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        잠비아 청소년의 장기결석 관련요인 연구

        김재은,박환보 한국비교교육학회 2024 比較敎育硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 아프리카 지역의 교육기회 및 학업중단의 위험성 관점에서 장기적인 결석이라는 문제에 주목하여, 잠비아 청소년의 장기결석과 관련 있는 학생, 학교 수준의 변인들을 탐색하고, 이를 바탕으로 장기결석을 방지하기 위한 방안을 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이러한 목적 하에, 학생 수준과 학교 수준의 특성들이 잠비아 청소년의 장기결석 경험과 가지는 관련성을 탐색하기 위해 경제협력개발기구(OECD)에서 2019년에 발표한 개발도상국 국제학업성취도평가(PISA-D)의 잠비아 샘플을 활용하였고, 130개교 2,334명의 학생 데이터를 활용해 HLM 8.2로 2수준 다층모형 분석을 실시하였다. 주요 연구결과는 첫째, 잠비아 청소년의 장기결석 경험은 학교 간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 잠비아 청소년의 장기결석 경험에 대한 학교 수준 특성 중에서는 전일제 교사의 수가 장기결석에 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 학생 수준 특성 중에서 학교에 대한 긍정적 인식이 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 학생 수준 특성 중에서 유급 경험이 정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 다섯째, 학생 수준 특성 중 읽기 성취도가 부적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 추후 청소년의 장기결석을 예방하기 위한 정책을 시행할 시 본 연구에서 통계적으로 유의하게 나타난 변수들을 고려할 필요가 있다. 더불어 장기결석 관련 개념들이 광범위하고 명확하게 합의되지 않은 상황이므로, 추후 유사한 개념들에 대한 국내외 연구를 메타분석하여 개념의 합의를 도출하며 보다 심층적인 논의가 이루어질 수 있도록 할 필요가 있다. 이러한 개념을 바탕으로 논의가 이루어질 경우, 장기결석 청소년에 대한 방지·개입 전략에 대해 보다 실효성 있는 방안이 제안될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to review student and school-level variables related to long-term absenteeism about Zambia’s adolescents, focusing on the problem in terms of educational opportunities and the risk of school interruption in Africa, and to explore ways to prevent long-term absenteeism. To explore the relationship between student-level and school-level characteristics with Zambia adolescent’s long-term absenteeism experience, a two-level multilevel anaylsis was conducted with HLM 8.2, using data from 2,334 students in 130 schools of Zambia’s PISA-D sample. The main findings are, first, Zambia’s adolescents’ long-term absenteeism experience has statistically significant differences between schools. Second, among the characteristics of the school level on the long-term absenteeism experience of Zambia’s adolescents, the number of full-time teachers was found to have a positive effect on long-term absenteeism. Third, among the characteristics on the student level, it was found that the positive perception of school had a negative effect. Fourth, among the characteristics on the student level, school retention experience was found to have a positive effect, and lastly, among the characteristics on the student level, reading achievement was found to have a negative effect. When implementing policies to prevent long-term absenteeism in the future, it is necessary to consider the variables that were statistically significant in this study. Also, since the concepts related to long-term absenteeism have not been broadly and clearly agreed upon, it is necessary to meta-analyze domestic and international studies on similar concepts to derive consensus and allow more in-depth discussions. If the discussion is made based on clear concept, a more effective plan for the prevention and intervention strategy for long-term absentee adolescents may be suggested.

      • 한국 어머니의 육아 실제에 관한 일 연구 : 0세~2세까지의 어린이를 중심으로

        金在恩 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1975 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        The present study aims at surveying child-rearing practices in Korean families. Subcultural differences in child-rearing practices were studied to understand the real picture of educational methods used in Korean homes. One-hundred and sixty-three mothers were interviewed by an interviewer with the aid of an interview schedule which included 27 items relating to mother's practices and attitudes on child-rearing in Korean homes. The main results are as follows: 1. Korean mothers in the city area mostly deliver children in the hospital 2. Mothers feed their children with their own breast and feed at the child's disposition. 3. Weaning begins after one year of age and lasts for one month. 4. Toilet training begins before the first birthday and continues loosely. 5. Children playing with their own genitals are punished or threatened slightly. 6. Mothers are the main care-takers of the children in the Korean homes. 7. Most mothers give their children toys and nursery songs but no lullabies. 8. Parents want their children to be healthy and they want to educate them as far as possible. 9. About one-third of the mothers stay with their children at home for the whole day. 10. About two-thirds of the mothers want to send their children to kindergarten.

      • 社會化의 作用因에 關한 硏究

        金在恩,金泰蓮 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1977 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        In this study, ten agents were assumed to be important in the socialization process of Korean adults. These agents can be categorized into two factor groups: one is sociallizer factors, the other is socializing force factors. The <socializer> category includes parents, siblings, teachers, alumni, relatives, co-workers, same native man, and myself: the <socializing force> category includes school and fortune. The process of socialization can be classified into three domains: status socialization, personal socialization, and value socialization. Status socialization means the process which is related to occupational preference and social status. Through one's own occupation he can actualize himself and contribute to the development of his society. Personal socialization means the process which is related to the formation of personality, character, and traits. This process is that of becoming oneself. Value socialization means the process which is related to value orientations and goals. Three hundred and fifty five men and women (men, three hundred and one)were studied out of five hundred samples. They are mostly in the stable status in terms of their economic and social success. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) In status socialization, <myself> factor was perceived as the most important factor, and parent and coworker were perceived as the next important. The least important factor was <men of same home town>. (2) In personal socialization, <parent>was the most important factor, the next important factor was <myself>. The least important factor was found to be the <fortune>. (3) In value socialization, <parent> was perceived as the most important factor. The next factor was <myself>. The least important factor was found to be the <fortune>. (4) Overall interpretation of the results indicates that in the socialization process<myself> and <parent> are perceive as the most important factor, and the <fortune> is perceived as the least important factor.

      • 高校生 및 大學生의 自我實現에 關한 硏究 : 檢査開發의 技術報告

        金在恩,李光子 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1977 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.30 No.-

        This study sought to develop a practical method to determine the trends and levels of self-actualization of Korea high school and university students. In particular, the investigation set out to obtain technical data related to a standardized measurement of trends and levels of self-actualization. A "Self-Actualization Inventory" was developed by the investigators by adapting Shostrom's "Personal Orientation Inventory" to Korean cultural standards. The self-Actualization Inventory consists of 130 two-choice comparative value and behavior judgments. The items are scored twice, first for two basic scales of self-actualization, inner directed support (107 items) and time competence (23 items) and second for eight subscales each of which measures a conceptually important element of self-actualization. The study population consisted of 1776 rural and urban students, 913 in high schools and 863 in colleges. The convenience sample reported no religious affiliation 1122, Christianity 524, Buddhism 126 and other religious 4. Self-Actualization of student groups was compared with residence and sex. Analysis of findings was as follows: (1) Female urban high school students scored highest, and male rural high school students lowest in the Time Competence Scale. In the Support Scale female urban students rated highest, as Inner-Directed. Although there was a slightly higher score for urban students in the Self-Actualizing Value Scale, there was no significant difference among the four high school group. There were no significant differences among groups on the EX Scale, the SR Scale, the SA Scale nor on the C Scale. Male urban students had slightly lower scores on the FR Scale, and slightly higher scores on the S Scale. Female urban students scored slightly higher on the NC Scale. (2) Female urban university students scored highest in Time Competence among all four universities student groups. Both male and female urban university student groups had significantly higher scores (P<.001) on the Support Scale as Inner-Directed. Male urban students had significantly higher scores on the SAV Scale. There was a slightly higher trend on the EX Scale for all urban students and s significantly higher score for female urban students. There were no significant differences in the scores on the FR, SR, NC and C Scales among university groups. On the S scale, male students scored significantly higher than female. On the SA Scale, there was a slightly higher trend for urban students over rural students. (3) University students obtained higher scores than high school students on all Scales. On the Time Scale, highest scores were recorded for Christian students, followed by those with no religious affiliation and Buddhists. Christians scored highest as Inner-Directed on the Support Scale. Students without religious affiliation scored higher than religious students on the EX Scale. Christian students scored significantly higher on the SA Scale (P<.001)than Buddhist students. Correlation of each scale showed significantly different relationships in support of validity for the instrument. Split-half reliability coefficients for male students ranged from .60 to .88 and for female students from .60 to .85.

      • 韓國 國民學校의 敎育的 社會化

        金在恩 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1972 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.20 No.-

        1. School is one of the most important socialization agencies on account of its formal and systematic nature of indoctrination of cultural values and social norms in the particular society. In Korea specifically, primary education is in fact the beginning if formal education and socialization at the same time. Among the programs if school education, curriculum is the most typical and explicit document expressing human images to be formed through education. As the inquiry of human images by content analysis of curriculum can be regarded as valuable, this study was attempted to clarify the content of the socialization goals and processes dealt with in the primary curriculum. In addition to these this study also was aimed at being be one of the sources of ideas for the further study on child development, education and socialization, cultural values, social norms and etc. 2. First of all, the frame of analysis of content was derived form the conceptualization of socialization in the light of the educational socialization. Educational objectives goals of each subject matter were analyzed on the basis of E.B. McNeil's scheme of socialization goals of each unit of each subject matter were rated according to the rating scale of three levels or fidelity of socialization, and then most heavily loaded items with socialization were compiled, classified, and interpreted. 3. The findings were as follows: 1) historically in the time of Military Government, the teaching syllabi were from the viewpoint of fostering basic skills, intellectual capacity, and patriotism. Around of the emuncipation from the Japanese occupation we were in an emergent situation to sweep out Japanese Militaristic leftovers, and to build a democracy in every walk of life the Korean people. But actually the syllabi were edited and administered on the ground of intellectualism, putting strong emphasis on knowledge, skills and so forth rather than on democratic ways of life. 2) Through the four times' revisions of curriculum since the foundation of New Government of our own in 1948, new and more refined curriculum was adopted by the Ministry of Education. But we can find out several common and consistent patterns of human images stressed, norms, and educational philosophy. First, intellectualism is the key philosophy of education of Korea, that is to say, we have stressed the acquisition of knowledge and basic skills in primary school for about 25 years since 1945. Second, moral education has been another kernel part of our education since that day of the year cited above, and morally defined human images, that is morally cultivated man in patriotic and anti-communist spirit, have been the typical mottoes of successive Ministry of Education either. Third, in recent years specifically since the turning point of our history due to the military revolution of 1961, the formation of self-identical, productive and efficient personality has been the main goal of primary curriculum. 3. Through analyzing the educational objectives from the socialization point of view, we could find those facts that educational objectives represent undifferentiated concepts about the human images to be cultivated through education, and that those images typify the affective nature of human being. 4. Through analyzing the subject-areas from the socialization point of view using McNeil's schemes, we could find that in the behavioral dimension knowledge was most stressed socializing aspect, secondly, ability to do something, thirdly skills and attitudes. In the content dimension the cognitive domain is most stressed, secondly the social, and thirdly the performance. 5. Through analyzing the content of each subject (main socializing subjects are Korean language, social studies, anti-communism, moral, business, etc) we could find that social ethics was most stressed as socializing function, and secondly patriotism and language skill, and thirdly individual moral virtues, etc.

      • KCI등재
      • 人物畵에 의한 精神-身體障害兒의 精神病理的 診斷方法의 豫備的 硏究

        金在恩,呂光應 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1973 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        In the previous studies on the DAP test done in the States, Japan and Korea, there were found considerable possibilities and efficiencies of measuring intelligence of mentally retarded children. Many research papers have dealt with the possidility and validity of measuring personality characteristics and various clinical symptoms by the DAP test since 1926 when Goodenough first published a book concerning a systematic approach to the DAP test. This is the second paper dealing with the problem of measuring and diagnosing psycho-pathological symptoms of the psycho-physical disorders by the DAP test based on the protocols developed by Goodenough, Machover, Levy, Otomo etc. Data compiled for this study are the DAP test results processed by researchers and psychopathological diagnosis processed by psychiatrists. Subjects are from three institutions located in Taegu, N public primary school for mental retardation, S orphanage for exceptional children, and B private primary school for ,mental retardation. Their ages range are from 5:6 mos to 19:2 mos. According to the DAP test, their intelligence scores(I.S.) averaged 45 points for boys and 51 points for girls. Main syndromes of those subjects were classified into eight categories; that is, schizophrenia, comparatively pure feeblemindedness, epilepsy, language disorder, cerebral paralysis, general physical disorders, mongolism, and tubercular spinitis. Human figures drawn by those children were analyzed, first from the point of conceptual matural (intellectual standing), second, level of configuration, and third, presence or absence of a given part of body images. The results of the DAP testing of these eight pathological groups can be compiled as follows. 1. The intellectual standing of those exceptional children was inferred to be around 45-50 I.Q. score according to the DAP test norms which were standardized nationwide. 2. Generally, human figures of those exceptional chilfern are at the lower level of configuration and the strokes of their drawings are very unstable and their eye-hand coordination is very poor. 3. These exceptional children's human figures show various kinds of signs of disorders; general immaturity, immaturity of emotions, low intelligence, lack of self-control, lack of adjustability to environment, feeling of inferiority, introversion, etc.. 4. Overall observations of human figure drawn by exceptional children indicate the following general tendencies: (a) there are big differences in the "human" concepts among those symdrom groups. (b) Their "human" concepts coincidentally show comparatively well-balanced faces but show very poorly-balanced or deformed configuration in other parts or in total images. And their human figures are greatly differentiated in the other parts of body except the face. For example, comparatively clear presence of arms, legs, feet, trunk, but poor indication or complete lack of proportion and costume. 5. The tubercular spinitis characterizes the human figure as well-formed ones in comparison with other syndrom groups. 6. The schizophrenia characterizes the human figure most poorly among the eight syndrom groups. Their figures indicate only the presence of head, face contour, eyes, lips, legs, trunk but absence of all other parts of body. 7. Mongolism children characterize the human figure as showing distinguished head, ambiguous eyes, nose, and mouth, but complete lack of other parts of body. 8. Children of language disorders show almost the same degree of poor drawing of human figures as the schizophrenia. 9. Pure feebleminded children's human figures show almost the same level of configuration except clear head and eves as the schizophrenia and children of language disorders. 10. Epileptic children's drawings are differentiated in the point of showing distinguished presence of hair and arms which are lacking almost in other syndrom groups and their figures show clear head and eyes. 11. Children of physical disorders show clear presence of head, eyes, legs, arms, and trunk but clear absence of other parts of the body. 12. The cerebral paralysis characterizes the human figure as having a clear head only.

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