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      • KCI등재

        Effect of Daily Communication Behaviors on Cognitive and Language Abilities of the Elderly

        김수련,향희 한국청각언어재활학회 2017 Audiology and Speech Research Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health can be utilized to measure individual health. Although ‘activity’ is one of the components of health, no studies have investigated the frequency of participation of the elderly in daily communication activities, such as talking, reading, and writing. We examined the daily communication behaviors of normal elderly subjects and their effects on cognitive and language test performance. Methods: Normal elderly subjects (n = 456) over 60 years old completed a questionnaire on how often they thought that they talked/read/wrote in their daily lives. Also, they were administered the Korean Mini-Mental State Examination, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Short Form of the Korean version-the Boston Naming Test, and Sentence Comprehension Test. Results: About 50% of the participants reported that they seldom talked, read, and/or wrote daily. The more frequently that the participants reported daily talking, reading and writing, the better they performed on cognitive and/or language tests. Daily writing influenced the test results the most, which suggested that writing behavior was closely related to all four cognitive/language tests. Conclusion: These results suggested that daily active communication behaviors play major roles in the cognitive and language abilities of the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        ‘기능적 의사소통능력’평가를 위한 문항 연구

        김수련,향희 한국장애인재활협회 2012 재활복지 Vol.16 No.1

        ‘기능적 의사소통능력’이란 개인이 일상생활에서 방법에는 상관없이 효율적으로 의사소통하는 능력을 말한다. 본 연구에서는‘기능적 의사소통능력’을 평가할 수 있는 여섯 개의 평가 도구들을 중심으로 검사에 포함된 하위 영역 및 문항의 수, 문항의 형식 및 내용, 그리고 활용된 평가 척도를 조사하여 정리하고자 하였다. 결과로는 첫째, 여섯 개의 평가 도구 중 세 개에서만 그 문항들이 하위 영역으로 분류되어 있었으며, 모든 도구에 공통적으로 포함된 하위 영역은 없었다. 둘째, 문항의 형식은 행동이 나타나는지 여부를 묻는‘설문지 평가’혹은 피검자 반응을 직접 관찰하여 작성하는‘직접 평가’로 이루어져 있었다. 문항의 내용은‘사회적 상호작용’,‘읽기/쓰기/수 개념’,‘일상계획’ 등이 포함하고 있었다. 셋째,‘설문지 평가’의 경우에는 대상자의 능력을 확인하는 표현인‘can/cannot’, 혹은 일상생활에서 그 행위를 하고 있는지를 표현하는 ‘does/does not’의 상황을 5점 혹은 7점 척도로 평가하도록 했다.‘직접 평가’에서는 피검자의 반응을‘correct/adequate/wrong’으로 판단하였다. 이렇듯 현재 외국에서 활발히 사용 중인‘기능적 의사소통능력’평가 도구들은 다양한 형식 및 내용을 다루고 있는데, 이는‘기능적 의사소통’에 포함되는 영역들이 광범위하고 평가 대상자, 평가 목적 등에 따라 평가하는 형식 및 내용에 차이가 있음을 말해준다. 향후 우리나라 사람들을 대상으로‘기능적 의사소통능력’을 평가하고자 할 때에는 개인이 속한 우리 고유의 사회․문화적 특성을 고려한 검사 하위 영역 및 문항의 내용을 개발하여 활용해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to analyze subcategories, contents of each item, and rating scales of six evaluation tools in‘functional communication abilities’. The results were as follows. First, the test items in only three out of six tools were subcategorized and there was no subcategory common in all six tools. Second, items or questions were presented using a five-point or seven-point scale in the context of‘can/cannot’ or‘does/does not’. In the direct testing method, the response of the examinee was judged as ‘correct’,‘adequate’, or‘wrong’. It was difficult to find the common features among the currently available ‘functional communication abilities' evaluation tools. This may be ascribed to the fact that the definition of‘functional communication abilities’ is rather vague and yet to be clarified. We concluded that upon developing an evaluation tool on‘functional communication abilities’ for Korean population, the items need to reflect validity of functional context as well as the Korean linguistic and cultural characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Analysis of Elementary English Classroom Characteristics in Korea and Japan

        김수련 한국응용언어학회 2014 응용 언어학 Vol.30 No.2

        The aim of this study is to investigate and compare the present elementary school English education circumstances in Korea and Japan in terms of the similarities and differences of the pedagogical practices as well as of the teachers’ pedagogical views on teaching English to young learners. Questionnaires, observations, and interviews were employed in order to gather the quantitative and qualitative data. The five major findings indicate the following: a) practicing CLT in both countries was similar, but in Japan, JLTs (Japanese assistant language teacher) helped the main teacher and students; b) the use of materials and activities was similar, but Korean teachers preferred CD-ROMs, whereas they were not popular with Japanese teachers; c) the majority of Korean and Japanese teachers did not favor exclusive L2 use; d) while Korean teachers highlighted the key target language sentences in the initial phase of class, Japanese teachers did not require students to be aware of them; e) teachers in both countries had a different attitude in generating student motivation. In the final section, this study has attempted to provide implications for the future education of both countries.

      • KCI등재

        상위인지가 시험불안에 미치는 영향 - 스트레스 대처 전략의 매개 효과 -

        김수련,채규만 한국인지행동치료학회 2013 인지행동치료 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 상위인지와 시험불안의 관계에서 스트레스 대처 전략의 매개효과를 검증해 보고자 하였다. 서울시에 소재한 대학의 학생 344명을 대상으로 시험불안, 상위인지 질문지, 스트레스 대처전략 설문지를 이용해 설문을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 상위인지는 소극적 스트레스 대처 전략과 시험 불안과의 정적 상관을 보인 반면, 적극적 스트레스 대처전략과 시험불안과는 부적 상관으로 나타났다. 둘째, 상위인지의 하위요인 중 걱정의 통제 불가능성과 그로 인한 위험에 대한 부정적 신념은 시험불안을 매개한다는 결과를 보여주었다. 셋째, 소극적 스트레스 대처 전략은 상위인지와 시험불안의 관계를 매개 하였으나 적극적 스트레스 대처전략은 상위인지와 시험불안과의 관계를 매개하지 못하였다. 마지막으로, 본 연구 결과에 기초하여 연구의 제한점과 앞으로 연구에서 나아가야 할 방향에 대해서 논의하였다. This study examined the mediating effects of stress coping strategy on the relationship between meta-cognition and test anxiety. The subjects were 344 students recruited from university in metropolitan areas of Seoul. Test Anxiety Questionnaire, MCQ(Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire)-30, Stress Coping Strategy Questionnaire were administered to the subjects. First, meta cognition had a positive correlation with passive stress coping strategy and test anxiety while meta cognition showed a negative correlation with active stress coping strategy at the statically significant level. Second, subcategories of meta-cognition such as negative beliefs about uncontrollability of thoughts and danger showed mediating effect on test anxiety. Third, the passive stress coping strategy showed mediating effect on the relationship between meta- cognition and test anxiety. Forth, the active stress coping strategy did not show mediating effect on the relationship between meta-cognition and test anxiety at the statistically significant level. Finally, based on the finding results, the implications and limitations of this study and suggestions for the future study in this area were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        수원시의 조류 충돌에 영향을 미치는 공간 구성

        김수련,최재연,서자유,수경,백지원,송원경,박찬 한국환경영향평가학회 2022 환경영향평가 Vol.31 No.4

        도시에서 사람과 야생조류는 함께 살아가고 있으나, 도시화가 가져온 생태계 파편화로 조류의 서식과 이동에 위협 영향을 미친다. 본 연구에서는 수원시의 야생조류 사체 위치 데이터를 토대로 조류에게 취약한 공간, 위협요인을 확인하고자, 사체 확인 지점과 반경 500m 이내의 공간적 분포 특성을 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 사체 확인 지점은 NDVI 0.3, NDBI -0.05, NDWI -0.16의 특성을 보였다. 반경 500m 이내에는 NDVI 0.34, NDBI -0.01, NDWI -0.18, 건물 높이 13.8m, 방음벽 길이 227.3m로 확인되었다. 토지피복유형은 초지, 시가화건조지역, 나지가 높은 비율로 나타났다. 특히, 산림, 저수지 등과 인접한 아파트의 녹지, 골프장 등이 섞여있는 시가화지역의 가장자리가 위협적인 공간으로 도출되었다. 도시에서 조류와함께 살아가기 위해서는 환경영향평가 단계에서부터 수직적 공간 변화에 따른 영향이 검토되어야 하며, 이에 앞서 도시의 수직 구조물에 대한 공간 자료 구축과 현실화가 필요하다. 또한, 자연에서 도시로 변화될수밖에 없는 공간은 야생동물이 안전하게 회피, 적응할 수 있는 시공간적 측면이 고려된 사전예방적 관리방안이 함께 마련되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 성의식 및 성실태 조사연구 : 일부 고등학교 재학생과 소년원생을 대상으로

        김수련,초강,이영해 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 1998 교과교육학연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Recent years, the open attitude to sex has prevailed rapidly. Such trend has a great influence on the adolescents in developing stage. But, current education system is not work efficiently on this problem. So the purpose of this study is to identify the factors of adolescent sexual deviation and to propose one approach to sex education program. This study was surveyed from 1,391 adolescents in high school and juvenile reformatory from Sep. 1 1996. to Sep. 30 1996. They were samples grouped to three categories(academic high school, business high school and juvenile reformatory) and were analysed by each according to category and gender. The major findings are as follows. 1. The individual characteristics of the respondents: In the average age, they were years old, many of them were christian, they had 2.4 brothers and sisters, most of their parents were alive, and most of them answered for their economic status and school score as mid-class. 2. In family circumstances(intimacy with parents, relationship between both parents, and recognition of daily behaviors of adolescents) the index was highest in academic and lowest juvenile reformatory. 3. In school life, the juvenile reformatory students showed lower school adaptability and the higher possibility of keeping bad company. In adaptability girls were better than boys in academic school(p<0.001). The degree of keeping bad company was higher in boys than in girls in business high school(p<0.001). But in juvenile reformatory girls(p<0.05) showed higher degree of keeping bad company more than boys. 4. Juvenile reformatory boys had experienced more sexual media(98.4%) and delinquent behaviors(99.2%) than girls. On the contrary girls had experienced alcohol(87.7%), smoking(95.1%), and drugs(79.0%). 5. In sexual awareness including friendship with the other sex, virginity, controlling sexual impulses, and sexual violences, juvenile reformatory student's score was the lowest (p<0.001). In detail by gender, boys were more often minded to friendship with the other sex than girls. Students having the other sex friends showed better awareness of friendship with the other sex and thought little of virginity. 6. Boys feel the impulse of sex more frequently than girls(p<0.001). On the contrary, surprisingly girls(93.8%) of juvenile reformatory have experienced kiss or hug. In case of intercourse, academic school boys(13.2%), business school boys(22.4%) and juvenile reformatory girls(87.7%) were reported to have experienced sexual intercourse. 7. To the question of the first time of kiss or hug, Academic high school students experienced kiss or hugs in the middle school years for the first time(boys 56.0%, girls 47.4%), business high school boys middle school years also(49.6%), business high school girls high school years(49.4%), juvenile reformatory students experienced kiss or hugs in the middle school years(boys 71.6%, girls 84.2%). Many of respondents thought kiss or hugs as love. After kiss or hugs, many of boys felt good but many of girls felt nothing. The place of kiss or hug were usually parks, video rooms or friends' rooms. Most of their partner were their the other sex friend. 8. Academic and business high school students experienced sexual intercourse for the first time on the high school years usually, juvenile reformatory students middle school years. To the motive of intercourse, academic high school girls were forced to do that but business high school and juvenile reformatory girls because of love. Boys thought that as love too. 9. Logistic regression analysis shows, in case of academic high school, set, smoking, age, awareness of virginity and delinquencies were statistically significant factors for sexual behaviors. In case of business high school, alcohol, smoking and awareness of virginity were statistically significant factors for sexual behaviors. In case of juvenile reformatory, sex, consciousness of friendship with the other sex and sexual violence were statistically significant factors for sexual behaviors.

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