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        순천만 염생식물 서식지의 토양환경 특성

        김하송 ( Ha Song Kim ),정준희 ( Jun Hee Chong ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2010 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        This study was carried out in the soil environment of halophyte habitat in Suncheon Bay, from April to June 2010. Halophyte habitat of the Suncheon Bay were classified into 10 sites: Phragmites communis community(5 sites), Carex scabrifolia community(1 sites), Bare ground(1 sites) and Suaeda japonica community(3 sites) which were distributed zonations thoughout the halophyte habitat. The soil environment(pH: 6.24-6.95, salinity: 2.9-1.7 ppt, moisture content : 50.50-28.38 % and organic matter content :9.74-7.46 %) of Suncheon Bay was typical characteristics of the estuary marsh. The soil`s particle size distribution in those sites showed soil particle size(1,000 ㎛) in June, which is higher number than that of April due to the change of season. The results of this investigation on environmental characteristics of the substratum in the halophyte habitat show that according to the properties contained in the soil of Suncheon Bay there are significant differences in halophyte community. Further, we suppose that more precise information on the halophyte habitat of Suncheon Bay is of primary importance in gathering knowledge on the formation of soil environment.

      • KCI등재

        대흑산도 삼림식생의 조풍해에 관한 연구

        김하송 ( Kim Ha-song ),조영준 ( Cho Yeong Jun ),오동선 ( Oh Dong Sun ),홍현승 ( Hong Hyun Seong ),명현호 ( Myeong Hyeon-ho ),오장근 ( Oh Jang-geun ) 한국도서학회 2016 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구에서는 대흑산도에서 태풍에 의해 야기되어진 조풍(潮風) 발생 및 식생에 나타난 시간적·공간적 특징을 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 2012년 8월 하순 대흑산도를 강타한 태풍 볼라벤(BOLAVEN)의 통과시 기상자료를 분석하고 이후 식생조사를 수행하여 대흑산도 식생에 나타난 조풍해 정도를 조사하였다. 조풍해는 주로 강한 풍속에 의해 대흑산도 동부 해안지역에서 발생한 것으로 나타났으며, 강풍성 마른 태풍이었기 때문에 염분이 식생에 잔재할 수 있는 조건이 형성되었고, 대흑산도에 자생하는 침엽수림에 피해를 주었다. 대흑산도 침엽수림 조풍 피해지역 면적 현황으로는 1등급(심피해)은 1,770,886.2㎡(8.29%), 2등급(중피해)은 1,246,763.7㎡(5.83%), 3등급(경피해)은 1,197,624.9㎡(5.60%), 4등급(건전)은 5,692,474.1㎡(26.64%)으로 나타났다. 대흑산도 삼림 조풍 피해지역별 주요군락의 면적 현황으로는 주요군락별 1등급(심피해)지역 면적은 곰솔군락과 곰솔혼합림, 2등급(중피해)지역 면적은 곰솔-사스레피나무군락, 3등급(경피해)지역 면적은 곰솔-동백나무군락, 4등급(건전)지역 면적은 소나무-사스레피나무군락이 비교적 높게 나타났다. 대흑산도 주요 지역별침엽수림 피해 현황으로는 대흑산도 동쪽방향, 예리와 기상대 주변을 중심으로 나타났다. 향후에도 많은 강수량을 동반하지 않은 강풍성 태풍이 다가올 경우 조풍해가 예상되므로 침엽수림(소나무, 곰솔)을 보호하기 위한 체계적인 기초자료 확보가 필요하다고 생각된다. 더 근본적으로는 한반도 전 해안지역을 따라 태풍의 특성 및 도서지역의 삼림식생에 대한 조풍 재해 데이터베이스를 구축하는 것이 필요하다고 판단된다. In this study, the spatio-temporal patterns of salty wind by typhoon in Daeheuksan Island and their damage to windbreak forests are examined. To investigate these patterns, vegetation survey and meteorological data analyses were conducted after the attack of typhoon BOLAVEN in late August, 2012. Collected data shows that salty wind damage in windbreak trees by the typhoon was distinct in the eastern coastal areas, due to the easterly gusts with less precipitation. The coniferous forests that grow wild in Daeheuksan Island were affected. The coniferous forest area status affected by the salty wind are follows: The grade Ⅰ area(severe damage) was 1,770,886.2㎡(8.29%), Grade 2 area(medium damage) was 1,246,763.7㎡(5.83%), grede 3 area(weak damage) was 1,197,624.9㎡(5.60%), and grede 4 area (no damage) 5,692,474.1㎡ (26.64%). The major community area of forest damage affected salty wind are follows: The grade Ⅰ area(severe damage) was the Pinus thunbergii community and Pinus thunbergii mixed forest, Grade 2 area(medium damage) was the Pinus thunbergii-Eurya japonica community, grade 3 area(weak damage) was the Pinus thunbergii-Camellia japonica community, and grade 4 area(no damage) was the Pinus densiflora-Eurya japonica community. A major regional coniferous forest damage status in Daeheuksan was all mainly from the easterly direction of the island, The Yeri village and the surrounding meteorological observatory. These results indicate that prediction and proactive activities for salty wind are needed in order to reduce its damages to the coniferous forest(Pinus densiflora, Pinus thunbergii), especially before the arrival of dry typhoon accompanying a gusty wind. More fundamentally, database on the forest vegetation of Korea`s coastal areas is needed in order to prepare for the typhoon.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        손죽도 귀화식물의 생태학적 연구

        김하송 ( Ha Song Kim ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2010 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.22 No.4

        This study focused on the distribution of naturalized plants in order to compare the change of distribution in Soonjook Island, Samsanmyeon, Yeosusi, Jeollanamdo, South Korea from 17 August, to 20 August, 2010. The flora of the naturalized plants surveyed in the above sites recorded 15 families, 43 taxa and a total of 9 naturalized species taxa(such as Astragalus sinicus, Rumex crispus, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Comos bipinnatus, Erigeron annuus, Erigeron canadensis, Erigeron bonariensis, Senecio vulgaris, Xanthium strumarium). Based on the community table, the main vegetation communities in the surveyed sites were the Euphorbia supina community, the Ambrosia artemisiifolia var and the elatior community. Also the major communities were changing the distribution of the region. The distribution of naturalized plants based on ecological trait could be categorized into 7 types of habitat: afforest land, beach, port, vacant land, road boundary, road cut, slope area, waste arable land, landfill area, and wetland. The systematic management is required to conserve these unique landscapes, diverse species, vegetation and ecosystem of the Sonjook island. In order to manage the naturalized plants in Sonjook island, basic surveys are most needed to understand the distribution and the dispersal of naturalized plant communities based on the ecological features of each habitat type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신안군 칠발도 식생에 관한 연구

        김하송 ( Ha Song Kim ) 한국도서학회 2012 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the vegetation of Chilbaldo, Jeollanam-do, South Korea from 17 May, to 20 August, 2011. According to the ZM school method, the vegetation can be classified into 7 communities which are as follows. The decideuous broad-leaved forest : Rubus schizostylus community, the afforest forest ; Ficus carica community, the herbaceous plants; Miscanthus sinensis community, Carex boottiana community, Artemisia princeps community, Achyranthes japonica community and Brassica juncea var. integrifolia community. This paper compares the change of major community in 2011 to the one in 2000. The result was that the Miscanthus sinensis community, Artemisia princeps community, Rubus schizostylus community, Ficus carica community, Achyranthes japonica community and Brassica juncea var. integrifolia community was gradually magnified. In contrast, the Carex boottiana community, Parthenocissus tricuspidata community and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. majus community were reduced. We described each community`s floristic, structural and environmental features closely. Based on the descriptions, the actual vegetation map was completed at a 1:5,000 scale. In order to conserve the vegetation of Chilbaldo, the most important thing is to establish an ecological learning area. By continuously monitering the ecosystem change, this will minimize human disturbance and attain effective management strategy.

      • KCI등재

        무인도서의 식생과 식생보전가치등급 -전남 완도군 중심으로-

        김하송 ( Ha Song Kim ),명현호 ( Hyeon Ho Myeong ),박정원 ( Jung Won Park ),조영준 ( Young Jun Cho ),오장근 ( Jang Geun Oh ) 한국도서학회 2015 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        2015년 5월부터 10월까지 전라남도 완도군 신지면, 약산면, 청산면, 금일읍, 노화읍, 보길면에 위치한 치도, 형도, 제도, 장고도, 대망도, 상도, 흰여도, 소병풍도, 낭도, 형제도, 갈도, 복생도, 바리섬, 경서도, 지초도 주변지역에 위치한 주요 무인도서를 중심으로 현지 답사를 통하여 무인도서 식생조사를 실시하였다. 주요 식물군락은 낙엽활엽수림 식생인 소사나무군락, 상록침엽수림 식생인 곰솔군락, 곰솔-사스레피나무군락, 상록활엽수림 식생인 구실잣밤나무군락, 후박나무군락, 보리밥나무군락, 돈나무군락, 사철나무군락, 사스레피나무군락, 상동나무군락, 돌가시나무군락, 우묵사스레피군락, 상동잎쥐똥나무군락, 동백나무군락, 붉가시나무군락, 까마귀쪽나무군락, 초지 식생인 칡군락, 멍석딸기-칡군락, 참억새군락, 밀사초군락, 고사리군락, 찔레꽃군락 등이 나타났으며, 각군락의 식생분석과 우점군락을 기술하였고, 식생의 상관, 주요 식생형, 식생평가에 따라 각 조사지점별 현존식생도를 작성하였다. 조사지역의 무인도 생태자연도 등급 평가 기준에 따라 Ⅰ등급 지역은 복생도와 갈도이며, Ⅱ등급 지역은 장고도와 형제도이며, Ⅲ등급지역은 치도, 제도, 대망도, 상도, 흰여도, 소병풍도, 낭도, 바리섬 등으로 나타났다. 또한 조사지역의 무인도서중에서 식생분야의 특정도서로서 지정이 가능한 도서는 복생도, 갈도, 장고도, 형제도 등으로 생각된다. 이들 도서는 서남해안의 지리적 특성을 갖는 특이 식생대가 형성되어 있고 그 보존가치가 높은 무인도서로 생각된다. This research was carried out from May to October 2015 to figure out the assessment class of Wando-gun``s vegetation and conservation values. According to the physiognomic classification, this area can be divided into the following 4 categories. The deciduous broad-leaved forests, evergreen coniferous fores, evergreen broad-leaved forest and herb vegetation. Based on the result of this classification, the Braun-Branquet method can categorize the plants into twenty-two different communities, such as the Carpinus turczaninowii, Pinus thunbergii, Pinus thunbergii-Eurya japonica, Castanopsis sieboldii, Machilus thunbergii, Elaeagnus macrophylla, Pittosporum thbira, Euonymus japonicus, Eurya japonica, Sageretia thea, Rosa wichuraiana, Eurya emarginata, Ligustrum quihoui, Camellia japonica, Quercus acuta, Litsea japonica, pueraria lobata, Rubus parvifolius-pueraria lobata, Miscanthus sinensis, Carex boottiana, Pteridium aquilinum, Rosa multiflora community. The grade Ⅰ area includes Bokssaengdo and galdo which are both uninhabitied islands that has a ecological nature states. Grade Ⅱ area is Janggodo and Hyeongjedo, and grede Ⅲ area is Chido, Jedo, Daemangdo, Sangdo, Huinyeodo, Sobyeongpungdo, Nangdo, and Bariseom. The islands designated as the specific islands of vegetation areas are Bokssaengdo, galdo, Janggodok, Hyeongjedo. These islands contribute to the specific geographical characteristic of the Southwesten Coast, and thus its conservation value is high.

      • 신안군, 무안군, 목포시 무인도서의 식생과 식생보전가치 등급

        김하송(Ha Song Kim),조영준(Yeong Jun Cho),조장삼(Jang Sam Cho),곽수란(Su Ran Gark),김진식(Jin Sik Kim) 한국농어촌관광학회 2021 농어촌관광연구 Vol.24 No.1

        2020년 4월부터 7월까지 전라남도 신안군 장산면 항도, 차돌이(타다도), 서도내기(삼승도), 진섬(장도), 신안군 팔금면 암치도, 일금도. 상납덕도, 넓은모래섬, 신안군 안좌면 산202도, 무안군 토끼섬, 저도(모도), 대섬(죽도), 목포시 별도, 맥도 등의 무인도서를 중심으로 현지 답사를 통하여 이루어졌다. 본 조사지역에서 나타난 주요 식물군락은 상록활엽수림 식생인 사스레피나무군락, 낙엽활엽수림 식생인 예덕나무군락, 소사나무군락, 말오줌때군락, 왕자귀나무군락, 음나무군락 등이, 상록침엽수림 식생인 곰솔군락, 곰솔-이대군락, 곰솔-사스레피나무군락, 곰솔-소사나무군락, 곰솔-돈나무군락, 곰솔-꾸지뽕나무군락 등이, 조림 식생인 아까시나무군락, 삼나무-편백나무군락, 솜대군락, 초지 식생인 억새군락, 이대군락, 칡-이대군락, 원추리군락, 고사리군락, 밭풀고사리군락 등이, 해안 염습지에서는 주요 염색식물 식생으로 갈대군락, 모새달군락, 갯잔디군락, 갯메꽃군락, 나문재군락, 갯질경군락 등이 나타났다. 종합적으로 식생분야의 생태적 자연도 등급은 각 조사지점의 무인도 자연환경 가치 및 보존 필요성을 조사자가 임의로 설정한 무인도 생태적 보전가치 등급기준에 따라 Ⅰ등급, Ⅱ등급, Ⅲ등급을 판정한 후 이를 제시하였다. 조사지역의 무인도 생태자연도를 보전가치등급 평가 기준에 따라 Ⅰ등급(평가 항목별 합계 26점 이상)지역은 일금도, 서도내기도이며, Ⅱ등급(평가 항목별 합계 15점-25점)지역은 대섬, 저도, 토끼섬, 넓은모래섬, 맥도, 상납덕도, 암치도, 진섬, 차돌이, 항도 등이며, Ⅲ등급(평가 항목별 합계 14점 이하)지역은 별도, 산202도 등으로 나타났다. 또한 조사지역의 무인도서중에서 식생분야의 특정도서로서 지정이 가능한 도서는 일금도, 서도내기도 등으로 생각된다. 이들 도서는 남해안의 지리적 특성을 갖는 식생대가 형성되어 있고 그 보존가치가 높은 무인도서로 생각된다. This research was carried out from April to July 2020 to examine the conservaion value assessment class and vegetation of uninhabited islets on the Sinan-gun, Muan-gun, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. The major plant communities found in this survey area Eurya japonica community, which is a vegetation of Evergreen broad-leaved forest, Mallotus japonicus community, which is a vegetation of Deciduous broad-leaved forest, Carpinus turczaninowii community, Euscaphis japonica community, Albizia kalkora community, and Kalopanax septemlobus community. There are the Evergreen coniferous forest vegetation such as Pinus thunbergii community, Pinus thunbergii-Pseudosasa japonica community, Pinus thunbergii-Eurya japonica community, Pinus thunbergii-Carpinus turczaninowii community, Pinus thunbergii-Pittosporum tobira community, and Pinus thunbergii-Cudrania tricuspidata community. There are afforestation vegetation, such as Robinia pseudoacacia community, Cryptomeria japonica-Trypodendron proximum community, Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis community. There are grassland vegetation, such as Miscanthus sinensis community, Pseudosasa japonica community, Pueraria lobata-Pseudosasa japonica community, Hemerocallis fulva community, Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum community, and Dicranopteris linearis community. In coastal salt marshes, Phragmites australis community, Phacelurus latifolius community, Zoysia sinica community, Calystegia soldanella community, Suaeda glauca community, and Staticobium loochooense community were found as major dyeing plant vegetation. The vegetation conservation value assessment class were divided 3 grades, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ according to the Vegetation conservation value class assessment criterion of uninhabited island by the investigator arbitarily set. In survey areas, the grade I area are Ilgeumdo and Seodonaedo. The II grade areas are Daeseom, Jedo, Tokkiseom, Neolb-eunmolaeseom, Maegdo, Sangnaedeokdo, Amchido, Jinseom, Chadol-i, Hangdo, and the III grade areas are Byeoldo, San202do. Also, among the uninhabited islands of the survey area, the islands that can be designated as specific islands in the vegetation field are considered to be Ilgeumdo and Seodonaegido. These islands are considered to be uninhabited islands with a high conservation value and a vegetation zone with the geographical characteristics of the southern coast.

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