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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        On the Syntax of the It-Cleft Construction: A Construction-based Perspective

        김종복 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        The English it-cleft construction displays ambivalent structural properties: restrictive relative clause and non-relative clause properties. This paper reviews its main grammatical properties and then sketches a uniform analysis for different types of the construction. This direction departs from the traditional ternary analysis in which the copula takes two complements, focus and cleft clause. In this paper, we suggest that the copula be in the cleft, as in other canonical environments, projects a binary structure, forming a cleft construction. This way of viewing the it-cleft construction as forming an independent grammatical entity brings us several welcoming consequences.

      • KCI등재

        The SKT construction in English: A corpus-based perspective

        김종복,문지순 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2014 언어연구 Vol.31 No.3

        The so-called SKT constructions in English involve sort of, kind of and type of. This paper looks into the grammatical properties of the constructions and discusses their four main uses: referential, qualifier, adnominal, and adverbial. Based on a corpus-based research of the constructions, the paper first reviews the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of these four uses and then discusses the properties shared among these four uses as well as the distinctive properties of each use. It also offers a construction-based view in accounting for how the mapping relations between form and functions in the SKT constructions have been changed in the present day of American English.

      • KCI등재

        English Predicate Inversion: Towards Data-driven Learning

        김종복,김진영 한국영어영문학회 2010 영어 영문학 Vol.56 No.6

        English inversion constructions are not only hard for non-native speakers to learn but also difficult to teach mainly because of their intriguing grammatical and discourse properties. This paper addresses grammatical issues in learning or teaching the so-called ‘predicate inversion (PI)’ construction (e.g., Equally important in terms of forest depletion is the continuous logging of the forests). In particular, we chart the grammatical (distributional, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) properties of the PI construction,and argue for adata-driven teaching for English grammar. To depart from the arm-chaired style of grammar teaching (relying on author-made simple sentences), our teaching method introduces a datadriven teaching. With total 25 university students in a grammar-related class, students together have analyzed the British Component of the International Corpus of English (ICE-GB), containing about one million words distributed across a variety of textual categories. We have identified total 290 PI sentences (206 from spoken and 87 from written texts). The preposed syntactic categories of the PI involve five main types:AdvP, PP, VP(ed/ing), NP, AP, and so, all of which function as the complement of the copula. In terms of discourse, we have observed, supporting Birner and Ward’s (1998) observation that these preposed phrases represent more familiar information than the postposed subject. The corpus examples gave us the three possible types: The preposed element is discourse-old whereas the postposed one is discourse-new as in Putting wire mesh over a few bricks is a good idea. Both preposed and postposed elements can also be discourse new as in But a fly in the ointment is inflation. These two elements can also be discourse old as in Racing with him on the near-side is Rinus. The dominant occurrence of the PI in the spoken texts also supports the view that the balance (or scene-setting) in information structure is the main trigger for the use of the PI construction. After being exposed to the real data and in-depth syntactic as well as informationstructure analysis of the PI construction, it is proved that the class students have had a farmore clear understanding of the construction in question and have realized that grammar does not mean to live on by itself but tightly interacts with other important grammatical components such as information structure. The study directs us toward both a datadriven and interactive grammar teaching. English Predicate Inversion: Towards Data-driven Learnin 1051

      • KCI등재

        Minimal Recursion Semantics: An Application into Korean

        김종복 대한언어학회 2006 언어학 Vol.14 No.2

        Kim, Jong-Bok. 2006. Minimal Recursion Semantics: An Application into Korean. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 14(2), 59-85. Minimal recursion semantics (MRS) is a framework for semantics within HPSG that is considerably suitable for parsing and generation. This paper illustrates the application of MRS into Korean and see how the nonrecursive semantic representation offers us descriptively adequate semantic representations for the various phenomena (including scope ambiguities) in the language.

      • KCI등재

        An HPSG Analysis on the Unbounded Dependency Constructions in Chamorro

        김종복,임경섭 대한언어학회 2008 언어학 Vol.16 No.4

        The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 16(4), 187-211. The Western Austronesian language Chamorro, spoken in the Mariana Islands, has a basic word order VSO and shows an interesting behavior in unbounded dependency constructions (UDCs). When the clause has a gap, the verb of the clause exhibits special agreement morphology: the verb can be nominalized or have a certain infix attached. To explain UDC phenomena in Chamorro, Chung (1982) proposes successive cyclic Wh-movement for wh-questions and Controlled PRO Deletion for relative clauses, respectively. In addition, her analysis also adopts non-local structural descriptions with grammatical features to account for Wh-agreement in UDCs. The purpose of this paper is to show that a constraint-based HPSG analysis can also offer us a straightforward account for Chamorro UDC phenomena in a uniform and principled way.

      • KCI등재

        Structural Ambiguities in the Light Verb Constructions: Lexical Relatedness and Divergence

        김종복,임경섭,양재형 대한언어학회 2007 언어학 Vol.15 No.2

        One of the most widely used constructions in Korean is the so-called light verb construction (LVC) involving an active-denoting verbal noun (VN) together with the light verb ha-ta `do'. This paper first discusses the argument composition of the LVC, mixed properties of VNs both of which have provided a challenge to syntactic analyses with a strict version of X-bar theory. The paper shows the mechanism of multiple classification of category types with systematic inheritance can provide an effective way of capturing these mixed properties. In particular, it assumes that VNs have both [N +] and [V +] features to reflect their dual properties. The paper also addresses the issue of relatedness and divergence between the VNs with an accusative argument and those without it. An implementation of the analysis within the LKB (Linguistics Knowledge Building) system also proves its feasibility and efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        Some Issues in English Wh-Questions: A Constraint-Based Perspective

        김종복 한국생성문법학회 2009 생성문법연구 Vol.19 No.1

        There exist several important empirical and theoretical issues in dealing with English wh-questions. Among these are syntactic connectivity between the wh-filler and its putative gap, so-called that-trace effect, and constraints in the formation of infinitival wh-questions. Many attempts have been made to account for these, but a few succeeded in obtaining satisfactory support. This paper offers a lexicalist, constraint-based attempt and shows that it can answer these questions in a simpler and more straightforward way.

      • KCI등재

        English Get-Passive Constructions: A Corpus-Based Approach

        김종복 한국생성문법학회 2012 생성문법연구 Vol.22 No.2

        The get-passive in English appears to be free variation with the be-passive in terms of propositional meaning. The former, however,displays quite distinctive grammatical properties from the latter in many respects. This paper reviews some grammatical properties of the get-passive construction and discusses the corpus findings of the data in question, focusing on the contemporary American English. The corpus search shows us that the choice of the get-passive depends not only on the dynamic properties of the main verb alone but also on the tight interactions among various grammatical components including the subject’s animacy and its responsibility, eventuality type, and speaker's perspective. Pointing out the fact that the recent increase in its usages also reflects social changes, the paper also suggests tight syntactic and semantic links between the intransitive get-passive and transitive get-passive.

      • KCI등재

        The Korean Sluicing: As a Family of Constructions

        김종복 한국생성문법학회 2013 생성문법연구 Vol.23 No.1

        The Korean sluicing construction has recently been a main topic of research on the mismatch between form and meaning, in the sense that the wh-remnant phrase is interpreted as an interrogative phrase. The construction also shares some properties with pseudocleft as well as copula constructions, but at the same time bears distinctive properties from these two. This paper argues that the idiosyncrasies of the construction make it implausible to derive sluicing from any of the two and further shows that the construction belongs to a family of constructions including all the three: copula, pseudo-cleft, and sluicing. The `constructional view' of the Korean sluicing allows us to capture the generalizations of the Korean sluicing in a holistic way.

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