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      • KCI등재

        환경영향평가 교재의 내실화 방안 - 국내외 도서의 비교검토를 통해 본 교재의 내실화 방안 -

        김임순(Im Soon Kim),양원호(Won Ho Yang),최원욱(Won Wook Choi),한상욱(Sang Wook Han) 한국환경영향평가학회 2002 환경영향평가 Vol.11 No.3

        Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a tool used in planning development strategies and projects, and its use has been adopted into planning regulations in a number of countries. EIA has progressed from the consideration of pollution assessment, through the wider range of ecological assessment. Now EIA is required to consider the textbook of university students. Students taking lesson on EIA textbook are generally majoring in a variety of subjects, including environmental engineering, environmental health, environmental science, city planning, civil engineering, public policy, economics, and applied earth sciences. However, substantiality program of teaching material on EIA textbook has not been studied at expert society in the meantime, though a number of EIA textbook have been published every year in Korea. In current study, we presented the point at issue and improvement method of teaching material of EIA for student using domestic and foreign teaching materials and papers.

      • KCI등재

        환경영향평가 단계에서의 라돈 관리에 대한 연구

        김임순 ( Im-soon Kim ),오홍석 ( Hong-sok Oh ),이관형 ( Kwan-hyung Lee ),김충곤 ( Choong-gon Kim ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2018 환경영향평가 Vol.27 No.3

        최근 유해한 환경요인에 의한 질병발생 등 사람의 건강에 부정적인 영향이 중요하게 다루어지고 있다. 특히, 방사성 물질이며 폐암 1급 발암물질로 알려진 라돈 노출 영향에 관한 연구가 활발해지고 있다. 한국에서도 2018년 1월 1일 이후, 공동주택을 신축할 때 라돈측정이 의무화되었다. 라돈농도를 측정해 지자체에 제출하여야 하며 주민이 볼 수 있는 곳에 공고해야 한다. 라돈은 다중이용시설에 관한 권고 기준만 있었으나 이제는 주택에도 권고기준을 설정하기로 했다. 따라서 이제는 환경영향평가 단계는 물론 사후환경조사에서도 라돈을 관리할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 라돈농도 등의 환경정보와 라돈의 위해성 등 건강정보도 공유할 수 있어야 하며, 이를 위해 환경영향평가 단계에서 보건전문가의 참여가 필요하다. 환경영향평가 과정에서 라돈이 인체 건강에 미치는 영향을 고려할 수 있도록 토양, 대기질, 위생·공중항목 등을 개선하여야 한다. 라돈의 농도가 권고기준치 이상이면 대안을 마련하고 저감방안을 마련하여야 한다. Recently, negative effects on human health such as disease caused by harmful environment have been dealt with seriously. In particular, studies on the effect of radon exposure, which is known as a primary carcinogen in lung cancer due to radioactive materials, have been actively studied. In Korea, since January 1, 2018, radon measurement is mandatory when building a new apartment, so it is necessary to measure the radon concentration and submit it to the local government and it should be posted where residents can see it. Radon has only recommended standards for multi-use facilities, but now it has decided to set recommendation standards for private homes. Therefore, it should now be possible to manage the radon in the environmental impact assessment phase as well as in the Post-environmental Impact Assessment. It should be possible to share health information such as the radon concentration and the risk of radon, and participation of health experts in the environmental impact assessment stage is required. Soil, air quality, hygiene and aerial items should be improved to take into account the effects of radon on human health during the environmental impact assessment process. If the level value of conncentration of radon shows above the recommended level, then alternative measures should be prepared and mitigation measures should be prepared as well.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 환경평가제도개선에 관한 연구 -국내외 환경평가제도의 비교 고찰-

        김임순 ( Im Soon Kim ),송철우 ( Chul Woo Song ),한상욱 ( Sang Wook Han ),장성언 ( Sung Oun Chang ),신강수 ( Kang Soo Shin ),유헌석 ( Heon Seok Yoo ),정종관 ( Jong Gwan Jung ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2011 환경영향평가 Vol.20 No.3

        Over the past three decades, Korea has undertaken a series of reforms to improve development policy, plans and programs, including measures to mainstream the environment across all major sectors. Despite of these efforts, there has been still the lack of capacity to fully assess the environmental impacts as well as sustainable implications of development projects and strategies. At the level of regional and sectoral development plans, the development of strategic environmental assessment SEA systems continues to remain at a relatively early stage in the region with fewer examples of fully operational processes or effective practice. This study shows a further information to our understanding of the EIA and SEA systems and their implementation in Korea. It affords a number of insights into strengths and weaknesses of the current action in different countries, and identifies an agenda of needs and options for capacity building for implementing the EIA enactment.

      • 보건영향평가제도도입을 통한 보건과 환경의 통합적 접근방안 연구

        김임순(Im-Soon Kim),한상욱(Sang-Wook Han),김윤신(Yoon-Shin Kim),김대선(Dae-Seon Kim),문정숙(Jung-Suk Moon),이철민(Cheol-Min Lee) 대한환경위생공학회 2004 대한환경위생공학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Although Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) in Korea has been improved markedly over the past two decades, by enlarging the range of projects for assessment, instituting public participation and environmental monitoring, and similar measures, it remains deficient in its coverage of human health in Environmental Impact Statements(EISs). Health Impact Assessment(HIA) can supply the necessary correctives.<br/> HIA is a combination of procedures, methods and tools by which a policy, programme, projects or legislative procedure may be judged for its potential effects on the health of a population, and the distribution of these effects within it.<br/> The principle of health protection is, however, established as a primary concern in EIA processes, in practice health is scarcely mentioned or the discussion is limited to a description of effects through the biophysical environment. The whole range of possible effects on health, including those mediated by socio-economic factors is often ignored, and no effective mechanism are in place to successfully incorporating health criteria and expertise into environmental assessment(EA) that include EIA, SEA.<br/> These are foremost among the current issues facing EIA in Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전략환경평가의 제도화 동향과 국내 도입 방안

        김임순 ( Im Soon Kim ),김윤신 ( Yoon Shin Kim ),서용석 ( Yong Seok Seo ),장성언 ( Sung Oun Chang ),최원욱 ( Won Wook Choi ),한상욱 ( Sang Wook Han ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2003 환경영향평가 Vol.12 No.3

        Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) in Korea has been used to improve environmental conservation and decision-making since environmental impact statement(E1S) was introduced in 1981 with the promulgation of the Environmental Preservation Act in 1977, which replaced the Pollution Control Act legislated in 1963. Together with a rapid growth of environmental perception as well as the diversification of development activities, however, it has recently bring about a strong demand for a new assessment process related to the strategic level of policies, plan, programs. In order to overcome such a limit in EIA system, Prior Environmental Review System(PERS) was introduced for assessment of administrative plans manly concerned with development projects in 1993. In 1999, the regulations for PERS have been established by an amendment of the Basic Environmental Policy Act. Therefore the foundation of EIA system to integrate environmental concerns in planning processes and project works has been reformed. However the results of the execution of PERS were somewhat insufficient due to the institutional and technical matters. As the world`s attention turns to sustainability and the considerations of cumulative effects, the concept of strategic environmental assessment(SEA) has taken on more significance and urgency and increasing number of countries and international organizations now undertake some form of SEA. The term SEA, however, is variously defined and understood, generally it means a formal process of systematic analysis of the environmental effects of development policies, plans, programmes and other proposed strategic actions. This process extends the aims and principles of EIA upstream in the decision-making process, beyond the project level and when major alternatives are still open. In this paper, we are discussing the significance of SEA and its relevance to EIA and the international trends and institutionalization of SEA. In conclusion we are discussing the comprehensive developing plan for SEA in Korea, then proposing a plan to make institutional arrangements for its application.

      • KCI등재

        교육학 : 가드너의 다중지능이론이 교육에 주는 함의

        김임순 ( Im Soon Kim ),김성훈 ( Seong Hoon Kim ) 조선대학교 인문학연구소 2015 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.49

        이 글에서는 하워드 가드너가 제안하고 있는 다중지능의 개념이 무엇이고, 그것이 우리에게 교육적으로 약속하고 있는 바가 무엇인지를 논의하였다. 우리는 먼저 가드너가 제안하고 있는 인간 지능의 세 가지 특성을 살펴보았다. 가드너는 지능의 다양성 개념을 통해 인간의 상이한 행동 양식에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히고자 하였고, 지능의 문화성 개념을 통해 삶을 살아가는 실제적인 능력으로서의 지능을 중시하였으며, 지능의 가변성 개념을 통해 인간 삶의 주체적이고 적극적인 측면을 강조하였다. 다음으로 우리는 가드너의 다중지능이론이 교육에 주는 메시지를 ‘만남’, ‘공간’, ‘희망’이라는 세 가지 키워드를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이때 ‘만남’은 교육이 세상 속 존재인 ‘나’와 또 다른 세상 속 존재인 ‘너’가 만나 상호 주관적인 의미를 형성해 가는 과정임을 말해주고 있고, ‘공간’은 교육이 삶의 공간에서 존재론적인 반성을 통해 실제적인 삶의 지능을 높이는 일임을 암시하고 있으며, ‘희망’은 교육이 어려움과 힘겨움 속에서도 아직 드러나지 않은 삶의 가능성을 찾아 떠나는 배움의 여정임을 가정하고 있다. 이 글은 가드너의 안내를 받아 인간 지능에 대한 이해의 지평을 넓혀보려는 시도였고, 인간 지능의 다중적 성격에 근거해 교육의 개념적 가능성을 타진해 보려는 작업이었다. 그렇다고 해서 이 글이 가드너의 다중지능이론에 대한 현장 중심적인 연구들의 가치와 성과를 부정하는 것은 아니었다. 그보다 이 글에서는 실천적인 연구들에서 소홀히 다루어질 수 있는 개념적 이해에 주목하면서 가드너의 다중지능이론의 방법적 쓸모를 그에 대한 본질적 의미를 통해 보완해 보려는 것이었다. The problem undertaken in this study is to examine the concept of “multiple intelligence” developed by Howard Gardner in his major inquiries, especially in relation to education. The purpose is to bring a distinctive approach to the position adopted here that Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences bears directly or indirectly on current matters of importance to educators and merits attention in order to improve our understanding of human life. The inquiry proceeds in two stages. The first stage is an exposition of the distinctions and relations necessary to Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences. It proceeds by considering a threefold concept of human intelligence proposed by Gardner : intelligence as diverse, intelligence as cultural, intelligence as flexible. By intelligence as diverse, Gardner represents the complex and various capabilities of a human being. By intelligence as cultural, Gardner seeks light upon the capacities to solve problems or create products that are valuable in a cultural setting. By intelligence as flexible, Gardner proposes the changing concept of intelligence that is one of the most liberating forces in human life. The second stage is an educational discussion of the above three distinctive qualities of Gardnerian intelligence. Some implications of Gardner’s theory of education are : that since intelligence is not subject to one and the same entity, education is a close encounter with ‘Otherness’ in the human relation between ‘I’ and ‘you’; that since intelligence is activated in a cultural setting, education should create a life-embedding space where the emphasis is to be placed on the development of practical learning capability more than just knowledge; that since intelligence is flexible, education is ever subject to great changes that continually let us grow and thus become a human being in the truest sense of the term. This study concludes with a hopeful stance that education is a human activity whose goal is to fully realize one’s potentials. With this in mind, Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory behooves contemporary educators to acknowledge their conjoint interests in re-conceptualizing education as a way of life in a humane space, focused more on Existence.

      • KCI등재

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