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      • 族長傳承에 관한 알트학파와 올브라이트학파의 比較硏究

        김윤권 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this thesis is to compare the approaches and positions of the Alt school with those of the Albright school on the patriarcal traditions. This study shall be investigating the facts presented in the Old Testament which relate to the origins of the patriarchs on the basis of the viewpoints of the two schools. And the contents that shall be compared among the approaches and positions of the patriarchal traditions proposed by the two schools are as follows, the methodological difference of the two schools, the origins of the patriarchal traditions, the date of the patriarchs, the identity of the patriarchs (the names of the patriarchs, Ur of the Chaldaeans, a wandering Aramaean, Abram the Hebrew), the religion of the patriarchs. Since the time of Wellhausen two new factors have dominated the study of the origins of Israel. On the one hand the literary criticism of the text of Genesis has advanced a point that is caught up in the study of the preliterary history of the documents(J.E.D.P) and of the oral tradition from which they emerged. On the other hand an enormous mass of texts and documents has been unearthed by excavations in the Near East. Archaeological discoveries in the 1950s and 1960s in Palestine and in surrounding lands led to a more :positive evaluation of the biblical texts. As a result of both these influences, we can take two schools that whose views have commanded considerable influence upon the patriarchal traditions. In Germany the Alt school gave a fresh impetus to Pentateuchal criticism particularly in the history of the tradition. They insisted on thoroughgoing critical analysis of the biblical texts as the proper starting point for reconstructing Israelite history, but they are less sensitive to the evidence of archaeolgy in its strict sense. They did not deny the historicity of the patriarchs; they insisted simply that, given a long and complicated process of the patriarchal traditions, it is impossible to isolate the patriarchal traditions at a certain stage of the history. Especially, Noth suggested that the tradition of the patriarchs began with the establishment of the Israelite confederation of the twelve tribes. the Amphictyony. In America, however, the Albright school take a general view of the many points of detail on which the narratives in Genesis and the extrabiblical documents are to be in a line. They recognize also that the historical setting in which the extrabiblical texts originate is very similar to that of the patriarchal narratives, They had much to say about the "essential historicity" of these narratives, and they claimed to have identified the historical period in which the patriarchs lived. They insisted that the entrance of the Hebrew patriarchs into Canaan was seen as part of a much larger Amorite movement that produced the seminomadic interlude during MB I. The starting point for this hypothesis is that there is a connection between the patriarchs and 'nomadic' :groups which entered northern Mesopotamia and Syria-Palestine round about 2000 B,C,E. Since the 1970s, the positive assessments of the patriarchal narratives developed by the Albright school on the basis of parallels with texts from Mari and Nuzi have been in the face of sharp criticisms by two scholars, such as Thomas Thompson and John Van Seters. Thompson asserts that not only has archaeology not proven a single event of the patriarchal traditions to be historical, it has not shown any of the traditions to be likely. Van Seters has likewise questioned many of the traditional interpretations of the patriarchal narratives and has suggested a radical dislocation. After all, they concluded that the stories of the patriarchs may be creative--dating to the Babylonia Exile(6th century B.C.E) or later--and are quite a rootless in history. In conclusion, the Alt school and the Albright school shared a common goal of constructing a history of early Israel on the basis of a critical appraisal and synthesis of biblical, archaeological and ancient Near Eastern studies. It should be emphasized, however, that the two schools did not represent opposite extremes but rather poles within an intermediate range of attitudes toward the Bible and its relationship to Israellite history. Therefore, there must be made an attempt the harmony and synthesis of the approaches and positions suggested by the two schools in order to overcome the critical point of the latest scholars and develop the new study.

      • 「東文選」所載 賦文學 硏究

        김윤권 江原大學校 敎育大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis investigates Bu(賦) in Tongmunsun(東文選) in three parts. The first is the origin of Bu(賦), the second is the systematic examination of Bu(賦), and the third is the content analysis of Bu(賦). 1) The origin of Bu(賦) Bu(賦) means "obtain" or "spread". The "spread" changed into "recite", "creation", "the indicative mood". This Bu(賦) was influenced by Chosa(楚辭) rather than Shikyung(詩經). So it has rhythemical characters similar to Chosa(楚辭). The difference between Sa(辭) and Bu(賦) is that Bu(賦) has unristricted prose style. 2) The systematic examination Total 35 works are divided into 4 categories according to traditional dividing method. They are Kobu(古賦), Yulbu(律賦), Baibu(排賦), and Munbu(文賦). Kobu(古賦) is composed of three parts. At first part it deals with creative motive. At the second, the descriptive Bu(賦) represent writer's lyricism. Last part it conclude the writers' opinion or advice. The rythme is unristricted at the first and the last part, on the other hand at the second part the rhyme is absolutely ristricted. The rythmes also appear. 19 works including Samdobu(三都賦) are followed the style of Kobu(古賦). Baibu(排賦) is an aesthetic work which uses skills of Daeu(對偶), proper arrangement of words and phrases, It used antithesises and rythmes. Hongdojungbu and Toaingbu(陶?賦) are followed the style of Baibu(排賦). Yulbu(律賦), which is Baibu(排賦) in a narrow sense, having ristrictions in rythmes and rimes follow the style of Palgomun(八股文). In Tongmunsun(東文選), Agebu(啞鷄賦) and Jungnibongbu(仲尼鳳賦) are followed the works of Yulbu(律賦). This Yulbu(律賦) is changed according to steps of Palgomun(八股文). Munbu(文賦) has a style of discourse in contents. And it has the lesson of Munijedo(文以載道) in Sung philosophy(性理學). It has an unristricted style in rythme, end rimes, and the numbers of the letters. The writers often use ui(矣), ya(也), hajeuk(何則), go(故), yee(而), yee(以) to express their opinions concretly. 12 works including Oibu(畏賦) are followed the style of Munbu(文賦) in Tongmunsun(東文選). 3) Anaiysis of contents According to the materials, the contents is divided into person's names, the names of places, quotations of ancient happenings, teaching and description, the colors of things and living things. 5 works, including Samdobu(三都賦) deal with the name of person's names, or the names of the places. 7 works, including Yijungeungsisounpodangyangchunbu (李勣應時掃雲布唐陽春賦) quotate ancient happenings. 10 works, including Toyulilhwagoigyulhabhyungbu(道閱一和槐橋合爲兄弟賦) deal with living things as materials. Many of them deal with ancient happenings and teaching and descriptions. The writers want rationalize their opinions. The themes of Bu(賦) in Tongmunsun(東文選) are praises, satires, warnings and lyricisms. 5 works, including Jungnibongbu(仲尼鳳賦), deal with praises as a theme. 16 works, including Uieoinjahwaeosinbu(義於人者和於神賦) deal with logical opions and warnings. 5 works, including sodongpa(蘇東坡) deal with criticism at human world by using satires. 10 works including Kwaneodaibu(觀魚臺賦) deal with lyrycism. There are lot's of Bu(賦) which contain logical opinions. Others contain instructions. In conclusion, the themes of Bu in Tongmunsun(東文選) are purities regulating and teaching. On the relation to Chinese bu(賦), almost all Bu(賦) writers quotate Chinese ancient happenings and scriptures, especially, with one sided accepting attitudes rather than mutual aids. The writers themselves admired Chinese wiiters, and immitated the characters and tones of Chinese writers. For example, they are the relations of Joasa's(左思) Samdobu(三都賦) to Choija's(崔滋) Samdobu(三都賦), sodongpa's (蘇東坡) Jukbyukbu(赤壁賦) to Mokeun's(牧隱) Kwanjodaibu(觀魚臺賦) and Agum's(倪謙) Suljedeungbu(雪薺登樓賦) to Shin Suk-ju's(申叔舟) Chaegyomsuljedeunglubu(次倪謙雪薺登樓賦). Some writers were influenced in materials, structures, themes, editing intentions, rythme as well as the works which quotated the basic materials.

      • 심실세동을 유발한 개에서 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술과 표준 심폐소생술의 혈역학적 효과 비교

        김윤권 연세대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Background: The simultaneous sterno-thoracic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (SST-CPR) is a new method of CPR, designed to exploit both the 'cardiac pump' and the 'thoracic pump' effect simultaneously by compressing the sternum and constricting the thoracic cavity. Previous animal experiments have demonstrated that a non-automatic device using a prototype of SST-CPR leads to better hemodynamic effects and higher short-term survival rates than standard manual CPR.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the hemodynamic effects between automatic SST-CPR and standard manual CPR (S-CPR) in a canine model of ventricular fibrillation.Subjects and Methods: After 1 minute of an induction of ventricular fibrillation, both automatic SST-CPR and standard manual CPR was performed alternatively in each of the 10 mongrel dogs. Each CPR method was performed for 3 minutes. Furthermore, the order of the CPR method was randomized, and no vasopressor was given during CPR. In addition, aortic pressure, right atrial pressure, cerebral blood flow and end tidal CO2 was measured during each method of CPR. Coronary perfusion pressure was then calculated.Results: Cerebral blood flow was found to be higher with automatic SST-CPR than S-CPR (37.1±5.8 vs 28.2±3.7 mL/min, p=0.005). While standard manual CPR only showed a single peak, automatic SST-CPR generated an unique pattern of an aortic pressure curve which consisted of an first peak and second peak inducing prolonged plateau pattern during compression phase. Automatic SST-CPR resulted in a significantly higher arterial pressure during relaxation phase than S-CPR (16.1±2.8 vs 13.4±2.5 mmHg; p=0.014), and the mean aortic pressure tended to be higher with automatic SST-CPR (p=0.084). Coronary perfusion pressure, right atrial pressure and end tidal CO2 was not different between the two groups.Conclusion: In this preliminary animal study, automatic SST-CPR was shown to generate a higher cerebral blood flow than S-CPR. 배경 및 목적: 심정지시 표준 심폐소생술에 의해 유발되는 심박출량은 정상의 15-25 %에 불과하다. 표준 심폐소생술만으로 심박동을 회복하는데 필요한 관상동맥 관류압과 뇌 관류압을 얻기에는 불충분하므로, 표준 심폐소생술을 대체하기 위한 새로운 심폐소생술방법이 개발되었으나 표준 심폐소생술을 완전히 대체할 만큼 혁신적인 방법은 없다. 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술은 흉골을 압박하면서 흉강을 동시에 조여 줌으로써 심장펌프와 흉강펌프의 효과를 동시에 유발하는 심폐소생술 방법이다. 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술은 동물실험을 통하여 표준 심폐소생술보다 높은 관상동맥 관류압, 대동맥압을 유발하는 것으로 증명되었다. 이 연구는 최근 개발된 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술을 자동으로 수행하는 장치의 혈역학적 효능을 검증하기 위하여 시행되었다.대상 및 방법: 종에 관계없이 건강한 10마리의 개(잡견, 18-25 kg)를 실험동물로 사용하였다. 마취 후 기도 삽관을 하고 대동맥과 우심방에 도자를 삽입하여 대동맥압과 우심방압을 측정하였다. 우측 경동맥을 노출하여 뇌 혈류량계를 장치하여 뇌 혈류량을 측정하였다. 심실세동은 우심실에 인공 심장박동조율 전극을 삽입한 후 교류를 연결하여 유발하였다. 심실세동을 확인한 후, 각각의 동물에서 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술과 표준 심폐소생술을 3분씩 번갈아가면서 시행하였다. 심폐소생술의 순서는 무작위로 결정하였으며, 심폐소생술 중에는 약물을 투여하지 않았다. 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술과 표준 심폐소생술을 시행하는 동안, 대동맥압, 우심방압, 뇌 혈류량, 호기말 이산화탄소분압을 측정하고 관상동맥 관류압을 계산한 후 각각의 값을 비교하였다.결과: 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술은 표준 심폐소생술에 비해 높은 뇌 혈류량을 유발하였다(37.1±5.8 vs 28.2±3.7; p=0.005). 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술은 수축기동안 표준 심폐소생술과는 다른 형태의 대동맥압 파형을 유발하였다. 이완기 대동맥압은 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술에서 더 높았으나(16.1±2.8 vs 13.4±2.5; p=0.014), 평균 대동맥압과 수축기 대동맥압은 차이가 없었다. 관상동맥 관류압, 호기말 이산화탄소분압, 우심방압은 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술과 표준 심폐소생술사이에 차이가 없었다.결론: 심실세동으로 심정지를 유발한 동물에서 자동 이중혈류유발 심폐소생술은 표준 심폐소생술보다 높은 뇌 혈류량을 유발한다.

      • 土器 형태를 응용한 도제 照明燈 개발연구 : 투광성 소지를 이용한 작품을 중심으로

        김윤권 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Light and the sun, its main source, are the indispensable factors for survival of all creatures including the man human culture reaches the modern times by the discovery of fire, the source of light and as the electricity was discoverd owing to the development of wisdom and science of the man, it has a great influence on the lighting of the human life. Now the man understands the function of such a light in the dimension of science and the beautiful arts, and the environmental engineering factor reading the human behaviors and continues to make efforts to approach the ideal light. The modern lighting fixtures are made of the various materials like glass, plastic and metal and although the ornamental lighting fixtures emphasizing a personality have been appeard, most of them are stressed centering around their functions with simple form. Accordingly, the light in the modern living space is regarded as a creature for the cozy living space. This study is to make the light equipped with the ornamentalness and the usefulness as a work in harmony with the ornamental element which our living space and taste require and fucntion as an accent of interior design which occupies a great production in our daily life. this study analyzes the materials, forms and uses of indirect lightings through the works published at home and abroad and the products of domestic lighting companies in order to develope the ceramic lamp, applies to the pattern and image of ancient earthen ware and tries to make the discriminative lamp from the existing ones with the design suitable to the modern sense. While the lighting effect has been made by using the boring on the opaque materials, in this study bone china materials with floodlighting are used and the work is made with slip infusion molding on the plaster frame. The surface touch is expressed with the sculpture on the surface and the prop or supporter of lamp is using the wood and then the fuction of lamp is completed. Much more interestes are concentrated on the artistic value containing a personality not a uniform design of mass production in the modern times. So, this study focuses on developing the characteristic ceramic lamp by using the earthen material which gives a gentle feeling and can stress the feeling of material. The researcher hopes that the lamp in harmony with classical and traditional image of earthen ware which can feel the beauty and sence of our ancestors and the modern materials can give you the visual beauty and play a role to offer the space of stable relaxation in living space.

      • 소조활동을 통한 미술치료가 아동의 그림그리기 불안에 미치는 효과

        김윤권 대구대학교 재활과학대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to examine the effects of art therapy using plastic activities on the child's anxiety about drawing. This study was conducted at H Art Academy in Gwangju with two children who experienced the anxiety about drawing from June to December of 2001 and it consists of individual therapy of total 23 sessions for50 min, every week. To verity the purposes of this study, pre- and post-test comparison was designed with two children with the anxiety about drawing. Independent variable of the research is art therapy through plastic activity and dependent variable is child's anxiety about drawing. Conclusions of this study are as follows: First, art therapy through plastic activities showed a significant (affirmative) change in the children's anxiety about drawing found in their works by each session. Two children showed gradual decrease of anxiety about drawing and changed of their works through art therapy using plastic activities composed of four stages including Stage I, Formation of Intimacy (1~2 sessions). Stage II, Relief Work (3~10 sessions), Stage III, Alto-relief Work (11~19 sessions) and Stage IV, Theme Expression (20~23 sessions). It is found that unnecessary working hours were reduced by anxiety in their attitude and time needed and proper writing pressure and line could be used and excessive use of eraser could be reduced. Second, the art therapy through plastic activities showed a significant change in their anxiety about drawing by each session. That is, as they experienced the relaxation of plastic activities, they could reduce the anxiety symptoms such as refusal to drawing scene, drawing behavior with homologous expression, crying or breathing behaviors, wiping the perspiration from their hands, biting fingernails and hiding their drawings with body. These changes support the theory of Landgarten (1987) who expressed relaxation media like clay could foster client's vitality and that of Kim Jin-Suk (1999) who revealed that art therapy using clay was very helpful in psychological integration of clients, revealing of their feelings related to emotion and solving the problems related to others. Third, art therapy through plastic activities showed a significant change on checklist of two children's anxiety about drawing. That is, two children showed a reduced anxiety about drawing in pre- and post-test conducted and observed by the researcher, two children's mothers and two art instructors together. This study confirm that art therapy through plastic activities could reduce of the subjects' anxiety about drawing, reveals the significance of relaxation media such as watercolors and clay and suggests the qualitative and quantitative needs of these relaxation media.

      • 개혁주의 기독교 수업 모형 분석

        김윤권 고신대학교 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 기독교 수업 모형의 배경이 되는 교육철학을 분석함으로 수업 모형의 신학적, 철학적 의미들을 살펴본 후, 이를 바탕으로 개혁주의 기독교 수업 모형의 특징들을 논하고 기독교 학교의 수업에 기여할 수 있는 기독교적 수업 모형의 의미와 특성들을 밝히는 것이다. 제 1장에서는 본 연구가 왜 필요하게 되었는지, 그 목적이 무엇이며 어떠한 의의를 가지고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 또한 본 연구를 통하여 이루고자 하는 연구의 과제를 밝히고 연구 방법 및 연구를 위해 필수적으로 요구되는 중요한 개념에 대한 용어의 정리와 선행연구를 하였다. 제 2장에서는 그린, 오버만과 존슨, 브루멜른의 수업 모형의 배경이 되는 교육철학을 분석하였다. 각각의 수업 모형이 가지고 있는 교육철학의 의미들을 고찰함으로 수업 모형이 가지고 있는 독특성의 배경을 정리하였다. 제 3장에서는 그린, 오버만과 존슨, 브루멜른의 수업 모형이 갖고 있는 구조적 특징을 살펴보았다. 수업 모형이 가지고 있는 구체적인 의미들을 고찰하기 위해 각 모형이 추구하는 기독교적 가르침의 특징들을 정리하고 실제 교수-학습에서의 의미를 정리하였다. 제 4장에서는 그린, 오버만과 존슨, 브루멜른의 수업 모형을 비판적으로 분석하며 학교 현장에 맞는 일부 변형 수업 모형을 소개하였다. 특히 그린의 주제 중심의 수업 모형, 오버만과 존슨의 교과 통합 수업 모형, 브루멜른의 교육과정 수업 모형의 의미와 특징들을 분석하였다. 마지막 제 5장에서는 세 수업 모형들에 대한 비교, 분석의 결과를 가지고 개혁주의 기독교 수업 모형이 지향해야할 방향에 대해 변혁적 수업 모형이라는 개념을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 정리하는 개혁주의 기독교 수업 모형의 핵심인 변혁적인 수업 모형의 특징들은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 변혁적인 수업 모형은 각 나라의 기독교사들이 받은 교육적 환경 및 배경을 인정하고 출발해야 한다. 둘째, 변혁적인 수업 모형은 기독교학교 뿐만 아니라 공교육에 있는 기독교사들에게도 동일하게 의미가 있어야 한다. 셋째, 변혁적인 수업 모형은 기독교적 인간관과 지식관에 근거하여 수업 목표 및 수업 계획을 세워야 한다. 넷째, 변혁적인 수업 모형은 종합적인 성격을 가지고 있어야 한다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 향후 기독교 수업 모형에 관한 연구 주제를 다음과 같이 제언하며 마친다. 첫째, 기독교학교에서 일어나는 실제적인 기독교적 가르침에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 둘째, 기독교적 가르침을 위해 그것을 실천하는 교사들에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 셋째, 한국의 교육적 상황에 대한 기독교적 이해에 관한 연구가 더 필요하다. This study is to examine theological, philosophical basis and educational characteristics of Christian instruction model and to make clear meanings and features of Christian instruction model which will help christian schools. For this purpose, in the first chapter this study explains reasons, purposes, significances of this study and terms that are necessary to this study. In addition it deals with research method and surveys philosophy of education of Reformed Christian education that are the purpose of education, the theory of knowledge, the theory of human being, and instruction strategies. In the following two chapters analyzes Greene, Overman & Johnson, Brummelen's models that are very popular in Christian schools of Korea. First of all, this dissertation looks over the theological, philosophical basis and the worldview of instruction models. They are characterize three instruction models by a following Alta Vista Curriculum model, Biblical Worldview Integration model, and Christian Curriculum model. As well, it is also considered its practical possibility of Christian educational features of each model in Christian schools. In the forth chapter this study critically evaluates characteristics of each model so that Reformed meanings would be totally revealed. Especially, it focuses on the teaching process in Christian schools that are directly related with Christian instruction models. This is followed by a discussion about transformed instruction models that shows some possibilities to make clear that Christian teaching process in the classroom. In the last chapter, this study summarizes the explanation about theological, philosophical basis and educational characteristics of Christian instruction model and concludes the comparison of features and meanings of that from the viewpoints of Reformed perspective, that is, Reformed Christian Instruction Model. There are some features of Transformed Instruction Model that is a core of the Reformed Christian instruction model. First, they have starting points that will be able to allow educational circumstances, and backgrounds of Christian teachers. Second, they should provide Christian teachers in public schools as well as Christian schools with a significant meaning. Third, they have to set up aims and plan the schedule on the basis of the theory of knowledge, the theory of human being. Finally, this study suggests a further research topic about Christian instruction model like the following statements. First, researches on the established of Christian teaching in Christian schools should be developed. Second, researches on the roles of Christian teachers in Christian school should be accomplished. Especially, since it includes various teaching and learning valuables. Third, researches on Korea educational situations which are closely related with teaching and learning should be required.

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