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      • 黃順元小說硏究 : 以《與星星在一起》辦中心 「별과 같이 살다」를 중심으로

        金允晶 중한인문과학연구회 1999 국제학술대회 Vol.- No.4

        《與星星在一起》是黃順元文學作品中最初的一部長篇小說. 從女性主義的角度去觀察這篇小說, 乃本文之目的所在. 綜關?今爲止的硏究史, 比起作品所具有的向題意況之幅度及深度, 女性問題却退到曆史的背后而談論得有些膚??. 爲此, 筆者再次閱瀆《與星星在一起》這篇小說, 試圖對特定談論배境中作爲曆史主體的女性位置, 進行重新排序. 在帝國主義植民地統治之下, 女性的肉體成了民族與資本, 階級女性矛盾之間錯綜複雜的關節, 同時사作爲這衆多關節中出現的形象而重新構成. 本文試圖放棄加害者與被害者這中二分法的構圖去觀察對否定的現實采取消겁反抗方式的死以及在權力行使上作爲具體領域的肉體與語言, 以便重新編軍植民地女性變成戱牲品的肉體之曆史. 《與星星在一起》這篇小說形象地抽述了女性肉體在帝國性近代植民資本主義與家長制思想意況之下被馴服, 被人專有幷對此進行反抗的曆史討程. 這部作品洋細地描寫了以殖民資本主義以及與此반根錯節的家長制統治下的社會制度爲中心而重新被組織的家庭向題以至女性的欲望, 快??, 感性, 肉體等走向殖民化的討程及女性掠與岐視的曆史. 在這部作品中, 女性人物和情節便成了推動敍事的力量. 저們能구形成介入于殖民資本主義社會生産的기質的. 有力的層位, 尤其是通討女性人物描寫了存在于經濟上對殖民資本的依賴與壓抑之間的家長制秩序和局限性以及隔애. 女性人物的肉體如實地反應了句括排斥與指責, 貧困與恥辱, 缺乏與死亡以至??狂在內的墮落的社會暴力鎭壓狀況以及時代痛苦. 因此, 要觀察在殖民地這一特殊的曆史狀況之下所隱??起來的女性問題, 就應當了解性在特定的曆史??件下如何構成, 如何定義, 當代的談論又如何稱謂女性的肉體等狀況. 女性人物在殖民地資本主義與家長制意思形態的雙重暴力鎭壓之下, 把自己換成一個溫順的肉體. 溫順的肉體有時表現爲偉大的象征, 在男人性放綜之下被毁的軀體. 生인育女的工具和性魅力被扼殺的劣等身體, 有時表現爲被疏遠而物化的, 承受雙重苦難的多層次形象. 雖然這篇小說是男性作者的作品, 但作者却徹底地批判了흔少與帝國主義串通一氣的第三世界民族主義的男性主義. 換言之, 這部作品把資本主義家長制生産方式與壓迫女性的關係當作問題. 因此, 這部作品在觀察把女性females 生産爲被馴服的女性 domesticated women的社會結構方面提供了各중有用的視角. 通過態女與山玉, 洪道與周心等女性人物的生活, 可以了解女性相關的所有領域都從屬于社會行爲幷髮生變化, 在《與星星在一起》這部作品中, 以沈默表示抵抗的熊女, 不甘心當被動的犧牲品而自殺以示反抗的山玉, 爲尋?母性而被賣掉的洪道, 爲民虎團獻身奮斗的周心, 所有這些故事在形成旣有기質性又有複合性, 旣矛盾又糾葛的正文方面便成了一般力量, 通過通過這些人物的生活, 可以髮現能구重新編寫女性曆史的旣復合又生長的差기空間. 尤其是主人요熊女謝絶給一個男人(哈日班)當妻子的位置却決定爲他人而于活, 這中結尾流露出女性作爲近代主體能구站起來的, 解開男性中心社會門산的象征性行爲, 女性人物所表現出來的關부倫理是一중接近性的倫理, 是一중只有通過他人和自己才有可能的倫理. 人類在參與和連帶的瞬間將自己的過去與未來加以統一幷作爲統一的整體自覺地積累實性. 因此, 熊女的這중覺悟就通過少數人的連帶爲創造新的女性曆史而提供了契机, 幷且爲저們能구肯定地, 겁積地面對生活而開?了道路. 從過중意義上況, 過部作品就更有价値.

      • KCI등재

        부모-자녀 간 의사소통 양상에 대한 종단 연구 - 김윤정·권순희(2015) 후속연구 -

        김윤정,권순희 청람어문교육학회 2019 청람어문교육 Vol.0 No.72

        본 연구는 초등학교 저학년 자녀를 둔 부모-자녀 간 의사소통 양상 분석(김윤정·권순희, 2015)의 후속 연구로 현재 13-14세가 된 동일 참가자들의 의사소통 양상을 분석하여 바람직한 부모-자녀 간 의사소통 방안에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. Barnes & Olson의 가족 간의 유형(Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales FACES Ⅲ), Barnes & Olson(1982)의 부모와의 의사소통 척도(PACI: Parent Adolescent Communication Inventory), Schaefer, E. S.(1959)의 어머니의 양육태도 지각검사지를 사용하였다. 세 가정 모두 초등 저학년 때와 비교했을 때 가족 의사소통 유형 인식에 변화가 있었는데, 엄마들의 자녀에 대한 태도 변화가 자녀의 의사소통 인식과 양상에 직접적 영향을 끼쳤다. 이 연구는 종단적으로 부모-자녀 간 의사소통의 변화 양상을 살펴봄으로써 바람직한 부모-자녀 간 대화 전략 개발, 부모의 대화 교육 개발에 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있으며 국민 계몽적 언어문화 개선 교육의 자료로도 활용될 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. This study is a follow-up study of parent-child dialogue (Kim Yune-jung, Kwon Soon-hee, 2015) with lower grade children. The purpose of this study is to analyze the communication patterns of the same participants who are now 13-14 years old and to suggest implications for good parent-child communication. Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III, Parent Adolescent Communication Inventory(Barnes & Olson, 1982), Attitude perception test paper(Schaefer, ,1959) was used. All three households had a change in their perceptions of family communication types as compared to their lower grades. Changes in mothers' attitudes toward their children directly influenced their perceptions and patterns of communication. This study can be used as a basis for developing desirable parent-child dialogue strategies and parental dialogue education by examining the changes in parent-child communication. In addition, it is meaningful in that it can be used as a material for education for improving enlightenment of language and culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        체액 및 요검체 접종을 위한 자동 접종장비 PREVI Isola^®의 유용성 평가

        김윤정,윤서영,손영숙,이양순,정혜선,이운형,용동은,정석훈,이경원,정윤섭 대한진단검사의학회 2011 Laboratory Medicine Online Vol.1 No.2

        Background: In most clinical microbiology laboratories, inoculation of specimens on plates is performed manually and is a time-consuming process. The efficiency of this process can be improved by using an automated instrument. Currently, several automated instruments have been introduced for inoculation of samples. In this study, we have evaluated an automated instrument, PREVI Isola^® (Biomerieux, France), used for inoculation of body fluids and urine specimens. Methods: Both manual and automated instrument methods were used to inoculate 74 body fluid and 204 urine samples. Precision was evaluated by testing 3 types of urine samples (A, 6×103 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL; B, 3×104 CFU/mL; and C, >106 CFU/mL) in replicates of 20. Results of the 2 methods were compared by counting the isolated colonies on agar plates after incubation. The time required for both methods was also compared. Results: The coefficient of variation (CV) of samples A, B, and C examined using the automated instrument method was 176.1%, 18.1%, and 12.6%,respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of testing body fluid samples were 77% and 100%, respectively, and those of urine samples were 87%each. The time required for testing 15 body fluid specimens and that for inoculation of each specimen was 9.7 min shorter using PREVI Isola^® than using the manual method. Conclusions: The results of body fluid and urine culture by inoculation using the automated instrument, PREVI Isola^®, showed relative good agreement with those obtained using the manual method. The use of PREVI Isola^® would be expected to reduce the time and labor involved in inoculating various kinds of specimens.

      • KCI등재

        여성 SF 문학에 나타난 장애와 포스트휴머니즘의 불구성(不具性)

        김윤정 이화어문학회 2022 이화어문논집 Vol.58 No.-

        The female and the disabled constitute their identities by being excluded. In our society, exclusionary discourse produce plenty of severe social division, discrimination against and hatred towards minorities. In particular, bodies of women and persons with disabilities, which are stigmatized as the incapable and inadequate beings, are subject to hostility and contempt. However, recently feminist literature is presenting the possibilities of understanding of and communication with minorities as kind of feminist thinking. Raising an issue against the speculative thinking centered on the non-disabled, it ponders upon the possibilities of solidarity between feminism for the non-disabled and the disabled. Regarding ‘a body deprived’, philosophy of feminism and the politics of disability meet with each other. Hence, it is possible to identify the possibilities of thinking about the disabled and feminism by examining the perceptions of the disabled and disabilities in female SFs, considering the way the bodies of the disabled are represented. In recent female SFs, representation of disabilities is differentiated from a conventional guideline where they have been learned as an object of care, protection and consideration in our society. The disabled, who still exist even in the background of the technological and scientific era, are not the beings of inability and deficiency. That is, they are not the beings of ‘certain state’ but ‘human’beings of the universal concept referring to all living things, or ‘Zoé’. Such a shift of perception gives us significant values in our life now. Perception of the ‘just beings’ blurs the distinction between people with and without disorders and allows us to have an opportunity to stop discrimination against the disabled. Female SFs do not recognize disabilities as a defect. In other words, disabilities are not a ‘problem’ to be corrected or eliminated but ‘Zoé’, definitely showing the subjectivity of disorders. In this sense, female SFs are producing the novel perception of the disabled and disorders. 여성과 장애인은 배제됨으로써 정체성을 구성한다. 우리 사회의 배제적 담론은 심각한 사회분열과 소수자에 대한 차별, 혐오를 양산한다. 특히 불능, 부적합의 존재로서 낙인된 여성과 장애인의 몸은 적대와 멸시를 받기도 한다. 그러나 최근의 여성 SF 문학은 여성주의적 사유로서 장애인에 대한 이해와 소통의 가능성을 제시한다. 비장애인 중심의 사유체계에 문제 제기하며 비장애 여성주의와 장애인들의 연대 가능성을 모색하는 것이다. ‘결핍된 몸’이라는 점에서 여성주의 철학과 장애의 정치학은 조우한다. 따라서 여성 SF 문학에 나타난 장애인과 장애에 대한 인식, 장애인의 몸에 대한 재현 방식 등을 고찰해 봄으로써 장애와 여성주의적 사유의 가능성을 확인할 수 있다. 최근의 여성 SF 문학에서 장애를 재현하는 양상은 지금까지 우리 사회 에서 돌봄과 보호, 배려의 대상으로 학습되어 온 관습적 지침으로서의 장애 인식과 변별된다. 여성 SF 문학은 장애를 결함으로 인식하지 않는다. 즉 장애는 고쳐야 하거나 제거해야 할 ‘문제’가 아니라 ‘그 자체임’으로서 의 장애 주체성을 분명하게 보여준다. 기술과학 시대를 배경으로 하면서 도 여전히 재현되는 장애인은 불능, 결핍의 존재이기보다는, 다시 말해서 ‘어떤 상태’로서의 존재가 아닌 모든 생명체를 가리키는 보편적 개념으로서 ‘인간’ 존재, ‘조에(Zoe)’이다. 이러한 인식의 전환은 현재 우리 삶에서도 유의미한 가치를 제시한다. ‘그저 있음’의 존재라는 인식은 장애와 비장애의 구별을 모호하게 하고 비로소 장애인에 대한 차별을 중단할 수 있는 계기를 마련할 수 있다. 이런 점에서 여성 SF 문학은 장애 및 장애인에 대한 새로운 인식을 생산하고 있다.

      • 풍경궁의 창건과 성격변화에 관한 연구

        김윤정,서치상 대한건축학회지회연합회 2006 대한건축학회지회연합회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        Poongkyung-Palace(豐慶宮) was the royal palace of Daehan Empire(大韓帝國) which had been constructed at Pyongyang(平壤) from 1902 to 1903. But Poongkyung-Palace is not known to the field of the history of Korean architecture. So, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate the proceeding of construction of the palace by reviewing historical records and documentary literatures. The results of this study are as follows. First, the authorities concerned built Poongkyung-Palace as the royal palace at Pyong-yang to construct two-capital-system(Seoul-Pyongyang) and represent the political and military ideology under instructions from Emperor Gojong(高宗). Second, in spite of the insufficience of fund, material, and manpower etc., the efficient construction organization and the innovation of material conveyance that used railroads was shown at process of the construction. This is regarded as the relevant example that shows the actual state of the last traditional construction managed by the government in early 1900’s. Third, the function and the architectural characteristics of Poongkyung-Palace had changed throughout Russo-Japanese Wars and Japan’s colonial rule of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Ectopic Hidradenoma Papilliferum of the Breast: Ultrasound Finding

        김윤정,이주원,최석진,김세중,김여주,Yong Sun Jeon,이경희 한국유방암학회 2011 Journal of breast cancer Vol.14 No.2

        Hidradenoma papilliferum (HP) is a benign neoplasm arising from mammary-like glands which typically involves the dermal layer of the female anogenital area. The prognosis for HP is good. Recurrence is unusual and is typically attributed to incomplete excision of the primary tumor. Malignant transformation is rare and HP of the breast has not yet been reported. Ectopic HP is usually solitary, small, and asymptomatic. It appears as a well-circumscribed, complex cystic mass in the dermis on ultrasound. We present a case of HP arising from the axillary tail of the breast.

      • KCI등재

        Synthesis of Polymeric Thiazolidinedione and Fibrate Conjugates

        김윤정,전라옥,Bomi Kang 대한약학회 2008 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.31 No.2

        Pioglitazone is a thiazolidinedione (TZD) class of antidiabetic drug acting mainly through activation of PPARγ which is a member of family of ligand activated nuclear hormone receptors. Clofibrate is an antilipemic drug acting through activation of PPARα. Despite the impressive antidiabetic activity of TZD, several side effects are implicated to use of this drug on some patient. Dual acting PPARα/γ agonists have received increased attention to improve the profiles of the PPARγ agonists. Hence, we describe here synthesis of TZD and/or fibrate derivatives- containing homo- or copolymers, poly(TZD) 7, poly(TZD-MAA) 8, poly(TZD-FA) 9, poly(FA) 10, and poly(FA-MAA) 11. The contents of TZD unit in copolymers, poly(TZD-MAA) 8 and poly (TZD-FA) 9 were 25 and 19 mol %, respectively. The number average molecular weights of the polymers determined by GPC were in range from 466 to 12600 and the polydispersity indices were in the range of 1.2~13.3

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