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      • KCI등재

        몽골교회의 내적성장 위한 예배회복 선교전략

        김은호 한국실천신학회 2020 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.72

        역사의 시간이 흐르며 몽골은 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 다방면에 걸쳐 많은 변화를 경험해 왔다. 그 가운데 가장 두드러진 것은 유목문화로부터 정착문화로의 변화다. 이 문화적 변화에 중심에는 오랜 교회문화도 있다. 경교를 시작으로 기독교가 전파된 후, 몽골교회는 팍스 몽골리아 시대를 정점으로 내리막 길을 걸으며 교회의 암흑기를 거쳤으나 현대에 들어서며 다시 급성장했다. 그리고 짧은 현대교회사에도 불구하고 급속한 외적인 성장을 이룰 수 있었던 몽골교회의 저변에는 유목문화로부터 정착문화까지를 모두 아우르는 탁월한 영성, 곧 음악적 영성이 자리를 잡고 있다. 하지만 이는 몽골교회 성장에 있어서 검의 양날이기도 했었다. 훈련되지 못한 예배인도자를 통해 오늘날 몽골교회는 감각적인 카타르시스(Catharsis)적 예배문화를 양산했고, 기복주의와 혼합주의 신앙으로 떨어지며 깊은 영적 침체에 빠졌다. 본 연구는 몽골교회의 이와 같은 문제를 해결하고 나아가 지난 30년의 몽골선교를 거울삼아 향후 30년, 건강하고 내실 있게 세워진 몽골교회를 바라보며 다음과 같은 ‘몽골교회의 내적성장 위한 예배회복 선교전략’을 제시하였다. 첫째, ‘개교단(個敎團)/개기관(個機關)을 위한 선교전략’으로 ‘유목민 교회 지도자 양성을 위한 음악 프로그램’과 ‘상류계층 선교를 위한 음악 프로그램’을 제시했다. 둘째, ‘초교파(超敎派)적 연합사역을 위한 음악 선교전략’으로 ‘전문인 음악 사역자 양성 프로그램’과 ‘초교파(超敎派) 공동인준 예배 및 교회음악 전문인 목회자 양성 프로그램’을 제시했다. 본 연구를 통해 오늘날 깊은 내적침체에 빠진 몽골교회가 잘 훈련되고 공인받은 초교파 예배 전문사역자를 통해 샤머니즘적인 감각적 카타르시스(Catharsis)를 극복하고 마침내 예배가 회복되고 교회의 내적 성장이 일어나 하나님을 영화롭게 하며 교회 본연의 역할을 신실하게 감당하는 건강한 교회가 되기를 소망한다. Over time in history, Mongolia has experienced many changes in various fields, including politics, economy, society and culture. The most prominent of them is the shift from nomadic culture to settlement culture. At the center of this cultural change is church culture. After the spread of Christianity, starting with Nestorianism, the Mongolian church went through the dark ages of the church, going downhill from the peak of the Pax Mongolian era, but as it entered modern times, the Mongolian church grew rapidly again. And at the base of the Mongolian Church, which was able to achieve rapid external growth despite its short modern church, there is an outstanding spirituality, or musical spirituality, that encompasses everything from nomadic culture to settlement culture. However, it was also a double blade for the growth of the Mongolian church. Through untrained worship guides, the Mongolian church today has produced a sensuous catharsis worship culture, and has fallen into a deep spiritual slump, falling into a capricious and mixed-minded faith. In order to solve this problem, this study proposed the following specific ‘Mission Strategies for the Restoration of Worship for Inner Growth of Mongolian Church of Mongolia’, looking at the Mongolian church that was built up 30 years later, in a mirrored view of the past 30 years. First,'Music for Nomadic Church Leaders' and 'Music for Missionary Missions for High-class People' were proposed as ‘the Music Mission Strategy for Individual Denominations/Individual Organizations'. Second, as ‘the music mission strategy for the combined ministries of interdenominationals', 'the professinal music ministry training program’ and ‘the interdenominational joint accredited worship service and the training program’ for pastors specialized in music were proposed. Through this study, we hope that the Mongolian church, which is mired in a deep internal stagnation today, will free itself from prejudice and indifference to music. Furthermore, I hope that the Mongolian church will overcome the shamanistic sensory catharsis through a well-trained minister of worship and eventually grow into a healthy Mongolian church that honors God with the restoration of worship and internal growth.

      • KCI등재

        CT-추간판조영술:요추간판 탈출증에서의 진단적 정확도와 시술 중 유발통증의 의미

        김은호 대한영상의학회 1996 대한영상의학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness and the accuracy of CT-discography in lumbar disc disease by analyzingthe findings of CT-discogram and types of evoked pain during the procedure. Materials and Methods : CT-discogramswere retrospectively evaluated in 47 intervertebral discs of 20 patients with multilevel involvement of lumbardisc diseases. In 28 herniated discs confirmed at surgery, the findings of CT-discogram (28 disc levels/20patients), MRI(23/16) and CT(21/15) were comparatively analysed. The type of pain after infusion of contrast mediaduring CT-discography was compared with that prior to the procedure. Resulsts : The accuracy for determining typesof the herniated lumbar disc when compared with postoperative results was 96.4%(27 discs/28 discs) in theCT-discogram, 82.6%(19 discs/23 discs) in MRI and 71.4%(15 discs/21 discs) in the CT scan. Pains encounteredduring discography were radiating pain in 12 discs and back pain in 24 discs. CT-discography was especiallyhelpful in 10 patients with multilevel involvement of the lumbar disc diseases to evaluate the exact location ofdiseased disc(s) that provoked the pain. Conclusion : CT-discography is a highly accurate method in diagnosis ofthe herniated lumbar intervertebral discs and is very useful in determining the precise location related to thedevelopment of pain in such cases.

      • KCI등재

        교차문화 의사소통의 관점으로 본 몽골선교 - 세계관을 중심으로 -

        김은호 한국실천신학회 2014 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.38

        1924년에는 군주제를 공화제로 고쳐 국명을 ‘몽골인민공화국’으로 정하고 봉건·신권제(神權制) 잔재의 일소, 재산 사유권 금지 등을 규정한 최초의 헌법을 제정함으로써 구소련에 이어 세계에서 2번째로 공산주의 국가가 되었던 몽골은 1990년 3월 인민혁명당중앙위원회 제8차 총회에서 헌법을 수정하여 공산당 1당 독재를 포기하고 복수정당제를 채택하였다. 1992년 1월 신헌법제정 이후 몽골은 사회주의를 탈피한 대통령중심제의 중립·비동맹국가로 의 전환과 함께 오랜 세월 막혀있던 복음 전도의 물꼬가 트이게 되었다. 몽골인 들은 공산주의사상이 빠져나간 그들의 심령을 채워 줄 무언가를 찾았고, 그들에게 가장 먼저 가장 적극적으로 다가 갔던 것이 바로 기독교였다. 복음은 메마를 대로 메마르고 갈라질 대로 갈라졌던 몽골인 들의 심령을 회생시키기에 충분했다. 현재는 적어도 몽골국민의 3.0% 가량이 복음화 되었을 것으로 사료된다. 22년이라는 지극히 짧은 기간이지만 다른 어느 선교지역 보다 더 자발적이고 적극적으로 복음전파가 진행되고 있다. 몽골은 세계선교의 현대사 중 단연 눈에 띄는 양적 성과를 거둔 나라로 손꼽히고 있다. 그러나 이와 같은 양적 성장 앞에 “몽골 그리스도인들이 과연 성경적으로 거듭난 그리스도인들인가?”라는 새로운 선교학적 질문이 놓여 있다. 성경이 말하는 성장이란 교회의 머리수를 채우기에 급급한 양적 성장 보다는 속도를 늦추더라도 진정 거듭난 그리스도인들을 생산하고 기꺼이 자기 십자가를 짊어지고 예수 그리스도를 따르는 헌신된 제자로서의 그리스도인들을 양육함을 의미한다. 이는 몽골 사회와 문화 안에서 선교적 사명을 감당하며 나아가 땅 끝까지 사명을 감당하는 그리스도인 즉, 선교적교회를 세움을 뜻한다. 그런데 몽골 그리스도인들 가운데 표리부동(表裏不同), 즉 겉 다르고 속 다른 경우를 어렵지 않게 접할 수 있다. 겉으로는 신실한 그리스도인 척하지만 속내는 그렇지 못한 그 이유가 무엇일까? 양적 성장에 비해 질적 성장이 유독 미미한 이유가 무엇일까?본 연구는 이와 같은 질문들에 기초하여 몽골 그리스도인들의 질적 성장에 미치는 부정적 혹은 방해 요소로 작용하는 것들에 어떤 것들이 있는지를 교차문화 의사소통(Intercultural Communication)의 관점으로 몽골인의 세계관을 관찰하고 그 안에서 파생된 문화에 대한 이해로부터 그 답을 찾고자 한다. 나아가 몽골 그리스도인들이 복음을 바르게 받아들이고 진정한 그리스도인으로 살아갈 수 있는 방향을 제시하고자 한다. Mongolia, through it's act in 1924 fixed it's characteristics from monarchy into republic, naming themselves 'Mongolia, people's republic'. They have also made their first constitution by eradicating feudalism and banning private ownership of property, which led them to be the second communist country following the former Soviet Union. In march of 1990, They gave up single party dictatorship of communism and adopted multiparty system, by adjusting their constitution in the 8th general assembly of 'People's Revolutionary Party central committee'. January 1992, after the enactment of the new constitution, Mongolia shed from socialism into presidential system. This event made Mongolia to become 'Neutral, non-aligned country' and also open the gates for the Gospel to enter. January 1992, after the enactment of the new constitution, Mongolia shed from socialism into presidential system. This event made Mongolia to become 'Neutral, non-aligned country' and also open the gates for the Gospel to enter. Mongolian's were looking for something that could fill their soul which was emptied as communism disappeared from their country, and Christianity was the most aggressive 'something' that they were looking for. Gospel was sufficient to revive those Mongolian souls that were dried and split apart. Currently, we believe that 3 percent of Mongolian nation has been evangelized. Even though 22 years is a short period of time, the spreading of Gospel continued to spread throughout the country involving voluntary, and enthusiastically compared to other mission fields. Mongolia is one of the most quantitative producted country in the global missionary work of modern history. Even though Mongolia was developed in quantity, we still had a query, "Are Mongolian Christians Biblically born again christian?" The growth that the Bible tells us does not refer to the quantity of the believers, but wether the believers are biblically born again christian, and also wether they are prepared to carry their own cross as Jesus did. But, within the Mongolian christians we didn't have a hard time to find those who are two-faced. What could be the main cause for those to be sincere christians outside, but not in the inside? What could be the reason for the insignificant product of quality compared to quantity? This research is a study on the events of Mongolian christians to be developed in the portions of quality, and also finding the reasons and the interruptions in order to be a biblically born again christian. The research will be based through the cultural filtered principles of communication in proper cross-culture, in other words, we are looking for the answers from the their cultures that have been derived from the views of the world. Furthermore, we are looking forward to suggest the directions and ways in order to accurately accept the Gospel and to live as a true Christians.

      • KCI등재


        김은호 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2015 Acta Koreana Vol.18 No.2

        Using the micro-analytic framework of conversation analysis, this study demonstrates Korean language learners’ varying repair strategies when facing vocabulary production problems. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to explore the ways in which Korean L2 learners co-construct repair sequences for vocabulary negotiation and (2) to advance our understanding of how learning opportunities are created in Korean as a Foreign Language (KFL) classroom interaction. The data analyzed for this study are drawn from approximately nineteen hours of Korean as a second language classroom conversations, involving seven students and a teacher. It specifically investigates the various organ-izations of repair by two different language proficiency levels: advanced and intermediate. Analysis of moment-by-moment classroom interaction reveals that advanced and intermediate learners show different preferences and utilize repair sequences in differing ways in order to negotiate target vocabulary with interactants. Participants in the interaction move back and forth between the ongoing talk and the repair sequence and collaboratively resolve their problems in ways that create opportunities for learning. The analysis of these practices of “vocabulary negotiation” adds to a body of work that shows how students participate in building their own learning opportunities. Keywords: conversation analysis, learning opportunities, repair, vocabulary negotiation, KFL classroom interaction

      • KCI등재후보

        A Conversation Analytic Study of Korean Sentence-ending Suffix –ci in the Language Classroom: Multiple Questions and Third Turn Position in Teacher Talk

        김은호 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2010 언어정보 Vol.0 No.11

        Employing the methodological framework of conversation analysis (cf. Sack, Schegloff & Jefferson 1974), this study examines the ways in which the Korean sentence-ending suffix –ci affects the development of Korean classroom conversations. The aim of this paper is to reconsider previously proposed descriptions on -ci through a close examination of the concrete activities through which the suffix –ci is employed for the interactive management of talk-in-interaction, rather than speculating on the participants’ psychological states based on the analyst’s intuition or theoretical assumptions. –Ci has often been identified as a suffix serving a function of confirmation-request or an acknowledgement token expressing agreement with interlocutor’s stance (Choi 1995; Kawanish and Sohn 1993; Lee 1999; Martin 1992; Sohn 1999; Suh 2001). -Ci indeed frequently occurs in those occasions. However, close examination of the sequential context, turn shape, intonation and embodied actions involved in each occurrence of –ci demonstrates the varying contribution this suffix can make in the development of interaction. The results of the current microanalysis of classroom interactions reveal that the suffix –ci is recurrently utilized in the third position in teacher talk (Mehan 1979; Lee 2007) and multiple questions (Gardner 2004; Kasper and Ross 2007).

      • KCI등재

        Negotiating opinion and the use of Korean interpersonal modal ending in the KFL classroom

        김은호 국제언어문학회 2015 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.32

        This paper presents a sequential analysis of the interactional uses of the Korean interpersonal modal ending -canh- in opinion-negotiation sequences of English-speaking learners of Korean, observed in two different task formats, i.e. teacher-fronted discussion and student-led debate. Using the methodological framework of conversation analysis, this study provides a detailed account of the use of -canh- in each task type. A total of 89 opinion-negotiation episodes were identified. Overall, the collection of this study shows two distinctive features: (i) in teacher-fronted discussion, -canh- is exclusively used to give accounts. (ii) in student-led debate, -canh- is predominantly utilized to perform disagreements. Findings show that the choice of task format constrains range and functions of -canh- enacted by the learners, highlighting the influence of minor contextual differences. Given the importance in such interactional contexts of students performing to the best of their abilities, these findings promote implications for teaching practice in KFL classrooms.

      • KCI등재

        Temperature Changes Caused by 13-MeV Proton Irradiation at the Interface of a Pyrex Glass and a Silicon Wafer

        김은호,노승정,이두형,김희수,현준원,공영조 한국물리학회 2006 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.48 No.4

        Wafer-bonding techniques are key issues for the commercialization of microelectromechanical system(MEMS) devices. We propose a new wafer-bonding method that uses localized heating of the bonding interface at the Bragg peak of the proton beam. The energy absorbed in pyrex glass due to the proton-beam irradiation was numerically calculated for various proton energies by using the stopping and range of ions in matter(SRIM) program. 13-MeV proton beams were used to irradiate the surface of pyrex glass mounted on a silicon wafer, and the interface temperature change was measured as a function of the irradiation time at various beam currents. The pyrex glass and the silicon wafer had the same sizes of 10 mm × 10 mm. The thicknesses of the pyrex glass and the silicon wafer were 1 mm and 0.65 mm, respectively. At a fixed beam current, the interface temperature change showed a rapid increase before 50 seconds and the increase became very slow after 50 seconds. The final interface temperature was found to be determined by the proton beam current, and the final temperature increased with the beam current.

      • KCI등재

        Conversational Functions of Korean Discourse Connective Kulaykaciko

        김은호 서울대학교 언어교육원 2015 語學硏究 Vol.51 No.1

        The aim of this paper is to examine the use of Korean discourse connective kulaykaciko, one of the discourse connectives frequently produced by participants in Korean conversation. By employing the methodological framework of discourse modality (Maynard, 1993), it investigates semantic, pragmatic and interpersonal functions of kulaykaciko in naturally occurring discourse. The analysis reveals that a single linguistic sign, kulaykaciko has multiple functions in discourse: it can express the “cause-result” relationship, provide further explanation related to the previous talk, manage turn-taking, and index politeness.

      • KCI등재

        Countermeasures for ‘New Age’ in Korean Church

        김은호 한국실천신학회 2014 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.40

        New Age is not an unfamiliar word for modern people who live in the postmodern age. Rather, New Age is deeply within our lives from music or yoga. But New Age is above simple culture that we generally know. Outwardly they seem to seek peace and harmony, but within their inner side, we can know that they seek for antichristianism, non-Christian, and a life in Utopia without God. New Age has secretly snuck into the churches by packing ‘pantheism’, ‘doctrine of reincarnation’, and ‘relativism’ into the name of culture. New Age, which has infiltrated the church, damaged the truth of the Bible and also encouraged the believers to have doubt and make a division with their relationship with God. The idea of New Age basically appeared by criticizing the Christianic view of the world. Especially, they have argued that the doctrine “salvation ‘only’ through Christ” should be replaced by “salvation through any religion”. This means that they bodily deny the existence and value of the church. But churches are insensitive of this matter and even belittle this matter. Going back to Genesis 3, we can see that Adam and Eve, creation of God, forgot their identity and doubted God’s absolute Word and relativized it. Through this Satan tempted them and made them to declare independence and freedom without God. But where were their fate headed to? Their life without God and their distortion of the Word gave them death, the agony of sin, and miserable life. The thoughts that tempted Adam and Eve are the main ideas of New Age which New Agers are crying out. Hence, this research will examine the ideas of New Age which are: non-Christian and antichristianism, and the elements of New Age that snuck into our churches. This research will examine theses elements and ideas through the three elements of worship life: sermon, prayer, and praise. Furthermore, consolidate a plan to reform the churches that have the elements of New Age already rooted into themselves, and also examine the soils that brought New Age up to the surface. Through this, churches will recover their essence of a church, and also become a pure church. The purpose of this research is based to play a part, in spite of one’s poor ability, by guarding the church from New Age which brings the crisis of identity, and to bear the mission of the church.

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