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        주5일 근무시대를 위한 지역 문화예술계의 과제

        김원명 민족음악학회 2003 음악과 민족 Vol.25 No.-

        Korean have worked hard during the last 50 years of 20th-century because they were always in needs of bread and money. Generally speaking, they worked 44 hours or 6 days a week at least. Until now Republic of Korea has been one of the world's most working countries in hours in average. As a result of it, Korea have achieved rapid economic growth for several decades. But nowadays korean began to change their view of value. They wanted more time for leisure and for cultural life. At first time most of managers opposed to this change, but finally, the reduction of working time to 40 hours a week was officialized in Korea for the first time in 2002. Today, the government tries to launch this regulation of working time of 40 hours or 5 days a week, to enhance the quality of life of citizens. Also, Korea's government wanted to adapt Korea's national competence to current industrial mode by achieving knowledge based infrastructure and country's creative potential lather than continuing labour time based industrial competence. Local art and culture community must accomplish some missions in 5 days working system. At first, they had better develop various cultural activity programs for Friday night and weekend. Second, they have to supply small and diverse cultural commodities, and goods for family units. First of all, they must enhance marketing and promotion for cultural goods. Most people predict that this change of working hours and days will produce a kind revolutionary effect in every day life style in Korea. But this reduction of working time may produce nothing but excess of useless over-consumption and will drop national competence. To enhance merits of reducing working hours, the local art community must endeavor to establish a new leisure culture healthy. Finally, 5 days working system might become a good chance and opportunity for local art community.

      • 부처의 무기(無記)와 원효의 존재 이해

        김원명 한국외국어대학교 철학과문화연구소 2008 철학과 문화 Vol.17 No.-

        지식의 근원, 인간이해, 존재이해에 대한 물음은 철학의 영원하고 궁극적인 물음이다. 부처시대로부터 제기되어 전해진 근원적 물음에 대한 이해의 노력은 불교철학사 전체에서 늘 문제의 중심에 있었다. 이에 대한 불교에서의 논리학 인식론이랄 수 있는 인명학이 있는데, 이에 대한 현존 연구서는 한국역사에서 유일무이하게 원효의 『판비량론』 뿐이다. 그리고 그 필사본 일부가 1967년 일본에서 출간되면서 이에 대한 연구들이 일본과 한국에서 진행되었고 최근에 김성철의 연구로 당시 동아시아학계에서의 원효의 수준과 위치 그리고 그의 중요성을 더욱 드러내게 되었다 그리고 김상일의 연구로 원효 『판비량론』 을 세계철학사에서 존재 물음에 대한 인간 의식의 최고발달 단계에 이른 연구로 평가하기에 이르렀다. 논자는 이런 원효 철학 발달의 바탕이 인명학의 불교사적 성과의 문제만이 아니라 는 점에 착안하였다. 그의 초기 저술에서 만년 에 이르기까지 저술 가운데 현존하는 중요 저술의 종체문과 대의문을 통해 저술 전체에 고루 공통적으로 나타나는 논리와 존재 이해를 숙고하였다 『판비량론』 에 인명학적으로 나타나고 있는 부정(不定)의 논리와 그의 다른 저술들에 나타나는 대승(大乘) 또는 일심(一心) 혹은 무장무애법계(無障無擬法界)라는 이름으로 나타나는 존재이해가 상관적으로 드러나고 있음을 드러내는 방식으로 글을 전개하였다. 이는 또 신라 내적으로 그리고 전통적으로 사회·문화·정신 발달이 불교를 만나 꽃을 피운 것으로 볼 수 있다는데 착안하여 보편성과 고유성이 상통하는 측면을 부각하는 글을 전개하였다. This article aims at revealing the meaning of Buddha's Avyākrta and Wonhyo's Understanding Being which is corresponded to Buddha's Understanding Being. Buddha's Avyākrta is related with Buddha's Understanding Being. Avyākrta is No response. It is a reference to the Buddha's silence in reply to metaphysical questions put to him by Malunkyaputta. Malunkyaputta put to the Buddha ten well-known classical questions on metaphysical problems and demanded answers. "Sir, when I was all alone meditating, this thought occurred to me: There are these problems unexplained, put aside and rejected by the Blessed One. Namely, (1) is the universe eternal or (2) is it not eternal, (3) is the universe finite or (4) is it infinite, (5) is soul the same as body or (6) is soul one thing and body another thing, (7) does the Tathagata exist after death, or (8) does he not exist after death, or (9) does he both (at the same time) exist after death, or (10) does he both (at the same time) not exist and not not-exist. These problems the Blessed One does not explain to me. This (attitude) does not please me, I do not appreciate it." The Buddha's reply to Malunkyaputta should do good to many millions in the world today who are wasting valuable time on such metaphysical questions and unnecessarily disturbing their peace of mind. Buddha said to Malunkyaputta like this : 'I will not lead the holy life under the Blessed One until I explain these questions such as whether the universe is eternal or not, etc., he may die with these questions unanswered by the Tathagata.' And he exampled 'a man wounded by the poisoned arrow.' Buddha said to Malunkyaputta that the man would die without knowing any of his questions. Then the Buddha explained to Malunkyaputta that the holy life did not depend on these views. Whatever opinion one may have about these problems, there is birth, old age, decay, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, distress, 'the Cessation of which (i.e. Nirvana) the Buddha declared in this very life.' Whether the universe is eternal or not, etc., (those 10 opinions) Buddha had not explained. Why Buddha had not explained them? Because it is not useful, it is not fundamentally connected with the spiritual holy life, is not conducive to aversion, detachment, cessation, tranquillity, deep penetration, full realization, Nirvana. That is why Buddha had not told his students about them. There is a paradox in this story. This extremely confused to think about. Buddha's advice has not prevented many Buddhists to come up with a myriad of stories, explanations, alterations, and ramifications of these questions on metaphysical problems. Panbiryangron(判比量論) is a book of debates and all the debates are based on Buddhistic logic. Wonhyo(元曉) criticized many syllogisirns that were designed by Hyunzang(玄奘). Moreover Wonhyo himself constructed several syllogisirns that seem to be free from logical fallacies. Wonhyo presented antinomies that can be deduced from the definitions of wisdom of Buddha. And Wonhyo solved these antinomies with a couplet of Hwajaeng(Harmonization). Hwajaeng transcends the sphere of an ordinary logic. Being, understood by Wonhyo, consists of two aspects which are definable and indefinable at the same time. In the respect of the indefinable of Being, antinomy comes out. Wonhoy understood Being as the Great Vehicle(大乘), One mind(一心), No hindrance true world(無障無擬法界) in several his Buddhist works. Wonhoy's understanding Being was influenced by a current social religious cultural tradition in that society in some sense. Poongleudo(和白會議), Hwabaek Conference(風流道) etc. are examples of traditional elements which affects Wonhoy's understanding Being.

      • KCI등재
      • 생활문화 증진을 위한 시민동아리 활성화 연구

        김원명 부산연구원 2015 연구보고서 학연연구 Vol.2015 No.0

        □ Objectives The objectives of this study were to analyze the support ordinances at the municipal and provincial government level and the current state of support projects of local governments and cultural infrastructure and propose plans to activate citizens clubs to help to promote the life culture of citizens in Busan. □ Citizens Clubs for Life Culture Citizens clubs for life culture engage in cultural activities along an ambiguous boundary where there are expected residual projects defined as the remaining projects other than the ones sponsored by the creation(support for professionals) and enjoyment support policies(support for the alienated class). They hold comprehensive meetings for citizens with common interests or goals to form an organization and do activities in order to share related information, promote friendship, and maintain their activities in an ongoing fashion. The scopes of citizens clubs for life culture are categorized by the areas and agencies. There are ten scopes of citizens clubs for life culture by the areas: the first area of music covers classical music, Gukak, popular music, choruses, bands, instrument performance, and music appreciation; the second area of performance covers plays, puppet shows, musicals, operas, and performances; the third area of art covers calligraphy, art, Oriental paintings, origami, Korean paper art, handicraft, carpentry, and DIY; the fourth area of reading and humanities covers reading books, writing, book discussions, reading books to others, poetry reading and cultural criticisms; the fifth area of photographs, videos, and media covers photographs, media, social media, video making, filmmaking, and film criticisms; the sixth area of dance covers ballet, Korean dance, jazz dance, dance sports, hip hop, belly dance, and B-boy; the seventh area of life culture and hobbies covers flower arrangement, hand acupuncture, make-up, cooking, I Ching studies, quilts, beads, and soap making; the eighth area of learning and language studies covers foreign languages, the computer, and certificates; the ninth area of religion and volunteer work covers religious gatherings and volunteer work for the disabled, the elderly, and the weak; and finally, the tenth area of education and ecology covers environmental meetings, alternative education, early childhood education, life etiquettes, and art therapy. There are seven scopes of citizens clubs for life culture by the agencies: the first one includes administrative agencies, gu offices, community centers, and other agencies; the second one includes educational agencies, elementary, middle, and high schools, and colleges and universities; the third one includes social welfare facilities and welfare centers; the fourth one includes public cultural facilities, cultural centers, galleries, cultural community centers, libraries, and lifelong learning centers; the fifth one includes private cultural facilities, departments, large-scale supermarkets, and others; the sixth one includes private agencies, private academic institutions, apartments, and culture and art groups; and finally the seventh one includes other and religious groups and general hospitals. □ Plans for the Activation of Citizens Clubs to Promote Life Culture The study proposed the following policy alternatives to activate citizens clubs to promote life culture: First, it proposed the specific ordinance examples as policy alternatives to help Busan Metropolitan City with its ordinances. Second, it proposed some ideas to support citizens clubs for life culture in the method aspect including a cultivation project for success models for citizens clubs for life culture, a project to set support criteria for citizens clubs for life culture, a project to grow and support citizens clubs for life culture by the areas, and a project to maintain regular events of citizens clubs for life culture. Third, it also proposed ideas to support citizens clubs for life culture in the content aspect including connections with expert groups, a project to activate a network among clubs, a utilization project to promote the communities, a movement to vitalize pan-citizen life culture, and a project to develop and distribute surveys, researches, and programs to promote life culture. Finally, it proposed a project to control and manage cultural infrastructure, which offers supports for activity space around it.

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