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        시베리아 소수 유목민의 민족자결운동과 문화부흥

        김성례 서울대학교 국제지역원 1995 국제지역연구 Vol.4 No.1

        페레스트로이카 이후 시베리아에 거주하는 인구 3만 미만의 26개 소수 유목민족들은 유목결제를 회복하고 주권을 되찾는 자결권 증대를 위한 운동을 벌여왔다. 소수 유목민의 민족자결운동은 구소련치하에서 자행된 정주화와 러시아화에 대한 역사전 반성에서 비롯되었다. 민족자결운동의 이데올로그와 활동가로서 활약하고 있는 원주민 지식인의 역할은 소수 유목민의 민족문제를 이해하는데 관건이 한때 유목민의 러시아 화의 모델이었고 근대화의 첨병이었던 원주민 지식인들이 민족집단에의 소속감을 재확인하는 과정은 소수 유목민의 '민족성'의 재구성 과정과 일치한다. 시베리아 소수 유목민의 민족성은 최근의 정치적 변화에 대응하는 '상황적 선택'이다. 소수 유목민은 구소련 사회주의 체제에의 편입과정에서 행정적 편의에 따라 민족이름이 부여되고 일정한 영토구획안에 정착하여 중앙정부의 '보호'밑에서 예속적으로 살아왔다. 민족형성의 역사가 짧고 정치경제적 기반이 취약하기 때문에 소수 유목민에게 민족개념은 '근원적'이기보다 '상징적'이다. 소수 유목민의 민족성은 민족자결운동 과정에서 '새롭게 만들어지고'있다 하겠다. 달리 말하면, 소수 유목민의 민족성은 러시아화되기 이전 역사의 근원적인 민족귀속의식에 기반을 두고 있다기보다, 지난 70년 소련치하에서 '주변화되고 식민화된' 역사에 대한 비판에서 시작된다는 의미에서 '근대적'인 성격을 가진다. 소수 유목민의 민족자결운동은 '원주민으 권리'와 '민족 영토권'의 회복을 목표로 각 민족집단 단위로 시작되었다. 이 운동은 점차 북극지방의 범원주민연합운동으로 발전되고, 또한 환경보존과 자연보호의 주요대상으로 시베리아가 세계적인 여론의 주목을 받으면서 자연의족전인 유목경제의 재활과 유목문화의 부활은 인류의 보편적인 문제로 확대되고 있다. 이와같이 소수유목민의 민족문제가 국제적인 문제로 부각되는 이유는 이들 유목민이 시베리아의 '원주민'으로서 지경과 자연환경을 이해하는 문화적 전통이 시베리아 개발과 반대되는 이데올로기에 기반을 두고 있기 때문이다. 샤마니즘 신앙체계는 시베리아 지경과 환경을 재생불가능한 광물과 에너지 자원의 공급지로 인식하는 개발이데올로기와 반대되는 입장을 견지한다. 샤마니즘은 지경과 사냥동물과 유목방식 등에 대한 문화적 지식체계의 집합체이다. 유목활동의 근거지이며 사냥동물의 영과 조상령의 은거지인 시비리아 지경은 순록, 사냥동물과 어류 등 지속적으로 재생할 수 있는 '문화적 자원'의 공간으로서 보존대상이 되며, 유목민은 시베리아 지경의 진정한 경영자로서 마땅한 자기주장을 할 수 있는 것이다. 1930년대 스탈린의 강제 집단화로 사라진 유목경제의 재활과 샤먼의 정치적 숙청에 의해 거의 소멸되었던 샤마니즘의 부활은 이들 유목민의 민족자결운동과 환경정치운동에 상징적 활력소가 되고 있다. 이 논문은 러시아 소수민족의 민족주의 운동의 맥락에서 시베리아 유목 원주민의 역사와 문화를 조명하고 '현재의'민족문제에 대한 이해를 위한 기초적인 연구로서 준비된 것이다. In the post-perestroica period, the twenty-six monadic small peoples of Siberia with less than thirty thousand population have waged a series of affirmative movements on national or ethnic self-determination and cultural revival for the sake of recovery of nomadic economy and ethnic sovereignty. Their movements started from critical reflection on the past history of sedentirization and Russianization under the Soviet rule. The role of the native intellectuals as the cetral idologues and acrivists is significant for our understanding of ethnic among the mative intellectuals, who were once a model of Russianization and modernization of the nomadic society, is identical with that of reconstruction of ethnicity among the nomadic peoples. The ethnicity or ethnic identity of Siberian nomadic small peoples is here interpreted as the 'situational ethnicity'. Their ethnic titles were given on behalf of administartive convenience. Their sedentary lives limited in the definite territories were subject to the Russian government's paternnalistic 'protection policy'. Due to the short duration of ethnic formation and fragile econo-political foundationsn, the concept of ethnicity appears to be a 'symbolic instrument' to the nomadic small peoples. Their ethnicity is not grounded on the primordial sense of ethnic loyalty, but newly contrutcted in the process of self-determination movements. Their ethinicity is thus a modern phenomenon. Germinating separetely in each ethnic group, the nocadic people's self-determination movements assert aboriginal rights and national territory rights on Siberia. These movements have spread to all nomadic peoples in the Arctic region, who organized pan-aborigines association across the national barrier. Furthermore, their ethnic issues become extended to global issues as Siberia emerges as the prime region for environmetal conservationand nature protection in the world public. The reason for such attention lies in the fact that the nomadic peoles' traditional shamanistic understanding of Siverian landscape is grounded contrary to the ideology of economic development, which approaches to the Siberian landscape as the deposit place of unregenerate mineral and energy resources. Shmanism consists of the complex knowledge system about landscape, hunting animals and nomadic economy. Siberian landscape is not only the place for nomadic acriviries but the dwelling place for both natural and superntural beings. Thus, the momadic small peoples are entitled to assert their aboriginal rights as the authentic manager of the Siberian landscape. The recent revival of shamanistic rituals becomes the symbolic catalyst for the self-determination movements and environmental acrivism among the momadic peoples.

      • 가임신 흰쥐 자궁조직 분화에 미치는 난소 스테로이드 호르몬의 영향

        김성례 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1995 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        The present investigation has been undertaken to elucidate the differentiation mechanism the uterus which is the environment of the embryo development, by demonstrating the role of ovarian steroids hormone in the decidualization of the pseudopregnant rat uterus. To determine the effect of ovarine steroids and artificial stimulation (trauma) on the differenciation of the uterine endometrium and decidualization for implantation, attempt was made to measure concentrations of serum estradiol(E_2), progesterone(P_4) and nuclear P_4 receptor in the traumatized and non-traumatized uterine tissue of the pseudopregnant rat. The results obtained are as followings : The concentration of serum E_2 on day 9(implantation stage) was similar in both of intact pseudopregnant rat(47.63pg/ml) and normal pregnant rat(40.71pg/ml). And among the treated groups, E_2 concentration was highest in the E_2 treated group in comparision with intact control group(relative value; 73.27%). The concentration of serum P_4 was also highest in the P_4 treated group(23.12pg/ml). Relative value of P_4 treated group in comparision with intact group(24.88pg/ml) was 92.93%. The nuclear P_4 receptor levels in the artificial traumatized groups were higher compared with the non-traumatized control groups. This study, therefore, clearly demonstrates that the methods for inducing pseudopregnant (vagina tapping;120/min) and inducing decidualization(oil injection; 0.1ml/uterine horn)appear to be effective, P_4 appears to be effective in the differenciation of the uterine endomitrial tissue for the implantation process. Concentration of serum P_4 seems to be well correlated with the level of the nuclear P_4 receptor during the early embryo development. These results seem to be well correlated with ALpase activities in the noumal and psiudopregnant rat uterus shown in the previous study.

      • Theophylline이 생체내에서 백쥐의 排卵, 受精 및 着床에 미치는 영향

        金星禮,趙完圭 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1978 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.1 No.2

        In vivo treatment of theophylline, we have obtained results and summarized them as below. 1) Effects of theophylline on ovulation, and maturation of the oocytes in mouse; (1) The group treated with theophylline at the time of PMS injection, showed marked decrease of the ovulation rate. (2) If theophylline was given to the animals at the time of injection of HCG, the maturality of the oocytes in the Graafian follicles seemed to be inhibited. 2)Effects of the theophylline on the maturality of the oocytes ovulated, and fertilizability of the eggs. (1) The female mice injected with theophylline with PMS remarkably desreased in mating rate. (2) If treatment of theophylline was made with HCG injection, oocyte maturation was inhibited. (3) The production of 2-cell embryo markedly decreased in either group treated with theophylline with PMS or with HCG. 3) Theophylline effect on implantation of the embryos. (1) Pregnancy rate was markedly decreased in both group of control and theophylline treatment.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        흰쥐 자궁내막조직세포의 분화와 대사에 미치는 난소 스테로이드 호르몬의 영향에 관한 연구

        김성례,Kim, Sung-Rye 대한생식의학회 1987 Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine Vol.14 No.2

        The present investigation has been undertaken to understand the mechanism of implantation process, by demonstrating the role of ovarian steroids in the differentiation of uterine endometrium for implantation. In particular, an attempt was made to examine the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the either luminal, stroma or endometrium tissue sites under the pseudopregnant state induced by ovarian steroid hormones. Attempt was also made to demonstrate the correlate function of ovarian steroids with the cAMP concentration and prolactin level. The higher activity of ALP in the uterine endometrium was observed on day 3. However, the higher activity of ALP in the stroma and epithelium was observed on Day 6. This study, therefore, clearly demonstrates that progesterone is consecutive effect in stroma differ entiation. The cAMP concentrations on Day 3 treated with E or P was lower than those of control. On the other hand concentration on Day 6 treated with hormones was increased than those of control. It is, therefore, concluded that the concentration of cAMP in the uterine tissue undergoing differentiation is decreased. The prolactin level of the treated groups was the lower levels than those of the control groups. It is indicated that there is no effect of ovarian steroid hormone on the prolactin synthesis in this pseudopregnant state.

      • 임신 초기 흰쥐의 생식수관 분화에 관한 연구

        김성례,최경자 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1990 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.13 No.3

        The present investigation has been undertaken to understand the mechanism of mammalian implantation process, by demonstrating the role of ovarian steroids in the differentitation of the reproductive organs. Attempt was made to examine the activity of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) in the oviduct, antimesometrium and the mesometrium of the uterine on Day 3 and Day 6. 1) The difference of the activity in the oviduct was not founded on Day 3 and Day 6. 2) The effect of estradiol on the differentiation of the oviduct was appeared on Day 3. 3) The difference of differentiation was not founded in the animesometrium and the mesometrium on Day 3. 4) The activity of ALP in the antimesometrium was higher than that in the mesometrium on Day 6. 5) The activity of ALP in antimesometrium on Day 6 was significantly higher than that observed on Day 3. 6) The effect of ovarian steroid homones on the differentiation of the uterine endometrium on Day 6 was obviously higher than that on Day 3. In particular, the effect of progesterone was markdly observed on Day 6. This study, therefore, clearly demonstractes that estradiol is effective the differentiation of the oviduct preparing implantiation, but progesterone has much potent in the antimesometrium differentiation at the immplantation period.

      • KCI등재

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