议 This study is to find out the trend classification of the eco-friendly act and the act of returning goods of Chinese customers, and a structural relation between the retro-direction physical distribution of electronic products and management outcome of the manufacturing industry. The results of an actual proof analysis used by a structural equation model are shown like this. First, It is shown that the eco-friendly actcustomers has no effect on the act of returning goods. Second, The eco-friendly mind of customers has a constant plus impact on the act of eco-friendly and returning goods. Third, Both eco-friendly protection law and eco-friendly mind have an meaningful plus on retro-direction physical distribution of electronic products. but there was a little effect of eco-friendly protection law. Fourth,psychological comparison of quality goods by customers has an meaningful plus effect on retro-direction physical distribution - a more effect by quality goods. Fifth, Both the eco-friendly act of customers and the act of returning goods have an meaningful plus on the management outcome of the manufacturing industry. but there is little difference each other. Finally, The retro-direction physical distribution of electronic products has a very meaningful influence on management outcome of the manufacturing industry. This study is a very meaningful by showing the positively strategically proposal through surveying main motive of the retro-direction physical distribution of electronic products.

      • KCI등재후보

        환경의식에 따른 산림생태관광객의 심리적 반응에 관한 연구

        연광호,나승화 한국유통과학회 2012 유통과학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        With the slowdown in environmental issues and the change of environmental consciousness, ecotourism is being discussed in various social fields. Ecotourism is being popularized for environmental protection, and now it is becoming a mainstream product from one of mass tourism. Ecotourism’s emphasis on sustainable development in the tourism destination’s society, economy, and environment, through ecotourism study and education, enable people to understand the core value of the ecological environment. 2011 was nominated as “the Year of World Forest” by the UN. In the recent years, forests are becoming increasingly important with their own values and functions in environment, economy, society, and culture. In particular, the global environmental issues caused by climate change are becoming an international agenda. Forests are the only effective solution for the carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Moreover, forests constitute a major part of ecotourism, and are now most used by ecotourists. For example, Korea, wherein 60% of the land is forest, attracts ecotourists. With the increasing interests in environment, the number of tourists visiting the ecosystem forest, which is highly valued for its conservation, is increasing significantly every year and is receiving considerable attention from the government. However, poor facilities in the forest ecotourism sites and improper market strategies are the reasons for the poor running of these sites. Furthermore, tourists’ environmental awareness affects ecology environmental pollution or the optimization of forest ecotourism. In order to verify the relationships among tourist attractiveness, environmental consciousness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after tours, we established some scales based on existing research achievement. Then, using these scales, the researcher completed the questionnaire survey. From December 20, 2010 to February 20, 2011, after conducting surveys for 12 weeks, we finally obtained 582 valid questionnaires, from a total of 700 questionnaires, that could be used in statistical analysis. First, for the method of research and analysis, the researcher initially applied the Cronbach’s (Alpha) for verifying the reliability, and subsequently applied the Exploratory factor analysis for verifying the validity. Second, in order to analyze the demographics, the researcher makes use of the Frequency analysis for the AMOS, measurement model, structural equation model computing, and also utilizes construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity. Third, for the analysis of the ecotourists’ environmental consciousness, impacts on tourist attractiveness, charm degrees of the attractions, and attitudes after the tour, the researcher uses AMOS 19, with the path analysis and equation of structure. After the research, researchers found that high awareness of natural protection lead to high tourist motivation and satisfaction and more positive attitude after the tour. Moreover, this research shows the psychological and behavioral reactions of the ecotourists to the ecotourist development. Accordingly, environmental consciousness does not affect the tourist attractiveness that has been interpreted as significant. Furthermore, people should focus on the change of natural protection consciousness and psychological reaction of ecotourists while ensuring the sustainable development of ecotourists and developing some ecotourist programs.

      • KCI등재

        지역주민의 축제 참여동기와 만족도가 지지도에 미치는 영향: 유달산 봄꽃 축제를 중심으로

        손종원,나승화 한국유통과학회 2014 유통과학연구 Vol.12 No.8

        Purpose- There have been local government systems sinceJune 1955. Many local governments have made use of festivalsfor regional public relations and the achievement ofcompetitiveness. This study analyzes effective components of local festivals. There has been extensive research in relation tovariables such as participation motivation, satisfaction level, recall intention, royalty, and recommend purpose. However, as avariable factor, attachment to the participation motivation of afestival has been overlooked along with support level to afestival. This study has added new variables named “attachmentto local society” and “support level,” which are dependentvariables. We will study the relationship of these two variables. Research design, data, and methodology- This study has devised a cause-and-effect relationship model, which deduces thatlocal residents’ participation motivation for the festival will havepositive influence on the festival support level and satisfactionlevel. We circulated questionnaires to local residents to get thedata required to prove the hypothesis. To analysis the data, weused SPSS 21.0, and accomplished basic analysis through theanalysis of frequency as well as descriptive statistical analysis. Further, we verified our measurement tools through reliabilityanalysis, and examined the research hypothesis through multipleregression analysis. Results - With regard to the festival satisfaction level, thevariables of local society attachment, festival attraction, escapingfrom the daily life, and family harmony have influence upon apositive effect (+) in this order. Among them, the variable of local society attachment has the greatest influence. However, inrespect of support level for the festival, only the variables of local society attachment and escaping from the daily life have avalid influence on the positive effect (+), and local society attachment has relatively greater influence. In addition, not onlydoes the festival satisfaction level affect the support level forthe festival in terms of positive effect, the influence is alsofar-reaching, which verifies the mediating effect. Conclusions- The result shows that the local residents’ satisfaction level with the Yudalsan Mountain Spring Flower Festivalis comparatively high, which is due to the local societyattachment. It also shows that it is difficult to create supportwithout local residents' attachment with their area. Consequently,this study insists that the Yudalsan Mountain Spring FlowerFestival should exceed its limitation as just a village-level party,in order to become a remarkable and outstanding festival, andsuggests three operational implications: macro-environmental development, task environment development, and internal operational environmental development. From the macro-environmentalperspective, the constant development of local culture and localbusiness is proposed. In the task environment perspective, anew functional development for the festival is proposed. Fromthe internal operational environmental perspective, improvementsin festival operation methods are proposed. If these weak pointsare addressed and resolved through a more detailed approach,it will be very helpful for local government systems to operatethe festival.

      • KCI등재

        백화점 이용고객의 명품브랜드 선호도 유형에 따른 구매행태 분석

        손종원,나승화 한국유통과학회 2013 유통과학연구 Vol.11 No.10

        Purpose - With the increase in fervor to purchase luxury brands,new social problems have arisen,such as excessive preoccupation with luxury brands and high preference for forged luxury goods. Therefore, the issues related to luxury brands, termed “Luxury Syndrome,” have emerged as an area of great interest for researchers and practitioners. However, previous studies neglect to categorize this preference for luxury brands. Therefore, this study aims to identify the different purchasing behaviors of consumers using the types of luxury brands preferences as parameters. Research design, data, and methodology - This study arranges a causal relationship model assuming that purchase behaviors positively (+) affect typified preference for luxury brands and purchase intentions. We administered a questionnaire survey to the purchasers who bought luxury brands from department stores to secure additional data necessary to verify the hypotheses in this study. We then processed the data using SPSS 19.0. We further analyzed the basic data using frequency and descriptive statistical analysis, and verified the measurement tools through feasibility and reliability analyses. Moreover, this study uses multiple regression analysis to verify the hypotheses. Further, this study tests the path effect between luxury brand purchase attitude and purchase behavior,with non-intrinsic preference and intrinsic preference as the mediating variables. Results - Based on the results, the impact of tendencies of conspicuous consumption and self-monitoring on non-intrinsic preference was significantly positive (+), while the impact of tendencies of pursuit of a reference group, conspicuous consumption, and self-monitoring on intrinsic preference and purchase intentions was significantly positive (+). Further, non-intrinsic and intrinsic preferences positively (+) influence purchase intentions and the impact of non-intrinsic preference took an absolute portion. However, the tendency of dependence on brands negatively (-) impacts purchase intentions. The results showed that self-monitoring and conspicuous consumption tendencies have greater effect on purchase intention, which is mediated by non-intrinsic preference. In contrast, reference group following tendency has a greater effect on purchase intention, which is mediated by intrinsic preference. Conclusions - Based on the results, the study verifies that the consumption of luxury brands in Korea has not yet entered the settlingperiod. The tendency for conspicuous consumption and the tendency for pursuit of the reference group were relatively important aspects for the consumers who prefer luxury brands non-intrinsically and intrinsically, respectively. Especially, it was found that the purchase intentions for forged brands originate from the tendency to depend on brands. Based on these findings, this study suggests the measures to develop and mature the luxury brands market, and reinforce marketing performance at the three levels, that is, government, distributors, and manufacturers. The luxury brands manufacturers should devote themselves to the production and design of products to catch the attention of mature consumers of luxury brands. The luxury brands distributors should then raise the level of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for opinion leaders. Finally, the Government should prepare effective policies for the development of luxury brands and provide a variety of economic support.

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