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      • KCI등재

        재난적 의료비 발생과 재발생이 빈곤화와 빈곤지속에 미치는 영향

        김은경 ( Eunkyoung Kim ),권순만 ( Soonman Kwon ) 한국보건행정학회 2016 보건행정학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Background: The objective of this study was to examine the effect of occurrence and reoccurrence of catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) on transition to poverty and persistence of poverty in South Korea. Methods: The data of the year 2008-2011 from the Korea Health Panel were used. CHE was defined as the share of total health expenditure in a household out of a household’s total income at various threshold levels (more than 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The effect of catastrophic expenditure on transition to poverty and persistence of poverty was analyzed through multivariate logistic regression. Results: The shares of households facing CHE at various threshold levels have increased gradually with 37.7%, 21%, 13.1%, and 9.5% in 2011. Households facing CHE were more likely to experience transition to poverty at thresholds level of more than 5% and 20% in 2010 set. Households facing CHE seemed to experience persistence of poverty, but it was not statistically significant. About 40% of households facing CHE in 2009 encountered another shock of CHE in 2010. Households without CHE seemed to experience more transition to poverty and persistence of poverty, but it was not statistically significant. For household with multiple CHE, those with medical aid were more likely to experience transition to poverty with statistical significance, but the statistical significance disappeared in case of persistence of poverty. Conclusion: The Korean health system needs to be improved to serve as a social security net for addressing transition to poverty and persistence of poverty due to facing CHE.

      • KCI등재

        부하지속곡선(Load Duration Curve LDC)을 이용한 한강수계 오염총량관리 목표수질 평가방법 적용 방안

        김은경 ( Eunkyoung Kim ),류지철 ( Jichul Ryu ),김홍태 ( Hongtae Kim ),김용석 ( Yongseok Kim ),신동석 ( Dongseok Shin ) 한국물환경학회 2015 한국물환경학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        Water quality in four major river basin in Korea was managed with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) System. The unit watershed in TMDL system has been evaluated with Target Water Quality (TWQ) assessment using average water quality, without considering its volume of water quantity. As results, although unit watershed are obtained its TWQ, its allocated loads were not satisfied and vice versa. To solve these problems, a number of TWQ assessments with using Load Duration Curve (LDC) have been studied at other watersheds. The purpose of this study was to evaluate achievement of TWQ with Flow Duration Curve (FDC) and Load Duration Curve(LDC) at 26 unit watersheds in Han river basin. The results showed that achievement rates in TWQ assessment with current method and with LDC were 50~56 % and 69~73%, respectively. Because of increasing about 20% of achievement rates with using LDC, the number of exceeded unit watershed at Han river Basin was decreased about 4~6 unit watersheds.

      • KCI등재

        清 雍正時期 洋彩의 含意와 그 特徵

        김은경(Kim, Eunkyoung) 한국미술사교육학회 2014 美術史學 Vol.- No.28

        현재 우리에게 익숙한 양채라 함은 대부분 건륭시기의 화려한 양채를 의미한다. 반면 옹정시기 양채는 20세기 초반만 해도 그 존재를 거의 찾아볼 수 없었고, 최근 들어 몇 점씩 소개되고 있을 뿐이다. 그 배경에는 분명 옹정시기에도 양채가 제작되었지만, 건륭시기 이후부터 지금까지 傳世되는 과정 중에 옹정양채가 법랑채 혹은 분채라는 명칭으로 소개되어 지금에 이르는 것으로 추정된다. 이처럼 한 대상에 대한 여러 명칭의 혼재는 이들 작품에 사용된 안료와 제작공정, 외관상 특징이 유사하기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 건륭시기 양채에 가려진 옹정양채의 특징을 밝혀내는 것을 목적으로 한다. 먼저 양채와 자태화법랑의 기준이 모호한 상황에서 실제 ‘양채’라는 명칭이 지니는 含意를 청대의 문헌을 통해 추적해 보고 오늘날 우리는 그 대상을 어떻게 규정해야 옳은지 규명하고자 했다. 조판처와 어요창간의 인력 및 기술교류가 이루어진 만큼 법랑채-양채-분채는 외관상에 드러나는 차이점 보다는 제작지에 따른 명칭의 분류로 보는 것이 합리적이다. 또한 건륭제가 양채를 진흥, 발전시키는데 주력하였고, 청궁 내에서의 위상 역시 높았던 것으로 미루어 보아 옹정시기의 양채 역시 이와 크게 다르지 않았을 것으로 추정하였다. 아울러 기존에 자태화법랑과 분채로 분류되었던 옹정시기 자기들 중에서 양채라고 볼 수 있는 작품들을 가려낼 수 있는 기준을 제시하고자 하였다. 먼저, 이름에서 알 수 있듯이 ‘洋’이라는 명칭이 부여된 것은 ‘서양의 개념을 충실히 모방하고 응용’했다는 당시 인식의 결과에 따른 것으로, 서양의 화법랑기술을 빌려 ‘이전엔 볼 수 없었던 혁신적인 중국 자기’를 만들고자 했던 자태화법랑과는 그 성격이 달랐을 것이다. Yangcai (洋彩), which we have become familiar with these days, generally refers to the decorative Yangcai during the reign of Qianlong Emperor (乾隆帝). On the other hand, Yangcai in the reign of the Yongzheng Emperor (雍正帝) was hardly ever observed during the early 20th century, and only a few pieces have recently been introduced. It is estimated that this rarity is attributable to the transition of the name of Yongzheng Yangcai into Falangcai (琺瑯彩) or Fencai (粉彩) in the process of transmission of Yongzheng Yangcai through generations from the reign of Qianlong Emperor to the present. Such mixed use of names for an item is because of the similarity in the pigment used for the work, the manufacturing process and the features of its appearance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to reveal the characteristics of Yongzheng Yangcai, hidden by Yangcai widely manufactured in the reign of Qianlong Emperor. First, in the current circumstances in which standards for distinguishing Yangcai from the painted enamel porcelain (瓷胎?琺琅) are vague, the implications of the name of Yangcai were sought by searching the literature of the Qing dynasty, and discussions were held about how Yangcai should be defined today. It has been concluded that it is more reasonable to identify Falangcai, Yangcai and Fencai in terms of classification by manufacturing site rather than classification based on differences in appearance, as personnel and technical exchanges took place between the palace workshops (造辦處) and the imperial kiln (御窯廠). Moreover, in light of the fact that Qianlong Emperor put an emphasis on the promotion and development of Yangcai, and the status of Yangcai in the royal palace was highly valued, it has been assumed in this study that the status of Yangcai during the reign of Yongzheng Emperor would be similar to that during the reign of Qianlong Emperor. In addition, this study aimed to provide standards for identifying works of porcelain that can be referred to as Yangcai among those manufactured in the reign of Yongzheng Emperor, which used to be classified into painted enamel porcelain or Fencai. First of all, the name of ‘yang (洋)’ which was granted to the works of porcelain is the implementation of people’s awareness of the time, which can be summarized as ‘imitation and application of western concepts’. Therefore, it can be said that those porcelains would have different characteristics from those of painted enamel porcelains, which were intended to ‘develop innovative and unique porcelains of China’s own’.

      • 영양부족 노인환자 영양간호 가이드라인에 대한 병원 간호사의 인지도와 수행도

        김은경(Kim, Eunkyoung) 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 2017 계명간호과학 Vol.20 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the gap between awareness and performance of evidence-based guidelines for management of under nutrition to elderly people in general hospitals. Methods: In this descriptive study, a total of 186 nurses working in three general hospitals have participated. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient with SPSS/WIN Statistics 19.0 program. Results: There is statistically significant difference between awareness and performance in nutrition assessment (t=13.45, p<. 001), intervention (t=16.31, p<. 001), and evaluation (t=10.12, p<. 001). Conclusion: Study findings showed that the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for management of undernutrition to elderly people is recommended in nursing practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        수대(隋代) 도자의 서역(西域) 요소(要素) 계통과 출현 배경

        김은경 ( Kim Eunkyoung ) 동양미술사학회 2021 동양미술사학 Vol.12 No.-

        수대는 혼란스러운 남북조시기를 거쳐 전국 통일이라는 대업 하에 ‘수나라’만의 정체성을 지닌 도자문화의 탄생을 알리는 개시점이자, 이후 찬란했던 당대 도자를 위한 변혁의 시기로 규정할 수 있다. 하지만 지금까지 중국도자사에서는 수대 도자의 이런 특징을 독립적으로 보지 않고, 육조와 당을 이어주는 연결고리 정도로 여기거나 혹은 당과 묶어 포괄적으로 다루고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 수대 도자에 보이는 서역적 요소에 주목하여 육조시대 및 당대와 달리 어떤 특징을 지니고 있는지, 그리고 그 의미는 무엇인지 살펴보았다. 수대 도자에는 前朝에 이은 국제적 요소들이 확인되는데, 불교적 모티브와 胡甁·扁壺·角杯 등의 이국적 기형, 외국인을 묘사한 陶俑 등이 여전히 강세를 보인다. 그 배경에는 세력의 확장 등을 목적으로 전대에 이어 서역과의 내왕이 더욱더 빈번해진 것에 기인한 것으로 여겨진다. 특히 양질의 고급 백자 생산은 수 왕조의 활발한 서역경영 배경 하에 이루어졌을 것으로 여겨지는데, 즉 초기 북방의 형요백자에 산화칼륨을 첨가한 방식은 산화칼륨을 조용제로 사용하는 수대의 유리 제조기술에 영향을 받았을 가능성이 높다. 그리고 이 기술은 중국 본토 자생이 아니라 사산조 페르시아의 영향을 받았을 것으로 생각된다. 기술의 영향과 함께 주목되는 점은 동지중해와 중앙아시아 미술의 전래와 융합을 통해 생성된 ‘신양식의 창출’이라는 점이다. 혼란했던 남북조 시기에도 서역과의 교류는 끊이지 않았기에 서역식 양식들은 중국 내지로 그대로 수용되어 왔다. 동로마 제국의 유리와 금은기, 소그드 미술에 보이는 입체적 장식 요소들은 도자로 번안되는 과정 중 그대로 답습되어 첩화방식으로 표현되었고, 이는 남북조 자기의 특징이라 볼 수 있다. 그런데 수대에 들어서면, 점차‘응용’과 ‘변용’을 거쳐 인화 혹은 음각 등으로 대체되는 등 토착화가 진행된다. 또 그리스 신화의 요소 및 의미가 접목되면서 새로운 양식들로 재창조된 경향을 보인다. 이는 서역적 요소들을 직접 모방하거나 구현하려는 성향이 강했던 이전 시대와 다른 특징으로, 수대 도자에 보이는 새로운 시도이자 도전이라 볼 수 있을 것이다. After the chaotic Northern and Southern Dynasties of China period, the Sui Dynasty began its own porcelain culture under the great task of national unification. At the same time, it can be defined as a period of change for the flourishing porcelains of the Tang Dynasty. However, until now in the history of Chinese porcelains, it has not independently viewed the characteristics of the Sui Dynasty, but rather regarded them as a link between the Six Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, this study focused on the Western elements that appeared in the porcelains of Sui Dynasty, and looked at what Sui Dynasty porcelains was different from Tang Dynasty and what its meaning was. First of all, porcelains of Sui Dynasty continues to be international following the previous dynasty. For example, Buddhist motifs, exotic forms such as Huping(胡甁), a Flat jar(扁壺), Rhyton, and pottery figurine(陶俑) to describe foreigners. The background is believed to be due to the increased frequency of continually traveling to and from the West following the previous dynasties with the aim of expanding power. In particular, it is highly likely that the background of the production of high-quality white porcelain was based on the active Western management of the Sui Dynasty. The method of adding potassium oxide to the white porcelain of the early northern type is likely to have been influenced by Sui Dynasty's glass manufacturing technology, which uses potassium oxide as an auxiliary solvent. And this technology is believed to have been influenced by the Sasan Dynasty Persia, not by the Chinese continent. What draws attention, including the influence of technology, is the creation of new styles created through the transition and convergence of Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian art. Even during the chaotic Northern and Southern Dynasties of China period, Western styles have been accepted into China as they continued to interact with the West. The three-dimensional decorative features of the East Roman Empire glass, gold and silver ware, and the Sogdian art of the process of being transformed into porcelain can be seen as a characteristic of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China period porcelain. However, as the Sui Dynasty approached, the decorative techniques of Hellenistic and Sogdian art are believed to have gradually become indigenous through "application" and "modification." In other words, there is a strong tendency in previous dynasties to imitate or implement Western elements directly. However, during the Sui dynasties, three-dimensional decorations were either replaced by engrave or printing techniques, or recreated in a new style with the addition of Greek mythological elements to Chinese porcelains. This can certainly be seen as a new attempt and challenge seen in the porcelain of the Sui dynasty.

      • Clip Induced Self-Assemblies of Organic Fluorophores for Low Voltage Driven Ferroelectric Polarization in Thin Films

        Eunkyoung Kim(김은경) 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.2

        Synchronizing ferroelectric and luminescent properties in a molecule could feature multiple functions that can adapt to a various external stimulii in a single device. Here we report new, ferroelectric luminescent molecules containing a central organic fluorophore carrying clipable side chains (C). The clips were a polar group or a long alkyl chain with mesogenic units, to induce self-assembly and gelation of the fluorophores. All the clipped fluorophores showed weak blue to green luminescence in solution, however, afforded high emission at thin film state. The emission was stronger with a larger number of C groups. The self-assembled arrangement of the clipped fluorophores generated local macrodipole moment by the application of an external electric field, resulting in ferroelectric polarization-electric field (PE) hysteresis at low voltage. Optimization of PE hysteresis against luminescent structures through C groups will be discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        기초의회 선거제도의 변화가 여성의 의회진출에 미친 효과성에 관한 연구 - 2006년 5ㆍ31 지방선거를 중심으로 : 기초의회 선거제도의 변화가 여성의 의회진출에 미친 효과성에 관한 연구

        김원홍(WonHong Kim),윤덕경(DeukKyoung Yoon),김은경(EunKyoung Kim),김은수(EunSoo Kim) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2007 여성연구 Vol.73 No.-

        2006년 5월 31일 제4대 동시지방선거가 실시되었다. 이번 지방선거에서의 가장 큰 특징은 기초의회에 새로 정당공천제, 중선거구제, 비례대표제, 유급제가 도입되었다는 점이다. 2006년 지방선거에서 기초의회 여성의원 비율은 15.0%.로 지난 지방의회의 2.2%에 비하여 6배 이상 증가하였다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구는 기초의회 선거 제도의 변화가 여성의 정치적 대표성제고에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지를 파악하는데 주목적이 있다. 아울러, 개정된 선거법이 보다 실효성을 높이기 위하여 개선되어야 할 향후 과제를 제안하고자 한다. 첫째, 정당 공천과 관련하여 전략공천의 확대 및 복수공천시 추첨제로 바꾼다. 둘째, 선거구제의 개편과 관련하여 중대선거구제 당선 보장제를 도입한다. 셋째, 예비선거운동기간의 도입과 관련하여 여성정치발전기금의 확대를 통하여 여성후보 지역구 활동비를 보전해주어야 한다. The 4th local election was held on May 31th in 2006. The biggest characteristics of the local election was that new systems such as party nomination of the assembly candidates, the medium constituency system, the system of proportional representation, and paid system for the elected were induced into the assembly at the base. The percentage of women assemblymen at the assembly at the base in 2006 was 15%, which increased six times more than 2.2% of women assemblymen at last election. Related to the fact above, this study mainly aimed to investigate what effects of the changed system in the assembly at the base on women"s political representation. In addition, this study suggested future studies to increase the practicality of the revised election system. Firstly, strategic party nomination of the assembly should be expanded in relation to party nomination of the assembly as well as lottery system should be induced when multiple candidates get nomination of party. Secondly, women"s being elected should be assured in a medium and large consistency system in relation to the change of consistency system. Thirdly, activity cost of women candidates should be paid through increase of women"s political development fund, in relation to inducement of preliminary election campaign period.

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